Animal Kingdom - cute pic


Original Poster
I just thought I would post this picture that I took yesterday at AK as I think it came out really well. First thing the monkey is sooooooo cute! The other thing I would point out is the temple rockwork and how outstanding the concrete sculptors executed the crumbling walls. You just can't see the fakery in it at all. It is totally convincing. I hope you enjoy the picture.
WAH!! Look at it's little feet! I just want to eat him seriously so cute! Thank for sharing!

And yeah, that's why I think Animal Kingdom is a very close runner up to my favorite park first being epcot. On my days off I don't go ride rides (well maybe some,) I go to enjoy the surroundings, the beauty that disney did with detail.

On one of my last days off, I asked the cm if I can walkthrough everest just to take pictures. He was like "um, let me ask my manager." I told him I work here and have already been on everest several million times and he said "Oh, alright!"

I really don't like everest that much. It makes me really dizzy. u_u Funny, I don't get dizzy on M:S but I do on everest. But anyhow, to finish my story, you should've seen the looks on peoples faces when I told them to go ahead of me because I was too busy taking shots. =D

My favorite area used to be where the tea shop is going down hill on the right hand side. Where the little hut where the cheeta statue is and in which they sell coke stuff in there, well it's not a freaking smoking area and I hate that they did that there!! I hate it!!

ANYHOW, enough ranting for me. =D Thanks for the pic once more.
Aww, what an adorable picture! I definitely agree about the scenery, my family doesn't like AK because of the layout but I love it. Last time we went I toured the park by myself, just because parts of it are so authentic looking and wonderful, and who doesn't like stumbling upon cute photo ops like that?


Active Member
:wave: That was a cute pic. we stopped and watched those "monkey apes" for a long time one day. Then a mama duck and her little ones came out of some bushes and they got all the attention! :lol: Hey, v misses epcot: I totally agree about that "smoking" area there. It shouldnt be. the view is so nice but my DH and I had to leave when we were resting there cause 2 people came in there to smoke. :confused:

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