Alternatively: Imagineering a New and Alternate Walt Disney World Resort


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Alternatively: Imagineering a New and Different Walt Disney World Resort


2010 was an important year as it was the start of a new decade, and truly cemented the direction of theme parks world wide. During this time period Disney had allowed its parks to stagnate due to the belief that theme parks were a mature market that needed little to no major investments. This led to the lack of major new expansions opening throughout much of the resort until the end of the decade, with the true shift to opening plenty of major new things beginning in 2016. Well what if Disney had taken an alternative route to handling their theme parks? What if instead of playing the defensive game they played the offensive game and invested in many of their parks seeing the potential that new expansions and attractions held for the parks? Welcome to Alternatively a thread where we shall journey together on a timeline that I have crafted featuring attractions and lands that have been blended together from both our real world timeline and this alternative timeline to create a more fulfilling Walt Disney World experience.

Join me now as we step backwards in time all the way to 2010, where a few closures and openings here and there can completely change the way that Walt Disney World Resort looks today. For this endeavor I will only be focusing on the core four theme parks found at the Walt Disney World Resort. These parks of course being Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios, and Disney's Animal Kingdom. The approach taken will combine both more bluesky concepts, ideas, and budgets while also working in some select realism into the overall project. This also focuses on the bigger picture, for the most part, so if I forget to mention such as a small kiosk, gift shop, or meet and greet odds are in this timeline it will also exist. Now let's get this show on the road!

The Alternatively Index

Please use this index as your guide to navigate this Alternate Walt Disney World Resort.

2012 [Magic Kingdom]
2013 [Animation Courtyard]
2014 [Magic Kingdom & Epcot] [Hollywood Studios & Animal Kingdom]
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Our journey beings in 2010. It is important to start this far back as it allows for us to keep the best changes and additions that have been made to the Walt Disney World resort as well as update, change and modify the following years to create a stronger Walt Disney World that lives up to the title of vacation capital of this world. This project will solely focus on the four theme parks of the resort, and will be anchored in semi realism allowing for smaller projects in some years and larger projects in other parks. This will mainly cover major changes and will gloss over some smaller changes in the parks. With all of that said let's get the show rolling with 2010! Here we will see a few new concepts emerge as well as one event that aligns with our real world timeline.

Magic Kingdom

The Magic Kingdom is the most unchanged out of the four parks. As it occurs in our timeline, the Main Street Electrical Parade once again returns to the delight of many. The parade remains unchanged, and will run as it did in our version of 2010.


Over at Epcot a whole new attraction is set to open in the Magic Eye Theater following the closure of Honey, I Shrunk the Audience in 2009. Phineas and Ferb present The Best Ride Ever! opened in 2010 as an attraction centered around the new and runaway hit Disney Channel series Phineas and Ferb. Most of the Imagination Pavilion remains unchanged outside save for signage pointing guests to the direction of the new attraction alongside the new marquee for the theater that mimics the style of the Phineas and Ferb logo. This integration of a fresh and popular IP into Epcot signals the new direction of Epcot which is to utilize popular properties in ways that add to the overarching themes of Epcot while still providing for fun and exciting experiences.


Phineas and Ferb present The Best Ride Ever!

The Magic Eye Theater has been transformed into an entirely new attraction within the show building. However subtle changes have made to the area outside Epcot's newest attraction. The area music has been updated to be instrumental covers of some of the most iconic tunes from Phineas and Ferb. The jumping water fountains have a new color scheme alternating between red and yellow, green and purple, or blue and orange referencing Phineas, Ferb and Perry the Platypus respectively. A new merchandise kiosk has been installed underneath the Fastpass distribution kiosk canopy allowing for the sale of Phineas and Ferb merchandise near the attraction. The Fastpass distribution machines have been relocated to the left of the attraction's exit.



The exterior of the show building doesn't change much with the exception of the removal of the Captain EO sign, and the installation of the logo for Phineas and Ferb present The Best Ride Ever!


Given the space available for the attraction the queue has very little frills. The former open lobby has been transformed into a sea of switchbacks allowing for a maximation of the space of the available queue space for the attraction which will no doubt be very popular with families. On the walls will be various pieces of art highlighting every Phineas and Ferb invention that had been in the first season of the hit show. The music in the queue matches that of the area music that now plays outside the attraction. The queue eventually leads into the preshow room, and the pickup for 3D glasses.


The preshow room stays the same as its Captain EO variant with the exception of the monitors being updated to HD TVs. On these monitors a new Phineas and Ferb animation plays that was specially created for the attraction. It introduces the Magic Eye Theater as the Danville Fairgrounds Expo Showbuilding which suspiciously look just like Epcot. The preshow shows the Flynn-Fletcher family and friends touring the grounds, when Lawrence mentions to Linda that theirs an expo on antique clocks and the two leave allowing for Candance to be put in charge of everyone, conditionally.

Phineas and Ferb suddenly get the idea to create the best ride ever, and quickly get to work via musical montage featuring an all new song. Recurring gags the show is known for is shown during this montage such as the expo runners asking "aren't you too young to be building a ride", the floating babyhead, slapstick between Buford and Baljeet, Perry slipping out in the background with his fedora, and Candace trying to record everything to bust her brothers. The montage ends with Phineas proudly announcing that once guests walk through the door to be ready for the best ride ever.

Attraction System & Stats


When guests walk into the theater they will be met with a whole new theater setup. Gone are the classic theater seats, and now in place are moving benches similar to Minion Mayhem at Universal Studios. This makes the capacity lower than previous attractions in this space, but allows for an experience with even more motion. Given the attraction's considerably shorter run time than previous attractions the daily capacity is on par with previous iterations.

Ride System: Simulator
Riders per Row: 4
Riders per Vehicle: 8
Preshow Duration: 3 Minutes and 20 Seconds
Ride Duration: 3 Minutes and 15 Seconds
Height Restriction: 40 in (102 cm)

Attraction Experience

As guests get situated into the ride vehicles they will notice a curtain covers the ride screen. This curtain has the logo for the Danville Fairgrounds Expo, and once all guests are seated and secured cast members inform guests that is now time to put on their 3D glasses. The curtain will then open up to reveal a screen showing off Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Isabella, Buford and Baljeet in a similar looking ride vehicle to that of which guests are in.

Scene One: Go, Go, Riders

Hey it looks we're all ready to ride! Ferb if you would please.

Ferb pulls out a remote that looks like an RC car controller, and presses a big green button. The vehicle that Phineas & Co. ride in begins to hover off the ground leaning from side to side, and the ride vehicles that guests ride in begin to mimic these very movements. Candance pulls out her flip phone from her pocket.

Candance: Once mom sees this you guys are gonna be so busted!
Phineas: Ferb prepare the boosters we're taking this around Danville!

Ferb gives a thumbs up, and puts on some shades as he begins to control the remote turning their vehicle around quickly. Candance fumbles with her phone as the turn happens, and as the vehicles lean back guests can hear and see the thrusters turn on lifting guests off into a high speed "launch" accomplished by the moving of the vehicles and large guests of wind. The thrust shakes Candance as she drops her phone in takeoff.

Candance: No my phone!

As the phone flies towards guests thanks to the 3D effect guests will be able to see Candance's contacts including: "Stacey" ,"Jerbear ❤️ " , "Jenny" and "Talking Zebra" all with accompanying images to add to the cameos. An altered version of Go, Go Phineas plays known as Go, Go Riders to add to the quick pace with how guest are launching off and flying towards Danville proper.

Scene Two: Tour of Danville

The vehicles enter the metropolis that is Danville, and fly past and around various iconic buildings and moments that have been seen in the Phineas and Ferb show. This includes:

- A large stage where Love Handel is performing
- Paul Bunyan's Pancake Haus
- Har D Har Toy Company with a billboard featuring Perry In-Action and Brick
- The Pharaoh Theater
- Huge-O-Record with advertisements for Lindana, Phineas and the Ferb-Tones, The Bettys, Love Handel, and Marty the Rabbit Boy
- Tri-State Area Public Library
- The Museum of Natural History with the Fireside Girls outside
- City Hall
- The Googolplex Mall with Phinedroids and Ferbots marching around
- Little Duffers Minigolf
- Mr. Slushy Burger with Jeremy working in the drive through window

and other various generic and not so generic buildings that bring the city to life. Phineas and Co. come upon Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., but a mysterious green laser blasts towards guests and shakes the vehicles drawing them closer to the building. Projections and lighting effects wash guests in a green light to signify the laser blast holding them and bringing them in.

Scene Three: Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.

As the ride vehicles shake and vibrate swaying back and forth, due to the green tractor beam, guests can hear the faint evil laughter of none other than Dr. Doofenshmirtz. The vehicles shake and drop crashing down onto the patio of Doof's evil lair. Guests see Dr Doof is fiddling with what seems to be his latest inator, and has his back turned to guests. In the background with her legs kicked up on some console is Vanessa minding her own business texting on her phone.


Doof: (evil laughter) Yes all the pests of Danville will come to me now, and -

Dr Doof turns to face guests and a shocked expression overcomes his face as he looks down at the remote for the inator.

Doof: It seems I had the Pestattractinator set to "Tourists" and not "Rodents", a quick adjustment and -

Perry the Platypus crashes in through the roof and kicks Dr Doof in the face as the Perry the Platypus theme lightly plays in the background. Vanessa sighs and rolls her eyes as she walks out in the background. Perry ricochets off Dr Doof's face right into a trap of robotic hands that appeared out of nowhere.

Doof: Perry the Platypus! You know that really hurt, look I think I'm bruising already. I have a door you know!

Dr Doof points to his cheek where Perry kicked him in and a slight discoloration is noticeable.

Doof: You're too late either way Perry the Platypus once I get rid of these pesty tourists my Pestattractinator will call all the rats in the tristate area here. With their help I shall overrun the tristate area and become the ruler of the tristate area! Now bye bye tourists!

Doof presses a button on the remote that causes another green beam to release from the Pestattractinator. However, Doof reversing the tractiom of the beam to push caused a mini power surge allowing for Perry to drop out of the robot arms. The vehicles begin to lift and shake as they are pushed over the edge off. Meanwhile Perry has sprung into action, kicked the remote out of Doof's hand, and hit the self destruct button as the vehicles begin to plummet off the balcony.

Doof: Now the self-destruct button! Curse you Perry the -

A large explosion shakes all the vehicles and warm air shoots past guests followed by cool air as the vehicles are falling from the balcony of Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. In the sky a paraglider is seen with Perry escaping, and as guests continue to fall Phineas & Co fly into view on their own vehicle.

Phineas: There you guys are! You're just like Perry, our platypus always disappearing! It's time to get back to the Danville Fairgrounds Expo!

The vehicles' controls are regain by Ferb as guests are flown back to the Danville Fairgrounds Expo, and quickly land.

Scene Four: Summer Belongs to You

Now back at Danville Fairgrounds Expo, Candance runs out of the vehicle screaming back.

Candance: Mom, mom, mom wait till you see what Phineas and Ferb did!

The rest of the gang shrug as they exit their vehicle, and it gets pulled away by some stage hands as it seems like Phineas landed onto a stage. From below rise Love Handel who greet Phineas, and ask him alongside all their friends to sing a song to which they all agree. As Candance brings her parents back they thank her for bringing them to a Love Handel concert, and she is confused but joins into the singing when Jeremy and a bunch of other characters come to join in the song.

The final chorus of Summer Belongs to You is sung to guests as a final moment of Phineas and Ferb magic, and with that the curtains close as guests leave the ride.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

As you may have noticed Captain EO did not return to Epcot in this timeline as the theater was converted into a new attraction based of the burgeoning yet run away hit television show Phineas and Ferb. Now with Captain EO returning to various Disney resorts around the world it was only fitting that Walt Disney World did the same. The ABC Sound Studio was the perfect location to house the return of this beloved park attraction. This means that unfortunately Sounds Dangerous with Drew Carrey officially ended its run on January 2nd, 2010 to allow for Captain EO to claim this theater as its new home.

Captain EO: The Tribute




The exterior of the theater remains mostly physically unchanged. The electronic billboard shifts between the following phrases: "NOW PLAYING", "CAPTAIN EO", "A TRIBUTE TO", "MICHAEL JACKSON" in a bright and bold red font catching the attention of those passing by. On the roof, both the left and right sides, a sign displays the logo for Captain EO further alerting people to the presence of this classic film being played for guests. As guests approach the main entrance they will notice two chained openings that can unchained to allow for the theater to utilize an extended queue typically only seen on the busiest of days.


On a signboard near the entrance to the theater guests will find a poster for Captain EO proudly displayed allowing for guests to know what the original poster looks like alongside advertising the film playing within the theater.



The queue for the attraction, on low attendance days will consist of a very small waiting area located beneath the canopy of the building. In this queue space flat screens have been installed overheard as monitors to play the attraction's preshow. On the walls a collection of six posters for Captain EO are being displayed each different and acting as character posters for a character from the film. These posters represent Captain EO, The Supreme Leader, Hooter, Fuzzball, Major Domo, and Geek AKA Idy and Ody.

When the small queue/preshow area gets full the left gate is unchained and opened. This allows for guests to access the outdoor queue that would likely be needed whenever a buildup of guests begins given the films long running time and the ABC Sound Studio's small capacity when compared to the Magic Eye Theater. This outdoor queue can be further expanded into a smaller overflow queue which sees a smaller side path closed off by stanchions and turned into a series of switchbacks. This two outdoor queue spaces would be enough to handle the wait times expected for Captain EO year round, but this is a third overflow option that would only be utilized on days where the attraction is projected to have long waits such as its opening day. This change sees the entrance for the attraction rerouted to be a part of this new extended queue which starts outside, and weaves its way into and out of the post show area until it reached back and joins the regular outdoor queue. This queue then follows the traditional overflow outdoor queue procedure allowing for guests to eventually be funneled into the main queue/preshow area.



As mentioned in the queue portion the preshow will be taking place on some flat screen monitors overhead guests in the main covered portion of the queue. These monitors will play the same exact preshow that present when Captain EO returned to Epcot. When the preshow is not playing the monitors merely display the Captain EO logo with a moving starfield background.

Attraction Experience

The film itself stays exactly the same as it was back in its original run with no cuts nor edits. However that is where the similarities end as the theater contains none of the special effects that were present in the original run of the attraction. By shoehorning the film into the ABC Sound Studio it caused for the tribute's experience to be inferior with the only effect returning being the 3D utilized for showing the film. While this is a bit stingy for the company it did allow for this theater to receive an upgrade to have a 3D capable screen. The most important thing is that the essence of Captain EO lives on at the Walt Disney World Resort, even if it is at the wrong park and theater now.


Upon exiting the theater and dropping off their 3D glasses in various bins guests enter the postshow area of the attraction. Guests are welcomed in by a section dedicated to merchandise to the attraction. Merchandise sold here includes Captain EO logo T-Shirts, Captain EO poster T-Shirts, Captain EO logo pin, Captain EO Mystery Pin Set, seven different Captain EO posters (the six character ones from the queue and the classic poster) and a small selection of plush. Also located in the postshow area as decoration are various pieces of concept art detailing scenes from the film. A section of the postshow area would repurpose the soundbooth doors as dressing room doors for the various characters in the film. These rooms would be locked at all times, but would be a neat detail for fans of the attraction. As time progressed in the attraction's lifespan more merchandise displays were added to sell products revolving around Star Wars, Marvel and Frozen reflecting the attractions in the surrounding area.

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Considered by many the red headed stepchild of the four Walt Disney World parks, Disney's Animal Kingdom receives less new changes and updates to the park when compared to the rest of the resort. In this fictionalized timeline this isn't unnecessarily untrue, but some small things and a few large things are changed that elevate this park into greatness. One major change is the closure of Chester & Hester's Dinorama in 2010. This means the carnival games, Triceratop Spin, Primeval Whirl, Dino Diner, and Dinosaur Treasures were all met with extinction. Much of the area was destroyed and cleared out however there is no announcement yet as to what exactly is planned for the area, many can see work for a new themed section has begun.

To make up for the closure of Chester & Hester's Dinorama a closed attraction at the park makes its triumphant return. Pocahontas and her Forest Friends reopened to guests after the theater laid dormant for two years. Fans of the show will be delighted to see that nothing from the original run of the production has change and it is still the same fun and educational show it always has been.



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2011 is a slower year in terms of additions for many parks with Animal Kingdom left out completely. However a slower year is needed to build up to bigger events in other years. Good things come to those who wait after all.

Magic Kingdom

At the Magic Kingdom two major closures occurred this year with shuttering of Mickey's Toontown Fair and the Town Square Theatre, much like in real life. Just like what happened in real life many character meet and greets have been displaced, and are needed to be relocated throughout areas of the park. The following temporary meet and greets were put into place:

- Meet Safari Goofy at the Adventureland Veranda
- Meet Frontier Donald Duck and Saloon Daisy Duck at the northernmost dock for Tom Sawyer Island; during this time only one dock will be in use
- Meet Pluto, Chip and Dale at the Main Street Flagpole
- Meet Cinderella at Cinderella's Wishing Well
- Meet Snow White at the Town Square East Garden by the Town Square Theatre
- Meet Ariel at the Town Square West Garden by the Town Hall
- Meet Belle at the Liberty Square Gazebo

Princess Aurora will temporarily only be available for meet and greets at her scheduled Epcot location.


One change that does continue from our timeline that remains permanent is the transformation of the Town Square Theater into a meet and greet location housing meet and greets for Mickey and Minnie Mouse together.


Over at The American Adventure Pavilion Princess Tiana has moved in to greet guests. This move was due to the closure and displacement of the princess with the closure of Mickey's Toontown Fair. Guests can expect this new meet and greet to occur in the American Adventure Gardens, typically where Santa Claus would meet during November and December. Along with this meet and greet is a new area music loop for the garden and restrooms featuring New Orleans jazz and blues connecting the princess further to the culture of the USA.


The Santa Claus Meet and Greet will now take place in a seasonal Christmas themed area within Innoventions East.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

A series of closures ran throughout the year 2011 at Epcot this includes one closure you may be familiar with, and two that have occurred within this fictional timeline. The one closure consistent with what we are familiar with is that of Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian. Joining this attraction will be the closures of Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage and the Magic of Animation. Within this year Magic of Animation was completely leveled, and a new show based off another hit film was being developed for the Theater of the Stars.

However, with these three closures came the start of three new entertainment offerings for the park. Located in the Soundstage Theater guests are delighted to see the debut of the new show, Disney Jr - Live on Stage! which follows the same setup as the show that debuted in our timeline.

Parading down Hollywood Boulevard and through Echo Lake guests will be delighted by the new, to this coast, Pixar Pals Countdown to Fun Parade. This parade originally ran in Disney's California Adventure, but was shipped across the state to Disney's Hollywood Studios. This fun daily parade makes it way down the route at 4 PM EST encouraging guests to stay at Disney's Hollywood Studios in the afternoon hours between the morning and night rush that the park experiences thanks to the opening and Fantasmic! rush of the park.

The final addition to entertainment is technically new to this timeline, but in reality is a repackaged offering from The Magic of Animation. This being The Animation Academy. The Animation Academy has been relocated into the Premiere Theater on Streets of America. This was done to provide more capacity for the popular offering, but more importantly to allow for some capacity to be kept from the closure of the three attractions. Given the experience is in the Premiere Theater guests will be given clipboards with a sheet of paper and pencil prior to sitting down to allow for the sessions of the Animation Academy to commence.



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2012 is the start in an uptick of activity at the parks, and includes more differentiation more the real-world timeline and the tcool timeline. Animal Kingdom continues to sit out of any changes this year, but don't worry that's because construction on the replacement to Chester & Hester's Dinorama is moving along quickly.

Magic Kingdom


At the Magic Kingdom the New Fantasyland expansion has just opened up to the public. This includes the Enchanted Woods and Storybook Circus alongside updates and additions to the area that makes up the Fantasyland - Tomorrowland corridor. To read more on this please, click on the link below:

2012 - Magic Kingdom


2012 marks Epcot's 30th anniversary, and as such saw plenty of activity within the park. The first thing of note was the refurbishment of Test Track into what many in the community went on to call Tron Track. The attraction saw the removal of fan favorite scents and crash test dummies, but introduced a generally well received car customization minigame allowing guests to test drive their own vehicles.

Continuing the implementation of the Phineas and Ferb IP into were two new offerings. The first of which was the opening of the Young Creatives Club in what was once home to Figment's Place at the Imagination Place. Here guests will be able to meet Phineas and Ferb in the backstage area of the Danville Fairgrounds Expo. Meanwhile, replacing the Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure, the Agent P World Showcase Adventure debuted. Various stations throughout World Showcase opened up allowing for guests to borrow OWCA branded FONEs, and complete missions in various countries around the world showcase. The lineup of countries is the same was it was in our real world timeline.

The final addition will be the DunBroch Highlands, a new play and meet experience home to Merida. This new addition will be located in the United Kingdom pavilion in the green space located between it and the entrance to the Millennium Pavilion/Canada. This addition expands on the parts of the UK that are highlighted in the pavilion with the Scottish highlands and parts of Scottish culture now being on full display thanks to this addition. Due to this addition the popular red phone booths have been relocated near The Toy Soldier store at the back of the pavilion.

DunBroch Highlands


The surrounding area of DunBroch Highlands now is home to forced perspective DunBroch Highlands which are reminiscent to the famed rocky cliffs of the Scottish Highlands. In the middle of the craggy cliffs the ruins of a castle lay with a sign announcing this area as the DunBroch Highlands, and Merida is visiting the Ancient Kingdom within to greet guests. This entrance into the ruins of the castle acts as both the indoor queue and exit of the meet and greet experience.


Inside the ruins of the Ancient Kingdom guests will see the stone tablet that Mor'Du destroyed in his human state alongside aged thrones and various tapestries with Gaelic patterns proudly displayed. Knocked down pillars and rumble allow for screens and sensors to cleverly be hidden throughout the queue. In this space Will O' the Wisps are able to magically appear and wave at guests, or disappear when guests point at them. The faint sound of Scottish jigs can be heard in the background of the indoor queue broken up by the blowing of an ominous wind.

Entering the open field outside of the Ancient Kingdom castle guests will see various large trees have been used as a way to fasten large fabric covers filled with patterns that tie into the four clans from Brave: Clan Macintosh, Dingwall, MacGuffin and of course DunBroch. As guests wander through the outdoor queue they are broken off into groups, and escorted to the archery range. Here guests are given a bow and arrows with a soft tip unable to pierce anything; with bow and arrow in hand guests are taught how to shoot a bow and arrow just like Princess Merida of Clan DunBroch.

After practicing their archery skills guests are escorted into the final portion of the queue which leads up into the ruins of another castle that Merida has made into her temporary home. Her family tapestry seen throughout the film is on display here allowing guests to look and marvel at its beauty. Guests are finally able to meet Princess Merida, and she has a surprise for guests. It seems that her troublesome bear form brothers have followed her here! She encourage guests to call out to them by making bear sounds, and this seems to work as they pop out of a cart full of barrels, arrows, pastries, and assorted weapons.

Upon completing their experience guests are led down an exit path passing by everything they have all seen until they reach the paths of Epcot on the outside of the DunBroch Highlands.

To wrap up the 30th Anniversary of Epcot Disney made a very exciting announcement. The opening of a new pavilion known as The Digital World that would be utilizing the former Wonders of Life building. The pavilion is expected to continue the trend of introducing properties into Epcot with the inclusion of Tron and Wreck-It Ralph seeming likely.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Unlike in 2011 with new additions to the park 2012 sees only one new addition. The opening of the "beloved" The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow attraction. The attraction while technologically impressive with how it combines screens, projections, sets and other effects into a larger than life feeling experience in a small footprint. Unfortunately the writing of the show made the experience less than desirable to repeat, and caused a bad word of mouth pushing guests away from the attraction. However both good and bad attractions are needed for a timeline as it allows for replacements later down the line.

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In the Parks
If Who Framed Roger Rabbit sequel were made in 2000s or 2010s. Maroon Studios with couple Roger Rabbit attractions will be perfect for Disney's Hollywood Studios in between 2013 and 2018. The attractions will be Toontown Transit (simulator), RollerCoaster Rabbit, Baby Herman's Runaway Baby Buggy Ride, Toontown Tower Hotel and Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin.


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2012 - Magic Kingdom


2012 is a massive year for Magic Kingdom receiving one of its largest expansions of all time! Many beloved stories are represented throughout New Fantasyland such as Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, and more! Every attraction that we have in our timeline continues to open in this alternate timeline however some new additions have been added thanks to the shuffling and change up of the layout of some areas in the expansion. In addition nearly all of the temporary meet and greets that were set up in 2011 have ended with many being housed in New Fantasyland. The exception being Chip and Dale who have been relocated to meet throughout Frontierland.

The Enchanted Woods

The Enchanted Woods is home to The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast expansions alongside a new entertainment area home to the Theater of the Woods, a 2000 seat theater, and The Glen of Whimsy, a meet and greet location for the princesses. This addition changes a few things with the future of the Magic Kingdom. The first change is of course a large theater show that is able to gobble up a large amount of capacity throughout the day thus helping crowd control throughout the year. The second change is that Snow White's Scary Adventures never closed to become Princess Fairytale Hall given that the Glen of Whimsy acts as the new meet and greet location. Thus the third and final change would be that Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is not under construction, instead a different coaster based on a different property is being developed. Any guesses?


The Glen of Whimsy

A large willow tree stands at the entrance of the Glen of Whimsy. From within tree dangling from the branches are various strings of lighting up multicolored orb that are simple fantastical. A wrought iron gate encompasses the entrances to the Glen of Whimsy. Signs direct guests into one of two queues. One queue allows guests to meet Cinderella and Snow White while another queue allows for guests to meet Rapunzel and Aurora. Regardless of which queue is chosen the majority of the standby lines go through the same area. The queues meander throughout an outdoor garden made up beautifully curate flower beds, hedges, bushes, trees, and a central pond with water lilies and a small fountain. The entire outdoor area is set up like a whimsical garden or rather a glen hence the name of the attraction.


Eventually guests reach a château that appears to be made of wood and stone, and the inside of the building mimics that of Fairytale Hall with a series of switchbacks leading down a hallway where the queues finally separate to lead off to separate areas. Each area is built the same with the same details, but this is simply done to increase the amount of rooms are available for princesses to meet in, and thus increase capacity. The rooms of the princesses stay the same as well as our real-world counterpart.


Theater of the Woods presents
Mickey and the Dreamcatchers

The Theater of the Woods is home to the new show, Mickey and the Dreamcatchers. The show combines a variety of iconic songs from various films into a musical story which follows Mickey on his journey to become an official dreamcatcher!


Show Experience

As guests are finally all settled the lights in the theater dim as the vivid red velvet curtains roll back revealing a seemingly empty stage with a large backdrop displaying a sorcerer's workshop. A cacophony of opening notes from various Disney films play at once fighting for guests' attention until a performer runs out on stage holding a dreamcatcher. Dreamcatchers are oval shaped pendants with intricate patterns woven in the center. The performer holds up the dreamcatcher as they tremble; the strings in the dreamcatcher are actually fiber optics and light up in array of colors. As the colors brighten and saturate into a rainbow the discord of music comes to and end, and the performer hangs the dreamcatcher on a cable that just appeared behind them.

Scene 1: Meet the Dreamcatchers

The opening notes to a new original song written for the show begin to play on a piano. The performer finally notices the guests, and is taken aback a bit.

Alex the Dreamcatcher: Why hello there everyone! My name's Alex, and I'm a dreamcatcher. You don't know what a dreamcatcher is, why that's a travesty!

Alex walks to be alongside the dreamcatcher pendant they just hung up, and begins to address it.

Alex the Dreamcatcher: This is our dreamcatcher pendants, and here we can handle and process the dreams of everyone in kingdom! We keep dreams safe, and we make sure that your achieve them when you're safe and ready!

From above the stage large branches are lowered, and attached to these branches are a multitude of dreamcatcher pendants all with unique designs. In the center of each pendant are key items from a certain film that acts as an easter egg for that story, and given that there are so many guests may have trouble figuring them all out in one showing. As these branches reach their place nine more performers appear, leaping from the sides of the stage. Four from the left and five from the right as Alex goes to join the left side breaking into the opening number song "All in a Dream", written exclusively for the show. The song is high energy and cheery as would be expected for a show like this, and this allows for the dancers to be high energy with some flipping around the stage as well as various high kicks. It's an overall great way to wake audiences and get them hyped for the show. The number ends and the performers pose for the applause.


From the huddle Alex the Dreamcatcher steps forward.

Alex the Dreamcatcher: And now let's all welcome Master Yensid, the founding Dreamcatcher!

The dreamcatchers hurry to stage left as Yensid appears, and as he walks they motion out with their arms waving outwards.

Yensid: Enough of all this nonsense. Now come Dreamcatchers, your work today is done and it is time to rest.

As Yensid is speaking a timid Mickey approaches in his red robes as seen in the Sorcerer's Apprentice, he has a broom clutched tightly in one hand. When Yensid finishes speaking the dreamcatchers begin exiting the stage.

Yensid: Mickey! Hurry to the cleaning the Dreamcatcher Workshop must be spotless.
Mickey: Uh, Mister Yensid Sir? When can I be a Dreamcatcher?
Yensid: All in good time Mickey, for now you must learn the importance of cleaning.
Mickey (disappointed) : Yessir, Mister Yensid Sir!

Yensid exits the stage as Mickey sweeps the stage to the tune of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. A certain dreamcatcher with a spindle wheel begins to glow hues of pinks and blues as an instrumental version of I Wonder plays. Mickey looks up with interest.

Mickey: I'll show Yensid I am ready to be a dreamcatcher! I'll handle all these pendants, what's the worse that can happen?

With that Mickey grabs a hold of the pendant that had come to life, and in doing so the entire stage turns dark. Smoke surrounds Mickey as he goes off the stage and as the theater flashes pink and blue lights distracting viewers from the changing stage. The backdrop of Dreamcatcher's Workshop has been raised alongside the branches of dreamcatchers. The opening notes of Once Upon a Dream begin to play transporting guests into the next scene.

Scene 2: Once Upon a Dream

The set revealed shows various square cut trees and various hills and slopes with various flat areas allowing for performers to stand and sing out to audiences. Aurora is seen on the left of the set where she begins to sing Once Upon a Dream. Looking on as she sings is an owl puppet on top a tree trunk, and as she sings various forest critters pop alongside the owl (also puppets) they're holding the clothes of the prince.


I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you,
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream

Towards the end of this portion of the lyrics the puppets all look at each other and nod in agreeance disappearing and allowing the owl to reappear wearing Phillip's red hat and cape. Aurora laughs at their foolishness, and when her back is turned away Phillip appears on a higher hill on the right of the set. Aurora turns in surprise, but doesn't run away as Phillip approaches.

I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

The two begin to sing in a duet as they join hands and waltz around the set.


And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream

Phillip dips Aurora as he leans into a kiss, and the lights on the stage dim allowing for focus to shift to Mickey who is holding Aurora and Phillip's pendant. As Mickey speaks a new backdrop is lowered in front of the set.

Mickey: I see! They were wishing for the care and adoration of each other, how sweet.

Mickey goes to hand the pendant on a wire that has been lowered, and another wire has appeared holding a pendant with a duckling on it.

Mickey: Awh, how cute!

Scene 3: I've Got a Dream

Hookhand appears quickly on the stage with his hook geared towards Mickey as the backdrop is completely set revealing it to be the Snuggly Ducking from Tangled.

Hookhand: Who you calling cute, mouse?
Mickey: (screams) Don't hurt me, I'm just looking for dreams!
Hookhand: I had a dream once.

The opening notes of I've Got a Dream play as Hookhand begins to sing.

I'm malicious, mean and scary
My sneer could curdle dairy
And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest
But despite my evil look,
And my temper and my hook
I've always yearned to be a concert pianist
Can'tcha see me on the stage performin' Mozart?
Tickling the ivories 'til they gleam?
Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
For my killer show-tune medley
Thank you!

'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream.


Mickey begins to back away as Hookhand sings, and as he turns he comes face to face with Big Nose.

Big Nose:
I've got scars and lumps and bruises
Plus something here that oozes
And let's not even mention my complexion
But despite my extra toes
And my goiter, and my nose
I really wanna make a love connection

Can't you see me with a special little lady
Rowin' in a rowboat down the stream?
Though I'm one disgusting blighter
I'm a lover, not a fighter
'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream
I've got a dream!

Mickey still a little scared and tries to run backwards in the set but is met by a bunch of performers dressed like thugs. As the Thugs a certain performer walks up doing a small action the corresponds with the lyric.

All Thugs:
Toll would like to quit and be a florist
Gunther does interior design
Ulf is into mime
Attila's cupcakes are sublime
Bruiser knits
Killer sews
Fang does little puppet shows
And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns!


Mickey: Wow you really do all got dreams!

All Thugs:
So our diff 'rences ain't really that extreme!
We're one big team...!
Call us brutal, sick, sadistic
And grotesquely optimistic
Cause way down deep inside
We've got a dream!

Hook Hand:
I've got a dream!

Big Nose Thug:
I've got a dream!

Mickey Mouse:
I've got a dream!

Yes way down deep inside,
We've got a dream!

The thugs all disappear as Mickey is once again left alone to process this musical number, and how it relates to the dreamcatchers. The backdrop rises as Mickey speaks allowing for the scene to change.

Mickey: I think it got this! No matter how someone looks like way down deep inside we all have dreams!

Mickey hangs the pendant onto a wire, and looks at another trio of pendants that have been lowered. One pendant has multicolored leaves, another has a lighting bolt, and the last has a bell.

Mickey: Oh wow three pendants? I sure hope I can figure these out!

Scene 4: Dream Trio

Utilizing the set up and orchestration from Animazement one of the best Disney song mashups is brought to life once more in this show to allow for this power ballad trio to life once more. If you have not heard this trio please play that video you will be in for a treat! Differentiating this performance from its original iteration is that each character is given a larger more detailed set to exist on. Rising from beneath the stage in a set recreating the iconic cliffs and trees of Virginia will be Pocahontas. Rolling in from stage left will be a small float consisting of fallen Grecian pillars and various marble statues; Hercules will be on this float. Rolling in from stage right will be a small float consisting of the rooftops of Notre Dame along with some stone gargoyles and water spouts allowing for Quasimodo to walk on as he sings. Each of these floats act as mini moving sets that aid in representing and thus their film better. As their performance ends they pose for applause as all three sets disappear off stage (or in Pocahontas's case back under the stage).

Mickey appears holding the three pendants as a backdrop begins to fall.

Mickey: I understand now! They were wishing for the adventure and a place for them to belong with everyone else, why that's just swell!

Mickey places the three pendants on three wires that have appeared, and the backdrop reveals that he is now back in the Dreamcatcher Workshop. The branches holding the countless amounts of pendants also lower once more as Mickey's journey is seemingly complete.

Scene 5: Mickey and the Dreamcatchers

Yensid walks out and towards Mickey.

Yensid: Mickey! Have you finished the cleaning?
Mickey: Well no, but I have learned a lot about dreams!
Yensid: Oh, you have now?
Mickey: Yes! I know now that no matter how someone looks like we all have dreams, and that everyone has their own special dream none are the exact same!
Yensid: Yes, but you need to dig a little deeper to make all those dreams come true.
Mickey: Dig a little deeper?
Yensid: Yes you have to dig.

The Dreamcatchers appear once more to perform a rendition of Dig a Little Deeper sung by Yensid.

You gotta dig a little deeper
For you it's gonna be tough
You gotta dig a little deeper
You ain't dug far enough

Dig down deep inside yourself
You'll found out what you need
Blue skies and sunshine guaranteed

Blue skies and sunshine
Blue skies and sunshine

Blue skies and sunshine


A new dreamcatcher pendant lowers down on a wire with a Mickey shape in the center and it is glowing an array of colors.

Yensid: Mickey you are now ready to be a Dreamcatcher!

This segues into a reprise of "All in a Dream" as the show comes to a close and all of the Dreamcatchers, Mickey and Yensid included, pose for the final moment of the show.

Beauty and the Beast Village


The Beauty and the Beast Village has a smaller footprint than its real-world counterpart. At the core many of the same offerings still exist however with different layouts. An example of this is Gaston's Tavern, a location predominantly popular for the beverage LeFou's Brew, with the cut of the dining location a new kiosk has been created to serve the beverage. A large barrel will now be present on its side with spigots allowing for the frozen beverage to be served. In addition, given that Gaston's Tavern the central fountain has been changed to be a film accurate fountain pulled straight from the opening musical number of the film.

Other changes include a relocated restroom that is made up of multiple facades giving the illusion of a larger village than what is actually present, a new layout for Bonjour! Gifts, a new entry path for Be Our Guest, and an increase in rockwork in the area to make the mountainous area of the Beasts castle more foreboding (and to hide the new Theater of the Woods)

Enchanted Tales with Belle

While Enchanted Tales with Belle has been relocated to a new area of New Fantasyland the overall experience stays the same from the queue, to the preshow, and even the main show. The only difference is the layout of the attraction allowing it to fit in its new space. As always Enchanted Tales with Belle will act as Belle's meet and greet for the Magic Kingdom.

The Little Mermaid Complex


Unlike its Beauty and the Beast counterpart which received various changes , The Little Mermaid Complex will remain exactly the same as our 2012 version. Both Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid and Ariel's Grotto open up just as they did in 2012. Thus allowing guests to experience their favorite moments and songs from the Little Mermaid in an all new instant classic attraction, and of course meet Ariel - in her mermaid outfit, at Ariel's Grotto.

Storybook Circus


Storybook Circus largely remains unchanged from its real world counterpart. Just like what occurred in the real world timeline the following offerings opened unchanged: Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Casey Jr. Splash n Soak, Big Top Souvenirs, The Barnstormer featuring The Great Goofini, the Storybook Circus Train Station, the Relaxation Zone and most importantly the restroom. Pete's Silly Sideshow will open just the same however the character lineup has changed a bit. The Amazing Donaldo, snake-charmer from the Far East, and Madame Daisy Fortuna, fortune teller of the Gods, now meet in the same section. The other queue is utilized for The Great Goofini, daredevil extraordinaire, and Wonder-Pup Pluto, the golden breed. This change is due to Mickey and Minnie staying together on Main Street, and as such allows for Pluto to join the other characters at Pete's Silly Sideshow. Pluto's area is decorated with trophies, awards and ribbons celebrating plenty of achievements and victories in a variety of dog shows and competitions.

Old Fantasyland


While much love was given to the new expansions of New Fantasyland some portions of Old Fantasyland were not forgotten either. Just like in our timeline the exteriors of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, 100 Acre Goods, Storybook Treats and Friar's Nook take place transforming the area into a more village feeling setting.

In addition an attraction based off Alice in Wonderland opened in this area of Fantasyland. As those familiar with Magic Kingdom in the real world Merida was added as a meet and greet to the Fantasyland Gardens, but in this alternate timeline she received a new area in Epcot. This exclusion was to allow for the Fairytale Gardens, and some surrounding areas to be replaced with a copy of the Alice in Wonderland ride pulled straight from Disneyland.

Alice in Wonderland



The major difference between Disneyland's and Magic Kingdom's attraction will be the new and improved queue experience. Large and whimsical trees pulled straight out of the Tulgey Woods flank the entrance to the attraction. On one tree there are various signs pointing in various directions all labeled with different destinations in Wonderland, and on the other tree is a sign advertising the actual attraction itself alongside a wait-time sign. These large Tulgey Wood trees are used to have to have the outdoor upper track meander through something, and allow for kinetics to be added to advertise the ride.

Upon entering the queue proper guests are transported into a hedge maze allowing for the queue to contain many sections of switchbacks while still being themed. Overhead guests runs the outdoor track of the attraction, the support columns for the outdoor track are disguised with ivy and red roses running up the pole to work them into the hedge maze. At a certain point in the hedge maze guests are met with a wall of LED touch-sensitive roses. The tune of Painting the Roses Red and March of the Cards plays around this wall as guests are able to touch the rose, and change their colors thus allowing guests to paint the roses red...alongside many other colors!

Shortly after the wall of roses guests are met with the outside of the White Rabbit's house, as seen in the image above. The door to the house lies open, and has notice nailed to the door. The notice is written by the White Rabbit, and it asks for guests to help him find the Cheshire Cat who has decided to hide throughout his home. If guests are able to spot the Cheshire Cat then simply point or wave at him to scare him off! This interactive feature works much in the same way as the crabs in the queue for Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid.

The first room of the indoor queue welcomes guests into the White Rabbit's living room. Guests go around and can admire the fireplace, which is unlit; on the mantle the White Rabbit his some photos of himself and his wife alongside some of their Wonderland friends such as Mr Dodo, Bill, Mr Walrus, The Carpenter, and other characters who don't appear in the ride. A grand father clock stands tall against a wall. The clock hands function like a real clock, but the clockface itself is a screen. Every few minutes or so the Cheshire Cat's eyes and mouth appears and bounces around until guests point or wave at him. Inside the chamber, through the use of a scrim and projections, the Cheshire Cat will also appear coming in and out thanks to his stripes. He will continue to do so until guests point or wave at him. Whenever the Cheshire Cat disappears, his next appearance won't be for a few minutes and never in the same location. This also means that the grandfather clock appearances will alternate between usage.


The next room will be the Mrs. Rabbit's powder room. Here guests will be delighted by a vanity where various potions are present. In the mirror the Cheshire Cat will appear and play with the heads of guests until guests point or wave at him. A bathtub sit in another part of this room and out of the shower head bubbles will occasionally pump out surprising guests. The final room of the queue be the kitchen. Here guests will see various plates and recipes of carrots. In an oven a carrot cake seems to be baking, and the smell of which is pumped out whenever the oven door randomly pops open. Through a window over the kitchen sink guests are delighted by a screen showing off the White Rabbit's garden. The Cheshire Cat will occasionally pop up and dance throughout the flowers until guests point or wave at him. Upon exiting the kitchen guests enter the loading area of the attraction.

Attraction Experience

The actual attraction remains unchanged from its Disneyland Counterpart in 2012. The attraction continues to be two stories allowing for the queue to be built under much of the attraction thus conserving space, and allowing for green space to remain on the Fantasyland river banks. The outdoor track will run over the outdoor queue facing the Hub, allowing for glimpses of parades and fireworks, and over the restrooms near Cheshire Café allowing for a view towards the Mad Tea Party and Tomorrowland Speedway.

Celebrate the Magic

Capping off the new additions to Magic Kingdom is brand new nighttime spectacular known as Celebrate the Magic. This new show combines iconic pieces of music, memorable movie moments and high tech projection mapping on Cinderella Castle that is truly revolutionary. This new show features scenes from the latest films such as Brave and Wreck-It Ralph, and is planned to have various seasonal variants throughout the year. Celebrate the Magic is truly a magical way to end the night, and a great lead in to Wishes as well as a fantastic compliment to the Main Street Electrical Parade.

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just wanted to give everyone an update:

While the first part of the project has come out rapidly thanks to me being on Winter Break I am about to restart the school semester and working so progress may take longer but that does not mean I am abandoning the project! This project will be finished to its final planned year of 2023! Thank for enjoying the first few years of this , and please remain patient.

An alternate universe project? Never seen one of those before. Jokes aside this is very cool.
Yup an alternate universe project! Technically every thing on the forums is an alternate universe 😉

With that said it’s definitely my favorite angle, and I figured the best way to get reacquainted with writing big solo projects as I haven’t done this really since my Singapore Disneyland endeavor.

If Who Framed Roger Rabbit sequel were made in 2000s or 2010s. Maroon Studios with couple Roger Rabbit attractions will be perfect for Disney's Hollywood Studios in between 2013 and 2018. The attractions will be Toontown Transit (simulator), RollerCoaster Rabbit, Baby Herman's Runaway Baby Buggy Ride, Toontown Tower Hotel and Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin.
For this project all film releases are staying the same. In addition while I love Roger Rabbit there I have no plans on including the property nor will that change for this particular project as I don’t feel like Disney would like do the same with the property now either.

Nope 😉

It was released prior to the opening of the Magic Kingdom.


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Original Poster

2013 sees a shift away from Magic Kingdom and Epcot, and more of a focus onto Disney's Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. Over the past few years smaller additions and changes have been made to the two parks, but in 2013 the goal was to pull people from the other two parks by providing new and improved experiences.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Over at Disney's Hollywood Studios the first phase of a major expansion for Animation Courtyard debuted featuring a heavy emphasis on The Incredibles with a new Metroville subarea. Over on Sunset Boulevard, in the Theater of the Stars, a new stage show based around Tangled premiered. These additions are hugely beneficial in adding to a park that many consider needs plenty of work due to the lackluster Streets of America area and the Studio Backlot Tour attraction.

Tangled - A Musical Journey

Hanging on various lampposts outside outside of the Theater of the Stars are banners advertising Tangled - A Musical Journey alongside with images of the characters that appear within the show. This character images mimic that of Rapunzel's redesign for the Disney Princess franchise focusing on a more traditional hand drawn look. These banners are reused on the outside of the theater as well working as decoration for the exterior. Tangled - Live! plays at the Theater of the Stars which remains the same as it has when it was presenting Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage. Tangled - A Musical Journey is a rather simplistic show which features only three live singers: Rapunzel, Mother Gothel and Flynn Rider, which is on par with the previous show.


Show Experience

Welcome one and all to Tangled - A Musical Journey! Now before our presentation begins we ask that you refrain from getting up from your seat during the show, and please do not use flash, external video lighting, or laser pointers during the duration of our show. Thank you for joining us, and enjoy Tangled - A Musical Journey!

Scene One: When Will My Life Begin?

Within this scene guests are welcomed into Rapunzel's Tower as the curtain rises revealing the stage has been transformed into well - Rapunzel's Tower! Throughout the stage there are various props that Rapunzel can interact with as she needs to keep the production of When Will My Life Begin vibrant. Rapunzel herself is seen working on a painting of the lanterns on an easel; it should be noted that Rapunzel is in her regular Parks costume with her hair in a braid. As Rapunzel sings her song she dances around with a mop, various books, a frying pan, and of course plenty of hair brushes.


As the song comes to an end Mother Gothel asks for Rapunzel to lower her hair, and thus marks the end of this scene for the show.

Scene Two: Mother Knows Best

Rapunzel begins to run towards a "window" on the left of the set, but quickly turns around and flips her painting of the lanterns. Rapunzel then runs towards the window, and sits down allowing for her hair to go "out" the window. Rapunzel acts like someone is tugging on her hair as Mother Gothel appears in the window, and gives Rapunzel a pinch on the cheek. Mother Gothel proceeds to tease Rapunzel as Rapunzel works up the courage to ask her to go see the lights. This of course sparks Mother Gothel to sing Mother Knows Best.

As the song comes to an end Mother Gothel bids Rapunzel farewell. Rapunzel sits at the window sill, with her hair out the window allowing for Mother Gothel to exit backwards out the window as she "climbs" down.

Scene Three: To the Kingdom

Rapunzel walks away from the window and towards her easel looking longingly once more at the painting. Commotion is heard outside the window as screams are head yelling "Catch him!", "Don't let him escape", "Where did he go?", "FLYNN RIDER!". Rapunzel runs to the window with a frying pan and hides to the side of the window. As Flynn appears in the window, and steps into Rapunzel's tower Rapunzel "hits" him with her frying pan, and drags him up into a chair and throws rope around him. Flynn wakes up, and Rapunzel interrogates him. Eventually its clear he's not here to steal her hair, but was on the run with his treasure - that Rapunzel had hidden within her the tower. The two agree he can have his treasure back once he takes Rapunzel to see the lights, and bring her back to the tower. The two depart via the window, and a large backdrop sweeps across the stage turning into the village of Corona.

Scene Four: Kingdom Dance

The opening notes to Kingdom Dance begins to play as performers dressed as villagers fill the streets. They push in a variety of carts, props, and more that are reused from the former Beauty and the Beast show. As the performers mill about the stage Rapunzel and Flynn appear; the music begins to intensify. A couple of performers begin to dance as others clap along, a performer pulls the couple apart as they begin to dance with Rapunzel and Flynn. Eventually all the performers are clapping along as they dance allowing for Rapunzel and Flynn to grow a stronger bond together. As the song comes to an end Flynn and Rapunzel almost kiss as they awkwardly back away. Rapunzel mentions how she would love to have something to remember her visit to the village, and Flynn goes off promising to come back. The performers begin to exit the stage as Rapunzel is slowly left alone and the lighting on the stage begins to darken transitioning to the next scene.

Scene Five: Betrayal


Mother Gothel appears on the stage surprising Rapunzel; Gothel quickly lets her know that she came back to the tower early and saw she was missing and Flynn's satchel. She lets Rapunzel have the satchel, and reveals to her that he was able to take it back and has ditched her. Rapunzel is dismayed as she really thought they had something; Mother Gothel scoffs at her as she begins to see Mother Knows Best (Reprise). As the song progresses the village backdrop regresses, and allows for Rapunzel and Gothel to return to the tower as the song comes to an end.

Scene Six: Reconciliation

As Rapunzel sits by herself on the steps near the window in her tower she begins to look up and around. Slowly, via the use of fiber optics, suns begin to appear and glow. Rapunzel realizes that she was the lost princess, Gothel isn't her real mother, and that the crown Flynn has was hers. Gothel is upset and quickly ties Rapunzel to the wall, and lets her know she'll never escape. Flynn comes in through the window declaring his love for Rapunzel, how Gothel knocked him out, and that he's here to save Rapunzel. However Gothel stabs Flynn in the back, and gives Rapunzel the choice to stay in the tower and save his life or be free but lose Flynn.

In Flynn's last word he reveals his name is Eugene Fitzherbert, and that he loves Rapunzel. He pulls a knife out and tears off Rapunzel's hair. This is done as wig is held together by magnets, and when pulled strands of brown hair come out as the braids are undone revealing more brown hair. Gothel begins to writhe in pain she covers herself in her cloak, and falls out the window. Rapunzel lets out a tear that falls onto Flynn as she sings a solemn version of Healing Incantation. Through projection mapping the tear that lands on Flynn turns him a glow as Rapunzel sings thus saving him. The two quickly hug, and sit up together.

Scene Seven: I See the Light

The couple begins to sing a soft version of I See the Light with each other. A minute in the song changes to an orchestral cover as the village backdrop moves again cover the tower's stage set. The performers from earlier reappear on stage however now they're wearing gowns and suits that incorporate the yellow and purple associated with the film. They begin to waltz to an instrumental cover of I See the Light allowing time for the stage crew to flip parts of the tower set around (similar to Carousel of Progress parts of the set are on turntables to change how it looks quickly while saving space) turning it into the castle courtyard. The backdrop of the village pulls back to reveal the transformed courtyard, and the performers fill in the space. Rapunzel and Eugene come in, and join the dance as a larger than life version of I See the Light is sung by all. As the song ends the couple kisses, and the show ends.

sexy kiss GIF

Animation Courtyard Expansion

To explore the Animation Courtyard Expansion please click on the link below.

Animation Courtyard Expansion [Click Here]

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Welcome to Disney's Animal Kingdom where you are sure to have a wild time! The focus for this park is to expand on family activities as many of the attractions of the park (Everest, Kali and Dinosaur) skew to an older crowd thanks to their inherent thrill. However through a combination of some of our real world events and some alternate events there is plenty of do for the whole family!

Wilderness Explorers

With the continued popularity of Up, and the great fit that the property is for the park it is no surprise why Disney went on to incorporate the Wilderness Explorers into the park. Guests will be delighted to find out they can join the Wilderness Explorers. Throughout the park guests will find various stands with troop leaders with activities that enrich Wilderness Explorers with facts about animals, plants, cultures, and more. Guests will be able to collect stickers and fill our their Wilderness Explorer's Guidebook, and at the end of the day guests can leave knowing that they are the best Wilderness Explorers! Well the best except for Russel and of course his best friend Dug, who have been given a meet and greet adjacent to the entrance to it's tough to be a bug. Guests can meet the lovable duo here, and compare badges with Russel and see how he is faring within the park's collection.


Dinoland USA

After a few years a huge upgrade has occurred for Dinoland USA. Gone is the tacky parking lot and roadside dinosaurs, and now guests can enter what some may dub a lost valley of sorts. This valley is home to beautiful rockwork, lush vegetation, bubbling brooks, breathtaking geysers, and of course more animals. This expansion focuses on primeval oceans and is a great thematic segue into Finding Nemo - The Musical which is still playing within the land.


Located within Dinoland USA is an area where ancient waters resurface allowing for life there to prosper. Various springs lie throughout the valley all seemingly crystal clear blue. Waterfalls occasionally sit at the top of the staked springs, and create a flow throughout the springs giving the land kinetic energy. Hidden within this lost valley is La Afortunada, a geyser which erupts every 30 minutes followed by mini eruptions from smaller geysers around La Afortunada. A dense jungle still snakes throughout the springs and mountains of the lost valley in which various animals call this area home. Within a spring surrounded by mangroves several American Crocodiles have found a home, and are now being studied by The Dinosaur Institute for their possible connections to the past. Towards the north, settled within a crater, are various Cassowaries currently being studied due to their possible connections to raptors.


At night the pools of water illuminate into vibrant shades of blue, green, and purple as mist spews out from the springs sending up colorful mist throughout the area. La Afortunada and its smaller counterparts get into spirit as well as they miraculously change color every eruption. This change in color is linked to the high concentration of bioluminescent microbes from the subterranean ancient sea that feeds the springs and geysers of the area. Many of these lighting effects would in retrospect be revealed be test runs for the impressive bioluminescence present over at Pandora: The World of Avatar which would debut many years later.

The Journey Below: Mysteries of the Cambrian Sea

The Journey Below: Mysteries of the Cambrian Sea is a suspended dark ride utilizing submarine style vehicles similar in vein to that of Tokyo DisneySea's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Each submarine seats 6 guests, split across 3 benches each facing their own porthole. Utilizing bubbling technology and water within each porthole of the submarine guests will witness a bubbling effect that will allow them to believe that they have submerged beneath the water, and are travelling deeper than before. Each bench will be able to control a blacklight spotlight that guests will have control of, being able to activate neat effects. Additionally adjacent to the control of the flashlight will be a small panel which digitally changes whenever different fauna or flora is shined upon by guests giving guests more information. Overall this attraction aims to give Animal Kingdom a family friendly dark ride that will handle large crowds allowing for shorter lines throughout the rest of the park, and including the interactive elements throughout the attraction will allow for multiple ride throughs being completely different adding to the reride ability of the attraction.

The Dinosaur Institute has continued to explore Dinoland USA, and as such they have begun an archaeological dig throughout a series of caves that have shown evidence of centuries of erosion. Imagine their discovery upon finding an entire subterranean primeval sea below the very ground of Dinoland USA. The Dinosaur Institute was quick to establish a new research base allowing for better, and more consistent research. They now welcome tourists to dive deep into the Cambrian Sea and discover an aquatic world untouched by mankind. However beware the monsters of the deep as there are still mysteries within this Cambrian Sea.


Queue -

As guests approach The Journey Below: Mysteries of the Cambrian Sea they will see that the research base has been carved into the cave system where the Dinosaur Institute made their discovery of the subterranean sea. Steel beams prop up the entrance of the cave. As guests begin their journey into the caves they can feel the humidity getting weaker as cool air begins to wash over them. Lanterns hang from the ceiling, and steel beams and arches continue to prop the cave system up. Guests reach a man made wall and entry way. On the outside of the wall is a poorly lit mural of a scene from an ancient ocean. On the top of the mural a question reads "Are they gone for good?", and on the bottom of the mural another question asks "Or did they just keep swimming?"


As guests enter, The Dinosaur Institute: Marine Research Facility, they will be met with various large circular tanks that guests will go around in the queue. Within each tank will be a different species of jellyfish, and plaques describing each species and their differences. The jellyfish serve as valuable connections to the past given they began to appear in the Cambrian Era. Additionally Disney conservationists and marine biologists will conduct research with aide from third parties to better understand this marine animal and their possible benefits.

In addition to the abundance of jellyfish within the facility notes, fossils, and sketches from various Cambrian species are scattered throughout the room giving guests a way to familiarize themselves with some of the species they may soon come into contact with. As guests progress through the facility they are led to one of three pre show rooms. Three pre shows allow for guests to cycle through the preshow nearly every minute and a half further cementing this attraction's dedication to having a large capacity along with a quick throughput.

Preshow -

Guests will be corralled into a room that is sparsely decorated, but home to a large screen encouraging guests to pay attention to the preshow. As the last few guests shuffle in, the doors behind them close. The screen comes to life with a notification that a Professor Marafina would like to have a video call. The cast member quickly answers the call.

The screen transforms into a laboratory. Various tanks are seen throughout the lab, and the tanks are filled with a variety of marine species. If guests pay close attention some of the species that are being studied are actually from past eras of the Earth's history. The professor is hunched on the ground clearly dealing with something. In the background an octopus can be seen fiddling with the top of its tank.

Professor Marafina: Oh how do I know if this thing is on, darn thing didn't even come with a manual.
Cast Member: We can see you Professor!

Professor Marafina pops up from behind her desk clearly frazzled. Her hair is a bit of mess, her red glasses are a bit sideways, and she is wearing a labcoat over a navy blue turtleneck. She fixes her glasses right before she addresses the crowd in front of her. The octopus has now opened its tank's lid, and has begun its climb out of the tank.

Professor Marafina: Thank you! Ahem, yes well um welcome to The Dinosaur Institute's Marine Research Facility! As you can tell we are actively researching marine life, and their connection with an Earth that has long been gone. Then by a stroke of luck we discovered an entire primordial ocean, and much to our surprise countless of species we believed to have gone extinct have been rediscovered! Not only that, but they have evolved to survive in a subterranean world giving us a bioluminescent world!

The octopus has made its way across the room, but accidentally knocks over a couple of vials of kelp. The crash catches the professor's attention, and as she turns around the octopus camouflages into its environment.


Professor Marafina: Odd, well um okay moving on. We're sending you down into this sea into a cutting edge submarine equipped with flashlights that will allow you to better see and understand the bioluminescence of the world. Now be careful recent studies have found -

The octopus reaches the electric switch board, and waves goodbye to the guests. It flips the switch to the power causing the video to cut out.

Cast Member: I'm sure she wasn't going to say anything important. Any ways they are ready for all of you in the loading bay, good luck submariners!

Ride Experience -

Once guests are seated the door of the submarine closes. The submarines progress into a dark room.

Submarine Voice: Sumberging. Dive, dive, dive!

The portholes begin to bubble up as the subs proceed into the first scene of the attraction.

Scene 1: Cambrian Coral Collection


The submarines progress into a glowing coral reef with a collection of various corals growing around. If guests illuminate various corals they will see coral polyps spring to life reaching out to the light, like a flower blossoming. Various sponges are scattered throughout the reef, and when lit trilobites crawl out from behind the sponges. Throughout the reef various Helicocystis are seen hanging upwards swaying with the current of the water. Various Waptia are seen crawling throughout the reef, and if shined upon will quickly scurry away from the light.

Throughout the reef various Cambrian creatures can be seen roaming the reef bed. These creatures include Marella, Hallucigenia, Wiwaxia, Leanchoilia and Canadaspis. When illuminated they will move their tentacles/feelers/spikes around as if they were feeling for the light.



Various screens will be in crevices and caves created by the reef, and allow for marine life to transverse allowing for the reef to feel more alive with never ending movement that has no reliance on guest participation. However some crevices actually contain juvenile Anomalocaris which will shoot out at guests reaching towards them with its grippers trying to catch the lights. Additionally hanging from the ceiling will be a school of Lsoxys swimming around in circles, and when illuminated the entire school puffs out. Submarines continue under an archway covered by corals into the next scene of the attraction.


Scene 2: The Jellyfish Jungle

Submarine Voice:
Caution, entering warmer waters large amounts of jellyfish detected.

Surrounding the submarines as far as the eye can see is a forest of jellyfish going up and down in the water. The jellyfish will range from a variety of colors, patterns, heights, and sizes. Screens will be used to add depth to the scene, and in the background will be jellyfish swimming throughout the subterranean sea. When the jellyfish are illuminated electricity can be heard, and flashes go off within the jellyfish.

The submarines continue through the jellyfish jungle, and tremors are heard throughout the sea. The submarine gently shakes as the lights within the submarine flicker.

Submarine Voice: A volcanic tremor has occurred, chartering a new course.

The submarines pass through an area of underwater volcanoes constantly spewing out smoke. If guests illuminate a volcano it will stop spewing out smoke, and a different one will begin to erupt. The whole are proceeds to get darker.

Scene 3: Mystery of the Cambrian Sea

Screens within this room create the atmosphere of being near the bottom of the ocean with very little light available. A low bellow much like a whale is heard from afar as a dark figure is seen swimming in the distance.

Submarine Voice: Caution, large unidentified predatory creatures nearby.

From above on the left porthole a Liopleurodon dives down and smashes into the submarine causing the sub to shake. Another Liopleurodon pop up from below on the right porthole and makes some clicking noises which the other Liopleurodon responds too. If guests were using their blacklight spotlight they would get no match on the information panel, and suddenly the blacklight spotlights go dark.

Submarine Voice: Initiating protective measures.

Shutters come down on the outside of the portholes as the predators continue to attack the submarines. The submarine begins to shake back and forth as the Liopleurodons continue to try to get inside. The submarines drop a little bit, as the lights within the submarine turn off allowing for the red emergency lights to start dimly glowing.

Submarine Voice: Power levels decreasing, sending out distress signal.

A loud bang is heard from above the submarine as water squirts in, wetting some guests.

???: Hello! Can you hear me! This is Professor Marafina, I am here to rescue you!

Large firework sounding explosions go off shaking the submarine. The Liopleurodons can be heard roaring in response.

Submarine Voice: Initiating recovery mode.

The portholes reopen as the lights return to normal within the submarine. On the left Professor Marafina is within her submarine, and on the right the two Liopleurodons can be seen swimming away into the deep.

Professor Marafina: Those were Liopleurodons, very vicious predators from the Jurassic period. I think it's time everyone returns to the Institute that was enough excitement for one day.

The submarines return to a pitch black room as the portholes begin to bubble up again simulating the rising submarine. The submarines then reach the exit area, and guests are escorted off the submarines.

Treasures of the Deep

Located at the exit of The Journey Below: Mysteries of the Cambrian Sea, Treasures of the Deep offers a variety of merchandise based on marine life both extinct and extant. Books will be present with information on ancient marine life to give spotlight to creatures that are typically ignored and lesser known. Some other merchandise available will be stuffed animal versions of the creatures found within the ride in the style of kawaii.

Animal Exhibits

American Crocodile
Crocodylus acutus


The American Crocodile is Vulnerable to Endangerment. The American Crocodile is considered to be an apex predator in its natural habitat which means it is at the top of the food chain. Typically the American Crocodile it nocturnal, but it is known to hunt during the day from time to time. The American Crocodile's habitat ranges from South Florida to the coasts of Argentina and Peru, along with the islands in the Caribbean.

The American Crocodile exhibit will be designed with inspiration taken from the Floridian Mangrove forests found within its natural range. Guests will be able to see the Crocodile swim throughout its exhibit or sunbathe on either land or upon the artificial tree branches submerged within the exhibit's pool. The dense foliage will transport guests into the Mangrove forests, and the sounds of other native animals are heard in the distance as if the guests really stumbled onto a pond in the wilderness. Flowing into the exhibit from the back of the exhibit will be water from the stacked springs found within the Lost Valley, creating a waterfall flowing into the exhibit. Guests will be able to see a small a small research area comparing crocodiles, alligators, and their ancient ancestors to each other.

Southern Cassowary
Casuarius casuarius


The Southern Cassowary is at Least Concern for Endangerment. The Southern Cassowary is an omnimover eating mostly fruits, flowers, carrion, and anything else it can fit within its mouth. The Southern Cassowary is diurnal, and its range spans through the islands of Indonesia, New Guinea, and Northern Australia. Although the Southern Cassowary seems gentle, watch out! Much like their velociraptor ancestors a swipe from their claws will leave any foe dead. These birds are truly descendants of the mighty dinosaurs.

The Southern Cassowary exhibit will be designed as a thick Australian rainforest with various fruit trees planted within the exhibit providing the animal with an authentic cycle of fruits throughout the year. This exhibit will be accommodate for the Cassowaries unique defensive maneuvers. The viewing area will be housed within a research camp with glass walls separating the guests from the bird safely. This research camp theme will provide for various learning experiences to be housed such as a Cassowary claw and Dinosaur claws being on display highlighting their similarities.

Throughout the day the Cassowary will be swamped out for another as they are solitary creatures. However having multiple allows for a breeding program to hopefully be established within Animal Kingdom to keep Cassowary conservation.

Abdim Stork & Asian Brown Tortoise
Ciconia abdimii & Manouria emys

The Abdim Stork is at Least Concern for Endangerment. The Abdim Stork is an insectivore, but will occasionally eat small reptiles, rodents, and carrion. The Adium Stork is diurnal, and its natural range is Eastern Africa, spanning Ethiopia to South Africa. The Abdim Stork is considered the bringer of rains and good luck by the locals.

The Asian Brown Tortoise is Critically Endangered. The Asian Brown Tortoise is a herbivore, but is has been known to occasionally eat carrion. The Asian Brown Tortoise is diurnal, and its natural range is throughout Southeast Asia. The Asian Brown Tortoise is the only tortoise to lay its egg above ground, and will protect its eggs at all costs.

The Abdim Stork and the Asian Brown Tortoise are the only animals within the land that will be housed within the same exhibit. Their exhibit itself remains unchanged, but a new display demonstrates how birds are more related to dinosaurs than reptiles.

Balaeniceps rex

The Shoebill is Vulnerable to Endangerment. The Shoebill is a carnivore, eating mostly fish. The Shoebill is diurnal, and its natural range is throughout Central Africa. The Shoebill is an unusual looking bird, and even more unusual is the sound that it produces. The call of the Shoebird is reminiscent of that of what dinosaurs have been believed to sound like.

The Shoebill exhibit will be a repurposed exhibit with the former American Crocodile exhibit receiving no changes for the animal. Similar to the rest of exhibits within the land there will be a comparison to an extinct species. The head of a shoebill and phorusrhacid will be on display to highlight both the differences and similarities of the two different yet similar looking species.

Some of you who have been on the forums for a while may recognize some of these projects from years prior of my armchair Imagineering history. The Dinoland USA overhaul is one of the examples of these projects that I pushed from this plan I've been sitting on for years, and utilized for a competition. I believe it was actually from One Little Spark Season 2 which was hosted by @Outbound and @PerGron . The overhaul comes from my work in Team Green's overhaul of Dinoland in the first challenge; unfortunately the site seems to have gone extinct much like the focal point of the land itself.

As I mentioned earlier about the Animation Courtyard I aim to have it up within the next two to three weeks as these projects do take time. With that said if I find time in my school and work schedule I will work on getting it done as soon as possible. As always I appreciate everyone for following along, and for coming back to see what this project is all about ❤️
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Well-Known Member
Having reread this thread, one thing that intrigues me is the idea of having Alice in Wonderland replace Fairytale Gardens / Cosmic Ray's. However, I am a bit confused on the layout. You described the layout in great detail, but I feel that a drawing or map would be appreciated to help put things in perspective.

Also, I admit, as part of my "definitive" Mirror Walt Disney World, which I intend to start on October 1 -- one year since WDW turned 50 -- I also have plans for an Alice in Wonderland ride. However, another plan I have involves "it's a small world" moving from its current location and replacing the Speedway (I did this for many reasons: a bigger façade, a reason to include a North America scene, and above all, to expand the cluttered pathway in that corner of Fantasyland). Currently, those plans involve me using S.W. Wilson's Wonderland Maze Ride concept from his "Parallel Universe MK", as well, but I did some work in Paint and PowerPoint to determine space, and I honestly don't think there would be enough space for both "small world" and the Maze Ride. Hence, I would like to work your concept into my Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 idea, in order to maintain the expanded Alice presence.

EDIT: I realized today I forgot to mention when I intend to release my "definitive" MWDW.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
2013 - Animation Courtyard Expansion


In 2013 Disney welcomed Disney to the new and improved Animation Courtyard featuring new restaurants, shopping, and attractions alongside with an overhaul on the layout of the land. In a controversial move the studio archway that had been present since 1989 was removed, but in turn it allowed for less congestion at the entrance. Another major change is the influx of grenery. Walking towards the back of the Courtyard guests pass by flower beds anchored by trees that help to distract from the soundstage design of many of the buildings at the entrance of the Courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a fountain which plays tribute to Steamboat Willie as well as benches in the newly shaded area creating an almost park like feel. In the place of the former Magic of Disney Animation complex are various flower beds, shrubbery, trees and pathways leading to new construction. Guests who stay to the right encounter Fresh Paint - a new meet and greet structure, and The Gastrobrush - a new table service location for the park.

Fresh Paint

The exterior of Fresh Paint recreates the look of the Walt Disney Animation Studios with a focus on the feature animation building.

Mickey and Minnie Meet and Greet

Acting as a museum to Mickey and Minnie the is a celebration of their history and contribution to the Disney legacy and American culture. The queue is a regular switchback queue through a large rectangular room. On the walls are various posters for short films starring the iconic mice alongside posters for their feature length films. Breaking up the stanchions in the queue are various display cases that hold maquettes of the Mickey and friends, Mickey and Minnie merchandise through the years, and drawings of the characters.

Exiting the main waiting area guests down a hallway with framed posters from various short films. This hallway allows for cast members to direct guests into rooms allowing for multiple rooms containing the same characters and thus a boosted capacity. Upon entering these rooms guests enter Minnie's dressing room which is littered with various iconic outfits, awards, makeup and of course Minnie Mouse herself in her silver starlet look. After meeting Minnie guests pass an archway teleporting them into Yensid's tower where guests are able to meet Mickey Mouse donning his sorcerer look! Guests bid the mice farewell as they exit back into the pathway.

Frozen Meet and Greet

As a way to promote the latest upcoming animated film from Walt Disney Animation the other meet and greet selected to pair alongside Mickey and Minnie are newcomers Anna and Elsa. Whereas the queue for Mickey and Minnie acted as a museum and celebration of their history and contribution to the Disney legacy and American culture, the Frozen queue acts as a way to promote the upcoming film. The queue is a regular switchback queue through a large rectangular room. On the walls are various cutouts of characters from Frozen including Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, Hans, Marshmallow, Grand Pabbie, and The Duke of Weselton. Joining their cutouts are their respective names, a bit of a biography, and concept art alongside stills from the trailers so guests get to know the character. Breaking up the stanchions in the queue are various display cases that hold maquettes of the Frozen characters, Frozen merchandise prototypes, and drawings of the characters. Throughout the queue the fact that the film releases in November is very prominent as guests are reminded that Frozen is only releasing in theaters!

Exiting the main waiting area guests down a hallway with framed concept art of various environments from the film. This hallway allows for cast members to direct guests into rooms allowing for multiple rooms containing the same characters and thus a boosted capacity. Upon entering these rooms guests pass various pine trees covered in snow, and in a clearing is Anna donning her expedition wear. After meeting Anna guests pass various rocks and see ice forming around these rocks. Amongst these ice walls and formations guests will be able to meet Elsa in her ice dress. Guests bid the princesses farewell as they exit back into the pathway.


The Gastrobrush

The exterior of the Gastrobrush continues the animation studio design from Fresh Pain next door with a large studio building acting as the exterior. However overheard the entrance a large painters palate acts as a cover, and it is propped up by a paintbrush. The bristles of the brush are spread across the floor with a rainbow of colors starting from the bristles and meander into the entrance door of the restaurant, guiding guests into the lobby. The lobby has various sketches of animated characters on display alongside ample seating for those waiting on their table. The dining area consists of two large circular areas encompassed by various scenescapes. In the center there's a large chandelier that hold countless of concept art that seems to move and come to life, and beneath this large chandeleir is one of the main seating areas. Throughout the restaurant portals open up to the various scenescapes that appear in the restaurant. The next seating area is up against these portals.


As mentioned earlier throughout the restaurant's seating area guests will be immersed in four different scenescapes that are inspired by animated films. These films are Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and The Princess and the Frog. Each scenescape will be present for 15 minutes throughout the dining area, and will include a musical number. Given the more digital nature of the scenescapes they can be swapped out in favor of newer films whenever a refresh is deemed as needed.

During the Fantasia scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a fantastical grotto with each portal overlooking a lake surrounded by trees. The lighting within the restaurant changes to an enchanting purple as the Nutcracker Suite plays gently throughout the restaurant. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Fantasia and Fantasia 2000. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see fairies flying throughout the woods, and off in the distance Bald Mountain is seen with lost spirits occasionally flying around it. Towards the end of this scenescape flowers begin to fall into the lake, and they all begin to perform The Dance of the Reed Flutes.


During the Sleeping Beauty scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a whimsical glen with each portal being taken into the woods surround by trees, and various cliff outlooks. Some guests will be able to spy the Good Fairy's cottage, Maleficent's castle or Aurora's Castle. The lighting within the restaurant will shift between blue and pink slowly creating an ombre as the enchanting score of Sleeping Beauty plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Sleeping Beauty. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see various woodland creatures in the woods, puffs of magic shooting out of the cottage, briar growing and surrounding Maleficent's castle, and a royal procession to Aurora's castle. Towards the end of this scenescape Aurora appears, and she begins to perform I Wonder/Once Upon a Dream with Prince Phillip eventually joining her.

sleeping beauty love GIF by Disney

During the Aladdin scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a harsh dessert with each portal being overlooking the harsh Agrabah dessert. Some guests will be able to spy the the Cave of Wonders as well as the Palace of Agrabah. The lighting within the restaurant will turn orange as the mysterious score of Aladdin plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Aladdin. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see caravans of camels crossing the dunes as well as a fierce sandstorm picking up. Towards the end of this scenescape Aladdin and Jasmine appear, riding on the magic carpet; they will perform A Whole New World.


During the Princess and the Frog scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a bewitching bayou with each portal being overlooking the swampy waters of the New Orleans bayou. Some guests will be able to see a steamboat docked in the middle of the water, and the city of New Orleans having a lively Mardi Gras celebration. The lighting within the restaurant will turn green as the jazzy score of Princess and the Frog plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Princess and the Frog. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see fireflies flittering about, a rowboat with frog hunters rowing in the water, alligators slinking around, and various shadowy figures in the dense bayou foliage. Towards the end of this scenescape Rey appears as he performs Gonna Take You There with millions of fire flies joining in.

the princess and the frog jazz GIF by Disney



Fried Bayou Balls

Cajun sausage and dirty rice rolled into fried balls, served with a honey butter hot sauce.

Agrabah Falafel
Grounded chickpeas rolled into a ball and fried, served with a tahini sauce.

Stuffed Mushrooms
Fried stuffed mushrooms, stuffed with crabmeat and a honey butter hot sauce.

Animator's Palette
A charcuterie palette which contains a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits and crackers.


Tiana's Gumbo
Just like how her papa made it, Tiana has perfected this jumbo which is a dark roux based soup with seafood and rice.

Chicken Burek
A baked pastry filled with minced chicken, turmeric, parsley, nutmeg, and concentrated pomegranate juice. Served with a side of Tabouleh Salad.

The Brer Salad
A blend of spring greens mixed with sliced green apples, craisins, walnuts and feta cheese. Tossed with an apple cider vinaigrette. Grilled chicken can be added for an additional cost.

The Chernaburger
A 1/3 lb Angus Burger topped with caramelized onions, pepper jack cheese, pickles, and Dijon mayonnaise. Served on a black brioche bun.



Deep fried dough squares covered in powdered sugar and a honey drizzle. Served with a chocolate dipping sauce.

Sugar Fairy Cake
A slice of banana-pineapple spice cake topped with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and caramel sauce.


Soft Drinks
Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Hi-C Fruit Punch

Apple or Grape



Regular or Decaf

Mixed Drinks

Drink from The Other Side

A New Orleans Hurricane made with a Pat O’Brien’s mix garnished with an orange slice and cherry.

The Drink Like Me
Island Blue Pucker mixed with Sprite and topped with Blue Cotton Candy

The Wicked Dragon
Fireball Whiskey mixed with hard apple cider, rimmed with green and purple sugar crystals



The final area of new construction throws guests into Metroville, home to the Incredibles. City walls separate Metroville from the rest of the Courtyard, and a large bill board is posted above the rightmost wall welcoming all to Metroville wishing them a Super time. Upon entering Metroville the music of the Incredibles can be heard as well as the sounds of busy traffic. To the left guests are met by Omnidroid Spin, an Orbiter flat ride themed to a repurposed Omnidroid left over by Syndrome. The majority of the flat ride is hidden within the body of the droid, and the top of the ride has a moving head. A laser shoots out from the droid as it targets various parts of Metroville. Continuing on the left side of the subarea guests can find stroller parking, restrooms, and the Incredicafe where they can eat heroes as in the sandwiches!

Across from Omnidrioid Spin is the Metroville Exposition Hall home to the Supers Meet-up Spot where guests can enter and meet Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl. Next door is a building covered in fake snow and ice known as Frozone Delicacies - a nitrogen ice cream store. The last location on the right side of the subarea is The Mode Armoire, a store designed to be a boutique on the outside. The store offers curated merchandise from Edna Mode where guests will be able to buy all sorts of merchandise inspired by the Incredibles as well as other Pixar properties, and in the Summer of 2014 the store will act as the giftshop for The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville!

Omnidroid Spin

Omnidroid Spin is a themed Orbiter flat ride.


After Syndrome's invasion of Metroville the remains of his destructive omnidroid was left behind for the city to figure out what to do with it. It was clear that the best way to commemorate the tragedy of the day was to turn the robot corpse into an amusement ride for the people of Metroville to enjoy! Now the omnidroid stands tall with its five arms firmly on the ground acting as a support for the omnidroid, and the ride itself. The bottom half of the robot has been cut off and hollowed out allowing for an aerial base for the Orbiter flat ride to sit. Tentacles reach out and large arms hold on to rider seats allowing for guests to safely ride.


The queue overall is rather simple with no frills. A smooth and reflective metallic beam swerves out of the ground and curves over the entrance of the queue. On top of the curve lies the name of the attraction, and on the bottom the standby wait time as well as the entrance for Fastpass+. Entering the queue is a series of switchbacks with shade provided by metallic umbrellas that have fans and misters hooked up to them. Guests eventually enter a building designed as a mechanic's garage full of tools and spare parts pulled from the Omnidroid before getting on.

Attraction Experience

Guests are told which bench to get on, and have their harnesses pulled down and belts buckled in. Guests are then swung around at increasing speeds as there cars spin all about to the tune of various pieces of Incredibles music.


The inside of Incredicafe is a very sleek and modern quick service location designed with a 1960's mod style in mind. Various murals on the wall pull from various feats of the Incredibles super hero accomplishments in a pop art style. The various booths in the restaurant are a sleek wood outer case with a comfy orange pad allowing for guests to relax their bottoms and backs as they dine. The rest of the seating area is comprised of comfy plush chairs that have a red or orange color, and the tables are made of neutral woods. The entire restaurant is lit up by round ceiling lights that all connect and flow throughout the restaurant in a river pattern.



All sandwiches are served hero style with a side of fries or a clementine.

The Incrediball

Turkey meatballs, marinara, and topped with melted provolone cheese and micro basil

The Hothead
Shredded smoked brisket, pickles, and tangy BBQ sauce topped with melted cheddar and Monterey Jack

The Flightless Wonder
Thick-sliced rotisserie chicken, lettuce and tomato with Dijonnaise spread served chilled


Thick cut potato wedges tossed in a zingy paprika spice blend.

Halos Clementine

The Secret Identity Cupcake

An orange-vanilla buttercream frosted vanilla cupcake. The secret? A hidden buttercream filled center!

The Underminer Cupcake
A fudge frosted chocolate cupcake with Oreo 'dirt' crumbles on top of the cupcake, and a fudge 'mud' filling.

Soft Drinks
Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Hi-C Fruit Punch

Apple or Grape



Regular or Decaf

Supers Meet-Up Spot

The exterior of Supers Meet-Up Spot matches the city design that Metroville embodies. The exterior of Metroville Exposition Hall borrows heavily from the Sioux City Expo Center with patterned daring greys adorning much of the outside and large floor to ceiling glass windows allowing for guests to look into the first hall of the Expo Center.


Guests entering the Metroville Exposition Hall will do so under a large sign that advertises the Supers Meet-Up Spot as part of a Supers Expo. It advertises meet and greets with Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl alongside the wait time for the entire experience. Upon walking guests enter the Hall of the Fallen. Large banners unfurl from the ceiling with Supers that have fallen due to the crimes of Syndrome being memorialized; ironically enough guests are able to look out the glass windows at this point and see the omnidroid that is responsible for many of their falls. Entering the Metroville Showroom guests walk down a corridor with exhibits celebrating the Supers who fought and defeated the evil Syndrome and Omnidroid who attacked the city. Guests will be able to see recreations of super suits, rubble from the fight, and "photos" taken at the battle. Exiting this corridor guests enter the main expo floor where three separate meet and greets are set up. Guests will meet Frozone, Elastigirl, and Mr. Incredible all in a row each in a themed setting with backdrops that match their history of being superheroes.

Frozone Delicacies


Located next door to the Metroville Exposition Hall is Frozone Delicacies, the trendiest ice cream shop in the entire city! The exterior of the building has been coated in ice and snow courtesy of Frozone himself, and allows for the building to be visually interesting and stand out from the rest in the area. Outdoor seating is available, albeit limited, with umbrella tables that have snow on top and chairs being present for guests. Walking inside guests immediately enter the ordering queue where they can see much of the interior was seemingly built out of ice with light fixtures and menus held up by icicles. The menu is limited as each order is made to order as all ice cream served here is made with liquid nitrogen. After ordering guests go off to a waiting area where they can actually see some of the orders being made in a demo kitchen. In the waiting area a mural depicting Frozone sliding around on ice in Metroville is present, guests will actually notice that in his hand he's holding ice cream that he got from this store. There will be a long counter top with condiment stations allowing for hot fudge, caramel and strawberry sauce to be pumped on the ice cream by guests alongside spoons and napkins.


All ice cream served in a cup or waffle cone for an additional fee.

Specialty Sundaes

The Classic

Two scoops of your choice mixed in with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate flakes and maraschino cherry puree.

The Incrediblast
Two scoops of Orange - French Vanilla ice cream mixed in with cherry pop rocks, chocolate flakes and maraschino cherry puree.

The Cold Front
Two scoops of Blueberry - French Vanilla ice cream mixed in with marshmallows, blueberry pop rocks and chocolate flakes.

Flavors - Available as Single or Double Scoops
French Vanilla

Mix-ins - Add in for an additional fee
Rainbow or Chocolate
Chocolate Flakes
Fruit Puree:
Maraschino Cherry or Strawberry
Pop Rocks: Cherry or Blueberry

The Mode Armoire

The Mode Armoire acts as thee trendiest spot for fashion in Metroville, and given Mode's exclusive contract with The Incredibles (and Frozone) shoppers will be delighted to find a new range of fashion inspired by both their classic and modern super suits. This will include new tops, sunglasses, jewelry, hats, but NO CAPES!

The exterior of the store takes design notes from Miami's Design District where one can find every luxury brand under the sun, except for of course Mode. A small yet tall red building juts out between the entrance of the store and Frozone Delicacies separating the two from each other. The red building has one of Edna's quotes painted on to it, it reads “I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” The rest of the storefront works in large glass windows allowing for plenty of natural light to come in. Mode is proudly displayed above the doors of the giftshop, inviting guests inside. The interior of the store itself will be very modern and minimalistic with the fashion doing the talking. In addition to fashion guests will be able to buy action figures, plush, toys, pins, and other memorabilia centered around The Incredibles within this store. Part of the store is temporarily walled off as work on The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville continues.


Join me again in 2014 where Phase 2 of the Animation Courtyard opens featuring the signature Incredibles E-Ticket of the expansion. Alongside with updates to all four parks!

Having reread this thread, one thing that intrigues me is the idea of having Alice in Wonderland replace Fairytale Gardens / Cosmic Ray's. However, I am a bit confused on the layout. You described the layout in great detail, but I feel that a drawing or map would be appreciated to help put things in perspective.

Also, I admit, as part of my "definitive" Mirror Walt Disney World, which I intend to start on October 1 -- one year since WDW turned 50 -- I also have plans for an Alice in Wonderland ride. However, another plan I have involves "it's a small world" moving from its current location and replacing the Speedway (I did this for many reasons: a bigger façade, a reason to include a North America scene, and above all, to expand the cluttered pathway in that corner of Fantasyland). Currently, those plans involve me using S.W. Wilson's Wonderland Maze Ride concept from his "Parallel Universe MK", as well, but I did some work in Paint and PowerPoint to determine space, and I honestly don't think there would be enough space for both "small world" and the Maze Ride. Hence, I would like to work your concept into my Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 idea, in order to maintain the expanded Alice presence.

EDIT: I realized today I forgot to mention when I intend to release my "definitive" MWDW.
While I don't have a custom layout of my ideal version of the ride in WDW I do have this quick outline of the area:


The acreage is 0.46 so there's not a ton of room to worth, but Pooh is only 0.10 acres bigger than that plot. So realistically a compact multistory darkride like Disneyland's Alice in Wonderland could work in this space by having queue space and some of the ride space on the groundfloor, and portions of the ride on the second floor running above the queue and bathroom area of Cheshire Cafe.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
2013 - Animation Courtyard Expansion

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In 2013 Disney welcomed Disney to the new and improved Animation Courtyard featuring new restaurants, shopping, and attractions alongside with an overhaul on the layout of the land. In a controversial move the studio archway that had been present since 1989 was removed, but in turn it allowed for less congestion at the entrance. Another major change is the influx of grenery. Walking towards the back of the Courtyard guests pass by flower beds anchored by trees that help to distract from the soundstage design of many of the buildings at the entrance of the Courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a fountain which plays tribute to Steamboat Willie as well as benches in the newly shaded area creating an almost park like feel. In the place of the former Magic of Disney Animation complex are various flower beds, shrubbery, trees and pathways leading to new construction. Guests who stay to the right encounter Fresh Paint - a new meet and greet structure, and The Gastrobrush - a new table service location for the park.

Fresh Paint

The exterior of Fresh Paint recreates the look of the Walt Disney Animation Studios with a focus on the feature animation building.

Mickey and Minnie Meet and Greet

Acting as a museum to Mickey and Minnie the is a celebration of their history and contribution to the Disney legacy and American culture. The queue is a regular switchback queue through a large rectangular room. On the walls are various posters for short films starring the iconic mice alongside posters for their feature length films. Breaking up the stanchions in the queue are various display cases that hold maquettes of the Mickey and friends, Mickey and Minnie merchandise through the years, and drawings of the characters.

Exiting the main waiting area guests down a hallway with framed posters from various short films. This hallway allows for cast members to direct guests into rooms allowing for multiple rooms containing the same characters and thus a boosted capacity. Upon entering these rooms guests enter Minnie's dressing room which is littered with various iconic outfits, awards, makeup and of course Minnie Mouse herself in her silver starlet look. After meeting Minnie guests pass an archway teleporting them into Yensid's tower where guests are able to meet Mickey Mouse donning his sorcerer look! Guests bid the mice farewell as they exit back into the pathway.

Frozen Meet and Greet

As a way to promote the latest upcoming animated film from Walt Disney Animation the other meet and greet selected to pair alongside Mickey and Minnie are newcomers Anna and Elsa. Whereas the queue for Mickey and Minnie acted as a museum and celebration of their history and contribution to the Disney legacy and American culture, the Frozen queue acts as a way to promote the upcoming film. The queue is a regular switchback queue through a large rectangular room. On the walls are various cutouts of characters from Frozen including Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, Hans, Marshmallow, Grand Pabbie, and The Duke of Weselton. Joining their cutouts are their respective names, a bit of a biography, and concept art alongside stills from the trailers so guests get to know the character. Breaking up the stanchions in the queue are various display cases that hold maquettes of the Frozen characters, Frozen merchandise prototypes, and drawings of the characters. Throughout the queue the fact that the film releases in November is very prominent as guests are reminded that Frozen is only releasing in theaters!

Exiting the main waiting area guests down a hallway with framed concept art of various environments from the film. This hallway allows for cast members to direct guests into rooms allowing for multiple rooms containing the same characters and thus a boosted capacity. Upon entering these rooms guests pass various pine trees covered in snow, and in a clearing is Anna donning her expedition wear. After meeting Anna guests pass various rocks and see ice forming around these rocks. Amongst these ice walls and formations guests will be able to meet Elsa in her ice dress. Guests bid the princesses farewell as they exit back into the pathway.

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The Gastrobrush

The exterior of the Gastrobrush continues the animation studio design from Fresh Pain next door with a large studio building acting as the exterior. However overheard the entrance a large painters palate acts as a cover, and it is propped up by a paintbrush. The bristles of the brush are spread across the floor with a rainbow of colors starting from the bristles and meander into the entrance door of the restaurant, guiding guests into the lobby. The lobby has various sketches of animated characters on display alongside ample seating for those waiting on their table. The dining area consists of two large circular areas encompassed by various scenescapes. In the center there's a large chandelier that hold countless of concept art that seems to move and come to life, and beneath this large chandeleir is one of the main seating areas. Throughout the restaurant portals open up to the various scenescapes that appear in the restaurant. The next seating area is up against these portals.


As mentioned earlier throughout the restaurant's seating area guests will be immersed in four different scenescapes that are inspired by animated films. These films are Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and The Princess and the Frog. Each scenescape will be present for 15 minutes throughout the dining area, and will include a musical number. Given the more digital nature of the scenescapes they can be swapped out in favor of newer films whenever a refresh is deemed as needed.

During the Fantasia scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a fantastical grotto with each portal overlooking a lake surrounded by trees. The lighting within the restaurant changes to an enchanting purple as the Nutcracker Suite plays gently throughout the restaurant. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Fantasia and Fantasia 2000. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see fairies flying throughout the woods, and off in the distance Bald Mountain is seen with lost spirits occasionally flying around it. Towards the end of this scenescape flowers begin to fall into the lake, and they all begin to perform The Dance of the Reed Flutes.


During the Sleeping Beauty scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a whimsical glen with each portal being taken into the woods surround by trees, and various cliff outlooks. Some guests will be able to spy the Good Fairy's cottage, Maleficent's castle or Aurora's Castle. The lighting within the restaurant will shift between blue and pink slowly creating an ombre as the enchanting score of Sleeping Beauty plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Sleeping Beauty. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see various woodland creatures in the woods, puffs of magic shooting out of the cottage, briar growing and surrounding Maleficent's castle, and a royal procession to Aurora's castle. Towards the end of this scenescape Aurora appears, and she begins to perform I Wonder/Once Upon a Dream with Prince Phillip eventually joining her.

sleeping beauty love GIF by Disney

During the Aladdin scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a harsh dessert with each portal being overlooking the harsh Agrabah dessert. Some guests will be able to spy the the Cave of Wonders as well as the Palace of Agrabah. The lighting within the restaurant will turn orange as the mysterious score of Aladdin plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Aladdin. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see caravans of camels crossing the dunes as well as a fierce sandstorm picking up. Towards the end of this scenescape Aladdin and Jasmine appear, riding on the magic carpet; they will perform A Whole New World.


During the Princess and the Frog scenescape the restaurant is transformed into a bewitching bayou with each portal being overlooking the swampy waters of the New Orleans bayou. Some guests will be able to see a steamboat docked in the middle of the water, and the city of New Orleans having a lively Mardi Gras celebration. The lighting within the restaurant will turn green as the jazzy score of Princess and the Frog plays. The central chandelier's concept sketches and designs digitally transform to feature art from Princess and the Frog. Looking out through the portals guests will be able to see fireflies flittering about, a rowboat with frog hunters rowing in the water, alligators slinking around, and various shadowy figures in the dense bayou foliage. Towards the end of this scenescape Rey appears as he performs Gonna Take You There with millions of fire flies joining in.

the princess and the frog jazz GIF by Disney



Fried Bayou Balls

Cajun sausage and dirty rice rolled into fried balls, served with a honey butter hot sauce.

Agrabah Falafel
Grounded chickpeas rolled into a ball and fried, served with a tahini sauce.

Stuffed Mushrooms
Fried stuffed mushrooms, stuffed with crabmeat and a honey butter hot sauce.

Animator's Palette
A charcuterie palette which contains a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits and crackers.


Tiana's Gumbo
Just like how her papa made it, Tiana has perfected this jumbo which is a dark roux based soup with seafood and rice.

Chicken Burek
A baked pastry filled with minced chicken, turmeric, parsley, nutmeg, and concentrated pomegranate juice. Served with a side of Tabouleh Salad.

The Brer Salad
A blend of spring greens mixed with sliced green apples, craisins, walnuts and feta cheese. Tossed with an apple cider vinaigrette. Grilled chicken can be added for an additional cost.

The Chernaburger
A 1/3 lb Angus Burger topped with caramelized onions, pepper jack cheese, pickles, and Dijon mayonnaise. Served on a black brioche bun.



Deep fried dough squares covered in powdered sugar and a honey drizzle. Served with a chocolate dipping sauce.

Sugar Fairy Cake
A slice of banana-pineapple spice cake topped with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and caramel sauce.


Soft Drinks
Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Hi-C Fruit Punch

Apple or Grape



Regular or Decaf

Mixed Drinks

Drink from The Other Side

A New Orleans Hurricane made with a Pat O’Brien’s mix garnished with an orange slice and cherry.

The Drink Like Me
Island Blue Pucker mixed with Sprite and topped with Blue Cotton Candy

The Wicked Dragon
Fireball Whiskey mixed with hard apple cider, rimmed with green and purple sugar crystals



The final area of new construction throws guests into Metroville, home to the Incredibles. City walls separate Metroville from the rest of the Courtyard, and a large bill board is posted above the rightmost wall welcoming all to Metroville wishing them a Super time. Upon entering Metroville the music of the Incredibles can be heard as well as the sounds of busy traffic. To the left guests are met by Omnidroid Spin, an Orbiter flat ride themed to a repurposed Omnidroid left over by Syndrome. The majority of the flat ride is hidden within the body of the droid, and the top of the ride has a moving head. A laser shoots out from the droid as it targets various parts of Metroville. Continuing on the left side of the subarea guests can find stroller parking, restrooms, and the Incredicafe where they can eat heroes as in the sandwiches!

Across from Omnidrioid Spin is the Metroville Exposition Hall home to the Supers Meet-up Spot where guests can enter and meet Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl. Next door is a building covered in fake snow and ice known as Frozone Delicacies - a nitrogen ice cream store. The last location on the right side of the subarea is The Mode Armoire, a store designed to be a boutique on the outside. The store offers curated merchandise from Edna Mode where guests will be able to buy all sorts of merchandise inspired by the Incredibles as well as other Pixar properties, and in the Summer of 2014 the store will act as the giftshop for The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville!

Omnidroid Spin

Omnidroid Spin is a themed Orbiter flat ride.

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After Syndrome's invasion of Metroville the remains of his destructive omnidroid was left behind for the city to figure out what to do with it. It was clear that the best way to commemorate the tragedy of the day was to turn the robot corpse into an amusement ride for the people of Metroville to enjoy! Now the omnidroid stands tall with its five arms firmly on the ground acting as a support for the omnidroid, and the ride itself. The bottom half of the robot has been cut off and hollowed out allowing for an aerial base for the Orbiter flat ride to sit. Tentacles reach out and large arms hold on to rider seats allowing for guests to safely ride.


The queue overall is rather simple with no frills. A smooth and reflective metallic beam swerves out of the ground and curves over the entrance of the queue. On top of the curve lies the name of the attraction, and on the bottom the standby wait time as well as the entrance for Fastpass+. Entering the queue is a series of switchbacks with shade provided by metallic umbrellas that have fans and misters hooked up to them. Guests eventually enter a building designed as a mechanic's garage full of tools and spare parts pulled from the Omnidroid before getting on.

Attraction Experience

Guests are told which bench to get on, and have their harnesses pulled down and belts buckled in. Guests are then swung around at increasing speeds as there cars spin all about to the tune of various pieces of Incredibles music.


The inside of Incredicafe is a very sleek and modern quick service location designed with a 1960's mod style in mind. Various murals on the wall pull from various feats of the Incredibles super hero accomplishments in a pop art style. The various booths in the restaurant are a sleek wood outer case with a comfy orange pad allowing for guests to relax their bottoms and backs as they dine. The rest of the seating area is comprised of comfy plush chairs that have a red or orange color, and the tables are made of neutral woods. The entire restaurant is lit up by round ceiling lights that all connect and flow throughout the restaurant in a river pattern.



All sandwiches are served hero style with a side of fries or a clementine.

The Incrediball

Turkey meatballs, marinara, and topped with melted provolone cheese and micro basil

The Hothead
Shredded smoked brisket, pickles, and tangy BBQ sauce topped with melted cheddar and Monterey Jack

The Flightless Wonder
Thick-sliced rotisserie chicken, lettuce and tomato with Dijonnaise spread served chilled


Thick cut potato wedges tossed in a zingy paprika spice blend.

Halos Clementine

The Secret Identity Cupcake

An orange-vanilla buttercream frosted vanilla cupcake. The secret? A hidden buttercream filled center!

The Underminer Cupcake
A fudge frosted chocolate cupcake with Oreo 'dirt' crumbles on top of the cupcake, and a fudge 'mud' filling.

Soft Drinks
Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Hi-C Fruit Punch

Apple or Grape



Regular or Decaf

Supers Meet-Up Spot

The exterior of Supers Meet-Up Spot matches the city design that Metroville embodies. The exterior of Metroville Exposition Hall borrows heavily from the Sioux City Expo Center with patterned daring greys adorning much of the outside and large floor to ceiling glass windows allowing for guests to look into the first hall of the Expo Center.


Guests entering the Metroville Exposition Hall will do so under a large sign that advertises the Supers Meet-Up Spot as part of a Supers Expo. It advertises meet and greets with Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl alongside the wait time for the entire experience. Upon walking guests enter the Hall of the Fallen. Large banners unfurl from the ceiling with Supers that have fallen due to the crimes of Syndrome being memorialized; ironically enough guests are able to look out the glass windows at this point and see the omnidroid that is responsible for many of their falls. Entering the Metroville Showroom guests walk down a corridor with exhibits celebrating the Supers who fought and defeated the evil Syndrome and Omnidroid who attacked the city. Guests will be able to see recreations of super suits, rubble from the fight, and "photos" taken at the battle. Exiting this corridor guests enter the main expo floor where three separate meet and greets are set up. Guests will meet Frozone, Elastigirl, and Mr. Incredible all in a row each in a themed setting with backdrops that match their history of being superheroes.

Frozone Delicacies

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Located next door to the Metroville Exposition Hall is Frozone Delicacies, the trendiest ice cream shop in the entire city! The exterior of the building has been coated in ice and snow courtesy of Frozone himself, and allows for the building to be visually interesting and stand out from the rest in the area. Outdoor seating is available, albeit limited, with umbrella tables that have snow on top and chairs being present for guests. Walking inside guests immediately enter the ordering queue where they can see much of the interior was seemingly built out of ice with light fixtures and menus held up by icicles. The menu is limited as each order is made to order as all ice cream served here is made with liquid nitrogen. After ordering guests go off to a waiting area where they can actually see some of the orders being made in a demo kitchen. In the waiting area a mural depicting Frozone sliding around on ice in Metroville is present, guests will actually notice that in his hand he's holding ice cream that he got from this store. There will be a long counter top with condiment stations allowing for hot fudge, caramel and strawberry sauce to be pumped on the ice cream by guests alongside spoons and napkins.


All ice cream served in a cup or waffle cone for an additional fee.

Specialty Sundaes

The Classic

Two scoops of your choice mixed in with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate flakes and maraschino cherry puree.

The Incrediblast
Two scoops of Orange - French Vanilla ice cream mixed in with cherry pop rocks, chocolate flakes and maraschino cherry puree.

The Cold Front
Two scoops of Blueberry - French Vanilla ice cream mixed in with marshmallows, blueberry pop rocks and chocolate flakes.

Flavors - Available as Single or Double Scoops
French Vanilla

Mix-ins - Add in for an additional fee
Rainbow or Chocolate
Chocolate Flakes
Fruit Puree:
Maraschino Cherry or Strawberry
Pop Rocks: Cherry or Blueberry

The Mode Armoire

The Mode Armoire acts as thee trendiest spot for fashion in Metroville, and given Mode's exclusive contract with The Incredibles (and Frozone) shoppers will be delighted to find a new range of fashion inspired by both their classic and modern super suits. This will include new tops, sunglasses, jewelry, hats, but NO CAPES!

The exterior of the store takes design notes from Miami's Design District where one can find every luxury brand under the sun, except for of course Mode. A small yet tall red building juts out between the entrance of the store and Frozone Delicacies separating the two from each other. The red building has one of Edna's quotes painted on to it, it reads “I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” The rest of the storefront works in large glass windows allowing for plenty of natural light to come in. Mode is proudly displayed above the doors of the giftshop, inviting guests inside. The interior of the store itself will be very modern and minimalistic with the fashion doing the talking. In addition to fashion guests will be able to buy action figures, plush, toys, pins, and other memorabilia centered around The Incredibles within this store. Part of the store is temporarily walled off as work on The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville continues.

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Join me again in 2014 where Phase 2 of the Animation Courtyard opens featuring the signature Incredibles E-Ticket of the expansion. Alongside with updates to all four parks!

While I don't have a custom layout of my ideal version of the ride in WDW I do have this quick outline of the area:

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The acreage is 0.46 so there's not a ton of room to worth, but Pooh is only 0.10 acres bigger than that plot. So realistically a compact multistory darkride like Disneyland's Alice in Wonderland could work in this space by having queue space and some of the ride space on the groundfloor, and portions of the ride on the second floor running above the queue and bathroom area of Cheshire Cafe.

Now Roger Rabbit will be in Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers live action film as cameo. I think It's time for Roger Rabbit's return for his new own land, Roger Rabbit's Hollywood in the future.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
2014 - Part 1

Due to forum limitations I am forced to post 2014 as two parts due to a limit 40,000 characters per post. Sorry for the inconvenicence.​

Welcome to the year of 2014! In this year, in both timelines, one can argue this is where Disney really kicked into high gear. There were a slew of closures in addition of new additions that were meant to compete with the new Wizarding World competition that Universal had expanded to both parks with. In addition, there were in general complaints that Disney had yet to truly find their Potter Swatter in Florida. Well let's see what happens over the course of this year to deal with these criticisms.

Magic Kingdom

2014 marks the year that the entirety of the New Fantasyland expansion is finally complete, and what better way to celebrate than with the debut of Festival of Fantasy, a brand new day parade replacing A Dream Come True Parade. It should be noted that this Festival of Fantasy is slightly different as there a few changes. Opening in early May is Merlin's Wizard Quest, a story driven launching family roller coaster located in the heart of Fantasyland themed around The Sword in the Stone.


The Brave unit in this timeline never happens as Brave does not have a presence in Magic Kingdom, but rather the film is over at Epcot thanks to the DunBroch Highlands area in the UK Pavilion. In its place, in a move that annoyed many long term Disney fans, was a Winnie the Pooh unit that reutilized the old tree float that had been in use for many years at this point. Leading the unit is Tigger and various parade performers donning Tigger striped suits, and bouncy legs that allow to bounce and do tricks all over the parade route. Following the troupe of dancers is the float with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet waving at guests. Songs for this unit include the Festival of Fantasy, Winnie the Pooh, The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers, and Everything is Honey.


The only other change for this parade is that Merlin has been added to lead the finale unit's walking characters given the character's new found prominence in the land's E-Ticket draw.

Merlin's Wizard Quest

Located in the heart of Fantasyland is Merlin's Wizard Quest an all new family coaster that tells a whole new story inspired by Walt Disney's beloved classic animated film The Sword in the Stone. Journey deep into the fantasy forests with Merlin as your guide to discover the wonder of magic, but beware as danger lurks around every corner! There are those that seek to use magic as evil, and have been driven mad on their quest to prove themselves powerful. So are you ready? Prepare yourself for Merlin's Wizard Quest!


Much like Seven Dwarfs Mine Train this rollercoaster will weave around a newly constructed central mountain within the park. However, given that there are more show scenes in the ride the central mountain is less of grassy hill, and more of a steep mountain with large cliffs facing out towards the Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid areas creating a new valley atmosphere as they are surrounded by the mountains that the Beast calls home, the caves and hills that Eric's castle is built into, and now the impressive white cliffs that hides Merlin's Magic Quest. To help break up the brutalism of the cliffs small crevices create ledges allowing for small mountainside plants to grow and thrive adding extra spots of green.


Throughout the coaster track and tucked throughout the rocky mountains are beautiful pine, oak and alder trees alongside various shrubbery and flowering plants that bring to life the enchanted forest that guests venture through in the ride. These plants also play into the fact that this is and Enchanted Forest, and better integrates the attraction into the surrounding area. A large dead tree sits on the edge of the attraction's footprint near the left entrance of New Fantasyland, and guests will be able to see that the rollercoaster enters this tree one way, but exits it another direction - peculiar. Throughout the attraction's footprint the cliffs of the mountain structure aid in preventing guests from running onto the track of the ride, but in various area where the track is intentionally visible to give more kinetic energy to the land guests will see that trees, large boulders and old stone fences are used to keep the separation ongoing. In the forest and rocky outcropping of the mountains lie two homes that guests can make out that being Merlin and Mim's cottages from the film.



Guests will see a hut standing on the paths of Fantasyland here guests can choose to enter the standby line alongside the Fastpass+ line. Guests going through the Fastpass+ line will quickly go through the woods, and enter Merlin's cottage where they will board their ride vehicle. Standby guests will also enter the woods, but will instead walk along a path in the woods that circles around the perimeter of the attraction's footprint. After walking through the woods guests go underneath a canopy which is a part of Merlin's cottage in his fabled Spell Testing Space. This area will be tightly setup with plenty of switchbacks allowing for plenty of guests to be fit into this area.

As guests approach closer to the cottage's entrance they will find some interactive elements of the queue. One interactive element will be Merlin's Potion Sorter here troughs of water are magically flowing with potion ingredients strewn about the water, and guests have to collect four random ingredients in a vial to create a potion for Merlin; this is achieved via interactive screens. Next up is the Singing Water here guests will be to reach out below various spigots forced into a pillar of rock, and out of spigots comes water lit up in various colors as music notes play. After passing these interactive areas guests enter Merlin's cottage!


In Merlin's cottage guests will be immersed into the living room and kitchen as they walk around and observe the furniture strewn about the room. A bellows is magically pumping air into a fireplace off to the side of the room. Various spell books are stacked all around a living chair, with one spell book open to a page describing on how to enchant carriages so that they can move on their own. A large dining room table int the center of the kitchen is piled high with plates, pots, pans, and utensils that have yet to be sorted; between the mess guests will see magical artifacts strewn about. Where the sink would be is a water pump which slowly and magically pumps water on its own, occasionally water stops pumping out as the pump literally sneezes causing bubbles to shoot out. Eventually guests enter Merlin's Workshop where various wagon wheels are hooked onto a wall, and enchanted scrolls show guests how to safely board the ride vehicles.


Guests reach the ride vehicles where they will see that the rollercoaster train consists of various medieval wagons which magically move on their own, as foreshadowed by the spell book from earlier. The sides of each of wagon have ornate embellishments and carvings in which the created patterns seem to have dragons, unicorns, and other fantastical creatures found in the Enchanted Woods in New Fantasyland. The ride trains will be the same length, and sit the same amount of people as Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.

Ride Stats & Info
Attraction Type: Multilaunch Family Rollercoaster
Riders per Row: 2
Riders per Train: 20
Amount of Trains: 5
Optimal Hourly Capacity: 1,674 guests per hour
Height Restriction: 38″

Ride Experience

Once all the guests board their carriages the cast members will make sure everyone is safely in the ride, and all articles are stowed away. The vehicles will magically lurch forward and go into a hallway within Merlin's rather whimsical cottage. This hallway has portraits of Merlin visiting various other magical locations from other Disney films. The carriages enter Merlin's Study where the first show scene begins.

Scene One: Higitus Figitus

The carriages roll into the center of the room, and there seems that there is nowhere for the ride to go from here. The room is full of seemingly random objects such as a globe displaying a medieval concept of the known world, kettles, books, plates, tchotchkes, lanterns, etc. From a balcony overlooking the study is an animatronic of Merlin holding his wand, tapping his chin. He notices the guests, and smiles.

Merlin: Ah I see that you all made it here! My name is Merlin, and you've all been invited to be witnesses to be latest spellcasting discovery! Self-moving carriages, now let's get this started!

Merlin's nose wrinkles as he motions his wand towards the guest. He begins to sing an abbreviated version of Higitus Figitus allowing for the animatronic to move its arms around and sing the iconic song.

Higitus figitus migitus mum
Alakafez, balakazez
Malakamez meripides

Dum goo-dily doo-dily doo-dily dum
This is the best part, now!
Higitus figitus migitus mum
Higitus figitus migitus mum

As the song is performed it's revealed that the coaster train is on a turntable that turns to face a new 45 degree angle, giving a side view of Merlin. In addition the various objects in the room begin to react to Merlin's spell. The globe spins as a modern day globe slowly appears, the piles of plates begin to rise and spin, the kettles begin to release puffs and streams of steam, lanterns begin to brighten and dim as they move around the room, and the books slam open allowing for pages to flip open catching the chaos of the film's original scene.

As Merlin gets closer to the end of a song, and opening appears in front of the train of wagons with a clear track leading out of the hut. Approaching the end of the song the train lurches forward, and all of the sudden at the last note of the song it launches at 40 mph...backwards?

Merlin: Oh dear, that's the wrong way!

The sound of crashing through wooden walls is heard as guests are shot backwards and up a bunny hill out of Merlin's cottage through the wooden walls with pieces of snapped wooden beams swaying up and down, left and right. This launch backwards allows for the turntable to reset for the next train, and if more time is needed the train can be held in the hallway that was mentioned earlier.

Scene Two: The Abandoned Tree

Following the reverse bunny hill the rollercoaster quickly takes a backwards turn into a small turn, and into a medium sized banked curve designed on the rugged mountainous terrain with large trees and bushes growing out of the sides of these cliffs allowing for a fantastical forest feeling even as coaster track soars into the air. After ending the the banked curve the train enters a helix, and finally the turns seem to end. However, this doesn't mean this is the end as the train of carriages backs in and goes up an old tree. The track holds the train there allowing for the track to switch, and while this happens an animatronic of Archimedes appears. This animatronic either appears towards the top of the hollowed out abandoned tree, or from some branches sticking out from the front of the tree allowing for all guests to be able to view Archimedes.

Archimedes: Hmph, another one of Merlin's spells gone wrong I suppose? Well whooo is going to clean this mess up? Certainly won't be me hmph, he'd lose his head if it weren't attached his body, that's for sure. I'd best be off to let him know where his latest contraption is!


Archimedes disappears back into his hiding spot as a flying noise is heard alongside a sudden click. The train of carriages suddenly is released from being held in the old abandoned tree, and is able to go down the new path the track switched to. Guests at this point will once again be facing forward. The second the last carriage on the train passes the switch track it quickly switches back into place. If an issue arises breaks are present before the switch track occurs, and trains can be held in the launch station from Merlin's Study.

Scene Three: The Witches Cottage

Going through this track the coaster winds around an s-bend passing darker trees with some being dead and decayed. The coaster soon twists into a witches cottage, and slows down as guests have now entered the world of Mad Madam Mim. Mim's living room is shown with her fireplace, table and chair via a screen as Mim falls in through the chimney the second the first carriage enters.

Mim: Breaking into a lady's cottage! The very nerve, have you no idea who I am hmmm? Why, im the magnificent, the marvelous, the mad, mad, mad, mad Madam Mim! (Mim cackles to herself)


The train turns the corner as Mim teleports herself to a balcony overlooking all of the guests from above. Once again she appears via a screen.

Mim: Friends of Merlin, I presume? I suppose I must destroy you!

Merlin pops in next to Mim.

Merlin: Now Mim, that's quite enough!
Mim: Merlin! If your oh so noble then to spare their lives let's have a wizard duel!
Merlin: Very well Mim, let us have a wizard duel.

At this point the train has travelled from Mim's Cottage into a rocky cave where the Wizard Duel takes place.

Scene Four: The Wizard Duel

Entering the rocky cave guests will see a rather high ceiling with stalagmites and stalactites dotting the floors and ceilings. In between these rocky sculptures is a large scrim interwoven as if wasn't there allowing for the Wizard Duel to occur via projections all around guests. A tunnel seems to lead guests out of the cave ahead of them, but it is rather dark. The train of carriages stops in the center of the cave as Merlin and Mim poof out of magic to begin their Wizard Duel. Much like in the original film Merlin and Mim transform into various animals flying, running, and jumping around the cave in a battle of wits while plenty of slapstick comedy occurs for both. After about 15 seconds of this tom foolery, Mim gets upset and poofs away from the scrim.

Mim (offscreen, laughing): Enough games, it's time to end this!

A large animatronic dragon head and neck pops up from behind some of the rocks above the tunnel. Steam shoots out of Mim's dragon nostrils. In this distraction, Merlin has poofed out of the scrim via magic as well and a set of doors opens up in the tunnel allowing for the outside light to be seen.


Mim: Come out Merlin, or your friends get it!

Mim further opens her mouth to breathe fire causing the room to increase in temperature.

Merlin: Why Mim, I'm right here as a germ! And the only one who has gotten anything is you with this cold!

Projections turn Mim's dragon green with red spots as she has come down with a cold, and instead of breathing fire she sneezes causing mist to be squirted at guests.


Merlin: As for all of you, it's time for you to hurry back before you catch Mim's cold!

Scene Five: A Well Deserved Goodbye

With one final launch the coaster shoots out and up a tunnel into the outside world doing a quick upward helix onto a wooden bridge which crosses over track from earlier in the ride. After crossing the bridge the coaster turns once more, and does a final helix before stopping before entering the unload station. Here in the ruins of a fort is Merlin under some shelter with Archimedes.

Merlin: Haha well it seems like this spell was a smashing success!
Archimedes (glaring at Merlin): Hmph yes, right through your house!
Merlin: Oh hush Archimedes, our guests clearly enjoyed their time here! As for that Mim, she's fine a few days of sunshine and care, and she'll back to -
Archimedes: Her maddening self! (Archimedes laughs to himself)
Merlin: Why, yes! I suppose so, well bygones be bygones. Farewell, and thank you all!

And with that the vehicles lurch forward into the unloading station, and exit back into Fantasyland. Overall, this is a fun and thrilling coaster for all ages while telling a classic good vs evil story that blends right into Fantasyland. The coaster itself is rather tightly built allowing for more to happen in a smaller space, and utilizes launches and vertical drops to minimize space taken up by lift hills instead utilizing that space for more show scenes. The thrill level should be a bit above Slinky, but still low enough to be a perfect fit for everyone.



In World Showcase a new table service known as Spice Road Table opened in the Morocco pavilion serving up delicious Mediterranean tapas and dishes for all to enjoy. Jumping over to Norway, and fueled by the juggernaut that is Frozen, there was an announcement for a new Frozen attraction and meet and greet. However, this announcement came at the cost of Maelstrom an Epcot attraction that had a niche fanbase and an underrated stance in park groups. In addition the nearby plot of land between Mexico and Norway was earmarked for a major Frozen meet and greet area to keep up with the demand that Fresh Paint struggles to contain without spilling all over Animation Courtyard. This IP integration of Frozen into Norway fits with Disney's announced strategy of integrating popular IPs into Epcot that started with the opening of Phineas and Ferb: The Best Ride Ever at the Imagination Pavilion in 2010.

Joining the closure of Maelstrom was the closure of Innoventions West in early 2014. This change was done to drum up interest in the Avatar franchise, and build hype for the upcoming Avatar land in Disney's Animal Kingdom. Disney purchased the formerly touring Avatar - The Exhibition, and installed the exhibition in Innoventions West for the holiday season.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
2014 - Part 2

Due to forum limitations I am forced to post 2014 as two parts due to a limit 40,000 characters per post. Sorry for the inconvenicence.​

Disney's Hollywood Studios

At Disney's Hollywood Studios work to begin construction on the Star Wars and Toy Story expansions was marked by the closure of The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow as well as The Backlot Tour. Another closure was the American Idol Experience on January 2nd. It was later announced by Disney that, as part of Frozen Summer Fun, For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-a-long Celebration will be debuting in the theater. After Frozen Summer Fun ended the show joined the park's permanent roster of shows however many complaints circled around the show due to its cheap and rushed looking nature.

Opening in November of 2014 was The Incredibles: The Battle for Metroville, a whole new E-Ticket attraction. This new rollercoaster dark ride adds to the admittedly small roster of rides that the park has, and alleviates the pressure of the park's other two thrill rides as Disney constructs the park's much needed new additions.

The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville

Join the Incredibles in an epic battle for Metroville against the evil mastermind, Techno! Techno was inspired by Syndrome's advanced robotics, and has created an army of robots to seize Metroville and defeat the Incredibles on the anniversary of Syndrome's defeat. Will good win out, or will the technical powers of evil stand strong? Experience the thrills and daring adventure in The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville!


Guests walking down Metroville can enter City Hall, home to the attraction. Hanging from the columns is a banner celebrating a year since the defeat of Syndrome that reads: "The Incredibles: A Year of Peace". As guests get closer to the attraction's façade the queue for the attraction becomes apparent with signs installed in between the columns of city hall. On the left will be the Fastpass+ entrance, and on the right will be the standby queue with its wait proudly displayed. Guests proceeding into the building will be going up various ADA complaint ramps that runs from right to left to right for the Fastpass+ queue, and left to right to left for the standby queue.


If there is a long wait in the standby queue, guests will be lead to the left of the building, and turn right into a secret city garden obscured by Incredicafe's building. In this extended queue guests will go around a shaded garden area filled with hedges, bushes, and various statues of Supers who have perished in protecting the city alongside plaques dedicated to them. This queue extension allows for the main walkways to stay uncrowded by crowds on many days giving the masses an additional place to wait before relying on the park's path.

Heading back into the main queue guests will be able to enter city hall and be inside the rotunda of the building where The Incredibles and Frozone are displayed in statue form in a victory pose. The standby queue circles around the statue in the rotunda, and as guests walks around they can admire murals depicting the fight between the Supers and the Omnidroid. An audio narration plays periodically introducing guests to the Supers, the Omnidroid, and of course the success the Supers had in defeating the robot.

Exiting the rotunda guests go into a hallway which has an exhibit on the history of Metroville. Guests will see framed photographs and newspapers detailing various events from the city's history including the founding of the city, the Age of Supers, and various Easter eggs referencing other Pixar films. These Easter eggs include the opening of the first Pizza Planet in the city, the blockbuster success of Buzz Lightyear: Space Ranger, B 'n' L Superstores expanding to the city, etc. This hallway eventually leads to the city hall press conference rooms where guests will enter and encounter the attractions preshow.


Entering the city hall press conference room are a series of large screens on the wall showing an orange and red pattern with the city's seal in the center. As guests continue to enter the room they're delighted by a gentle rendition of various pieces of music from the Incredibles playing over the speakers. As the last of the guests enter the preshow room the lights dim, the music comes to and end, and focus is pulled towards the screens. A voice comes over the speakers.

City Hall Announcer: Thank you all for coming today to visit city hall on this momentous day, to start our anniversay here is Mayor -

The audio cuts out as static appears all over the screen causing the city's seal to dissapear. The screen turns all black as various green and blue computer screens flicker on in a large evil lair. Standing tall in the middle of the screens is Techno.


Techno: Oh sorry, did I ruin your special day residents of Metroville? WELL GUESS WHAT! The Incredibles ruined the respect and honor us scientists had when they savagely destroyed everything Syndrome was working for, and I TECHNO, will forcefully make Metroville into the city of the future rather you accept my technology or not!

Techno pauses to manically laugh as he throws his hands in the air in the air, and laughs to the sky in grand over the top villain fashion.

Techno: My army of robots have already begun to wreak havoc on your city as we speak, and soon you will all be forced to accept this life! That's right forced as I have created mind control headbands that will force you to obey every command I make of you! The bozos at city hall have fallen victim already, and I believe they are ready to send you all down to my secret evil lair to receive your very own mind control bands.

A butler robot, using a wheel to move forward and a tux painted onto its body, uses his hands to hold a tray containing the mind control headbands. A blast is heard to the room next to guests as the walls shake and the video feed fazes in and out.

Techno: That must be your transports now, yes all is coming together for the future! And don't think of those pesky supers coming to save you, my robots are keeping them very busy in the city. They'll have no time to save you, or stop the progress of the technology.

Techno once again evil villain laughs as the screen goes black and a set of doors opens allowing for guests to go down a hallway and into the ride load area.

Ride Stats & Info
Attraction Type:
Slotcar Dark Ride
Riders per Row: 3
Riders per Car: 9
Optimal Hourly Capacity: 1,600 guests per hour
Height Restriction: 40″
Fastpass+: Yes

Ride Experience

Guests wander around a traditional switchback queue before being directed by cast members to a one of two loading zones. Cast members here act robotically and have a monotone voice when speaking while keep a smile sinisterly plastered on their face. Neither will make a difference in experience, but will help tremendously in capacity and keeping the line moving. The ride vehicles are visually similar to those utilized at Tokyo DisneySea's Journey to the Center of the Earth, but have more a 1960's mod design versus the steampunk aesthetic of the DisneySea attraction.


Once guests are seated the vehicles move forward into the safety check area a cast member will ensure that guests are safely in place thanks to a lap bar. While Techno may be an evil mastermind he does value the safety of his future assets. Once the safety check is passed have a small blast of speed as the vehicles careen out of the city hall and down a tunnel that Techno blew up so that his vehicles could escort guests to his lair.

Scene 1: Dash Through the Tunnels

Entering the subterranean tunnels guests will be going about 10 mph but thinks to a wind tunnel effect it will feel much faster. A flash of red light passes by guests on the left as a blast is air is felt, almost as if something ran right pass them. Upon turning a corner the vehicles slow down and a tunnel opening appears. Utilizing a screen, worked seamlessly worked into the set , Dash will appear in front of guests.

Dash: Okay don't you all worry The Incredibles are on their way to save you!

Violet appears behind him, and quickly slaps him across the head.


Violet: You gotta be more quiet! If Techno or the robots catch us down here then they'll find us! As for all of you, if our plan is going to work you just keep going to Techno. Don't worry the Incredibles will handle the rest.

Violet disappears and Dash runs off. The vehicles speed up to 15 mph zipping past rockwork depicting caverns until turning into an evil lair.

Scene 2: Techno's Lair

Guests enter an evil lair, and in here various large metal columns with purple orbs in the center stand tall keeping the subterranean ceilings up. To the left of guests is a dark tunnel and a mysterious lever. To the right of guests, on an elevated platform, is Techno working at a control panel. On the wall in front of guests is a large dome shaped screen that's seamlessly a part of the rock work. The vehicle comes to a stop.

Techno: Ah I see that my latest minions have arrived!

Rumbling can be hear from above as pieces of the rock ceiling start falling in the screen. Suddenly Mr. Incredible coems crashing in through the ceiling and Frozone comes sliding in right after the previous Super.

Mr. Incredible: Sorry to crash in Techno!
Frozone: But it's ice to meet you!

Techno swivels to face the screens which show the heroes rapidly approaching.

Techno: Guardbots stop them!

Large bulky robots appear from the ground to fight Mr Incredible and Frozone. All this action will be on the screen, but for some action in the physical realm guests should look to the left. In the dark tunnel Elastigirl's head pops out as she makes a sign to tell guests to stay hushed. She stretches and reaches out to pull the lever. Smoke shoots out from Techno's pedestal as he sinks.

Elastigirl: Drats! Honey it was the wrong lever; we need to get these folks out now!

Elastigirl pulls her hand back and her head disappears back into the dark tunnel. The lever Elastigirl pulled turns out to be the launcher for Techno's Hovercraft as he appears riding it on the screen.

Techno: I may not have been able to control your minds, but you're still my pawns! To the surface!

Techno's hovercraft shoots out missiles aimed at the base of the screen causing for steam to shoot out at guests obscuring their view. This allows an opening, which was a part of the screen, to appear. As Techno flies out through the opening to the city that the Incredibles opened up the vehicle launches through the opening. As guests launch into an upwards tunnel guest will hear Elastigirl yelling at the other Supers to chase after Techno and the guests.

Scene 3: The Battle for Metroville


Running along crumbled and submerged highway the vehicle shows up in downtown. Guests will be able to see a Destroyerbot with its long tentacle like legs propping it up over the city; this robot will have laser canons at the bottom of its body that shoots out lasers. It will be a simple figure with limited movement at the base of their body allowing for the laser canons to move around. Surrounding guests are various city building facades with some of them with broken windows and laser burns. Surrounding these facades are screens that add depth to the area by showing off more of the city buildings as well as playing home to various pieces of action. In the windows of some of the buildings are Munchers, caterpillar looking robots that go around eating everything inside a building, but thanks to screens Dash will be running in and out of each room collecting all the Munchers.

Upon coming out of the submerged highway the vehicles make a quick turn as a laser blast from the robot misses and hits some adjacent road. The road pops up as smoke shoots out signifying the blast. On one of the screens worked into the buildings Techno is seen flying high above mocking the Supers, and taunting them to just try to stop the robots without hurting guests. An animatronic Frozone swings out from the left riding an ice platform. On the screens guests will be able to see Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl also arriving into the city in pursuit of the robots and Techno.

Frozone: I think it's time to cool down the situation.

The robot turns to shoot a laser at guests again, and as it does a blast of cold air hits guests as Frozone motions towards them shooting out and ice wall blocking the laser.

Frozone: Get to safety, and chill!

The vehicle enters a speedy drift as it enters a building, but right before the vehicle enters the robot shoots off one more laser narrowingily missing guests but hitting the building. Steam shoots out just as before where the laser hit, but now cracks are forming throughout the building as various parts of the ceiling start to cave in within this building. The vehicle races through the rubble before coming upon an exit being held up by Mr. Incredible.


Mr. Incredible: Hurry get out of here, this building about to go down!

The vehicle shoots out of the building and onto a roundabout where Violet is seen standing in front of another Destroyerbot. Various glass of thin glass, nearly unseeable from the common eye are set up as a wall of sorts on the right of the track. LEDs are hidden in the connections of these glass panels.

Elastigirl (from far): Violet protect those innocents.
Violet: I'll try!

The Destroyerbot shoot out a laser towards guests, but Violet activates her forcefields causing the glass to come to life in purple hues. As the vehicle zips through this area the forcefields continue to activate as the laser follows the guests for a while. Eventually the vehicles enter a new area of the city with Techno flying on the screens. The vehicle continues to speed alongside the action happening next to them.

Techno: All this chaos is far too much for the Supers to handle, I've won!

Frozone is seen throwing ice creating a slope upwards as he skies up to Techno, and freeze blasts an engine on Techno's hovercraft. This causes Techno to start spinning in the air; Elastigirl slinks into the scene and whacks the hovercraft causing Techno to start flying off course. Dash runs onto the screen, and after Techno to try to catch him before he crashes.

Dash: I've got him! I've got him! I don't got him!

Techno crashes into a building that the vehicle slows down in front of. Using an effect similar to MuppetVision a hole in the building is lit up behind a scrim showing an unconscious Techno hunched over his hovercraft. His hovercraft is seen with a broken wing with wires sticking out and little sparks shooting out sporadically alongside steam filling the area. The vehicle turns a corner and descends into a subterranean tunnel as it passes the crash of Techno, and right before a recreation of the City Hall façade from its side.

Scene 4: A Heroic Celebration


After exiting the tunnel guests are back in City Hall with animatronics of the four Incredibles present alongside Frozone. A banner above the five supers celebrates the victory over Techno. Each of the super thanks guests for their bravery, and for staying safe along the ride. The vehicle reaches the unload area allowing for guests to exit the guest, and once they exit they go outside into a small garden area that leads into a side entrance of The Mode Armoire.

Disney's Animal Kingdom


Starting off the new year was the closure of the eastern portion of the Tree of Life Gardens to allow for demolition and installation for a rethemed Triceratop Spin. Camp Minnie-Mickey finally closed its doors to guests after acting as a temporary land for over a decade. This unfortunately meant the official end for the Pocahontas stage show which was revived in 2010, and the relocation of just about everything else from this land to around the park.

Meet and greets with various characters were now sprinkled throughout the entirety of the park encouraging guests to explore more winding paths. Located in the Oasis guests could run into Chip and Dale or Baloo throughout the day right as they enter Animal Kingdom. Roaming the Tree of Life Gardens guests can let out a wingapo to Pocahontas as she welcome guests to learn more about the world around them. In the Discovery Island Character Landing guests are able to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse who have set up base camp on the docks. Meanwhile Donald and Daisy Duck have set up shop in Asia Character Landing where they have been studying their relations to other birds thanks to the work of the Anandapur Bird Sanctuary. Rounding out the meet and greets will be Pluto who meets guests at the Planet Watch train station, Goofy who meets guests at the Planet Watch courtyard, and Rafiki who meets guests within the Planet Watch atrium. The bow on the top of entertainment offerings is the relocation of Festival of the Lion to the newly constructed and opened Harambe Theatre District.


In late December, Monarch Migration opened on Discovery Island near the left exit path for it's tough to be a bug. Monarch Migration reuses the ride system from Triceratop Spin - which has been replaced by a new Dinoland expansion in 2013, while teaching guests about the annual migration that the monarch butterfly takes to reach breeding grounds. The flat ride offers guests stunning views of Discovery River, the Tree of Life Gardens, and a whole new elevated look onto the Tree of Life carvings.

Monarch Migration


Located on the banks of the Discovery River is Monarch Migration, a whole new aerial carousel flat ride that reutilizes the base system of Triceratop Spin. The attraction offers stunning views of Discovery River, the Tree of Life Gardens, and a whole new elevated look onto the Tree of Life carvings. To integrate the ride within the area new "roots" have been constructed that run around and over guest pathways integrating the attraction as part of the area, and adding opportunities for more beautiful animal carvings to be added. Surrounding the ride are freshly planted gardens of milkweed to provide for an area for monarch caterpillars to be born and feast.


The attraction's sign is carved into a large root of the Tree of Life that has grown over the path and into, well the queue! It reads Monarch Migrations with various monarchs carved as flying away from the sign, and up the root towards the tree. There are two entrances as denoted by the carvings one is standby with the forecasted wait time presented, and the other is Fastpass+ with the current time shown. As guests past under the root they immediately enter through a tunnel covered in vines of coral honeysuckle allowing for themselves to be immersed into this garden perfect for pollinators.

Guests exit into a garden centered around a large southern magnolia tree with large earthy triangular sail covers providing shade to guests in line; these sails are also attached to wooden poles that have fans and lights on them to provide for guest comfort. Guests meander through a series of switchbacks as various panels sticking out of the guests give information out about the monarch butterfly's migration. A field of milkweed awaits guests as they continue to go through line. At this field a panel encourages guests to plant milkweed at home to give monarch butterflies a place to rest on their migrations; whenever monarch offspring are spotted in the area plexiglass will be set up to further separate guests from the milkweed.


Guests now go into a small pavilion consisting of a roof and a few walls with panels giving off monarch butterfly fun facts. The roof of the pavilion is considered a 'green roof' as it has grass growing alongside various Florida wildflowers on top. Guests within the pavilion are broken up into groups of four as each vehicle can set up to four; it is to be noted that single riders will get their own row for this ride.

Ride Experience

Guests walk towards the ride vehicles and will be able to notice that there is a moat of water and fountain system, much like Dumbo, surrounding the base of the load. Guests then climb into the back of the ride vehicle - styled as the abdomen of the butterfly, and buckle themselves in. The front row has a lever to control how high the butterfly goes, and and the backrow has a lever to tilt the butterfly around thus simulating different flight paths. The left butterfly wing covers much of the view of the ride arm for the vehicle, but for theming the arm is painted in earth browns with fake vines and flowers around it. The base of the carousel is designed to look like an oversized wooden music box. The bottom as mentioned acts as a fountain, but the panels on the base which hold the arms has the monarch butterfly's life cycle painted onto it. The top of the base has a spring reach out with a monarch butterfly on top that slowly spins opposite to the ride. While guests are flying in the air they will be able to enjoy a whimsical score comprised of tracks from Disneynature's Wings of Life, the Tinker Bell franchise and a bug's life.

Now Roger Rabbit will be in Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers live action film as cameo. I think It's time for Roger Rabbit's return for his new own land, Roger Rabbit's Hollywood in the future.

Well given my project is going through the years, and making retroactive changes to the parks that film hasn't been released yet. However, in my plans I have 0 intentions of utilizing either Roger Rabbit or the Rescue Rangers franchise for this project.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Resurrecting this old thread as I have been working on it .... very slowly admittedly since the last update two years ago. Before I post the next update I want to share with you the timeline from 2010 to 2014 as an easy to read quick recap of where the project stands. Just a reminder I am working on this all myself and is my labor of love throughout the entire history of myself on the forums - I'm just finally compiling all my ideas and putting them into fruition while updating them with the times :)

The Sacred Tcool Timeline


Magic Kingdom
  • Main Street Electrical Parade​
  • Phineas and Ferb: The Best Ride Ever!​
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
  • Captain EO: A Tribute​
Disney’s Animal Kingdom
  • Pocahontas and her Forest Friends​


Magic Kingdom
  • Closure: Mickey’s Toontown Fair, Main Street Theatre​
  • Meet and Greet Relocations​
    • Meet Mickey & Minnie at the Main Street Theatre​
    • Meet Goofy at the Adventureland Veranda​
    • Meet Donald and Daisy at the Docks by Thunder Mountain​
    • Meet Pluto at the Flagpole​
    • Meet Chip and Dale at the Flagpole​
    • Meet Cinderella at Cinderella’s Wishing Well​
    • Meet Snow White at the Town Square East Garden by City Hall​
    • Meet Ariel at the Town Square West Garden by the Town Square Theatre​
    • Meet Belle at the Liberty Square Gazebo​
  • Meet Tiana at the American Adventure Jazz Gardens​
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
  • Closures: Journey into Narnia, Magic of Animation, Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage​


Magic Kingdom -
  • New Fantasyland​
    • The Enchanted Woods​
      • Theatre of the Woods presents Mickey and the Dreamcatchers​
      • The Glen of Whimsy​
        • Meet Cinderella and Snow White​
        • Meet Rapunzel and Aurora​
      • Enchanted Tales with Belle​
      • Be Our Guest​
      • Bonjour! Gifts​
      • Maurice’s Popping Machine​
      • LeFou’s Brewers Barrel​
      • Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid​
      • Ariel’s Grotto​
    • Storybook Circus​
      • Dumbo the Flying Elephant​
      • The Barnstormer featuring The Great Goofini​
      • Casey Jr. Splash ‘n’ Soak​
      • Big Top Emporium​
      • Pete’s Silly Sideshow​
        • Meet Donald & Daisy​
        • Meet Goofy & Pluto​
  • Old Fantasyland​
    • 100 Acre Woods Makeover of Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and 100 Acre Goods​
    • Storybook Treats​
    • Friar’s Nook​
    • Alice in Wonderland​
  • Celebrate the Magic​
  • DunBroch Highlands: Meet Merida​
  • Test Track 2.0​
  • Meet Phineas and Ferb at the Magic Eye Character Spot​
  • Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure​
  • The Digital World announcement​
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
  • Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow​


Disney’s Hollywood Studios -
  • Animation Avenue Expansion Phase 1​
    • The Mode Armoire​
    • Incredicafe​
    • Frozone Delicacies​
    • Omnidroid Spin​
    • Supers Meet-Up Spot​
    • The Gastrobrush (Table Service)​
    • Fresh Paint Club (Meet Mickey & Minnie or Anna & Elsa)​
  • Tangled - Live! at the Theater of the Stars​
Disney’s Animal Kingdom -
  • The Wilderness Explorers​
  • Meet Dug & Russel​
  • Dinoland Expansion​
    • The Journey Below: Mysteries of the Cambrian Sea
    • Treasures of the Deep
    • Animal Exhibits


Magic Kingdom -
  • Closures: A Dream Come True Parade​
  • Merlin’s Wizard Quest​
  • Festival of Fantasy​
    • No Brave Unit, Winnie the Pooh Unit in Place​
Epcot -
  • Closures: Maelstrom​
  • Avatar - The Exhibit at Innoventions West​
  • Spice Road Table​
Disney’s Hollywood Studios -
  • Closures: The American Idol Experience, Backlot Tour, The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow​
  • For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-a-long Celebration at the Hyperion Theater​
  • The Incredibles: Battle for Metroville​
Disney’s Animal Kingdom -
  • Closure: Camp Minnie-Mickey
  • Meet and Greet Relocations
    • Pocahontas at the Tree of Life Gardens
    • Chip and Dale at The Oasis
    • Mickey & Minnie at Discovery Island Character Landing
    • Donald & Daisy at Asia Character Landing
    • Meet Goofy or Pluto at Rafiki’s Planet Watch (Courtyard)
    • Meet Rafiki at Rafiki’s Planet Watch (Inside)
  • Festival of the Lion King at the Harambe Theater
  • Monarch Migration

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