All Star Sports


New Member
Last year stayed at the Pop. Experience was great. This year, July10-16 will be staying at All Star Sports. Havent heard anything about this hotel compared to the Pop. Should we assume that they are the same?
Saw countdown forum and noticed that ezxcept for us, there werent anyone else staying at Sports...should we be alarmed?

LeeLee D

New Member
I stayed at Sports last year. I still prefer Pop, but Sports was nice.

The only concern I had was that I had to walk past the "football field" to get to the food court/busses. There were lots of kids - mostly teen boys - playing/throwing footballs. I am anxious around such activity (my family says I'm titchy :lookaroun ), so I was uncomfortable.

Let me be clear, the kids were not doing a thing wrong, there was just too much activity for me.

I would stay again in a different area of the resort. The theming is nice - love the giant soda - and, as always, the CMs were great.

Have a great time!
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Active Member
Great place, Your the first stop on the bus route if all 3 All Stars are shareing the buses. Lots of kids, very family friendly. Not a quiet resort by no means especially during high attendance time. I stayed there in September and had a great time
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
POP is a little nicer. You can kind of tell that Disney learned a thing or two when the built the other values and made some minor improvements when the built POP but there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the All Stars. About the biggest difference between POP and the All Stars is the bus system. POP's central location and 1 stop bus system will get you to the parks a little quicker than the All Stars as there location is on the edge of WDW property and there are stops at all 3 of the All Star resorts.
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New Member
We stayed at Pop the first year it opened and since then have stayed at Sports 3 times. We will be going back in September and again chose Sports. We have 2 boys and they like Sports better. To me all of the Values are the same with just different theming icons. We have also stayed at the moderates and prefer the values I dont think you can go wrong with any of them .
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I would do POP, not that there is anything wrong with All Stars. I think POP was a lot nicer. I stayed at all of the All Stars numerous times, ever since POP came a long, I will probably never go back to the All Stars. Plus, POP has its own busses which is nice. All Stars share Busses and it can get very crowded and overwhelming. They are all nice though. POP is just new and really clean and bright. The atmosphere is beautiful there. Other than that, rooms, and size wise, their really not much different. You will have a good time no matter where u stay if your on property... have fun!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I love All Star Sports. I have stayed there every time I went to Disney (with the exception of my last visit in May, I stayed at Old Key West for my honeymoon). Like others have said, your the first resort picked up, and the first dropped off. Have fun :wave:
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New Member
My family and I just returned from our Disney vacation. We stayed at AS Sports again and had a great time. It was clean and everyone was great! They were filled to capacity and it never seemed too "busy". Our daughter swam several days while there and the pool was never really crowded. We had a blast all 9 days!! Can't wait to go back! Enjoy your trip!!
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Mick G.

New Member
Personally, I didn't like POP when we stayed there in May. The 4-story buildings weren't themed as well, and I thought the food court and gift shop had merchandising that would be tough with our kids -- too much candy at kid-eye level. Then there are the empty buildings across the water, like a ghost town.

Then again, we have lots of family memories at Music and Movies, so the nostalgia factor may color my opinion. From an architectural standpoint, I find the iconography of the All-Stars much simpler and more powerful than the text-based graphics of POP.
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New Member
We loved All Star Sports. We stayed there in May of 2007 and thought it was great. We usually stay at moderate or DVC resorts (since my parents are DVC members) but my husband and I wanted to take the kids ourselves and decided that we wanted to save some money. We had stayed at POP before so we decided to try All Star Sports.

For the busses - Yes, there is only one bus stop for POP, however, the busses were more crowded at POP because of that and the lines for the busses were longer. My experience is that of all the value resorts All Star Sports had the best bus transportation. There was really never a wait and the All Stars each have there own bus to and from the Magic Kingdom and from each closing park at night (and sometimes in the morning too). So there are less people at your bus stop. One night we were leaving MK after it closed and the line for POP was about 5 times the line for All Star Sports.

In addition, I found that All Star Sports had more trees, which I liked. There was less concrete and bright colored statues. It is really neat to see at the beginning of your vacation, however, after a week at POP it got to be too much for me. At All Star Sports was more pleasant to return at the end of the day.

The last thing I liked better about All Star Sports was the the layout. Every building is close to the main pool and food court. Everything seems to be centered around the main area. Some of the other values (being larger or more spread out) didn't seem as close to the main area as Sports did.

Don't be alarmed about Sports. Give it a try - we did and in all honesty we liked it alot better and will be staying there everytime we stay at a value in the future.
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