To meet Steves request, we're saving our images in the WDWMagic Photo Album (to ease up on taking up memory).
-Save you picture in your album.
-Click on your image till you get on the screen (where it's the only one on screen).
-Right click on the image and copy it's address.
-In your message type < img src="image address" > with no spaces between the <, >. Thanks chernabog_ca.
-Finish up your message and click <submit reply>
{Your image will be posted inline with your text, and you can post as many as you want}
Alternate method (may or may not work)
-In your message look for the <Attach file:> option. It should be the 2nd option under all the smileys.
-Click on <Choose> and dig up your file. Make sure it meets the requirements though. :animwink:
-Click <Submit Reply> and your image will get uploaded to the forums.
{You'll see "DisneyCP2000 has attached this image..." if you do it this method. Only one attachment is allowed this way.}