Alone at PI?


New Member
Were going to WDW in 9 days!! Can you go to PI alone at night and meet people to hang out with? Or is it like going to a bar alone? Ie scary and prob dangerous?


New Member
i've gone to PI alone a few times, but never really MET anyone. i guess it mostly depends on your personality, and how you define MEETING someone.

i would say it's much different that the regular bar scene (at least around here). most people are on vacation and having a good time, therefore in a great mood and very outgoing. i had no problem just talking to people - tho most conversations were limited to 'where you from' 'where you staying' 'how long you staying' blah blah blah... but as far as REALLY meeting someone, hitting it off, exchanging numbers, and all that - i dunno - i didn't even consider it...

i did have a good time there by myself - but then again, i was at WDW - so how could you not have a good time :)

just my 2 cents, not sure if it helps...
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Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by squeaker53
Were going to WDW in 9 days!! Can you go to PI alone at night and meet people to hang out with? Or is it like going to a bar alone? Ie scary and prob dangerous?

scary and dangerous??? your in Disney World its not like your in the Bronx at night.......its not bad to be alone at PI at night now the Bronx is another story!!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by squeaker53
Ie scary and prob dangerous?
Not if you are sensible and think about the consequenses of any action you take - its probably only as dangerous (or safe) as your local town centre night spot.
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The Mom

Premium Member
You might want to go to the Adventurer's Club for a more interactive experience. As previously mentioned, in most of the clubs, the other patrons and CMs are very friendly. (perhaps TOO friendly ;) )
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New Member
I'm constantly at PI. It's never dangerous, as long as your intelligent. But...I hardly ever see people there by themselves. It isn't really a find a date kind of atmosphere...i don't think so anyway.
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Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by alee4eva
LoL Heyy, i live just outside the Bronx, its not scary or dangerous at night!! :lol:

um ive been to the Bronx at night...not alone but i wouldnt recomend it.......there are good and bad parts of the isnt like it use to be 4 or 5 years ago......... but anyways.....PI is not dangerous ever
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Active Member
Going Solo at the PI...

I hope this helps, but I think there are a couple of factors you should consider about flying solo at the big PI...

1) I can have a hell of a time anywhere by myself. I am random like that, where I always seem able to amuse myself by people watching or I have a quick knack of making friends. Pleasure Island is something you definitely don't want to kick yourself later about for missing out on. You seem to be pretty passionate about Disney, so I'm sure part of you just wants to experience it as PI being part of the Resort.

2) If you are going for more social reasons...Monday and Thursday nights are cast member nights - hence PI turns into a whole new personality as it becomes dominated mainly by college students working on the WDW College Program. It takes on a very 18-24 year old feel of good all-American type kids who work for the mouse. If you want to avoid this college type crowd to meet some people, I would avoid Motions and BET on a Monday/Thursday.

3) The Comedy show is almost worth the price of admission to PI, at least check that out. I personally think the shows are lame and have been asked to leave on three different occasions for unwanted crowd participation on my part.

4) The admission cost keeps out most shady people. So it is a pretty exclusive crowd that wouldn’t pay $20+ bucks to be mischievous.

5) If you are going to meet someone special to continue the night with, people I know have always had better luck at Church Street downtown then the ole PI.

6) People are always more friendly to you if you are attractive. Plus, the more others around you consume alcohol the more attractive you usually become, and the friendlier they become.

Finally, just check it out, if you don't like it or you feel uncomfortable-You can always leave.

Hope that Helps - Just my Ramblings here....
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New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
um ive been to the Bronx at night...not alone but i wouldnt recomend it.......there are good and bad parts of the isnt like it use to be 4 or 5 years ago......... but anyways.....PI is not dangerous ever

HA! Maybe he means the Broxz Zoo...
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New Member
Original Poster
thanks everyone that was really helpful! i think im going to go with the rents to check it out and then if I feel like going back on my own i'll give it a try!
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