My usual bedtime music is the AK music (Oasis/Tree of Life areas) and the old Living Seas tracks.
Oh wow... That freaks me the Hell out because those are the exact tracks I most frequently listen to when I'm going to sleep and have for years. The Animal Kingdom soundtrack can relax me like few other albums. Some of my favorite area music in the parks. Throw in a large selection of tracks from The Land, some other Epcot area music, and a few tracks from Disney California Adventure (Seasons of the Vine, Soarin', The Bakery Theme) and you pretty much have my "Disney Lullabies" playlist.
Are you familiar with MouseBits.com? I seriously augmented my library with tracks found there in the Walt Disney World Forever and Disneyland Forever packs, among them seven unreleased Animal Kingdom Oasis/Tree of Life area tracks that go with those on the official soundtrack.