Advice Needed: Mission Space!!


New Member
Original Poster
Hi folks,
I am leaving for disney a week from thursday(10/28/04,) and I really need some advice. I am very eager to ride mission:Space. The problkem is, i want to know from people who have ridden it if it will make me sick. As a gauge, i can ride teacups and i am fine, as long as it is not spun for a long time really fast. I am not an extreme motion sickness sufferer, but I do get motion sickness some times. Can anyone please give me their experiences and advice on Mission:Space? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Ya'll.


New Member
I have never gotten scik by riding M:S. You will feel a little dizzy. I always feel more sick after riding rides like the Tea Cups thatn I do on M:S. I also had a friend who gets sick on almost any ride, but she didn't get too sick on M:S.

You should ride it. It is amazing.


Well-Known Member
I agree, as long as you keep your eyes open and focused on the screen (you don't have to stare at it) you'll be fine. Only when you close your eyes do you feel the spinning because your brain no longer percieves forward motion, or something like that. It is a really great ride, you may feel a little dizzy at first, but once you ride it you'll be glad you did. :)


Active Member
You may be spinning, but don't see it and don't feel it if you look at the screens. After, it depends, we are all different and react differently. I don't like the tea-cups but have had no problem whatsoever with Mission:Space.


New Member
IMHO, if you can handle the cups you'll be fine. As an extra precaution, sit on one of the inboard seats, the spinning is even less noticeable there.


New Member
I felt sick at Mission:Space. I can't habdle the teacups veyr well too, but Mission:Space is worth it. Don't miss it, even if you are scared of feeling sick. Next time I go to WDW, I will ride it again. Maybe I will seat in the middle, thanks for the tip, waltdisny!!! :wave:


New Member
I personaly never felt like I was going to be sick on the ride. The most nauseous thing about the ride is the exit hallway that smells like vomit. I think they hype the ride up so much about being sick, by the time you actually get on the ride you think that being sick is part of the ride and try to figure out where your suppose to vomit. Just to prove that the ride is not that bad I right before I went on I had three beers and just ate a double cheeseburger and went on it right after. The people that were going on the ride asked me if it was really bad and if they would get sick. I told them not to worry if anyone was going to be sick it would be me and explained the few drinks and my meal I just had. They thought I was joking at first, but I think they were more worried about me being sick that they didn't think about it. I had no problem on the ride. I think most of it is in your head. Cause one of the things that make people nauseous is being nervous and the spinning of the ride just extenuates the problem even further. Although anticipation can cause people to be nervous, not just fear. I use to be scared of thrill rides and rollercoasters. Everytime I would go on a rollercoaster I would get that butterfly feeling in my stomach when I would go down the hills and would make me a nauseous. Now that I am not scared of them I don't get that feeling in my stomach and the ironic thing is I miss that feeling so bad. That is why I feel, due to Disney's over warning people is adding to people being sick. I am not saying that no one will ever get sick on the ride, I just think that the warnings start getting into the publics head. Just like all the terror warnings we get and people start getting all scared, kinda like that. However, turning your head to your side on the ride will disorient you. I tried it and you can tell that your spinning, if I can remember it felt like we were spinning clockwise. But it is very noticable


Active Member
I'm going to agree with what everyone has said on here, as long as you look forward and keep your head in place you will be fine. It also helps to just stop thinking about weather you are going to get sick or not and just really get into the ride and the story. I get really nervous every time I ride MS but I'll tell you it's quickly becoming my favorite ride.


Well-Known Member
i turned my head, it didnt kill me as i am here right now... or am i?? my vacation did seem to go by really quickly, maybe i blacked out and disney covered up the whole thing. anyway i got a little dizzy for about an hour but that was it. it is a must ride. not matter what. it is something worth trying.


New Member
sabian said:
Hi folks,
I am leaving for disney a week from thursday(10/28/04,) and I really need some advice. I am very eager to ride mission:Space. The problkem is, i want to know from people who have ridden it if it will make me sick. As a gauge, i can ride teacups and i am fine, as long as it is not spun for a long time really fast. I am not an extreme motion sickness sufferer, but I do get motion sickness some times. Can anyone please give me their experiences and advice on Mission:Space? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Ya'll.

IF you can handle the teacups missions space is no problem. Teacups make me sick but I was fine on the mission space.


Well-Known Member
You will indeed feel dizzy. Trust me, it is much more intense than the teacups. You feel tremendous G's and are in a very tight space so if you have claustrophobia, it would not be a good idea to ride this. Although, it is an amazing ride that I could ride all day. Have a good trip! :sohappy:


New Member
DOOP! said:
You will indeed feel dizzy. Trust me, it is much more intense than the teacups. You feel tremendous G's and are in a very tight space so if you have claustrophobia, it would not be a good idea to ride this. Although, it is an amazing ride that I could ride all day. Have a good trip! :sohappy:

Yeah, it's a unique experience, you can't miss it!! There's nothing like it!!!!


ok, well i get massively, exorcist sick on the tea cups :hurl: :hurl: and i too was worried about M:S. My wife went on it first and told me it was ok. My big fear was the claustrophobia but i stood tall and decided that a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I was very very nervous and all the pre-ride warnings didn't make it any better. I sat on one of the inside seats (navigator, i believe). It was very cool (temperature wise) in the capsule and i tapped my feet to remind me that i still had the ability to move somewhat. When the screen comes forward its not too bad. I'm a big guy (not fat, just big shoulders) and it still felt roomy (better than most airplane seats!) I concentrated on the screen, i don't even think i blinked. It was over quickly and a VERY cool ride. Loved it and can't wait to go on it again. I felt a little shaky afterwards, but i think it was just the nerves. About ten minutes later i got a pretty good headache, but (and i don't know how old you are) i went and drank a cold beer and the headache went away and i felt much better. :)


Le Meh
Premium Member
I wouldnt ride it right after eating a big greasy pork sandwich or a glass of Beverly or anything, but other than that....go for it!!!!!!!!! :wave:


New Member
Cosmo said:
About ten minutes later i got a pretty good headache, but (and i don't know how old you are) i went and drank a cold beer and the headache went away and i felt much better. :)
You heard it here first people, Mission Space is a conspiracy to make guest go buy beer. ;) J/K


Active Member
Asl long as you follow the instructions you should be fine. When they say don't lean forward, don't turn your head and don't close your eyes... they mean it. Also, make sure you haven't eaten a big meal before yo go on. have as little in yoru stomach as possible. But just stay relaxed and you'll enjoy it. Alot of people get nervous and it creates a psychological sickness in their mind and they get physically sick as a result. I was slightly nervous at first but then got into "I wanna spin around!" mode and had fun. Can't wait to go on it again.


New Member
keep you eyes on the screen and use your control stick. (it may not do anything but it will keep you mind off of your tummy) It's a good deal trust us. YOu should be fine besides you would want to miss Lt. DAN!

Miss Bell

New Member
Go for it! Don't let the pre-show scare you--they really go on and on with the claustrophobia and motion sickness warnings. I think that actually makes it worse. My husband did get sick, but the tea cups get him,too. It is an amazing attraction. Definitely a must to experience.

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