Adults who got to go when they were children v. those who didn't...


New Member
I never got to go as a child. I was very disappointed because I loved all things Disney from the time I remember. I lived with my MUCH older grandparents (60 years older than me) so we did not take vacations. The hard part was seeing my aunts and uncles take their kids to WDW and never asking me to go. I would have given anything. My first trip was when I was 20 and just married.....that is where we went on our honeymoon. My husband grew up in the area, so he had been MANY times. He wasn't thrilled about going, but for me, it was a dream come true. We finally went back 9 years later when our daughter was 8. It was like the first time for me because we had much more time and a new park to explore (MGM). We started going about every year or two. My daughter is now 16 and doesn't want to go back. I am very disappointed. I feel like I am a child again. I've never been bitter about not going as a child. But if I could go back and change it, I would. I did feel deprived. I plan on going many times even when my daughter is out of the house. I can not wait to take the grandchildren some day, but it is going to be a while before I have any grandchildren.


New Member
I was lucky enough to go down a few times as a child. When I met my husband, he had really not gone out of the state much, as his family always stayed close to home for vacations, if they took them at all. When I graduated from grad school in '01 Scott and I planned our first trip to Disney. Being down there, at first he was calm about the whole thing. As the days went on, he got more and more into the rides and shows and shops. At one point we were walking from Epcot over to the Boardwalk and he started talking about "when we come back," and "if my family comes down," and "next time we should..." I looked at him smiling and pinched his arm. He asked, "what was that?" I replied "you've been bit by the Disney bug!!!!" We were laughing, and to this day, (we go down 2 or 3 times a year now,) we do it whenever we're having fun in the parks!!! Got to love that "Disney Bug!!":sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I went a few times when I was younger and thats why I love it even more. I have such great memories of riding 20K and Horizons that I never want them to go away. Make this a family thing and the kids will love it. Sure in there late teens they may rebel a little but in a few years they will see that this was a special time. We are going to start the tradition with my 1 year old this september/august. Cant wait!


New Member
The first time I was able to go was on my honeymoon in 1999. I had a friend as a kid that went almost every year and because of his stories I dreamed of going. I have been there 5 times since 99 and am already planning my next trip. I think that you can appreciate it in a different way as an adult so the experience is new and exciting. We took my 70 year old parents for the first time this past January and they have never had a vacation that wonderful. They tell complete strangers how great it was. My father keeps saying he needs to live at least long enough to go back. If that ain't magic I don't what is.


New Member
I went to Disneyland when I was three. I don't remember much of it all. My dad took movies when they were really movies with film. This was in 1962 or 03. I saw a lot in the back ground as I sat in a stroller. I did make it back in the early 70's. I remeber Haunted Mansion the most but had the E-ticket then.

My husband and I went to Disney World in 1982 and fell in love then. But Epcot wasn't opened up yet. But then in 1985 it was. Took our 3 year old son then. We finally made it back to WDW in 1999 with all our kids. The look on their faces when they walked under the train station and into Main Street will live in my heart for the rest of my life.

We have gone every year since then and since 2003 twice a year. Can't get enough of Disney. Have withdrawls as we sit in the plane to come home. Hope to be done there in May. :sohappy: :wave:


New Member
Since1976 said:
I've noticed a curious thing. There are many adults who were not fortunate enough to have their parents take them to WDW as children, and grew up to be rather bitter about it. When they finally went as adults, that bitterness remained.

"It wasn't all that," I've heard some people say. It sounds like sour grapes to me, and I feel really bad that they are unable to let go of their childhood bitterness and be glad that they are experiencing the World now.

Has anyone else come across this type of person?

I first went to Disney World on my honeymoon in 1986, for 1 day. It just made me want to keep coming back. I live in New Hampshire and one of
my sons has been 4 times the other 3. I love it and enjoy a place that we
can enjoy together.


Well-Known Member
Never went as a child.

Bought an AP before I had ever visited the park... going for the 3rd time in 6 months in 19 days.


Well-Known Member
I was born in PA and came down to Florida on a family vacation back in 1984. I was seven. We went to both MK and Epcot on our three day passes. (They always did that; when there were two parks, there were 1 or 3 day passes; when there were 3 parks there were 4 day passes.) A couple years later, we moved down to Florida to live.

I've been in Florida for about twenty years now. And honestly, I only went a handful of times between being seven and a teenager. We just never really went. Then I went to Epcot on a school field trip - for my French class - and again for Grad Nite.

Then a few more years where I didn't go again. Just didn't.

When Love and I got together, he liked Disney and I had fond memories of it as a child, so we went. Then a year later, went again. Then we started going more often and even had seasonal passes. We'd be full AP's now expect our car isn't doing well and can't handle the trips from Tampa to Orlando.

So, most of my childhood, I guess we all just took it for granted and didn't think about it. I did enjoy my first trip - and still remember it (it's where my love of Imagination and Figment come from!) - but I went for many years without going. Now as a grownup, I enjoy going frequently.
I went for the first time in 1975 (age 4) and I remember most of the vacation. Including the fact that my parents had to drag me out of the park screaming because I wanted to see some kind of street (sidewalk?) performers in Liberty Square. They were some kind of pink cat-like puppets.

Any way, my husband went for the first time in 1994 (age 26). He was not able to go as a child because he was in foster homes (due to no fault of his own). He feels that he's missed a lot of his childhood including the love of Disney. Now, he's in love with WDW and can't wait to share the joy with our child.

I feel bad for them also. I don't understand how anybody can be bitter about Disney World!! Crazy :p lol
I've been to Disney close to 40 times, & I'm only a fifteen year old.. living in Virginia

living in Va = :zipit: :brick: :( :snore:


New Member
Since1976 said:
I've noticed a curious thing. There are many adults who were not fortunate enough to have their parents take them to WDW as children, and grew up to be rather bitter about it. When they finally went as adults, that bitterness remained.

"It wasn't all that," I've heard some people say. It sounds like sour grapes to me, and I feel really bad that they are unable to let go of their childhood bitterness and be glad that they are experiencing the World now.

Has anyone else come across this type of person?

Based on its title, I thought this thread had to do with going to the restroom! :lol:

As for the real topic, my parents were able to take us for the first time when I was 9 or 10 I think. I always appreciated it and thanked them.
However, I think it is cruel to be bitter about parents not being able to take their kids to WDW. It´s an expensive trip! It is unfair to even complain about it being adults. If your parents didn´t take you, then work to go by yourself! ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hmm, it seems no one concurs with my original statement. I guess all the people I've talked to are just really miserable people in general!


I presume that those grumpy adults whom I have talked to either a) never really wanted to go when they were kids, or b) grew up to be cynical and jaded. Poor them!

It's good to know that most people generally love WDW no matter when they first went!


I used to BEG my parents to take me to WDW. I was always met with a resounding "NO!". They both thought it was a waste of money. I used to LIVE for the Disney Channel. I watched everything I could on WDW and my absolute favorite show was WDW Insideout (I think it was called?). My brother and I used to pretend that we were on the rides. It was very sad.

Anyway, my dad started telling me that once I was married, to go to WDW for my honeymoon. I used to think that was soooo far away and I was never getting married anyway, that I would get really upset. Well, I grew up and got married. My wonderful husband finally fulfilled my dream and took me to WDW for our honeymoon. It didn't meet my surpassed them!!!! I really thought that since I had longed to go for YEARS, that I would be severely disappointed, but I was thrilled to find out that it was even better than I had dreamed.

Now, my poor husband doesn't hear the end of it. :D I'm trying to get him to take me for our four year anniversary next month. He needs a little encouragment. :animwink:
I think that there are people who have their head set against Disney. I work with someone who hates WDW because he went as a child twice, but only remembers the heat and length of the lines. I work with another person who has never been and swears she will never go because "it's a money pit." I myself live in NY, my family vacations were trips to the beach, Jersey and Virginia. We never traveled by plane and there was an 8 hour drive to destination rule. I went for the first time in my late 20s with my husband who had also never been. Now, we discuss future trips to WDW on an every other day basis. I think that this made our love of Disney that much stronger, no bitterness.


Active Member
I find i appreciate WDW more as an adult then as a Kid. We went about 5 times before i was 18yo but have gone atleast 12 since then and enjoy it more at 25yo than ever. When we finally move to Orlando and have kids, i hope they wont get burnt out on it cause we plan on frequenting the parks!


Active Member
My parents took me once in 1978 when I was 7. I remember really liking it there, but sadly think I really liked swiming in the hotel pool best. Then when I was 17 my mom was trying to think of someplace for us to go on vacation and she asked me if I would like to go to WDW. The thought never even occured to me. I said sure, and have been hooked ever since then and went every year with her till about 6 years ago when her knees got bad and she could not walk the parks. (She gets her first knee replacement next Tuesday and hope in a year or so we can return). My Husband is not the biggest fan so only went once with him about 8 years ago, but we both look forward to going with our daughter in a few years. I stand firm that I am not going with her till she is done wearing diapers. :D


Active Member
My mom took us in 1976 because the card store she worked for had huge dealings with Hallmark and Hallmark had a condo down there (I think it was on property or in LBV) that we were able to stay with free with park tickets included. That is when I fell in love with WDW. Back in 76 airfare was quite expensive so most places we went were within driving distance, but being able to not worry about the hotel and ticket expense, she was able to afford the airfare and food. I remember eating dinner in the Libery Tree Tavern and we had such a great time. She always managed to arrange some type of vacation during the summer even if it was just local things and we had many good times. I'm not bitter, they just couldn't afford it. After I started working, I went back in 1979 and have been going back ever since.

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