Animal Kingdom


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Original Poster
I personally believe there is something missing in the Animal Kingdom. When I go there I just think that it does not produce quite the spark that the other parks do. Do you think this is just because it's new? I just think they need to add something. Because whenever I go there I don't even stay an entire day because it seems there is just not enough to do! Do you agree with me, disagree, or think they should add anything??:(


New Member
I love AK so very much that is kind of difficult for me to be impartial but you´re right in one aspect: there´s not so many things to do to keep you busy for the whole day. But even for some hours I always have a blast that keeps me happy for the rest of the day wherever I go afterwards!:)


New Member
The problem with AK is that it only caters to specific types of people. You have to enjoy exploring, and you have to enjoy the natural world to enjoy AK. I love both of those things, and, as a result I love AK.


New Member
I think you can spend a good "all day" in AK if you take time to learn and appreciatte all that is there to see. If you are done in less hours than expected, well... bonus time at another place! ;)

I also think, though I don´t know if this is true, that the park was designed to be done in a "short day", otherwise it would be hard to keep the animals healthy and in good care, as well as the whole park. Just my thoughts.

I looove AK! :sohappy:


New Member
since its the newest park is still growing :) give it time .. I can remember when the studios seemed like a half day park :) Actually to me it seems impossible to do everything at AK in one day .. but I am including the shows :)


New Member
Well, I guess it's just a park for certain people, My family loves Animal Kingdom, we spent a whole day there and that was in 2/2000 before Chester & Hester even. My family and I just take our time looking at the animals, exploring different paths and have good rides to go on, Kali, Dinosaur, Kilamanjaro, ITTBAB, and everything else is great.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
When the expand and have a lot more stuff to do, how will they do park hours. The animals will need rest...I don't think they would appreciate having the safaris running at 9PM (that mixed with the lions actually being awake).


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I think Disney made a mistake in opening a park like AK that wasn't complete. I feel it's the least Disney-like of all the parks, and doesn't even have enough worthwhile attractions to last even an entire morning. I can say that after having gone walked through all of the lands and having seen what there is to see. AK is less than impressive at this point in time. I can only hope the new Beastly Kingdom addition re-instills my faith that Disney can bring it up to the standard set by the other three parks. Right now the only things worth seeing there are Dinosaur and It's Tough to Be a Bug. For the most part, the rest can be seen at any state zoo.


WDW Fan Since 1973
It seems that most of you posting are fans of DAK and so am I. Depending on what type of entertainment you enjoy definately matters when it comes to this park.

If you like to sit back and be entertained then Magic Kingdom is for you. Add some education along with entertainment and you've got Epcot and the Studios. If you like to hunt for your fun, then Animal Kingdom is your beast.

While I love just about all aspects of ALL the parks, I find the subtle beauty of DAK to be my favorite. Some complain that it's easy to get lost there, I find that being one of it's greatest assets.
It's the most comfortable of all the parks to spend time alone in, so that you can experience things at your own pace. Sure, meet the family for a trip down the rapids, or on the safari, but wandering the trail by ones self can be just as entertaining.

As far as the issue of keeping the park open later (even into the evening) the imagineers were smart as to place Dino-land and the future site of Beastly Kingdom towards the front of the park.
Both lands are to the immediate right and left of the "Oasis"(front gate). The live animal lands (Africa and Asia) are towards the back of the park, so they could be easily closed while keeping Dino, Camp Mickey/Minnie (future Beastly Kingdom) and Discovery Island open for business. Since there was considerable investment in shops and restaurants in these areas, we must assume that Disney management would like to get more hours of operation out of them. I would suspect however that there could never be any type of fireworks for the park as they would definately bother the live beasts. This could lead to a whole new type of night time entertainment experience. Something that's quiet and doesn't include pyro. Are you imagineers up for the challenge?

How do I feel about all the talk of DAK expansion? Well right now Beastly Kingdom is just a bunch of pretty artwork in the Animal Kingdom book tracing the story behind Animal Kingdom. Yes there is a dragon in the logo, so we should assume that SOMEDAY there will be some form of Beastly Kingdom, and I do welcome that day if it comes. Heck, I love a good themed roller coaster and I'm sure Disney could really out do itself on this one, and imagine the possibilities when you throw in unicorns, but the benefits of higher attendance due to a Beastly Kingdom type area would also justify creating more areas like Africa and Asia, maybe Austrailia or South America, or how about both. Then the folks that got dragged to DAK (cause they just don't like searching for adventure) can stay up front at Dino-land, Discovery Island and Beastly Kingdom, while us true Animal Kingdom fans can have the back of the park with a little more breathing room.

One quick note about Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade.....I thinks it's truely one of the best daytime parades Disney has produced anywhere. It's simple, and it's got a great beat.


Well-Known Member thing. Maria, Animal Kingdom wasn't designed to be a "half-day" park. And they still aren't designing it such. Notice all of the lighting in the park--not cheap lighting they would have for the night crew, but rather themed lamps all over the place. This park is obviously designed to be open at night. Someone else stated that split hours would be good. I agree. Have Africa, Asia, and Camp Minnie-Mickey open 8 am to 6 pm, The Oasis and Discovery Island open 8 am to 8 pm (9 in the summer and busy seasons), and have Dinoland and Beastlie open 10 am to 8 pm (again, 9 in the summer and busy seasons), with the nighttime show in Beastlie. This park really is the most beautiful of all the parks at sunset, and guests really deserve to see it at that time again. As for the park being disney parks are ever complete, and try to remember how every other disney park (except Disney Seas) has opened--with very few attractions. Much like when Sunset Boulevard opened at MGM, I think Beastlie will make this park really take off. The concept for that land allows for just about anything which can cater to all audiences, whether you like animals or not. When you are imagining up a land about imaginary creatures that is set in an imaginary place, there are literally no limits to what you can do (except budget limits....). Luckily, Eisner seems to be in full-support of this land--otherwise he wouldn't have budgetted so much money for Reign of Fire and this whole land would have died years ago...


New Member
I think it is designed to attract people early in the day, and as such the atmosphere is lacking come late afternoon.
When I'm there, I generally head over to EPCOT afterwards, stroll round WS and watch Illuminations.
I also feel that prior to Fantasmic, the Studios could be "done" in about 7-8 hours.

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