Are there movies that you watch that you, that's surely a product of it's time?
And does it change?
I remember the last time I watched both the Aristocats and the Jungle Book in theaters (yeah...that was a while ago!) I was struck on how dated the language seemed.
Funny, when I watched them both recently, and it didn't bother me quite so went from seeming "dated" to seeming "classic"
I have had the same reaction to Robin Hood.
Now, a movie I absolutely adore...that I thought would be timeless forever is's actually at the top of my favorites list. And watching it again the other day (even though I know the entire film by heart) I was slightly embarrassed at some of the Genie's dialogue (monologue?)just seems a little bit dated.
What about you?
And does it change?
I remember the last time I watched both the Aristocats and the Jungle Book in theaters (yeah...that was a while ago!) I was struck on how dated the language seemed.
Funny, when I watched them both recently, and it didn't bother me quite so went from seeming "dated" to seeming "classic"
I have had the same reaction to Robin Hood.
Now, a movie I absolutely adore...that I thought would be timeless forever is's actually at the top of my favorites list. And watching it again the other day (even though I know the entire film by heart) I was slightly embarrassed at some of the Genie's dialogue (monologue?)just seems a little bit dated.
What about you?