Aladdin to get the "Lion King" crappy DVD treatment


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by xfkirsten

And personally, I don't think Disney should have taken out the stuff in the dust.

Actually the dust is still there. It's very subtle, it's much darker, and it goes by much quicker, but it's still there.

I don't mind the addition of deleted scenes. I think it freshens up a movie nicely. I thought "Human Again" was great in Beauty and The Beast.

I do find some bonus features to be a waste of time and many i never even watch, but it's not going to stop me from purchasing a movie.


New Member
Originally posted by celticdog
Actually the dust is still there. It's very subtle, it's much darker, and it goes by much quicker, but it's still there.

I don't mind the addition of deleted scenes. I think it freshens up a movie nicely. I thought "Human Again" was great in Beauty and The Beast.

I do find some bonus features to be a waste of time and many i never even watch, but it's not going to stop me from purchasing a movie.

Human Again worked okay - it was originally intended as part of the movie, and there was a point to putting it in (it was originally inteded to show the passing of time at the castle). Morning Report was just superfluous. It just repeated what was said in the original scene in the film.

As for bonus features, yes, I'll still buy the movie just because I do want a copy of it on DVD. I love the really good, behind the scenes bonus feature on a disc. Like BatB had great special features! Loved them! Give me the real creative info and stuff, not the thrown-together, cookie-cutter bonus features. Then again, Disney just doesn't do that anymore. :rolleyes:



New Member
"Morning Report" was intended for was a song with Timon and Pumbaa besides "Hukana Mutata".

bonuses not what you like? awww i'm sorry...but if the movie is all you'll enjoy then so be it. there are a lot of movies that i OWN that all i watch is the movie (X-Men comes to mind, and Spider-Man and those are just two of the ones that i love). "Proud of My Boy" or whatever the song is was another "meant to be but left on cutting room floor" deal.

ok. so they're fixing the animation. good for them. with the way TV's are nowadays the mass populous WANTS a clearer and better picture. and as the saying goes "give the people what they want".

the SFX thing is iffy. on one side someone could say "they proved their guilt by removing it." on the other "they were smart and got tired of the complaints."

if you're THAT desperate and THAT ticked off about this DVD. plug in your VCR and watch the tape.


Active Member
Some things are cut from the floor for reason. It's not like some studio demanded cuts from some director's "vision". What's bothersome is this trend of going back and retouching films. First, it Ted Turner colorizing films, then Greedo Shoots First, then The Feds Wield Walkie-Talkies, now this. Personally, they can mess up the films all they want, as long as they include the original version.


New Member
Originally posted by durhay
Some things are cut from the floor for reason. It's not like some studio demanded cuts from some director's "vision". What's bothersome is this trend of going back and retouching films. First, it Ted Turner colorizing films, then Greedo Shoots First, then The Feds Wield Walkie-Talkies, now this. Personally, they can mess up the films all they want, as long as they include the original version.

Yup, that's exactly it. The process of editing happens for a reason - to tighten up the film. Greedo shooting first still hurts. I didn't buy copies of the special edition for that very reason. I'll still with my old, beat up copy of the ORIGINAL trilogy, thank you!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by durhay
Some things are cut from the floor for reason. It's not like some studio demanded cuts from some director's "vision". What's bothersome is this trend of going back and retouching films. First, it Ted Turner colorizing films, then Greedo Shoots First, then The Feds Wield Walkie-Talkies, now this. Personally, they can mess up the films all they want, as long as they include the original version.
Next thing you know, they'll edit Empire Strikes Back by digitally replacing the cast with Ewoks, replace the blasters with walkie talkies and call wookies" Hair Challenged Animals" Then they'll edit Indiana Jones and replace the word nazi with "Person with political differences"


Active Member
I am getting upset with the "purists" out there. Why be so negative, when all Disney is trying to do is update the film for some little technology improvements and for today's audience. Every film maker wishes they had a chance to change somethig in every film they make. Heck, it was Lucas, himself, who redid Star Wars to add Jabba The Hut because the technology didn't allow him to do it back in the '70's.

My daughter is 11 Years old. She has been watching the Disney classics on Videotape and TV since she she was old enough to watch TV. Yet when they come out with a DVD version with some new scenes and new music videos performed by the people she is watchig on the Disney Channel, she can't wait to buy it, watch it, and listen to the music over and over and over again. Why should she have to sit through Peabo Bryson and whomever (see - I forget who sang it with him), when she can watch today's stars (To an 11 Year old who watches Disney Channel all the time, these people are stars). Adding the features is a plus as is cleaning up some of the mistakes. What's the big deal?

"Crappy is not a word I think of when I see the new DVD's. Seems like everyone is just trying to find a way to dump on Disney lately.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by MouseRight
My daughter is 11 Years old. She has been watching the Disney classics on Videotape and TV since she she was old enough to watch TV. Yet when they come out with a DVD version with some new scenes and new music videos performed by the people she is watchig on the Disney Channel, she can't wait to buy it, watch it, and listen to the music over and over and over again. Why should she have to sit through Peabo Bryson and whomever (see - I forget who sang it with him), when she can watch today's stars (To an 11 Year old who watches Disney Channel all the time, these people are stars). Adding the features is a plus as is cleaning up some of the mistakes. What's the big deal?

Mouseright, (no hard feelings)

I guess you don't see the problem at all. Let's change EVERYTHING to suit an 11 year old? Who cares about the past and an original creation. How about they add Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom to the PoTC atttraction?

Why not take the Mona Lisa and add a pierced nose ring, as more kids will relate to it nowadays?

Screw the Beatles, those old farts, let's have Beonce sing the songs cause kids could care less about the Beatles.

Disney is about HERITAGE & TRADITION, not tearing down the past to cater to the lowest common denominator.

I'm not against ADDING all these crappy extras and butchering of the original films as long as you give people THE ORIGINAL FILM and content that is out there (namely on the laserdiscs, which I do not own).

You won't hear me complaining about Hillary Duff on a DVD if you KEEP the original content. Is Disney just catering to 11 year olds or ALL OF US? We are not all 11 year olds:)


Active Member
Originally posted by KevinPage

Disney is about HERITAGE & TRADITION, not tearing down the past to cater to the lowest common denominator.


No Hard Feelings Here.

The quote above is what is bugging me. What everyone seems to forget is that Walt himself was a force of change and improvement. He wouldn't hesitate to remove a "Classic" ride at DL if it was not attracting guests. I believe that he said that DL woudl never be finished. And given teh fact that Dl has limited land that meant that he knew he was gonna be taking attractions out to put new ones in and he did. He wanted to change Fantasia. Release it every few years with new segments (Wow, isn't that what Roy did a few years ago?). Back when Walt originally came up with that idea there was no other venue (Like TV and Video) that would have allowed him to show the original film while he was releasing the new one. It would have been years before the public would see the original under that scenario. Money and other priorities stopped him from fulfilling that dream. A creative person like that can never be satisfied with a finished product. Everyone keeps saying how the current Disney team doesn't get it. My opinion is they do get it. They know that at the pace that society changes, they have to update these things to keep the tradition alive with today's young audience being bombarded with 100 TV channels, Video games, etc. That is the precise reason they do present these DVD's with these updates and changes. I am willing to bet that Walt would be an advocate of these presentations. He was a technology leader - I can't believe that he wouldn't be the first in line to use this technology to package the "classics" to a new audience.

Originally posted by KevinPage
"as long as you give people THE ORIGINAL FILM and content that is out there"

The Original Film and content is out there. On VCR. Oh yeah, I forgot - the original film is not on Videotape. The film that was released on videotape is not the original. Way back then (in the early 1990's) they produced videotapes with the film edited for TV Format - I believe, its called tilting and panning. They cut the outer edges of the film to fit into the the square format of TV.

Wait a minute - wasn't Walt a pioneer in showing movie films on TV - the first to do it, on ABC. That means that he had to update and change his classics so he could reach a new audience. How could Walt do that and destroy the heritage and tradition?

Come on guys. I am sure that I can find dozens, if not hundreds, of examples where Walt did the exact things that are bugging you. It's called progress. Oh my god, that reminds me, the Carousel of Progress was changed along the way to a new song and new scenes. Didn't Walt do that or was it his brother Roy?

Sorry about the sarcasm. I hope you see my point. The very things you are upset about have been done before Eisner and the current Disney team - even by Walt himself.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I understand your point, and I do agree with some of it. Walt was an innovator and loved trying new things, I love that as well.

But what they are doing to these movies is not what you would consider updating or improving them. These are cheap marketing SCHEMES and not quality content.

Can't you honestly say that having the Disney Channel Stars sing a song is nothing but a shameless cross promotional tool?

I am all for change (I like the new Tiki room and Stitch's Escape idea) but not at the expense of quality.



Active Member
Originally posted by KevinPage

I understand your point, and I do agree with some of it. Walt was an innovator and loved trying new things, I love that as well.

Can't you honestly say that having the Disney Channel Stars sing a song is nothing but a shameless cross promotional tool?

I am all for change (I like the new Tiki room and Stitch's Escape idea) but not at the expense of quality.


Now I am really worried about you. You say you want to presevre heritage and tradition and quality, but you like teh new Tiki room. You gotta be kidding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Only kidding!!

Shameless Cross Promotional Tool? Sounds like what Walt did to get DL built and get people to go to DL. He made a deal with ABC, for money to build DL and to promote it,. He put his movies and programs on ABC. He then spent much of that airtime also showing the people out there in TV Land the progress on DL, the opening and every important milestone in its and WDW's history. He got it too. You use the product you have to cross promote and attract a new audience. He was the master of it. Heck he virtually created the character licensing market (Dolls, Cereals, books, etc) for 2 reasons - to make money selling stuff so he can finance his films and to cross promote his real product - the movies.


Well-Known Member
I thought Lion King was well put together on DVD...and I can not wait for Aladdin!
I am basically grateful for anything the company wants to give us to decide to buy on DVD. It is my decision to purchase what they offer, and I make up my mind when the time comes. If I am not sure about something, I rent it first. I have most everything available on either Tape, DVD or Laserdisc. I think the work they put into to the Vault Disney 2 disc sets is amazing, and I learn so much from watching them! I had never seen Old Yeller till about a month ago, and immediately bought the disc!
Just for the record: My take on movie critics is this....they could not create something credible themselves, so they have to pick apart most anything...they are Jealous! I do not pay attention to them, if I wanna see a movie, I will...and form my own ideas.
If you arent happy with a product, simply do not buy it. I know for a fact my niece and nephew LOVE the extras on the discs...especially Lion King, and the games are their favorites!
Isn't that the audience they are looking for???


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I like your take of trying to put a positive SPIN on things, heck I try to do that myself as much as poissible, but I think you are missing my point.

It's like trying to defend & say Brittany Spears has musical integrity.

Yeah, anything I mention you can say, 'well Walt did this or that', but the point is they way Disney operates NOWADAYS is not looking at QUALITY.

Compare ANY of the Pixar DVD releases with Disney's and it's laughable. Disney is not even in the same ballpark.

Pixar knows what people who purchase DVD's want. No one plays those inane games and crap. They give you QUALITY content over and over and over.

The sad fact is that Disney is no longer the standard barrer when it comes to animated releases

General Grizz

New Member
P.S. is there a way to see the Lion King in its original way (without Morning Report) on the DVD?

P.S. if that Zazu intro to Disc 1 on Lion King is Disney's CG department, they better get their act together. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
Compare ANY of the Pixar DVD releases with Disney's and it's laughable. Disney is not even in the same ballpark.

Pixar knows what people who purchase DVD's want. No one plays those inane games and crap. They give you QUALITY content over and over and over.

The sad fact is that Disney is no longer the standard barrer when it comes to animated releases

That title would go to Big Idea. I do like the extra stuff on Nemo and Monsters Inc. though.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

No, there isn't any way to watch the ORIGINAL "un-altered" Lion King that you saw on the big screen, like Don Hahn initially promised before this release.

You can watch the altered version OR the altered version with The Morning Report.

Granted, none of the changes change the message of the movie and even the dust spelling S-E-X being removed would not bother me. But for whatever reason they changed the birds and alligators, waterfalls, etc. All minor stuff and one that makes me wonder why it peeves me so much, but it's an annoying trend. Unneccesary alterations for who knows why!

Plus, couple that on top of the horrid layout of the features and the inane extras and it becomes frustrating.

I don't mind if they want to exhance, alter or do whatever they want to the films, as long as you give people the ORIGINAL film they feel in love with and saw on the big screen.


Active Member
Headline from USA Today, yesterday.
'Star Wars' on DVD: Special editions only ; Many extras, but no original versions:[FINAL Edition]
Mike Snider. USA TODAY. McLean, Va.: Feb 10, 2004. pg. D.01

Lucas doesn't want to release the original version of the Star Wars Trilogy. The DVD's coming out in Sept will be the Special Editions with Jabba The Hut, etc. Lucas Films executive is quoted as saying that the original films don't "exist" anymore. Meaning that the special edition films represent the vision and story that Lucas wants to tell.

The article also reported that the die hard fans, though small in #, are upset with thsi developmenmt. They are suppossedly moaning and groaning about this on teh Star Wars web sites.

Sounds familiar. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by MouseRight
The article also reported that the die hard fans, though small in #, are upset with thsi developmenmt. They are suppossedly moaning and groaning about this on teh Star Wars web sites.

Sounds familiar. :lol:

Yeah, and so they are wrong? To each his own I guess, but I suppose you are happy with Speilberg removing rifles from E.T. and giving the guys Walkie Talkies instead (talk about dumb moves).

Heck, Indiana Jones was going to have ALOT of digital redo's until South Park blasted Lucas and Speilberg, making them look laugable, so the movies went untouched.

Don't ever let me catch you in the park or I will beat your Pal Mickey with a Turkey Leg!!!!!! :brick: :brick: :brick:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
Yeah, and so they are wrong? To each his own I guess, but I suppose you are happy with Speilberg removing rifles from E.T. and giving the guys Walkie Talkies instead (talk about dumb moves).

Heck, Indiana Jones was going to have ALOT of digital redo's until South Park blasted Lucas and Speilberg, making them look laugable, so the movies went untouched.

Don't ever let me catch you in the park or I will beat your Pal Mickey with a Turkey Leg!!!!!! :brick: :brick: :brick:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like Lucas' changes because it added to the story and helped him to create the story that he originally wanted to. But I will admit that, as a fan, I do like to see the original movies.

I don't like the PC changes to ET though. Just like I hated them in the POTC ride. I think those changes are done for the wrong reasons - e.g., not a creative change like Lucas' Star Wars.

I'd be willing to pay more to get an extra disk with the original movie on it. But it ain't gonna happen.

By the way, and I know this is gonna be sacreligious, I hate the Turkey Legs. Last year I finally broke down and bought one, all excited about how it would taste. I put it in my mouth and thought I was gonna die. Somehow the mixture of smoked and turkey just doesn't do it for me. Sorry about that you Turkey Leg lovers.:wave: :wave:

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