Actress hurt at Universal's 'Terminator 2' show


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A 20-year-old actress in Universal Studios' "Terminator 2: 3-D Battle Across Time" show was injured this afternoon when her foot got caught in a lift mechanism during a performance.

Orlando Fire and Rescue transported the woman to Orlando Regional Sand Lake Hospital. A Universal Orlando spokesman said her injuries appeared to be minor.

The woman plays the role of Sarah Connor. She was rising onto the stage on a hidden lift, near the end of an afternoon performance, when her shoe got caught in the lift mechanism, said Universal spokesman Tom Schroder.

"The injuries are minor. She was transported to the hospital as a precaution," he said.

The show, however, was ended at that point and the audience was asked to leave. Further performances today were canceled, he said. Universal will investigate to find out what went wrong and make any necessary changes before resuming the show, he said.

At the time of the accident, she and the actor playing Sarah Connor's son John, were to emerge as the show "goes from an empty stage to a sudden appearance. It's a special effect to get our actors on stage quickly for the last scene," Schroder said.

The actress has been performing since April, he said.,0,2096256.story?track=rss

Tim G

Well-Known Member
A 20-year-old actress in Universal Studios' "Terminator 2: 3-D Battle Across Time" show was injured this afternoon when her foot got caught in a lift mechanism during a performance.

Orlando Fire and Rescue transported the woman to Orlando Regional Sand Lake Hospital. A Universal Orlando spokesman said her injuries appeared to be minor.

The woman plays the role of Sarah Connor. She was rising onto the stage on a hidden lift, near the end of an afternoon performance, when her shoe got caught in the lift mechanism, said Universal spokesman Tom Schroder.

"The injuries are minor. She was transported to the hospital as a precaution," he said.

The show, however, was ended at that point and the audience was asked to leave. Further performances today were canceled, he said. Universal will investigate to find out what went wrong and make any necessary changes before resuming the show, he said.

At the time of the accident, she and the actor playing Sarah Connor's son John, were to emerge as the show "goes from an empty stage to a sudden appearance. It's a special effect to get our actors on stage quickly for the last scene," Schroder said.

The actress has been performing since April, he said.,0,2096256.story?track=rss

:eek: OMG!!!


Active Member
OWWWWW! i hate anything to do with feet/ankles - it just makes my erm ankle ache in some werid sort of sympathy pain!

On a side note - i LOVE that show :)


Well-Known Member
I just finally saw this show for the first time a few months ago. I enjoyed it. The funniest part was the question my wife asked me when we came out of the theatre. She pulled me to the side and said, "I need to ask you a question." She had this look on her face that looked like she was ed about something so I was expecting to hear something like "Why did you make me sit through that crap". That is not what I got however. The question she hit me with makes me laugh to this day. It was.

"Was that really Arnold Schwartzenegar who came out of the screen."

My smartass reply was of course, "Yep babe, he came all the way from California just for you." She slapped me. I laughed.

As for the actress, I hope she is ok. I highly enjoyed the show and think they did a good job.


I still think this show has the best 3D of any theme park show... And the reason being, is because it looks like the T-1Million is actually breaking the plane of the screen... They do this by having a shadow cast on the part that is "coming out of the screen" ... It's really smart and I never understood why other 3D films didn't do that...

I hope she feels better!


New Member
Saw this show in July for the 1st time and thought it was brilliant, and cant understand how people can say its not very good, hope the actress is ok and gets back to entertaining people again quickly.
cant wait till next july when we return

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