Any further BTTF updates!?


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Original Poster
Probably a tired theme now but I'l hitting USF in just under 3 weeks (all the way from the UK + last vist almost 5 years ago!) and I'm desperately hoping that it'll still be open for one final ride. I know I'm probably clutching at very greasy straws but a man can dream, right!?

Anyone that's been and has a status report/update would be greatfully appreciated...


BTTF is still kicking as of October 16th.
Good to hear. I'm still holding out for the end of the month, and if it makes it to November I'll be even happier (the best thing to do would be to close after the Thanksgiving rush, IMO). I am getting tired of going to the park and riding it though, thinking that will be my last ride..... :lol:


Active Member
BTTF is still kicking as of October 16th.
I have a friend that works over in Universal, he said that Simsons are going to be there. But the deal with Fox and Universal did not fall though. They are have a hard time getting people to work there because all the people that work there know that BttF is going. They also have like four or five cars out of the building.


BTTF is still kicking as of October 16th.

that's good to hear that it's still hanging on. i went on friday the 13th thinking that it was going to close, but i still have an extra chance. not only that but i finally got my photo with doc brown:


New Member
I have a friend that works over in Universal, he said that Simsons are going to be there. But the deal with Fox and Universal did not fall though. They are have a hard time getting people to work there because all the people that work there know that BttF is going. They also have like four or five cars out of the building.

I'm still holding out for "Law and Order: The Ride." :p


Sun Oct 15th it was closed.Went back at night,still closed!

Well I know it was open today because my friend worked it today... He said there's no word on when it will be closed, that everyone is just saying that it's more or less a anyday now sort of thing...


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that works over in Universal, he said that Simsons are going to be there. But the deal with Fox and Universal did not fall though. They are have a hard time getting people to work there because all the people that work there know that BttF is going. They also have like four or five cars out of the building.

My guess is that the CM's at Universal are just like the ones at Disney that they are only reporting rumors and have no more factual basis to them than anything anybody posts online. So, I've quit worrying about it. When they make an official announcement I'll get interested in this again.


Well-Known Member

Yes, the Simsons is going to replace BTTF.

Suess Landing at IOA was originally supposed to be Simsons themed. I guess they couldn't iron out all the wrinkles of the deal in time.



Well-Known Member
Yes, the Simsons is going to replace BTTF.

Do you actually have legitimate inside sources or are you just repeating all the rumors on the net? It may very well be Simpsons, but if you remember back to the mummy, there were tons of rumors that it was going to be the scorpion king and then they had the surprise announcement of it being the mummy.


Well-Known Member
The most concrete information I can give is that there is no confirmation on when BTTF is closing. It could be in two weeks or it could be in another month. Half the building is already closed, but quite frankly, the work they are doing is not that involved (basically new lighting/audio/visuals). If they really wanted to they could do the entire project in 3-4 months.

It is more or less a done deal that The Simpsons is the winning concept, but it's not 100% in the can. It is no secret that Universal Orlando is a problem plagued sinking ship, and its even showing in their ability to get a new attraction up and running. This ride could just as easily re-open as Back to the Future.


Well-Known Member
It is no secret that Universal Orlando is a problem plagued sinking ship

Oh give me a break, they're not a sinking ship. They have issues, but they're having much of the same issues that WDW is having right now as well. They need a little more financial support, but they're far from a sinking ship. You could call Six Flags a park on the verge of becoming a sinking ship, but Universal is still far from it.

It's true that WDW's magic your way tickets have really hurt attendance at Universal but it's still pulling in some good crowds and it still offers a great show.


Well-Known Member
They have issues, but they're having much of the same issues that WDW is having right now as well.

HHN not withstanding, they have lost money on just about every operating day this year. I know this, because when I worked there the call could come down from management all the time to cut budget as hard as possible because attendance was so below projection. Seriously, do you even know how bad attendance is normally out there? They're doing worse than California Adventure. Hell, lately they have been doing worse than Busch Gardens. And don't even think about how much debt they still have to pay off. It is Disneyland Paris all over again.

Disney does not have any of these problems. They do share a lot of problems with it comes to employee morale and turnover rate, but it has always been like that. Disney at least has the common sense to protect their business and re-invest in their product. Universal just waits for another one of their discounts to "save the day," and then loses even more money when attendance does not spike and the people that would have gone anyway just pay less to do it.


Well-Known Member
Universal turned a profit last year. It wasn't the profit Disney turned, but they did. I easily admit that they've got some issues, but to say they're a sinking ship is laughable. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon. I'm excited about the idea of a new president who can hopefully get the park going in the direction it needs to go, but even so, they're not sinking. They could use some better owners who valued the property and didn't mind sinking some money into it however.


New Member
Universal does have problems, but then again so does disney, and then some. BTTF is closing due to the cost of updating it vs. the cost of tearing it out and replacing it...kind of what happened to Timekeeper, and look at the crap they are replacing that attraction with.
The closing date is Novmeber 5th at 10:04 p.m.:goodnevil

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