Anna and Elsa at Ankershus?


Well-Known Member
Then I don't understand why you are on a Disney site. I don't like Tom Cruise, therefore I don't follow anything about him on the internet. I don't try to pick arguments with his fans. I suppose I was raised with manners. Also, for all my love for Disney and the 17 wonderful vacations I have taken there over the last 25 years, I do recognize that it is in fact a business. There is no law stating you have to go, or furthermore are even welcomed when you do go. They are there to make money. Does your company not want to make money? I just don't understand why you are on this site?!?!? It's kinda weird, actually.
And sorry to use Tom Cruise as an example. I, in no way, wanted to offend you guys that do love him. To each his own.

On a Tom Cruise message board you'd find people complaining about things Tom Cruise has done.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
IT was just a simple question people. A yes/no one. But somehow it got into this big debate? I neither asked or implied if they belonged in Norway or at the character meal. I simply asked if they may or may not be added to the character meal. You all need to chill. I only asked a simple question... why does everything have to be a debate with you ppl lately..


Well-Known Member
99% of people here are Disney fans, but I think you will find a lot of that 99% are willing to be critical of Disney when they feel it is deserved.
This right on the money. Because so many of us have money tied up with Disney either as hard earned vacation dollars or investments like DVC & stock. As you've pointed out, whether emotionally invested our of pure fandom, or financially invested, a business such as Disney needs to know when they do things right or wrong. Right means we spend money, wrong means we complain or critique. The reason we are so passionate about this topic is at some point the magic touched us and made us huge fans. I grew up watching "Uncle Walt" on TV and hoped one day I'd visit the parks that he had set such high standards for. Not realizing until I was older that he had passed, he had still touched the child in me and made me a life long fan. I hold the business to the level he had set with his animation teams, Imagineers, and everyone else on staff. That's what made all of it great!

Well, it that's the case, I sure hope none of those complainers are there when I go at the end of the month! I dare say you don't get treated as well at ANY OTHER place on Earth. I know what I'm paying for when I go.
Like many topics, there are often justifications and experiences behind what has soured people. I'm glad all your experiences have been pixie dust, or close to it. (I'm serious, not being snide.) Ours used to be as well, which made me a genuine fan of Disney Parks & Resorts for a long time. Then we had a few vacations in a row that made me skeptical of the Disney business plans. We used to do annual or more trips, but after experiences over the past years, have skipped a year here and there. I'm not just a vacationer but also an investor. I can say that only over the past few years have the "restoration to the glory days" begun with investments across all the properties. But there is still a lot to complain about when you are emotionally & financially invested in a business like Disney. Both personal and business aspects come into play. I have been very disappointed with how Disney has run their Parks & Resorts side of the business over the 8+ past years. As a Guest, you only know what is happening from the rumors here. Disney has been closing attractions left and right, with few to no announcements about why. That is, what's coming to replace it? Oddly, park entry continues to rise, thus driving value down. They didn't even wait until most of the work was done before raising prices across the board. So if you're invested in Disney, and you are as well from at least the emotional/fan perspective, you should want to push Disney to live up to the standards they set years ago. You should want them to stay "The Happiest place on Earth" and not become the "Pretty decent and better than Uni, but really expensive place on Earth".

Every threads ends up exactly the same. Every. Thread. :banghead:
I'm just amazed that in 3 pages, no one has jumped on you about having Stitch as your avatar and accused you of being a Stitch's Great Escape fan. :p You got off relatively easy. I know, I've paid my dues when I once coughed and it sounded like "I love the Adventurer's Club".

I only asked a simple question... why does everything have to be a debate with you ppl lately..
"asked a simple question...." Why, those is fightin' words on here pardner! ;):D
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Active Member
I am a DVC member (an "investor" since 2006) and I haven't regretted my decision one time. YES, for the love of God, there are things that need updated. I get it! But, isn't there a "let's all and moan" page? If not, there should be! Yep, I do come on here to feel like I've been sprinkled with pixie dust. What's wrong with that? Maybe, I have the expectation of a message board called "WDWMAGIC", to be a little more ....oh, I don't know, FRIENDLY!! Geesh! We don't have to respond so negatively to every single comment from everyone.


Premium Member
I am a DVC member (an "investor" since 2006) and I haven't regretted my decision one time. YES, for the love of God, there are things that need updated. I get it! But, isn't there a "let's all ***** and moan" page? If not, there should be! Yep, I do come on here to feel like I've been sprinkled with pixie dust. What's wrong with that? Maybe, I have the expectation of a message board called "WDWMAGIC", to be a little more ....oh, I don't know, FRIENDLY!! Geesh! We don't have to respond so negatively to every single comment from everyone.

There are other Disney message boards that are much more positive then this one. If you want frank, honest discussion of WDW, then this is the place to be, if you want non-stop pixie dust, it might not be.


Well-Known Member
Whether doom and gloom or pixie dust and sunshine and roses, why is anyone worrying what anyone else is posting? Post what you want and discuss the topic at hand. Any chance we can stop obsessing over who is a doomer, who is snorting the dust ... so many topics constantly fall back into the same back and forth :/


Well-Known Member
Maybe, I have the expectation of a message board called "WDWMAGIC", to be a little more ....oh, I don't know, FRIENDLY!! Geesh! We don't have to respond so negatively to every single comment from everyone.
For what it's worth, it was a surprise to me, too, when I found these boards. I don't know if I've been on any message board, anywhere, with certain members so committed to seeing the most negative side of everything. It's incredibly off-putting and bizarre. I'm glad there are some here with a more balanced, positive look at the world.

Hula Popper

Well-Known Member
IT was just a simple question people. A yes/no one. But somehow it got into this big debate? I neither asked or implied if they belonged in Norway or at the character meal. I simply asked if they may or may not be added to the character meal. You all need to chill. I only asked a simple question... why does everything have to be a debate with you ppl lately..

Because sadly there are some whose identities and self worth are defined by a belief in their superiority over the masses. And in this case there are some who make themselves feel superior to the average or typical WDW visitor by believing that only they understand and recognize the true purpose and mission of Walt Disney, and that the average folks are clueless and don't get it. To them, any opinion that does not fall in line with their particular view must be ridiculed and dismissed because it is inferior, and because to acknowledge that any other opinion is also legitimate, would be an admission on their part that they are no more superior or special than everyone else on this planet. Likewise, there are some whose self-worth and identities are wrapped in being the ultimate Disney fan - and for them, Disney can do no wrong and any criticism must be squelched.

By and large, most people probably recognize that for something like what people like or do not like at a vacation destination and resort the size of WDW, and with the diversity of attractions, entertainment, and customer base of WDW, there will necessarily be a wide range of opinions -- what one enjoys for entertainment, leisure, vacation, etc. is of course inherently subjective. As such, most people will probably respect the diversity of views even if they don't share them. But this is a Disney World board, so you're of course going to attract all types, including the superiority complex types and the Disney can do no wrong types who have no tolerance for anything that doesn't fit into their narrow view, and because the latter groups have so much more of themselves invested in and dependent on these issues - their very opinion of themselves - they tend to be over represented on these boards and in the post counts.

My humble suggestion is to consider taking what you like (all the great information and diverse viewpoints shared by so many here) and leave or ignore the rest (the silly attacks, condescension, and overwrought reactions).


Well-Known Member
Because sadly there are some whose identities and self worth are defined by a belief in their superiority over the masses. And in this case there are some who make themselves feel superior to the average or typical WDW visitor by believing that only they understand and recognize the true purpose and mission of Walt Disney, and that the average folks are clueless and don't get it. To them, any opinion that does not fall in line with their particular view must be ridiculed and dismissed because it is inferior, and because to acknowledge that any other opinion is also legitimate, would be an admission on their part that they are no more superior or special than everyone else on this planet. Likewise, there are some whose self-worth and identities are wrapped in being the ultimate Disney fan - and for them, Disney can do no wrong and any criticism must be squelched.

By and large, most people probably recognize that for something like what people like or do not like at a vacation destination and resort the size of WDW, and with the diversity of attractions, entertainment, and customer base of WDW, there will necessarily be a wide range of opinions -- what one enjoys for entertainment, leisure, vacation, etc. is of course inherently subjective. As such, most people will probably respect the diversity of views even if they don't share them. But this is a Disney World board, so you're of course going to attract all types, including the superiority complex types and the Disney can do no wrong types who have no tolerance for anything that doesn't fit into their narrow view, and because the latter groups have so much more of themselves invested in and dependent on these issues - their very opinion of themselves - they tend to be over represented on these boards and in the post counts.

My humble suggestion is to consider taking what you like (all the great information and diverse viewpoints shared by so many here) and leave or ignore the rest (the silly attacks, condescension, and overwrought reactions).

Wait just a sec there...when did the forum start allowing reason and logic?


Premium Member
Great Day!!! Why all the fussing about things none of you know anything about? Geesh, in the words of Elsa, "Let it Go"!! I honestly don't understand how some of you can call yourselves fans of Disney, which promotes kindness and acceptance, all the while you spew smart*ssed comments just to be jerks. Why not go spread your negativity on a more serious subject than that of a vacation spot! Seriously, we don't have to argue everything! The post ask about putting Anna and Elsa in Norway. Regardless whether or not the movie is based in Norway or Eastaboga, where else would it be located? AND, why be so ugly with your comments? Its' not like any of us have a say in it! Stop being so NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!

Then I don't understand why you are on a Disney site. I don't like Tom Cruise, therefore I don't follow anything about him on the internet. I don't try to pick arguments with his fans. I suppose I was raised with manners. Also, for all my love for Disney and the 17 wonderful vacations I have taken there over the last 25 years, I do recognize that it is in fact a business. There is no law stating you have to go, or furthermore are even welcomed when you do go. They are there to make money. Does your company not want to make money? I just don't understand why you are on this site?!?!? It's kinda weird, actually.
And sorry to use Tom Cruise as an example. I, in no way, wanted to offend you guys that do love him. To each his own.
In your first two posts on this thread you managed to:

1. Complain about the complainers

2. Lash out out someone who disagreed with something Disney is doing

3. ask, "why do you go to a Disney site if you hate it"

4. Use the phrase "Let it Go"

5. break out the old, but never forgotten fact that.... "Disney is a business" (my fav)

If pixie dust were midichlorians, you would be a Jedi.


Active Member
In your first two posts on this thread you managed to:

1. Complain about the complainers

2. Lash out out someone who disagreed with something Disney is doing

3. ask, "why do you go to a Disney site if you hate it"

4. Use the phrase "Let it Go"

5. break out the old, but never forgotten fact that.... "Disney is a business" (my fav)

If pixie dust were midichlorians, you would be a Jedi.

In your post, you managed to count, put in numerical order all my sins. Surely, you realize my "let it go" comment was in jest. If not, then there are bigger issues at state. I did not "lash out" at anyone. I simply asked that the comments that are being posted, not be responded to with such attitude. A simple comment was made about the "Elsa/Norway" topic, and the poster was ridiculed. Why? Every time I come on here there are always "Disney Bullies"! That's sad on so many levels. I will end my comments now, because giving anymore of my time to this silliness is a waste. That's what bullies want.

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