

Well-Known Member
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Just for fun:

1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?

5. Which do you think needs the most love?

6. Which do you think is the most creepy?


Well-Known Member
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?
the seven dwarves mine train

5. Which do you think needs the most love?

6. Which do you think is the most creepy?
The trolls from maelstrom


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just for fun:

1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?
My favs are Ursula and The Wicked Witch. The witch moves so much, despite her age. lol. Ursula is (I am slightly biased, though, as she's my fav villian)

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?
While I do find Ursula impressive with her size and movements, I would have to say Obama is impressive. His movements are so fluid and life-like.

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?
FOr me, this is a tie between the final scene of SpM and The Under the Sea scene in little mermaid. Both have so many moving parts!

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?
Little Mermaid and IASW come to mind simply because they have so many moving parts that have to be kept in working order, esp IASW with its age and all of the moisture and water

5. Which do you think needs the most love?
CoP needs much love. The father's mouth barely moves in most of the scenes. His skin is discolored. None of the 'tronics in that attraction have fluid movements or look as life like as they have the potential to be.
Ellen and UoE needs a lot of help. The dinos need work and cleaning. Ellen needs fresh clothes and hair and a fully working body
6. Which do you think is the most creepy?
The Seven Dwarfs on the new coaster kinda creeped me. I know the animated faces give them more expression with less moving parts BUT just think of what they look like when powered down. lol. The alien on ExT (removed) was a good one, too


Well-Known Member
1. The bird with the spinning head in the rainforest in It's a Small World
2. Jack Sparrows in Pirates of the Caribbean
3. It's a Small World Finale scene
4. Isn't this the exact same question as question 2? lol
5. Carousel of Progress and Yeti
6. All the animatronics in Peter Pan's Flight.


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Original Poster
4. Isn't this the exact same question as question 2? lol

haha, no. You can have a ride with an impressive scene while another ride impresses you as a whole. Many people may find HoP as an entire impressive ride just because of all of the detail, even though it's not dramatic movements, but find the final scene of Splash as an impressive scene as it has so many moving BIG parts coordinated together :)
Like, I find a few scenes in TGMR really cool, but, overall, the ride can be kinda blah

Marc Gil

Well-Known Member
1.) Whew... That's a hard one, but I've narrowed it down to three. My three favorites are the hanging Brer Bear in Splash Mountain, the hopping Brer Rabbit, and of course the Wicked Witch of the West in GMR. When I was little, she always scared the heck outta me!

2.) The most technically advanced AA at WDW is probably the Yeti... At least when it worked... I would say Stitch is pretty darn amazing as well.

3.) Definitely the graveyard scene in The Haunted Mansion. It's classic!

4.) Dinosaur has some pretty fierce, realistic dinos.

5.) Disco Yeti.

6.) The Country Bears. Imagine being the only person seeing the show late at night... :eek:


Well-Known Member
1. My favorite animatronic is definitely the Alioramus from the Dinosaur ride!
(Slightly biased because I love that ride and dinosaurs!)

2. Definitely the Yeti is most complex when it worked! Such a masterpiece and I am lucky to be in the minority to have actually seen it in full swing! (Ursula close behind)

3. The chasing carnotaurus scene in Dinosaur! Such an exhilarating moment and the dinosaur looks so real!

4. As of right now Ursula is the best animatronic IMO! So fluid and lifelike!

5. Definitely Expedition Everest so they can fix the Yeti!

6.I would say Dinosaur but I don't find it as scary anymore! I would say the GMR! The alien and the mummy corpses are pretty freaky tbh haha!


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Original Poster
The first time I rode Little Mermaid, when they did the sneak opening, my. jaw. dropped. She's beautiful! lol

I forgot about Stitch. I haven't done that in awhile. He is very impressive.


Well-Known Member
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?
  • Big Al. Country Bear Jamboree.
2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?
  • Ursula
3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?
  • Yeah, I'd have to agree with Graveyard scene in HM. So many things going on. Was going to just say the singing busts, if you can even count that as an animatronic. So, I'll go with Groundskeeper with his dog all the way to Little Leota ("We're just dying to have you.")
4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?
  • 7 Dwarfs Mine Train
5. Which do you think needs the most love?
  • Imagination. Gut it and put Imagination 1.0 with Dreamfinder back in.
6. Which do you think is the most creepy?
  • Answering HM is too easy. You're probably going with ones that wig you out. I'd say Carousel of Progress. The last time I was on it, the father's lips didn't move while you could still hear him. Creeped me out.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
The single most impressive Audio-Animatronic scene currently at Walt Disney World is the finale of The Hall of Presidents.

My favorite is The Great Movie Ride's Wicked Witch.

The creepiest is a toss-up between the Great Movie Ride Alien that attacks the side of the vehicle and George Washington from the Duff Hall of Presidents, who would never be the same after Bart pulled his pants down.


Premium Member
Just for fun:

1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?

Will Rogers - American Adventure (he spins a lasso AND pushes his hat back).

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?

Stitch animatronic is very impressive (I like him better in the Tiki Room in Tokyo chili dog)

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?

Ending of Hall of Presidents

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?

I would say American Adventure but that's a show technically :p

5. Which do you think needs the most love?

Carousel of Progress

6. Which do you think is the most creepy?


The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?
  • The pirate porking out with the piggies. It's how I like to end my Saturday nights!
2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?
  • C3PO in Star Tours
3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?
  • The bathing elephants in Jungle Cruise
4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?
  • Horizons :'(
5. Which do you think needs the most love?
  • Imagination. Gut it and put Imagination 1.0 with Dreamfinder back in.
6. Which do you think is the most creepy?
  • The hairy leg pirate!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?
  • The pirate porking out with the piggies. It's how I like to end my Saturday nights!
2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?
  • C3PO in Star Tours
3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?
  • The bathing elephants in Jungle Cruise
4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?
  • Horizons :'(
5. Which do you think needs the most love?
  • Imagination. Gut it and put Imagination 1.0 with Dreamfinder back in.
6. Which do you think is the most creepy?
  • The hairy leg pirate!

lol. Is it because of the hair?

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
Some of Walt Disney World's most impressive Audio-Animatronics scenes:

- The American Adventure Audio-Animatronics orgy: Mark Twain rocks back and forth in his chair smoking a cigar while interacting with an also shockingly lifelike Ben Franklin, Ben Franklin walks up the stairs, Will Rogers twirls his lasso and adjusts his hat and Ben Franklin and Mark Twain shake hands in the easy to see, hard to foresee finale to the astonishment of the audience

- Simulated Intelligence Robotics (you can call him "S.I.R." and, yes, I believe he IS wearing a bicycle helmet) teleports the little Skipper before your very eyes and, with the mere touch of a button (a feature that he absolutely loves), reverses the entire process

- The A-100 Wicked Witch of the West makes a startling appearance that threatens to upstage even the Margaret Hamilton portrayal it was based on, simultaneously pointing her synthetic green finger at riders while threatening them

- All of the presidents of the United States appear on stage in a stunning and eerie display, several of them speaking and rising from their chairs

- Your ascent aboard this, our Spaceship Earth, is like a grand and miraculous Audio-Animatronics universe and, despite some baffling modern alterations, it is a reminder that not all is lost in this bold new era of communication


Well-Known Member
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?

Does the Hatbox Ghost count? I LOVE his design!

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?

I know it's not an AA, but I just can't resist

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?

The space family scene in Horizons. The face that the AA's are "floating around" and hanging upside down while still moving is amazing to me. (Wish I could have seen it in person.)

I also like the scene in SSE where Michaelangelo is painting the Sistine Chapel. The music makes the scene even more beautiful

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?

Seven Dwarf's Mine Train. I have yet to see them in person.

5. Which do you think needs the most love?

Spaceship Earth. The AA's on that ride never cease to amaze me. Also, World of Motion, I never got to ride it, but I heard that it had the most AA's.


6. Which do you think is the most creepy?

The witch from Snow White's Scary Adventures, or any AA that is broken down and not moving. (Mannequins and AA's that are in a close distance to me creep me out.)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
1. What is your favorite Animatronic throughout the four parks?

Does the Hatbox Ghost count? I LOVE his design!

2. Which do you find most impressive or complex (not technically, your opinion)?

I know it's not an AA, but I just can't resist

3. Which animatronic SCENE do you find most impressive or complex or is your fav?

The space family scene in Horizons. The face that the AA's are "floating around" and hanging upside down while still moving is amazing to me. (Wish I could have seen it in person.)

I also like the scene in SSE where Michaelangelo is painting the Sistine Chapel. The music makes the scene even more beautiful

4. Which RIDE do you think has the best/most/impressive animatronic?

Seven Dwarf's Mine Train. I have yet to see them in person.

5. Which do you think needs the most love?

Spaceship Earth. The AA's on that ride never cease to amaze me. Also, World of Motion, I never got to ride it, but I heard that it had the most AA's.


6. Which do you think is the most creepy?

The witch from Snow White's Scary Adventures, or any AA that is broken down and not moving. (Mannequins and AA's that are in a close distance to me creep me out.)

Unfortunately, I don't think I got the chance to ride Horizons before it closed or have memory of it. I'll have to youtube that. I agree. The Maleficient dragon is absolutely breath taking. I've seen her 3x now and just stared, waiting for the fire lol. The dwarfs were impressive but creeped me as I thought of how faceless they must look when powered down!


1) I've always had a soft spot for the Hitchhiking Ghosts in the Haunted Mansion.

2) Abraham Lincoln in the Hall of Presidents. It can stand up!

3) I could say the entirety of the Hall of Presidents or American Adventure, but instead I'll say the ballroom scene in Haunted Mansion. It's Animatronics plus the Pepper's Ghost trick, which equals awesome.

4) I say It's a Small World because there's so many of them...

5) Carousel of Progress is cute, but it needs a major update (in my opinion). That and Peter Pan's Flight.

6) I always thought Pirates of the Caribbean had creepier Animatronics than any other ride. Maybe because, from a distance, they look so real...


New Member
May have to modify this list after next weeks trip, but this is how I stand right now:
1) My all time favorite animatronic was S.I.R., hands down. (Alien Encounter)

When his eyes turned into "stars" i was floored. Just awesome.

2) Easily the most complex would be Epcot's American Adventure. The fact that it was basically created in the late 70's still amazes me.

3) My all time favorite SCENE is easily the intro to Dreamfinder and Figment in the Journey into Imagination, the original.

It is Disney at it's finiest. It introduces you to the characters, the song, the theme of the attraction, all while flooring you with some great animatronics. Just amazing. AND, it also pulls a Carosell of Progress, and shows the same scene to other guests to keep the flow going. Just terrific.

4) Now I have not seen New Fantasyland, and I KNOW that there are some pretty snazzy things going on there, but I have to say, Jack Sparrow is fairly impressive in my book.

This animatronic is unique in that it is one of the few that we have seen before we step on the ride. It does live up to the actor, and captures his nuances pretty well.

5) Ok, not to bash but both of my last ones focus on Universe of Energy. I love my dinos, but after DINOSAUR opened at AK, these guys are starting to look wooden.

6) And Ellen just creeps me out there as well, and is pretty much totally out of place.

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