Animal Kingdom Nighttime show when?


Well-Known Member
The problem they have is if they keep the park open later can they justify the cost of labor expenses with the amount of people there. With not much in AK especially new drawing people in, it would be difficult.

They definitely need to bring a night show back sometime however. Something that can be performed multiple times
This is the issue I can't seem to get around with investing in a nighttime show at AK.

AK has genuine (and I think important/good) limitations on what can be open at the park late, given the animals it has and protecting their sleep/rest/environments.

The same is true in connection with fireworks, noise, and other impacts that you don't have at MK, or HS, ect.

So if a large portion of the park/offerings are going to remain closed past a certain hour, what is the point of keeping the park open staffing it, ect., for 1 single show? Unless the show is truly spectacular, are people really going to hang around a predominately closed park, simply to watch a show? And given the restrictions on fireworks, noise, light pollution, ect., I don't know if you can really create a show that is of such a level that it, and it alone, is going to hold enough people in the park to justify keeping it open later.

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