All Epcot F&W Bottle Purchases MUST go through pickup!


Original Poster
We just finished a short 3-day trip to Disney World--two days of which were spent at Epcot. At no time during our two visits to the Festival Center while we were perusing the wine and other liquor selections were we told that we could not carry out alcohol bottle purchases out of the park. Today as we were leaving to head home, we stopped by the Festival Center to make our purchases and were told that although they could sell them to us, we could not carry them out and would have to wait approximately 3 hours to pick them up at the package pickup at the front of the park! There were no signs stating this and nothing in any of the festival guidebooks! We talked to several castmembers, but they all insisted that it was policy and could not be changed. Since we didn't want to wait several hours to leave, we left a couple hundred dollars worth of liquers and wine on the counter and walked out.
Hopefully soon they will put up a sign so that no one else is disappointed. We have made similar purchases like this in all the previous years at the Festival Center at the F&W Festival, however, this is the first time we've ever been told this.


Beta Return
That's odd, since you can walk around the park drinking alcohol. Maybe they don't want people having that much alcohol in their possession, or with the ability to drink it in the park after they buy it (because that would mean they wouldn't buy any more from the vendors, then climb into the pond).


President of Progress City
That's odd, since you can walk around the park drinking alcohol. Maybe they don't want people having that much alcohol in their possession, or with the ability to drink it in the park after they buy it (because that would mean they wouldn't buy any more from the vendors, then climb into the pond).
Bottles == Weapons is the most likely thinking.


Well-Known Member
We just finished a short 3-day trip to Disney World--two days of which were spent at Epcot. At no time during our two visits to the Festival Center while we were perusing the wine and other liquor selections were we told that we could not carry out alcohol bottle purchases out of the park. Today as we were leaving to head home, we stopped by the Festival Center to make our purchases and were told that although they could sell them to us, we could not carry them out and would have to wait approximately 3 hours to pick them up at the package pickup at the front of the park! There were no signs stating this and nothing in any of the festival guidebooks! We talked to several castmembers, but they all insisted that it was policy and could not be changed. Since we didn't want to wait several hours to leave, we left a couple hundred dollars worth of liquers and wine on the counter and walked out.
Hopefully soon they will put up a sign so that no one else is disappointed. We have made similar purchases like this in all the previous years at the Festival Center at the F&W Festival, however, this is the first time we've ever been told this.
They likely could have just shipped them to your home, if you asked.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
That's odd, since you can walk around the park drinking alcohol. Maybe they don't want people having that much alcohol in their possession, or with the ability to drink it in the park after they buy it (because that would mean they wouldn't buy any more from the vendors, then climb into the pond).

Or the open container law in Florida. I was surprised you can wander around WD drinking - not that I've ever wandered around drinking a nice beer from Germany - given the law.


Beta Return
Or the open container law in Florida. I was surprised you can wander around WD drinking - not that I've ever wandered around drinking a nice beer from Germany - given the law.

Within the parks and at the hotels, you're on completely private property, so only rules govern, not laws, concerning open containers.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Within the parks and at the hotels, you're on completely private property, so only rules govern, not laws, concerning open containers.

I'll tell that to the cop the next time I walk out of my favorite restaurant with a half drunk pint of beer.... I believe the Open Container law makes reference to open containers of alcohol within 500 feet of the establishment that sold said container. I think most restaurants would consider their parking lots private, not public, property.

Daniel Johnson

Well-Known Member
I'll tell that to the cop the next time I walk out of my favorite restaurant with a half drunk pint of beer.... I believe the Open Container law makes reference to open containers of alcohol within 500 feet of the establishment that sold said container. I think most restaurants would consider their parking lots private, not public, property.
But, as he said, in the park, in the resorts, at downtown disney, you are allowed to open carry alcohol bought there. Restaurants on private property are different than an entire resort on private property.
Stepping into a car with an open container is a whole different story, considering the rules of most any road, be it private or public are enforced by law enforcement


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that all bottle of wine purchases must go to the front of the park.

I recall looking into it around December 2004 because we wanted to drink a bottle or 2 of Rosa Regale on the WS Promenade for NYE. We were told that the bottle must be sent to the front.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense and doesn't make sense.

If I were in charge I'd be finding someone to walk the merchandise out with them. Then again you know how some people are. "We're leaving right now!" A cast member walks almost out the gate and the guest makes the cast member wait while they hit one more spot lol.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell that to the cop the next time I walk out of my favorite restaurant with a half drunk pint of beer.... I believe the Open Container law makes reference to open containers of alcohol within 500 feet of the establishment that sold said container. I think most restaurants would consider their parking lots private, not public, property.

You can't take any alcohol past the turnstiles at the parks, so no open containers in those parking lots either.


Well-Known Member
They likely could have just shipped them to your home, if you asked.

Not booze. It's tough enough to ship booze between states if you have a distributors license, I don't think Disney wants to bother with the hassle. Sending to a house where someone under 21 accepts it? No thanks.


Original Poster
No; the bottles were left and not purchased.
The reason we were given is that they were concerned over the glass bottles breaking in the park area. In the past, they've been wrapped extremely well and the containers sealed with tape. If that was the issue, why are other glass purchases allowed in the park and at that time, the purchaser can carry them out? We also asked if a Castmember could accompany us to the gate, but were refused.
No, we were never given the option of having them shipped to our house. If Disney wanted to cover the cost though, I wouldn't have objected.
I agree, most World Showcase alcohol purchases have to be shipped to the front for pickup, but not all as not all of the different countries comply. However, I have never had this happen at the Festival Center.
In summary, it is Disney's property and they can make the rules, however, shouldn't the guests at least be informed of these rules prior to walking up to checkout? Six days into this event and there are no signs up or any type of notification whatsoever?
I just want other Disney visitors to be aware of this so that they can plan accordingly.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
But, as he said, in the park, in the resorts, at downtown disney, you are allowed to open carry alcohol bought there. Restaurants on private property are different than an entire resort on private property.
Stepping into a car with an open container is a whole different story, considering the rules of most any road, be it private or public are enforced by law enforcement

Not in Florida. The minute I walk out of a restaurant or any other establishment that sells alcoholic beverages with an open container - bottle/glass/cup - I'm guilty of a crime. Which is why many places have staff at the front door and a trash can. Been stopped many times and had to either chug my remaining drink or toss it in the trash can. The statute doesn't distinguish between a private resort or a private restaurant. And Orlando has its own laws regarding open carry. The true test would be if you could walk out of Downtown Disney with a half drunk cup of beer onto one of the public streets without Disney security stopping you. I bet I could walk out of Raglan Road towards what was the former Westside bus stop, through the parking lot and cross that main street and no security would stop me. However, according to Florida statute, I'd be breaking the law....


Well-Known Member
Also, if you buy liquor or alcohol at the boardwalk or one of those resorts, you can't take it INTO Epcot or studios either. The reason? Different liquor licenses. That's why you are allowed to take alcohol on the friendship boats inside Epcot, but NOT on the friendship boats that run between Epcot and Studios and those resorts out there.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Glad you brought this up. That's likely part of it, even a sealed bottle. You can't take an open container, and they can't control what you do with the item after you buy it. So they would prefer you pick it up at the exit of the park - where you are already outside the park. Once you're in the parking lot, open container applies. Two birds: no dealing with guests who are infuriated that they can't take their 1/2 bottle of open wine out of the park and Disney doesn't have to police open container once outside the turnstiles, it falls to the police.

Yep, that was my thought too. You can't ship any liquor unless you're a distributor, so Disney likely just doesn't want to deal with that.

I do agree there should be signage.

Ah, but you CAN take your half drunk bottle of wine from Chefs de France WITH you, as long as restaurant staff have resealed the bottle, according to Florida law. Florida's open container law is such a poorly constructed and understood law which is probably why most establishments - other than resealing your half drunk bottle of expensive wine for your - make you ditch anything before you leave the premises. I just wonder how Disney gets away with people wandering around both EPCOT and DTD with alcoholic beverages....not that I'm complaining. There are plenty of Florida law firms that will be happy to assist you if the cop mistakenly gives you a ticket.....

Florida in the past couple of years allowed the shipping of wine - more a concern with proving the purchaser was 21 or older than anything else. Not sure if the statute allows anything other than wine. Never cared to buy my wine and have it shipped - would much rather VISIT Napa and do the wine tasting in person....


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Also, if you buy liquor or alcohol at the boardwalk or one of those resorts, you can't take it INTO Epcot or studios either. The reason? Different liquor licenses. That's why you are allowed to take alcohol on the friendship boats inside Epcot, but NOT on the friendship boats that run between Epcot and Studios and those resorts out there.

Yeah, Florida's liquor laws are so bizarre - drove my mother nuts when she was a realtor and trying to sell liquor stores. When we first moved to Florida, you couldn't buy alcohol on a Sunday - and we lived in Miami (sure made football watching a pain if you forgot to get a six pack on Saturday) - but you could drive and drink a beer. Several counties in my part of the state used to be dry, but no problem with us bringing our own six packs or bottles of wine to the seafood restaurant on the coast.

However, in CA, you can buy liquor in your grocery store - "honey, can you please pick me up a fifth of scotch when you go to Safeway for bread & milk?" BUT that bottle of scotch had better be IN the trunk of your car, unopened, until you got home. Now many grocery stores in Florida, like Publix, have package stores next to the grocery store. In CA, the scotch is next to the produce section.....

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