Trip Report And At Last I See the (rivers of) Light: A Much Too Short Trip Report *COMPLETED*

Hello Humans!

For those just joining, my name is Nicole. (Sorry if you were expecting Buddy Boil!) :P


I am just a wee bit toooooo obsessed with Disney World and all things Disney, but is there ever really too much of a good thing? I’m just one of “those people”. The kind that doesn’t understand the need to travel anywhere else on this planet besides Disney, the kind that has more Disney clothes than work attire, the kind that stalks cast members instagram profiles… but we’ll gloss over those more intimate details. :p

I just returned from an extremely short trip to the World. And although short, I still feel the pain. It’s like when someone loses a limb, such as an arm or a leg, and they say they can still feel it. That is exactly how I feel about the removal of my Mickey ears. I have phantom limb pain from taking off my Mickey ear headbands. The ears are off, and the pain real. You mean to tell me I can't wear my rose gold ears to go grocery shopping? What kind of world do we live in?

After throwing a temper tantrum on the ground to my fiancé, complaining he doesn’t love me because he’s dragging me to Hawaii for our honeymoon, I decided the more mature, adult way to deal with post Disney depression is to share my story with you fine people. So let’s begin.

Who: Myself and my Bestie (we went in 2013 and 2014 previously)


Where: All Star Music (We nicknamed this trip the budget trip. No park hoppers, no dining reservations, no dining plan, carryon luggage only so we wouldn’t come home with a bazillion souvenirs. A budget in Disney… that didn’t work so well. You mean that green Mickey lighting up was racking up my credit card? WHO KNEW?! :)


When: Friday, January 19th to Tuesday January 23rd

Why: Why not? The best way to escape wedding planning is Disney planning! :p

Jan 19th
Our flight wasn’t until 7 PM out of Newark, New Jersey. I currently live right outside of Philadelphia with Joe, go Eagles :p but it was easier for me to get to Newark than my friend to get to Philly. And me flying alone is never a good idea. I once found myself in an airport closest. Yeah, no idea. I decided to work a half day instead of using a vacation day, because I’m trying to bank all my days for my honeymoon and secretly another Disney trip come fall. Don’t tell anyone. It can be our little secret. Hardy har har! ;);)


Did not sleep a wink the night before, not sure if it was the excitement, the nerves about my carryon being TSA compliant, or the fact that I was fighting off laryngitis. Ursula, take my legs but give me back my voice!!!!! Some people were too ecstatic I was speechless, cough JOE cough. I could not rub in his face that I WAS GOING TO DISNEY WORLD.


Wore my little mermaid leggings to work because I am a child. I work for an orthodontic team and having all my patients ask me about going to Disney World just amped up my excitement level. My age category is definitely 8-12 because that is who I most relate too. HA!

Clocked out early and made my long trek to North Jersey. Got back in record time, must have been those pixie dust fumes in my gas tank. :p My friend’s brother was our designated Uber and I’m sure he kicked himself for offering to drive us two crazy loons.


Strapped on my magic band and admired the beauty of all that is Mickey’s outline. I love the new shape, didn’t think I would! It actually looks like a watch, IT’S MICKEY TIME.


On the ride there, we received a text message that our room was ready! Don’t judge me that I never deleted my 2016 room notification message.


My friend and I had been joking all week that we’d be put in country. NOT THE COUNTRY BOOT! And lo and behold, there we were. She called up Disney to see if they could switch us to jazz, we’d been practicing our jazz hands for months! The cast member laughed, and apologized that the resort was fully booked; we could maybe switch our room later on during the trip. TOO BAD OUR TRIP WAS SO SHORT. :(


Nothing screams Disney World more than a pair of country boots! Am I right?! :p

We got through security quickly and made our way to the gate. Upon arrival, our flight is delayed. From 7 PM to 8:30 PM. WHAT! Lose an hour and a half of Disney time!? I cannot deal.

The terminal was packed. There was not a seat to be found. We circled round and round, myself rolling my carryon like I’d had one too many drinks. It’s hard steering a suitcase! We were antsy and then it hit us. One little spark of inspiration. LET’S SEE IF THE EARLIER FLIGHT HAS ANY SEATS AVAILABLE.

Turns out, it did! And for a mere fee of $75.00 each, we could arrive in Disney at 8:30 PM. We went back and forth… if we got there early we could eat in the food court, we’d have more Disney time, we could get to sleep earlier and be less cranky for parking opening. Budget trip my behind.


We were soon on the plane, vowing to not tell a soul we paid $75 to arrive in Disney an hour and a half earlier. Whoops!

The flight attendants asked if we could be the heroes of the flight, and of course we obliged.


Throw the plane door out the window and save all the innocent lives on board? Ain’t no thing for Princess Nicole. Watch out Mr. Incredible. I’m coming for your costume.



Heroes need their nourishment, so cheers to the first food pictures of the trip!


Touched down in Orlando much earlier than expected… money comes and goes but Disney memories are forever. That’s what I keep telling myself at least!


The Magical Express area was dead, and we hoped we didn’t just miss the bus. Turns out the bus was waiting right outside for our arrival. What great service! I don’t know if I credit this to the fact that I’m now a hero? Hopped aboard that big beautiful red beauty of transportation and prepared myself for my ride back home. The butterflies were fluttering about in my stomach, I could not stop giggling, and I felt it deep down to my core that I was back in my happy place. You know that warm fuzzy feeling of being on property? That moment where you know your trip to come is filled with endless possibilities? Don't ever take waiting in the Magical Express line for granted!


Would our room be the very last room in the very back of our resort? Did they separate us from the general public on purpose because we are certifiably insane? Would my jazz hands feel betrayed about nothing getting their moment to shine?


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Thank you! I am glad you read :) :)

What a fun report!
Glad you were able to enjoy a girls getaway before your wedding!

Don't blame yourself for your torn leggings. I've heard tons of people complain about LuLaRoe leggings ripping in the crotch 😳😳

Thank you! It was so much fun! Planning for Disney is 100x better than planning a wedding. LOL

And I'm still sad about the leggings because I know our pictures would have been so cute :( Stupid lularoe! I paid 30 bucks for them to rip in the room :( :( :( :(

Awesome report as always. Thank you so much for taking us along. It really does help fill the Disney void! Also, “The magical depressed” !?!? HYSTERICAL.

Thank you for reading! I am glad I can share and relive my memories! I want to go back already. I have a major disney void right about now, gotta catch up on everyone else's reports to help!

I'm so glad that Rivers of Light lived up to your expectations. I really enjoy the show as well, I think it is the perfect show for Animal Kingdom, beautiful and elegant in the visuals and music. I listen to the music a lot as well. I actually recorded it the first time we saw and and then on our next visit I saw the soundtrack for sale at at cart (I think it was near Flame Tree) and I freaked out a little. The cast member and my husband were probably laughing at my excitement.

I am glad you enjoyed it too! It's such a beautiful show, it's just what Animal Kingdom needs. It encompasses the message perfectly. I love AK so much and am soooooooo happy it's finally a park people can spend a full day at. They have dinner and enjoy the beautiful night time shows, from ROL to the tree of life awakenings! I need the soundtrack! Been checking the App but it is always sold out :( :(

Once again I loved your report! You really do have the storytelling gift. Thank you for making me feel like I was right there with you! :)

Thank you so much! You make me blush! Wish I could write Disney trip reports for a living. LOL


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Thank you for an awesome trip report! I love the video montage and you two, so cute!

Thank you so much! My friend's students use this app called VideoStar so we figured we'd use it too! Back in 2014 we took a video everyday, this trip we tried our hardest to fill up the four minutes. We kept forgetting to video :P Now I wish we took more! Waaaaaa!!!

I volunteer as tribute.

Sooooo happy that ROL lived up to your expectations! It really is a unique and captivating show.

Thanks for sharing all of your fun! :inlove:

I am so happy I finally met you in person! Now you won't be alarmed when I show up on your doorstep. :P I want to move to Florida! @sheriffwoody and I were texting about how jealous we are of you :(

....aaaannnndddd I'm crying (while my husband rolls his eyes at me; "are you really crying about a trip report on a Disney website?"-grounds for divorce I tell ya!)
As always, awesome report. Thanks for writing and letting me live vicariously through you.

PS. I bought adorable Disney themed Lulas that I wore to Disney Studios. The day I wore them I was walking and they were literally shredding off my body. I have never seen anything like it. The more I moved the more holes appeared. I went into the bathroom and looked down and there was a softball size hole in the rear end area. Thankfully my cousin had packed an extra pair of leggings in her bag the day before in case she got soaked on Kali River Rapids. If it wasn't for that the patrons of Disney Studios would have had a very interesting show or I would have had to buy a very expensive pair of pants in one of the stores haha

I cried at the end too. You're not alone. :P Disney just makes me so emotional! Glad to have a fellow emotional Disney fan. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It means so much to me!

And thank you for sharing your story about the Lularoe leggings! I was so upset I could not wear my villain pants, but was thankful it did not happen in the park! Thank goodness for your cousin coming to the rescue. I would have had to buy pants... Did you ever wear yours before? Mine were brand new :( And I had tried on my outfit before packing it, and there was not a hole that I remember! It was so hard to find those stupid pants too. Is it sick I want another pair? LOL Help this addiction!

So glad that ROL was all you hoped it would be! Now you just need to convince your fiance that the honeymoon needs to be moved to Orlando so you can see it again soon!

Right! LOL! I told him we need a mini moon to Disney before our wedding. He's not buying it. Who wants to go to freaking Hawaii? :P

Great trip report Nicole!!! I'm glad you FINALLY got to see Rivers of Light and that it lived up to, or even exceeded your expectations!! In less than one month... 23 days to be exact... I will finally get to see it!!! Can't wait!!!

I cannot wait for you to see! I hope you love it as much as I did! I wish I had a countdown again! Enjoy your trip!!! :) :)


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Great finish to your awesome AK day! So happy you loved ROL that much!

Loved the report (as always) - nobody has a better Disney attitude than you! :happy:

Thank you! I am sooo happy I finally saw ROL.. all those months of stalking. :P And now I have imagineer friends. Who woulda thunk it :P
Glad you followed along. Glad I can use my words to express my feelings since obviously my pictures don't do it justice! LOL

So sad your trip report is over. But your thoughts on Rivers of Light are making me so excited for our upcoming trip. Only 12 more days and only 14 until I get to (finally!) see Rivers of Light for myself. Animal Kingdom is tied with MK for my favorite park. I love the nostalgia and fantasy of MK but AK is something that's so close to my heart. I can easily spend hours with the birds along the trail and my husband has to pull me away :)

I am glad to know a fellow AK lover! I feel like we are in the minority! I cannot wait for you to see it for yourself! It's a truly beautiful show, and I'm so happy AK is finally getting the love it deserves. Cannot wait for you to go! Sending pixie dust and magical thoughts your way :)

Awesome stuff as always!

Yummy Pecos Bill's tacos, had them on my trip a few weeks ago....Loved um!

It's almost midnight and I could go for them right about now. :P Thank you for reading!!

Nicole, I loved your report so much! I am so happy that you loved ROL! All your stalking and dreaming paid off! Your photo shoots were awesome! You have such a knack for putting all of those Disney emotions into words! Thank you so much for sharing your trip with all of us, it was a joy to read!

I am glad you followed along! I am over the moon happy that I finally saw ROL! I need a new project to stalk, maybe the UK pavilion or whatever is going on at Wonder of Life. :P Get me banned from Epcot as well as AK... muahha!

We really got some great shots with Photopass! I have over 1000 pictures from a 4 day trip, kind of insane. LOL


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Original Poster
Great trip report, I am glad you enjoyed rivers of light, I am hoping we get back next year and see it we just missed out with the delayed opening on our last trip.

Ugh that's the worst! But you will see it in due time! I was super sad in November, I was hoping I'd be whisked away to a private showing, but the river stayed dark :( Thank you for reading and following along! I'm hoping to be back soon. :(

Loved reading your trip report! You need to head back soon so you can write another.

Right! LOL! I have people I need to entertain! Ha! I am trying to scheme my way back there, it just isn't a good life without a Disney trip countdown.

WHAT?! Your trip report is over? I just got back from WDW a week ago and now one of my favorite trip reports is done? This is a double Disney depression. I just love your love for all things Disney and your words just describe so perfectly what it is to truly adore Disney. Animal Kingdom absolutely is the best WDW park. I don't know what it is about Flight of Passage but every time I ride my eyes overflow with tears. It is just such a joyful experience. And ROL! I am so glad you got to see it and loved it so much after all the anticipation. Thank you for taking the time to write another amazing trip report! I don't think we will make it back to WDW for a year, but it is trip reports like yours that keep me going during the down time.

:( I am sad my report is over and sad you are back! What a double whammy! At least we can be depressed together, if that's any consolation. I loved Flight of Passage. Wish I could have ridden it twice, because I was so in awe the first time, I don't think I fully took everything in! It was amazing and I refuse to watch on YouTube because I know it will not compare!

Don't think I'll be back to Disney in 2018, unless I can convince my fiance to go sometime in the fall... trip reports really help us Disney obsessed get through the down time in between. :( At least we can do it together! :P


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Also, guys! I totally forgot!

Thank you to @RedNoseMickey and @blgauger for sharing their Photopass downloading with me. It means the world to be able to have these pictures forever, and to be able to share one tooooo many photoshoots with you fine people. :P


I never was charged for my earlier flight down. Guess I'll just chalk it up to some extra Disney magic!

Goodnight :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:


Well-Known Member
I knew going in it would not be the same, and I remember my friend said something about it not comparing to Wishes and your mom was like oh don't get her started! :p

Wishes will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am sooo glad you feel the same way. I'm happy HEA is growing on you with time, I think the same will happen for me.

I am so happy we were able to meet up again! Wish I could of squeezed in dinner as well. :( Disney days should be more than 24 hours!

Right! Imagine all the different perspectives! :p

Yes, Wishes just tugged at your heartstrings. HEA is super beautiful, and if I had never seen Wishes, I'd have been blown away.

I'm glad we got to all watch together! I think the fact my first time viewing was with my friends from WDWmagic, makes HEA just a little bit more special. The memories I'll have with this show are starting off with a bang. :)

I cannot wait for these moments! I tell Joe all the time I am going to put Disney music and movies on 24/7 as soon as I get pregnant so when they come out into the world they are already obsessed! My evil plan has to work! LOL
Loving every word of your TR as usual and as for your "plan" it worked for me. Pixie dust for a happy marriage and Disney obsessed kids. BTW my younger ds said I'm not going to be allowed near any kids he ever has because it will cost him money


Well-Known Member
We both felt like stuffed sausages, so we decided to skip our fastpass for Mission Space and go hang out with some old friends.


I had never done the Character Spot before! I was complaining to my friend on Mickey’s birthday because the only photos I have with him, he’s either Sorcerer Mickey or Captain Mickey from the Disney Dream. I wanted Mickey in his regular old clothes! Mission accomplished!



Before we met Mickey, the cast member told us he had to take a cheese break. Mickey must eat super fast, because he was back in less than a minute and even perkier than usual! Gimme some of that cheese ;)


I am so happy I finally met Mickey in his original outfit! He was so cute. I told him I wanted to run away with him, and I think he would have taken me up on my offer if Minnie wasn’t so close by!

Luckily there was a buffer in between us. Hello Goofy!


We complimented him on how tall he was, and he said it was only because of his hat!



Goofy was so much fun, could I deal with the wrath of Minnie?

Minnie soon forgot my plans with Mickey, because I was totally copying her style! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!




I was jealous of her yellow shoes. I need to step up my Disneybounding game.






The Character Spot was so much fun and I’m so happy I finally have photos of my friends in their everyday outfits. The same cannot be said for my own clothing choice :p

The only thing that could make me leave the mouse of my dream is… wait for it…..


FIGGY!!! My dear, dear Figgy! Two tiny wings, eyes big and yellow. Horns of a steer, but a loveable fellow! From head to tail, he’s royal purple pigment. And there, Voila! You’ve got a Figment!




I don’t have any photographic evidence, but you’ll just have to trust me that we danced like no one’s ever danced in ImageWorks. ;)

I gave my arms quite the workout. So I guess that counteracts my breakfast, right?

I am super hopeful for the future of Figment. I remember being afraid he was going to go away forever. I read each “insider” post so carefully, to see if the Imagination pavilion would close or if Figment would be evicted for some human emotions. I wasn’t even around for the glory days of Epcot, but Figment is a park icon that is near and dear to my heart. I wish you were still able to meet him! And I kick myself everyday for not buying these ears when I had the chance.


Here’s a word of advice, you see something you like, BUY IT. Money comes and goes, Figment is forever! :p
I may or may not have the original version of One Little spark on every device in the house, even my kids' stuff:angelic:


Well-Known Member
Upon leaving Japan, darkness was setting in. It was strange for it to be getting dark so early, another difference with going to Disney World in January!

We sauntered though Morocco, and I failed to snap any pictures. I looked longingly at Spice Road Table, I must eat here my next trip. :) I have read such rave reviews, but each trip when I've walked by it's been so empty. I hope I get a chance to eat here before they change it some way. It is in such a prime location, and it's new, so I don't understand why the general public does not see any appeal. Who knows, maybe each time I've walked by it's just been slow and it isn't always that way.


France always looks so romantic at night, and we reveled in it's beauty. I wanted a Grey Goose slushie but I was still too stuffed from dinner. Me stuffed? I know, it's a rare occurrence. I hate when my stomach betrays me like that in Disney world. :arghh::arghh:


Sleeping Beauty was out meeting guests, but the line was at least 50 people deep. It broke my friend's heart that we probably wouldn't make it to see her, so we took awkward selfies from afar. Yep, totally awkward.



Even though we were stuffed from dinner, we couldn't pass up the opportunity for a dinner party. :p The Photopass woman told us to pretend we were laughing, and oh we were not pretending. I was cracking up. These photo ops were hilarious and I love these pictures so much.



We leisurely continued along World Showcase promenade, stopping at various booths to admire the art. So many Figment pieces, and if I wasn't getting married this year I easily would have dropped my life savings on art pieces. There was one booth where they were painting Toms shoes with original Disney art. I have spent countless hours on Etsy debating back and forth between buying a pair of my own, how cool would it have been to have gotten a pair in Epcot?

These are not my photos, because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to photograph the art. :p Plus, we all know I wouldn't capture it anyway!




I really wanted in the above image on the right side, the image of the tree. The tree contained hundreds of hidden objects, from Cinderella's slipper to Mickey's face and so on. It was such a fun piece! I don't think Joe would mind having all of our walls plastered with Disney art? Maybe I'll wait til after he says "I do" to start intensely decorating. Shhhhhhhh :p He does already know my fondness for Thomas Kincade, and one day I will own the Little Mermaid painting. Mark my words!


I DIE. IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I don't even think the face of my first born will compare. :p

We still had a good two and half hours until Illuminations, and we were starting to feel that giddy, over tired, in a food coma, feeling. At least that's what I'm going with.


If that doesn't scream I LOVE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS, I don't know what does.


Jazz hands for my friends in the UK.



Those jazz hands are for you @Longers and @RedNoseMickey :inlove:

We walked through all the quaint little shops, I love looking at all the tea and smelling the perfumes. I had been on a tea overdrive since losing my voice, and it was nice to see all the options I'd have for the next time I came down with laryngitis.


I am obsessed with Outlander, and my good friend back home is marrying a man from Scotland come September, so I sent her a picture of this shirt! :)

I then made my friend snoop around, to see if we could see any construction flags or any hint of a ride coming to the UK. Ninja stealth mode activated. I've heard Brave or Mary Poppins, and I want both. Ha! After peering under bushes and walking as far back as we could go, they mystery remains yet to be solved!

Our final destination on this tour was OH CANADA.




We tried and failed to take a cute photo with the totem pole. Canada might just top my list of countries because of it's native attributes. I was reading about the totem poles here (there are three in total) and they are based on the story of the Raven and the Sky Chief.

Summary from wikipedia: "The Raven came to a world covered in darkness, where men and women lived in an area of dark and cold. The Raven felt bad for the people living in the dark and resolved to search for the light. The Raven flew across mountains, rivers, and valleys until finally, he saw light. He had arrived at the house of the Sky Chief, which was shining brilliantly in the horizon. The Raven snuck into the house of the Sky Chief by turning into a pine-needle and fell into the water of the Sky Chief's beautiful daughter. The daughter drank the water and unknowingly swallowed the Raven. Time passed and she soon gave birth to a child, that bore a striking resemblance to the Raven. The Raven used his child disguise to locate and secure the Sun, stealing it from the Sky Chief and returning to the land of darkness. The Raven threw the Sun into the sky, where it stayed filling the area a bright light. People feed the Raven today as a way to say thanks for bringing light to them."

GUYS. THEY AREN'T JUST TOTEM POLES. They tell a story. THIS IS WHY I FREAKING LOVE DISNEY WORLD. Every little detail tells a backstory, every detail adds to the overall experience. I loved enjoying all these little moments in World Showcase. There is not a place like it on this earth. Where else can you travel around the globe in a day and gain a new appreciation for different cultures? Where else can you sample another country's foods, try other country's drinks, purchase their everyday goods, and have genuine conversations with citizens of that actual country all within a 12 hour time period? THERE IS NO WHERE LIKE WORLD SHOWCASE.

Although I failed to take a nice totem pole selfie, I got this winning shot of my friend transforming into a lumberjack.


Too stuffed for a GGS?????????????? Who are you and what have you done with @prfctlyximprct ??????????????:cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious:


Well-Known Member
I am so happy I finally met you in person! Now you won't be alarmed when I show up on your doorstep. :p I want to move to Florida! @sheriffwoody and I were texting about how jealous we are of you :(

Ha! Keep working on Joe. ;) He'll give in eventually! But in the meantime, my door is always open. :joyfull:

Also, guys! I totally forgot!

Thank you to @RedNoseMickey and @blgauger for sharing their Photopass downloading with me. It means the world to be able to have these pictures forever, and to be able to share one tooooo many photoshoots with you fine people. :p


I never was charged for my earlier flight down. Guess I'll just chalk it up to some extra Disney magic!

Goodnight :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

You are so very welcome! Happy to help! :inlove:

Since you weren't charged, I think that means that you have enough money for another flight before June. ;)


Premium Member
[QUOTE="prfctlyximprct, post: 8093016, member: 84657”]

We wandered through stores, I was trying to find the Mickey Mouse ray-ban sunglasses. Unfortunately they had been sold out for months according to the cast member. :( I am halfway tempted not use my tax refund for wedding expenses and just blow it on these beauties.


Quick! Someone talk some sense into me! :P

We did not find the sunnies, but my friend found this beautiful hat. You win some you lose some I guess. :P

Sorry, It’s my wife’s fault. She bought the last two pairs they had right before Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Nicole...I am SO late to the party, but I am quickly catching up! It's been SO busy at work, I haven't had a chance to visit the boards OR do my Christmas TR yet....ugh, work at work getting in between my wdw forum time :rolleyes:

Am I cool now? Don’t answer that.

**crickets** **rolls eyes** LOL

Now here’s where you may disagree with me, my dear, dear Disney friends. As much as I loved it, and I did love it!!!!, Happily Ever After was not my beloved Wishes.
I think I may be alone in this sentiment, but I still missed Wishes. The fact that I will never view it again from the Magic Kingdom theme park breaks my heart in a million shattered pieces. I know all good things must come to an end, but it doesn't make the pain any easier!

I couldn't agree with you MORE. There is absolutely no doubt that Happily Ever After is more technical and a stunning show, but it is no wishes.


Active Member
NOOOO! I love your trips reports and I’m so sad when they are over!! Thanks for another great one! It makes me so excited for our trip in 4 weeks, but I too know how quickly they fly by! That video montage in your last post was amazing!!! I absolutely loved it! It summed up how amazing of a time you guys had perfectly!

Good job and thanks for sharing!! :D

Captain Barbossa

Well-Known Member


And so marks the end of the most magical trip to date. I swear they get better every time! I got to see Rivers of Light, I rode both new Animal Kingdom attractions, I ate until my heart's content, I met Ariel in her dress AND in her fin, and I created the most magical memories that will last a lifetime. My best friend and I are already scheming up ways we can return. All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust, right?

I thank you all for supporting and understanding my Disney addiction, and I'm glad we can all come to a place to share our experiences and memories. It's nice to look back on these trips, and to remember all the magic. I'll leave ya'll with my all time favorite Disney quote.

"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing- that is was all started by a mouse."

Nooo!! Why does your TR have to be over?! :cry: I apologize for kind of being out of it over the last 7 days (personal life stuff). Anyways, I'm so thrilled that you finally got to see RoL! I know you've waited for what probably felt like forever to see it. Hope it was everything that you could ever dream of! I still haven't seen it yet. Hopefully in May. Sounds like you definitely had a Magical day at AK!

Completely agree with you on skipping DHS, plus you have to end your trip at MK! Nice picture of the Roy btw. Will have to add the taco 3 ways to the food category of my WDW goals. Glad you got to say your final goodbye to the Red Head :cry::cry::cry:

At least you got to indulge in the ice cream cookie sandwich and the surprise cupcake before you had to leave. But like you said, it's not goodbye, it's "See Ya Real Soon"!

Nicole, it has been therapy to read your TR the past month. It has definitely helped my "Disney depression" and it has gotten me through some weeks when life has been emotionally rough. Your TR made me laugh, cry, and extremely hungry, but most of all, it brought me great joy. I can't thank you enough Nicole. Maybe we'll meet someday in "the World". Can't wait for your next TR!

Absolutely love the video collage!
Last edited:


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Original Poster
Loving every word of your TR as usual and as for your "plan" it worked for me. Pixie dust for a happy marriage and Disney obsessed kids. BTW my younger ds said I'm not going to be allowed near any kids he ever has because it will cost him money

I am glad I have a fellow "planner" or as Joe likes to tell me, "plotter." I'm gonna start them on Disney in the womb! LOL!! My nieces already know I'm so obsessed, but they can always count on Aunt Nicole to take them to see the latest Disney movies! It's a win win!

I may or may not have the original version of One Little spark on every device in the house, even my kids' stuff:angelic:

GOALS. I wish I got to experience the original! I've only watched on YouTube. Man, feeling nostalgic for something I've never been on, gonna have to go watch that video again.

Too stuffed for a GGS?????????????? Who are you and what have you done with @prfctlyximprct ??????????????:cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious:

I know. It must have been my evil step sister! RUDE!!!!! :P

THNX and I hope you get to go back soon.

Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope to go back soon too. I cannot stay away! My Disney thirst is never quenched. :(


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Original Poster
Ha! Keep working on Joe. ;) He'll give in eventually! But in the meantime, my door is always open. :joyfull:

You are so very welcome! Happy to help! :inlove:

Since you weren't charged, I think that means that you have enough money for another flight before June. ;)

I like my idea with @sheriffwoody ! We invest in a house, and she gets it for 6 months, I get it for 6 months. We can even be neighbors. :p And I think I've already spent my 75 dollar savings a few times over on Disney merchandise. LOL... why am I an ear obsessed fool! :p

Sorry, It’s my wife’s fault. She bought the last two pairs they had right before Christmas.

UGH!! So jealous! She should totally sell me a pair ;) I am so tempted to buy them on ebay. The cheapest I found was 329.99. Tell her I'll pay her 300! LOL jk jk Trying to hustle here on the forums. :p

Nicole...I am SO late to the party, but I am quickly catching up! It's been SO busy at work, I haven't had a chance to visit the boards OR do my Christmas TR yet....ugh, work at work getting in between my wdw forum time :rolleyes:

**crickets** **rolls eyes** LOL

I couldn't agree with you MORE. There is absolutely no doubt that Happily Ever After is more technical and a stunning show, but it is no wishes.

I am falling so behind on my forum reading so I feel your pain! Finally have a Friday night to sit and sip some wine and just enjoy WDWMAGIC! I've been trying to wedding plan, and should really be doing that right about now... but ya know, Disney. :p

And I am glad we share sentiments on HEA. It is beautiful, and I know I will come to love it as the memories emerge, but it will never ever be my beloved Wishes. Gosh, I don't want to cry!

NOOOO! I love your trips reports and I’m so sad when they are over!! Thanks for another great one! It makes me so excited for our trip in 4 weeks, but I too know how quickly they fly by! That video montage in your last post was amazing!!! I absolutely loved it! It summed up how amazing of a time you guys had perfectly!

Good job and thanks for sharing!! :D

I am so excited you have a countdown! Thank you so much for reading and enjoy all those pre-trip feelings! It goes way too fast! I am so happy I could help get you through the days until your trip... now can I fit in your suitcase :p[/QUOTE]
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nooo!! Why does your TR have to be over?! :cry: I apologize for kind of being out of it over the last 7 days (personal life stuff). Anyways, I'm so thrilled that you finally got to see RoL! I know you've waited for what probably felt like forever to see it. Hope it was everything that you could ever dream of! I still haven't seen it yet. Hopefully in May. Sounds like you definitely had a Magical day at AK!

Completely agree with you on skipping DHS, plus you have to end your trip at MK! Nice picture of the Roy btw. Will have to add the taco 3 ways to the food category of my WDW goals. Glad you got to say your final goodbye to the Red Head :cry::cry::cry:

At least you got to indulge in the ice cream cookie sandwich and the surprise cupcake before you had to leave. But like you said, it's not goodbye, it's "See Ya Real Soon"!

Nicole, it has been therapy to read your TR the past month. It has definitely helped my "Disney depression" and it has gotten me through some weeks when life has been emotionally rough. Your TR made me laugh, cry, and extremely hungry, but most of all, it brought me great joy. I can't thank you enough Nicole. Maybe we'll meet someday in "the World". Can't wait for your next TR!

Absolutely love the video collage!

Ahhhh, where to start! I want to THANK YOU so much for reading, and for all your wonderful comments! I swear, sometimes I'm like who reads this garbage :P so I am soooooo happy I could provide some much needed entertainment.

I am sooo in love with Rivers of Light. I'm super happy Animal Kingdom is finally a full day park, not just to me, but to fellow Disney visitors. It makes me all warm and tingly to know that guests are planning full days at AK, or taking a mid day break and going right back to AK for the night time offerings. I can't wait for you to see it in May! Hopefully! When you see the lotus flower gliding out on the rippling water, think of me. :)

We went back and forth on going to MK of DHS. We really wanted to ride Tower of Terror, but knew it'd be best to end the trip at the kingdom. I know I will have many days at DHS to come, can't wait to see Toy Story land! Slinky looks sooooo adorable!

I am glad I was able to help your Disney depression, as I helped my own! Disney World, and living vicariously though others trips really is the best therapy. Life is tough, but Disney provides that childhood escape, where everything is magical and somehow you come to believe everything will be okay in the end. I hope to try and convince someone to go to Disney with me this fall, and who knows! Maybe the Disney Gods will make it so we cross paths one day! I have way too many ears that need to be worn, I must get back down to Orlando!

Thank you again for reading and commenting, it really means so much to me! I love Disney World more than I can explain in words, but it's fun sometimes to try.



Well-Known Member
Tried to stretch out your TR - but like your trip - it ended waaay too soon. :cry: What a great escape from life good TRs like these provide! Just curious: while any WDW trip is magical, now that you've been there during several diff times of the year - do you have a favorite season or month to be there - summer, winter, holidays, etc?


Well-Known Member
That's nice you were able to split up and have everyone do what they enjoyed! :) As much as I love browsing and slowly strolling through World Showcase, I can understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea. The Voices of Liberty are amazing, I always end up tearing up when I hear them! So emotional! I will hope and send pixie dust your way that you get to go back in 2019 and stroll your way through the world! I am trying to plot another trip for this year, but probably won't return until 2019 as well. We can be strong together through our Disney droughts!
We must be strong!! We can do it! I'm hoping to come away with an appreciation for AK this time. Our experience there was pretty bad and the only reason I even want to go back at all was because I want to see ROL, which was scheduled to open and then got pushed back and replaced with Jungle Book during our last trip. I honestly want to know what people see in it, because some people love it so much, but we just didn't have a good experience. You'll have to share your favorites...maybe we just did the wrong things?


Well-Known Member
Loving every word of your TR as usual and as for your "plan" it worked for me. Pixie dust for a happy marriage and Disney obsessed kids. BTW my younger ds said I'm not going to be allowed near any kids he ever has because it will cost him money
Tell him it's payback for all he's cost you in food bills and new clothes/shoes because he insists on growing. Keep track of all your receipts and present him with a bill..tell him he can just pay it back in Disney trips with you and your grandchildren.

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