Any driving Tips from MA?


New Member
Hey guys! We leave March 8th and we are driving from Boston, and planning on taking I-95 all the way down. We have never driven down so we were looking for any tips! We are thinking about trying to puch it all the way to Georgia, or even TRY to make it all the way. There are only two of us so it would just be us driving! Any info helps!

Thank you!
10 more days:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Another tip is to buy snacks and/or make sandwiches, finger foods that you both like and stick them in a cooler so you don't have to resort to the fast food and vending machines along the way. You definately still should stop every few hours to keep your circulation going but you can save money and time not waiting in lines at these places. I feel like butt everytime i eat that stuff NOT on a long drive...:lol:

Also, make sure your spare tire is filled!
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We drove down to N.C last April from Maine. We were around the D.C. area at midnight and traffic was minimal. It actually was helping to keep me awake. The only things that I recommend are not to go on the Garden State Parkway, it seemed awful rough and the pike was much faster coming home. Also it seems to take forever to get across N.C. so plan for that. My Dad used to do the trip in 2 1/2 days but we are 4+ hours from you so it took more. Remember just cause you hit the Fl border you still got 4 hours to go. We could make it to Virgina,, then somewhere near South of the Border, then make the push to Disney or Tampa from there. Good luck and have fun. Make the best out of the trip and it wont seem so bad.
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I used to work in NYC and northern NJ, when I moved down here I bypassed the NYC area, too many problems down there plus I want to say the George Washington bridge has like a $8.00 toll the tapanzee bridge has a $3 toll and its one way only (coming eastbound) also be aware if you are coming close to Orlando during daylight hours I recomend taking 417 its alot eaiser. trust me on that one.
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Originally posted by 10 min. to wdw
I used to work in NYC and northern NJ, when I moved down here I bypassed the NYC area, too many problems down there plus I want to say the George Washington bridge has like a $8.00 toll the tapanzee bridge has a $3 toll and its one way only (coming eastbound) also be aware if you are coming close to Orlando during daylight hours I recomend taking 417 its alot eaiser. trust me on that one.

I thought we paid $6 last April but its probably gone up since then
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New Member
I'm in England, so have to fly to WDW. However my sister lives with her husband just south of Boston and on one of my visits we drove down to a branch of the family in Atlanta.

My sister drove to New York and that was the last she did, the rest was shared between myself and the brother in law. It took about twenty hours, with a couple of meal breaks. The worst thing was boredom. During the night run there was nothing to look at (other than my getting pulled over in one of the Carolina's by a cop who wanted to know what we were doing out so late!). During the day everything is the same, long road and all view.

My only advice would be to split the driving, after a couple of hours it is safer to have a break from staring at the road ahead. Though the pair of us took four-hour stints at night to allow the other some shuteye.

Tigsmom - I don't think it's a case of your stinking at reading maps, it's just that American maps stink. Clarity is not their forte!

Have a great time!
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New Member
hmmmm...I live in WV and we take 77 south until Columbia SC and then take 26 to 95. We stay on 95 for the rest of theway down. it takes us about 7-9 hours to get to Disney
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by 10 min. to wdw
nope your right I just went and looked on the GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE SITE and it says the toll is $6.00 unless you have a easy pass then the rates vary. I don't know why I thought $8.00 oh well.

I love my EasyPass. They work all the way down except in Florida. So much easier than waiting behind somebody who doesn' have the money ready. :hammer:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by barnum42

Tigsmom - I don't think it's a case of your stinking at reading maps, it's just that American maps stink. Clarity is not their forte!

Have a great time!

Now we use a trip planning site. Put in the starting point & the end point. They tell you everything, roads, exits, etc. :sohappy:
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New Member
we drove down from Boston last year MAy 2003
we left at 1am and we arrived on the georgia and Fl border around 8pm and stayed the night there at a best western
we didnt hit any real traffic and had our 4 year old son with us
it was fine we packed food and would stop at rest stops here and there I like to get the coupon books for the way back
we also had the fast pass/easy pass box in our car so we didnt have to stop for tolls and stuff that saved us time
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