I just got back and was at MK on Halloween for the Not So Scary Halloween Party and the 9:15 fireworks did not go off. The whole thing was late and then at about 9:20 the music and narration started from the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks, not the new (and awesome) Wishes show. Then the music kept playing and I said to my wife "shouldn't things be blowing up by now?" At least a minute to 1:30 of the music played with no fireworks before they just stopped it dead. No music in the park or anything. Then a few minutes later they started the music again with no explanation and still no fireworks started at the appropriate time. After about 30 seconds, the music stopped and then a few went off randomly but stopped after 5 or so shells. A minute or 2 later someone came on the PA and said that "Due to technical difficulties, the Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks have been delayed, we're sorry for the inconvenience" and that was it, no idea of when they would start. I had the mental picure of people frantically running around the utilidors to the control center and driving out to the fireworks area. We waited for a while but many of the people just left the park. After maybe another 10 minutes or so, the music and narration started up again and this time the fireworks started on time, they did not appear to be synced with the music at all and I guess people were probably manually shooting them but at least there were fireworks.
Man I wish I had a video camera with me.
Man I wish I had a video camera with me.