another fun question :)


New Member
Original Poster
thank you for such great responses to my first question about why we go back! :kiss:
i am also interested in disney's customer ya'll (yeah i'm from the south) post your best experience with the customer service in disney world ( or worst- that is okay too!)?

*i get to go to wdw in 10 days!! :) :)*


Well-Known Member
Best: Nothing really in particular, but I love how the cm's go out of their way to help you out. For example, when my brother's wheelchair got stolen, the cm called all over the park to try to find a replacement for us. (It was both late and summer time and the front gate was out of them). Or, when you're looking for something specific (like a specific character that you can't find, or another specific item), and the cm calls all over the place to see if anyone carries it.

worst: once some girl in the Canada pavillion at Epcot was rude about stamping my autograph book because I wasn't a little kid (I was 20 years old). And last summer, there was a bit of a mix up with e-ride night policies (like different cm's were giving out different information and all of them worked for guest relations), which kind of made my friends and I mad.


New Member
We had a great server at Tony's in the MK. She asked the chef to make something that was not on the menu. It was just something extra that she brought to it that made lunch so nice. That was our second time at Tony's the first was on our honeymoon. :)
My daughter became pretty good friends with one of the monorail drivers. And day after day, he remembered her and her name which I thought was cool given how many thousands of people he saw a day.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
As a side note, if you do a quick search you'll find some really awesome stories that are probably just what you're looking for!

P.S. I'll be down in 10 days, too! Maybe you'll see me...or vice versa! lol


New Member
Bus drivers are wonderful! One year we were trying to bus hop to get back to our hotel and somehow ended up at Fort Wilderness. We didn't understand the trans. system then and were a little lost. A bus pulled up for it's last drive of the evening and we explained our delima to the driver who then offered to take us back to our hotel. If I remember correctly, we were at the all star resorts. He was happy to do it even though he had been driving all day and was now off. A similar situation happened more recently where we had been waiting and waiting for a downtown disney bus and one never showed up. We had tickets for cirque do soliel that evening and were in danger of missing the show. A driver who was on his last drop off took us over there when we asked about the other bus and told him we were going to be late for a show. On both occasions, these guys didn't have to do this but did it anyway. This is a perfect example of the service at disney.


Account Suspended
Best: In 2001, there was a girl named Nancy who worked in one of the gift shops on Hollywood Blvd. She was awesome!! She knew all kinds of trivia and told me where to look for some hidden Mickeys. Also told me that if I could find a particular hidden Mickey in one of the shops, they'd give me a free pin. I found the Mickey and got the pin. Thought that was really cool!

Worst: December, 2003 on Space Mountain I encountered one of the rudest employees of any organization anywhere. To this day, I am blown away that this guy had a job working for Disney. We had asked if we could sit in the front because the back seat was too rough and was uncomfortable for my wife. He treated us like we had asked for his first born or something. He made us stand off to the side for an unreasonable amount of time and was very obvious about how we had annoyed him with our request. Other guests standing nearby were also commenting on how rude he was. When I told him that I intended to file a complaint about his attitude, I meant it as an offer for him to apologize or change his demeanor. Instead, his response was, "Good for you."

rosebud's mom

Active Member
One of the most memorable best CM moments was when I had my 3 children at Chef Mickey's for breakfast. The crowd was tiny and we were pretty much the last people there. My daughter was about 2 years old, the boys 7 and 10. Prince John from Robin Hood was there. He came over to my daughter and held out his hand. She of course reached right up and took it. He then walked off with her and disappeared through a door that said cast members only !! In a few minutes they re-appeared and she had a HUGE cookie and a mile-wide smile.

Then he took my 7 year old son by the hand and walked around the corner. He picked up a phone, and took Jordan's pen and pushed some numbers. Then he handed the phone to Jordan who was now talking to room service ! The boys found this hilarious, and Prince John doubled over and mimed laughter.

There was no one else around to see any of this. He gave me children a private experience, and they still talk about it almost 15 years later !

As for bad, I thankfully have nothing to tell.


New Member
I'm fortunate to not have had a bad experience. :) My best one was when my husband and I dined at Victoria and Albert's and were trying to get back from the Grand Floridian to Animal Kingdom Lodge. It was pretty late, but the driver of the bus we got on recognized where we had been and asked us where we needed to go and promptly drove us to the front door of our resort instead of the regular drop off point. We thanked him and he replied that a special evening should be special all the way up to the end. It just capped off a splendid evening.



Well-Known Member
Just A Big Kid said:
My daughter became pretty good friends with one of the monorail drivers. And day after day, he remembered her and her name which I thought was cool given how many thousands of people he saw a day.

This makes me think of a couple of other good experiences that are similar to this one. When I was a cp, I stayed at the Grand Floridian for a night (basically just cause I could and I had always wanted to stay there). There was this really nice cm in the gift shop (I unfortunately don't remember his name). We chatted for a while as I made a purchase, I left, and he went about the rest of his day. A month and a half later, my program ended and the day we left disney, my family had breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. After breakfast, we decided to look in one last WDW gift shop before beginning the long trek home. The same guy was working and he remembered me. It was so cool! He even gave me a free pin as a goodbye/end of program gift. I still have it (it was the pluto around the world pin from 2002).

Then there's 50's Prime Time Cafe. Our favorite server is Aunt Linda. Two years ago, Aunt linda was the server for the table next to us, but she kept catching me doing "bad" things. Things such as talking on the cell phone and putting my elbows on the table. The first time I was on the cell phone (it rang twice while we were there), she took it and started talking to my then boyfriend. We found it hilarious, especially because she introduced herself as Aunt Linda and I have an Aunt Linda who he had just met the day before. He thought it really was my aunt! (although we explained to him later the story) Then, I had to put my nose in the corner while the restaurant scolded me by telling me "No elbows on the table." The second time the phone rang, I had to sing and do the motions to "I'm a Little Teapot" in front of the restaurant. It was fun! A few months later, we were impressed when she remembered me. A year later, she still remembered me! She (almost) remembered my name (she called me Kristy and my name is Kristin) and she remembered that I got in "trouble" for talking on the phone. We were very impressed that after a year she still remembered us, especially considering how many people she sees every day. We're eating there on sunday and hope to see Aunt Linda again.

Mom's the word

New Member
Our best experience was at the Biergarten. Hannelaure (sp?), our server, took note of the fact that it was our parent's 40th anniversary and asked the band to play a special song for them during their set. The whole family went to dance for that. Very thoughtful of her. And major kudos to Patti who gave us a special pass to jump the line at the ride of our choice in honor of our parent's anniversary as well! That started the trip off great. I think most cast members do a fantastic job. I usually ignore less pleasant moments since I've done lots of work with the public and know that everyone gets those moments when they are definitely not "feeling the love". :) To all the cast members who keep smiles on their faces and make our visits magical a very big round of applause and thank you! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
My best experience was one of the cm's in Animal Kingdom who was from the same town as me, and we had a pretty nice conversation.


Well-Known Member
We had over all great service at WDW. I had people let us in the park early (because we were honeymooners), had them give us free dessert, free hot cocoa, give us great seats to see most of the night shows at the parks, etc.

And I must say, when the customer service is so great I've noticed (for the most part), other guests visiting the park are usually nicer and friendlier. I remember eating at The Crystal Palace and there was this family taking pictures of their two little girls and I offered them to take a family picture of them with a character. I just figured the parents were so concern with their kids and their pictures that they probably didn't have many pictures of the entire family. They thanked us and took a picture for us with a character.


My best experience was with the Mad Hatter. My two girls were 5 and 3 at the time. They waited to get an autograph from Alice (they had no idea who the Mad Hatter was) and were outnumbered by much bigger kids. Alice took my daughter by the hand and pulled her through the crowd. The Mad Hatter asked her to stand on her head to get the autograph - my daughter didn't get the joke. Alice told him to sign the book. They spent some time talking to my two little ones and made the big kids wait!

Bad experiences... None that are memorable.

10 more days!!! WDW here I come!!:D


Well-Known Member
I have more good experiences than I can remember or that my fingers could stand to type. All I have ot say is that it is the CM's who make the WDW visit the most memorable. If it weren't for them WDW would not hold the magic that it does. Even when times are tough you still keep that smile on your face and go that extra mile to bring joy to your guests, young and old.

So to all the CM's who have ever gone above and beyond, I bow to you in appreciation.
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!


New Member
customer service

We just returned last week (11/5) and while we were at MGM, my 17 month old daughter dropped the "Wheezie" stuffed animal we had JUST bought. I didn't notice until she got upset that she couldn't find it. I walked up and down looking for it, but I am sure it got picked right up. I went back to the store where we got it, explained what had happened to the CM working there, showed my receipt (less than 15 minutes after we had made the purchase) and asked if anyone had turned Wheezy in. He was so gracious, he called all over the park, and when it looked like no one had turned it in, he said "What just a second", walked behind a door for a minute, came out, and proceeded to hand my daughter another Wheezy - no charge!!! Coming from NY - that level of customer service is NOT something we see everyday!!!


Well-Known Member
Quite a simple story - Somehow I accidently managed to rewind an unused roll of 35mm film back into its cannister. Took it to the camera store in MK to see if the end could be hooked out and was given a brand new roll of film :D

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