Alright CMs, what about the GOOD guests?


New Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
[BI know that the CM risks the their by saying what I say... so I do it for them. Things like, "You do realize that he/she has no control over that and I am personally extremely embarrassed for you right now. I mean, you appear to be an adult". [/B]
May I use that? :lol:

Pixie Duster

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Original Poster
I really miss being able to do those kinds of things when I worked merchandise.

To the guests who kindly offer to do a survey. We cannot survey a person who has asked us, it biases the info. Sorry, but we do appreciate the offer. If we somehow ask you without you asking us then by all means say yes :)

Pixie Duster

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I have to thank the older British, Canadian, and New York men for being so funny. They love us female researchers. It gets a little funny, but they put their arm around us and give us a hard time, like when we ask their age (we need it for demographics) they say something like, "how old do you think I am?" Some researchers get annoyed with it. But if it's all in good fun then it makes my day a little more fun.


Well-Known Member
I love it when a guest tells other guest that if they go over to a certain area to tell that person hi or to get them for somthing like a hostess. That not only makes the CM fell good but the guest as well. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i always look for the CM's in line, a store, or vending that are getting tired due to a long day, harsh customers, or maybe even the heat, and thank them for a great job they are doing. hopefully this give them the little extra boost to keep a positive attitutde and make it that extra hour or through one more tough customer.

put your hands together for the great CM's. :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by jmaxwell007
i always look for the CM's in line, a store, or vending that are getting tired due to a long day, harsh customers, or maybe even the heat, and thank them for a great job they are doing. hopefully this give them the little extra boost to keep a positive attitutde and make it that extra hour or through one more tough customer.

That's mighty awesome of you. ROCK ON!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
thanks, a customer did that to me one day at my office and i really cant tell you how bad of a day I was having and that comment really picked me up and made my week really.

also, to all those mean CM's. i strike you in the with a hot poker. :fork:

Pixie Duster

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And I fight with them daily. No really, I have gotten into 3 verbal arguments backstage with bad Cast Members, I know it's not a good thing to do but they were terrible cast members.


Well-Known Member
I just joined but thought I'd share a story of a guest I encountered on my college program. There was this English family who had lost their 14 day park hoppers, they thought they had left them in a fast pass machine so I called all over the park to all the rides they had visited and no one had found them. I was in the Briar Patch so I walked over to Thunder Mountain which they had just come off of and personally looked and had no luck. So I called City Hall and while none had been turned in they said to send the guests there and they'd try to help. I didn't think anything of it until a week later when they returned to thank me and inform me that guest relations had replaced the ticket. It made me feel good to know that they appreciated my efforts.

Pixie Duster

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Original Poster
Originally posted by tigger248
I just joined but thought I'd share a story of a guest I encountered on my college program. There was this English family who had lost their 14 day park hoppers, they thought they had left them in a fast pass machine so I called all over the park to all the rides they had visited and no one had found them. I was in the Briar Patch so I walked over to Thunder Mountain which they had just come off of and personally looked and had no luck. So I called City Hall and while none had been turned in they said to send the guests there and they'd try to help. I didn't think anything of it until a week later when they returned to thank me and inform me that guest relations had replaced the ticket. It made me feel good to know that they appreciated my efforts.

That's awesome! That happened to me too... we were doing a special survey for the fastpass system. In the beginning some guests were misinformed and were told they would get an extra fastpass for their time. This guest seeked me out to tell me about this and that he never got his pass. So I got some info told him to wait where he was and came back from guest relations with two "No Strings Attached" passes to get his entire family to the front of the line to any 2 attractions. A few days later he showed up at MK with a card for me to say thank you. Great grateful guest.


New Member
Great guests....

After reading the posts in this thread so far, a couple of things come to mind.

First of all, there are some CMs that should in no way be a CM. I've ran across a few that are very anti-people people. I always wonder if they don't like people, what the heck are they doing working at Disney World. Why not get a job in a cubicle somewhere where you never have to deal with the outside public. ???? And in alot of cases, you don't even have to go out of your way very far in order to make a difference to a guest. Just a few extra seconds of your time and you can make their day. Sometimes it's as simple as handing a Mickey sticker to a crying child who then stops crying and whose parents are eternally grateful. :)

And I've had some guests that I swear would complain about something even if they were walking on the streets of gold in heaven. After so many of these kinds a day, I am SOOOOOO appreciative of the great guest. These are the guests who remind me that that's why I am here working at Disney in the first place.

One of my best memories just happened a couple of weeks ago. I had a family from Indiana that I started talking to one day when working at Once Upon A Toy. The boys had just started pin trading and were in search of the whole Rescuers mini pin set. I traded with them giving them 1 or 2 of them. My manager that night also gave them one of the 101 Dalmation lanyard pins.

The next day, I was working at the World of Disney when I heard my name being called. I turned around to find the same boys running up to tell me that they had gotten all of the pins in the set. They were so excited!!! They then said they were working on the 101 Dalmation lanyard set. I told them I would keep my eye out for them that evening. They found me before they left the store later that night to see if I had found the last one they were needing. I told them I hadn't, but I would keep looking that night. I told them I was working at "Toy" again the next night and if I couldn't find them the pin, I would bring mine from my own set at home for them.

The next night at Toy, I mentioned the family and another CM found the one they needed backstage and gave it to me to give them. I made up little Magic Moment certificates with "Pin Trader of the Day" for them and waited to see if they would show up.

I had only been at work about a 1/2 hour when they walked in looking for me!! I put their names on the certificates and gave them the pin without asking for a trade for it. They were so excited!!

You would have thought I had handed them a million dollars!! They wanted my email address to keep in touch when they got home and I got hugs from not only the kids, but the parent as well. They were so thrilled that CMs would be so nice to them as perfect strangers that it made their whole trip to Disney a true "magic moment" (it was their first trip to WDW).

And all it took was maybe 10 minutes tops out of my day to sign a couple of certificates and keep a look out for a pin. But as CMs, we have to stay focused on the fact that guests are really what we are here for........


New Member
Saying "HI"

Originally posted by Atta83
I love it when a guest tells other guest that if they go over to a certain area to tell that person hi or to get them for somthing like a hostess. That not only makes the CM fell good but the guest as well. :)

I kind of do a bit of a twist on this. Working at Downtown Disney, we are encouraged to talk to guests about goings on in the parks, what their favorite ride was, etc.

Always trying to find ways to bring CMs together with guests, I always tell kids to "make sure that they say "HI" to a tall, blond "funny looking" guy named Jeff if they should see him at the Indy Speedway or another ride in Tomorrowland."

Telling them to say HI to my husband if they see him gives them some fun of a "scavenger hunt" kind of game for them to do in the MK and let them feel more comfortable already "knowing" someone that works there before they go.


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
That's great that your hubby works at Disney too!

Yes, it is.....except on those weeks when he is scheduled 112 hours. :lol:

Seriously, it is really good when you're Disney World fanatics......both of us get in free! :sohappy:


New Member
A couple of years ago my husband surprised me with a very short trip to Disney for my birthday. We live in florida so we can take one night trips. WE were in the AK and were getting ready to leave, when one of the Cm"S doing surveys asked us if we would and of course we said yes. When it got to how old I was we started to laugh as that day was my birthday. She asked me where my birthday pin was and told her I did not have one. She ran over to I guess , guest relations and got me one and on her wayback picked up several people and they all stood around me and sang Happy Birthday. It is the best birthday I have ever had.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
Ya Rock On! I bet I know who it was... but ya I've done that before. That's fun. Birthdays at WDW are the best and when the guests are willing to have that silly kind of fun it is even better.

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