Ahh best hold music ever!


Active Member
Original Poster
I just got off the phone from making ADR's and I gotta say, I just LOVE the hold music! I always find myself bursting into full song after just a few seconds. The CM must be laughing hysterically 'cause I never quite stop soon enough. :ROFLOL:

It just really makes me excited! Only 1 month and 1 day to go. Woo hoo!


Well-Known Member
That happend to me a few times when I was making my reservations for my Feb 2008 trip. The MMC march came on and I started singing along and a CM came on the line and I was still singing. She got my attention and I started apologizing. The lady was so nice that she kept on saying that I wasn't the 1st nor would I be the last to sing along with the music.


Active Member
we had PoTC hold music when we were making our reservations for Aug. It was great... I was signing and my hubby was telling me to SHHHHH so he could hear the lady.


New Member
LOL this is so funny I know what you mean!

I always make myself a pot of coffee and get really comfy when I'm making my ADRs because I enjoy the whole process, the hold music, the planning, and talking about the restaurants. It's like an event!

I am so glad I have you guys to say this to because if I say it to nonWDW people I think they think this is a little pathetic how excited I get by being put on hold!!!!:p

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I just got off the phone from making ADR's and I gotta say, I just LOVE the hold music! I always find myself bursting into full song after just a few seconds. The CM must be laughing hysterically 'cause I never quite stop soon enough. :ROFLOL:

It just really makes me excited! Only 1 month and 1 day to go. Woo hoo!

Pshhhhh....I don't do that...


Yeah right.:lol:


Well-Known Member
One time I was on hold and "When somebody loves you" came on. That song always makes me cry. And being all excited with Disney planning and all, I was particularly susceptable. So of course right near the end of the song, I'm all weepy and all and the CM picks up! She's all like concerned and saying stuff like "are you alright? What's wrong?" etc.:lol::lol::lol:

Then I told her what was going on and we both had a good laugh, and got on with the reservations. I was a bit embarrased, but I'll always have fond memories of that call.

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