Adults who act like kids.


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Original Poster
So then you know where Helen is. We actually live a little to the east of Helen and about an hour south of Franklin. We went to Franklin yesterday! a place called the Whistle Stop Antiques Mall, and I always like to eat supper at the Dillard House on the way home.

Anyway, hi neighbor!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
ummm... NO.

and the funny thing is... it was our last day, and my parents just happened to be sitting in rocking chairs on main street, and we went running by... and we ran up to them yellin.... "where's da micka mouze, where's da micka mouze," and they totally acted like they had NO idea who i was... and my mom was kind of like... I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT>>>> -- -WHY? it is disney world... act like a kid!!! have fun - people around us thought it was REAL funny!

(i once saw a dad who put his four or five yar old on his shoulders, and the dad would make a sneezing sound, and the little boy would shoot his water gun (more of a mist) - the one you can buy with a fan, and people would think that dad just sneezed on them, and that little kid thought that was the funniest thing ever![

:runs much farther away: :lol: :hammer:
Hmm.. I've only been there once, but my Fiance and myself froliced and played in the 'sprinklers' at Epcot that shoot the water up from the ground. We got funny looks from other adults, but we didn't care! It was warm, and we were having fun!! =)


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Original Poster
The fountains are a great place to act like a kid. Especially the leaping fountains in front of Imagination and the interactive fountains before entering the WS and at Downtown Disney.


Well-Known Member
It's all about setting a precedent. As the late Leo Buscaglia once said "when you act crazy, people give you a huge leeway in your actions. They just write it of to - oh that Buscaglia, he's crazy".

Anyone I know isn't fazed by any of my obseessions of actions, they are so used to it by now, "that's Kevin".

I love Disney, but on the flip side listen to the most extreme music out there, but will then throw a WDW CD into the player right after that. So no one bats an eyelash at anything anymore.

I just live my life the same whether I am inside or outside the park.


Well-Known Member
>>One thing I like to do is if I see a family taking a group picture, and one of them is not going to get to be in the shot, I'll ask them if I can take the picture for them so everyone can be in the picture.<<

I do the same all the time. I get as much satisfaction out of it and the people in the picture.

I also will stop for the camera people that take your photos as you enter the park. It takes 2 seconds, and they work on quotas, so it helps them out, even though I have no intention of buying the picture. I feel like I did my 'good deed for the day'


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
QUOTE] your j/king right!!! NO

ummm... NO.

and the funny thing is... it was our last day, and my parents just happened to be sitting in rocking chairs on main street, and we went running by... and we ran up to them yellin.... "where's da micka mouze, where's da micka mouze," and they totally acted like they had NO idea who i was.

When I first read your post I thought...well ,theres that sense of humor again!:rolleyes: I think I would deny knowing you too.



New Member
Iam 48 years old but when I go to WDW Iam a little
kid. Its like I see things for the first time and I love it.
Last year was my 20 year going to WDW.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
ummm... NO.

and the funny thing is... it was our last day, and my parents just happened to be sitting in rocking chairs on main street, and we went running by... and we ran up to them yellin.... "where's da micka mouze, where's da micka mouze," and they totally acted like they had NO idea who i was.

When I first read your post I thought...well ,theres that sense of humor again!:rolleyes: I think I would deny knowing you too.

:lol: [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL - i am not crazy - i swear - just one of those things... when you and your best friend are in DISNEY WORLD!!! - and Bubba Teeth - who can beat 'em?


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Original Poster
Oh...just thought of another. I don't feel terribly mature walking around munching on a turkey leg. But who cares.


I actually ran around disney with blue hair on Friday. Had my hair cut at the Barber shop at MK, kids did a double dare that I wouldn't do it. Can't back off a double dare, so I did it, we all had a good laugh. I wouldn't be caught dead outside of that environment with blue hair.


WDW is the ONLY place that my wife and I can go and not have all the "adult" worries that we have about bills and debts and work. We can go there and let our inner children take over. It's the home of the never-ending smile.

It's also the only place where I don't care if people see me with eyes full of tears. I usually don't cry in public, but Spectro, Illuminations and other things just get me EVERY time.

I can't wait to go back and be a child again!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a T-Shirt that I always bring and wear when I'm at Walt Disney World.

It says: Growing old is MANDATORY
Growing up is OPTIONAL

It seems to fit so well in WDW:)

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