Pre-Trip Ack! It's sneaking up on me!

So, here I am- the self proclaimed Uberplannermom and I have a confession... I feel very behind in my planning! Why you ask? Because our trip was recently moved up by a month and is therefore now just under a month away! Yowzas! To try and get on track I am going to do a pre-trip report and hope that pushes me along.
First, let me introduce the cast of characters!
There is Boogie (8, his 5th time in the world!)

Kinsey (2 going on 3, this is his birthday trip though he has spent one day at MK before)

Baby Brad (1 and a true first timer!) (pictured with me)

Hubby (32 and Disney convert, seen here with Baby Brad)

and obviously me (33 and the Disney force in the house)

We haven't been to Disney for a full trip since I was pregnant with Kinsey so it has been a LONG TIME! We are so ready to go back but, again, I feel so behind!


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Nothing done in the way of our trip today but I did get my 8 year olds costume for his upcoming competition done and since that happens before the trip I kind of feel like taking a little stress away is helpful for my planning state of mind.... well, maybe. Haha!

I did try to take care of my phone screen but the apple store has increased their price from $149 to $269 (we just went through this same blooming thing in November) and so we just walked back out. We will be sending it in to ATT and hoping they honor the insurance. Blah :(

269 dollars? Damn that's like wat 230 euro's? Pfoe that's expensive... I really hope your insurance takes care of it !


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Mousekeeping envelopes.jpg

So, I did actually get a little bit done today. I found ( I think) all of the pictures I will be using for the kids autograph books. I still have to manipulate the pictures so that they appear opaque (so that the signatures show up) but with needing to make 3 books I think that just finding all the pictures is a big deal. I also have the mousekeeping tip envelopes all designed. There are 6 different envelopes since we will be there 6 nights (on property) but I figured you wouldn't want to see them all. Anyway, they are basically done. The only tweak I want to make is that I like to use the Disney font and I always have the worst time with getting that loaded up. It seams every time I go to do this I am on a new or different computer and have to go through the process all over again! :P Hopefully my hubby will just do that for me and then get them printed up! Half a check mark on my list!


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So, another day closer to Disney! As I get to mark a few more things off my to do list I manage to get more excited. Today I made the covers (front and back) for the autograph books. They are simpler than they've been in years past but perhaps in years past they were too busy. ;) I'll share the front covers but since the back covers have some personal info I will just let you imagine those. :D
Brads front cover.jpg
Kinseys cover.jpg
boogies front cover.jpg
If you are wondering about the unevenness it is that way to allow for my binding on that edge.


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Huge accomplishment today- I got all of the autograph pages edited. For the 3 books it comes in at 312 pages. Yeah, that's a lot but I am one step closer. Now just have to print them all, organize them, punch holes in them, get the covers printed, mount the covers to board, laminate the covers and then bind it all up together. Hmmm.... I felt closer to done before I typed all of that up. :jawdrop:


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Thanks to some sinus issues and the commercial super bowl I didn't really get anything done per se. I did read some trip reports with my 2 year old when his lip was hurting. It distracts him while keeping him excited about his birthday trip. Almost daily he comes to me, grabs my hand and says, "Me and Mommy go bye-bye now. It time Momma!" LOVE THAT! Anyway, as it sits my to do list for just this trip (and we have two big events between now and the trip despite it only being 20 days away: a weekend trip for hubby's grandparents anniversary party and my 8 year olds first dance competition of the season. The anniversary trip isn't consuming my time right now BUT that dance comp prep is brutal. I have been sewing costumes, helping him stretch, taking him to classes and rehearsals like crazy!) looks like this:
1. Pack baby
2. Pack Kinsey
3. Pack Boogie
4. Pack Hubby
5. Pack me
6. Pack toiletries/make-up/jewelry
7. Pack electronics
8. Clear camera memory cards
9. Charge all camera batteries
10. Get better case for my bloomin' phone!
11. Get new shoes for hubby (priority here yo! He needs to break them in ASAP!)

12. Book hotel room for night down (why did no one point out that we are driving down the same day as the Daytona 500?)
13. Wrap Kinsey's birthday presents
14. Wrap grab bag presents
15. Make up kids travel bags

16. Clean the disgusting mess often referred to as the van.
17. Make/ Package Disney snacks
a. Oatmeal raisin cookies with Disney sprinkles
b. Monster's inc. cookies or cupcakes (whichever it was kins picked, can't remember)
c. Mickey cookies
d. Disney fruit snacks
e. Chip and Dale's trail mix
f. Disney dehydrated fruit
g. fruit sauce pouches
h. hopefully I can find some Disney themed cheez-its again since I get sweeted out
I. fruit juice (either in tummy ticklers or one cup for each kid and bring big bottles to fill each day)
j. water
k. cereal cups
(With all the kids we have coming, one of which we lovingly refer to as the bottomless pit, I have to have a ton of snacks I can just pull out and hand over at any point. No line, no waiting- just food! And since the Mickey shaped rice krispy treats are out due to Kinsey's mouth injury I am trying a few new things out. If you are wondering why everything is full on Disney themed, well, just think about the possibility of a two year old insisting that the ones on the shelf are better because they have goofy's face on them. Frustrating, right? I've never had the problem but if I can nip it in the bud, I am gonna do that!)
18. Back up all data from anything electronic coming on the trip
19. finish autograph books
a. print pages
b. print covers
c. mount covers to board
d. laminate covers
e. organize pages
f. punch holes
g. "bind" books
h. buy the ink to do all this!
20. Print mousekeeping envelopes
21. Make up penny press baggies for the boys
22. get cash for tips
23. write down all the info about the trip in case the electronics crash/break/get stolen
24. figure out if we are doing photopass/memory maker (with a quickness)
25. scour the house ( I hate coming home to a mess) 1/2 done
26. reschedule doctors appointment (how I missed it being during the trip I have no idea!)
27. get van serviced
28. send cousin her refund from canceling
29. pack medications
30. arrange for someone to check on the kitties while we are out
31. Pack first aid kit
32. Pack park bag
33. Stock up diaper bag
34. Order ear for Kinsey
35. Cancel old meal reservations

I am sure I am missing things, I just can't... man, I feel like momma McCallister. Even with just this list there are more things to do than days to do them. I know I break things out to little tasks but with three little boys sometimes I can only do things 10 minutes at a time. It helps to be able to find something I can accomplish in that amount of time. So many of the things can't be done too far in advance. The luggage, cameras and electronics I will need until just before we leave since we have that other trip. And I don't want the food to get stale. And cash gets spent. Oy! Wish me luck people! Oh and let me know what I seem to have missed!
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memory maker chart.jpg
So, in my quest for a decision about memory maker I came up with this little chart. Perhaps it will help other people make their decisions. I also had this little chat with the Disney salesperson.
memory maker discussion.jpg

I also managed to cut the two bigger boys hair tonight. Poor Kinsey is still trying to grow out the parts that his 8 year old brother decided to cut. (and by cut I mean almost shave level) He's getting closer. Fingers crossed that the next few weeks will be enough! :) Still have to cut hubby's hair though. :cool:
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I managed to mark one thing off my list today. I would prefer it be about 10 but hey, at least I got one done! I also scoured and painted my 8 year olds walk in closet. Since he shares a room with the 2 year old we are turning that big ole closet into a baby free zone for him. Hopefully he likes it. So, yeah- only one thing off the list but plenty actually accomplished today. :)

That one thing is that I got my hubby new shoes to start breaking in for the trip. While I was at the mall I stopped in to the Disney outlet and got Kinsey another birthday present. I really need to wrap all those up so I will stop wanting to get him more! Haha! If I don't stop soon I will have to have a Christmas type wrapping party!

Oh wait- I just realized I also bought another phone case at the Disney store. I still get to use my cute Minnie case but it's an extra one for carrying it around. Make that two things down! Woot Woot!
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Another day, another thing off the list- actually 2 1/6 things off the list. I got the grab bag gifts taken care of and the travel bags done (well, mostly I think.) Oddly enough the 1/6 was the hardest part. I finished that closet off and it looks so good! Also got most of the second floor clean (carpets included) so we are on our way. Cross your fingers that I can do as well tomorrow! :)


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I got NOTHING knocked off my list today! :( Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday will all probably be the same since we will be living at competition for the weekend. Where, oh where, are my days going? Oh yeah- to the 4 men in my life! :inlove:


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I can not believe it! (Yes, I have watched too many episodes of Little Einsteins.) I managed to get a few things knocked off my list today, though not without some headache involved.

So, last night I tried to cancel the old dining reservations online. It only let me cancel the CRT reservation. Hmph. Oh well, I figured I could call today. Well, while I was on hold taking care of rescheduling my doctor's appt. I thought I would try again to cancel online. To my surprise the reservations were canceling. Yay! Then I realized that I was not canceling the old reservations but the new ones! ACK! Get them back, get them back! I managed to basically get them all straightened out but sure enough the old reservations wouldn't cancel. BTW, I also cancelled a different doctor's apt because I just don't need it and oh my goodness- the management system for patient files at that place must be so disorganized! I don't know that I feel good about going back there in the future... Anyway, I eventually called and cancelled the OLD dining reservations. So, yea, 2 things off the list. That will be all I get done today but at least it's something!


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I was right- nothing accomplished and nothing gained this weekend.

Boogie and I spent the whole weekend at his dance competition which went, frankly, really disappointingly. He was amazing but apparently not what they were into. For the first time he actually cried about his results. As a mom, that was hard. It left me very worked up and cranky. :( Neither of us could even enjoy that he did take first in his category. :/

Meanwhile Hubby is being a big cranky head! I seriously have never looked forward to a Monday more!


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Yet another day with nothing accomplished. Man, I need to smack this to do list tomorrow or I am seriously going to start freaking out. :( I planned on wrapping presents tonight but since Kinsey has decided to sneak into my room and cuddle I guess that's a no... oh well. After all, tomorrow is another day! :)


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I had been updating the list a few posts back but I just thought I would go ahead and redo it and maybe make it a little prettier. Might be a little OCD poking out there. :/ Anyway, I finally had a day where I actually accomplished something. I still don't get to mark an entire line off the list but at least it's something. I changed the oil in the van, had the tires rotated, got everything needed for making the autograph books, got most of the things needed for the snacks and even talked to my husband about the backing up of my laptop. It's not a lot but it is definitely something!
1. Pack baby
2. Pack Kinsey
3. Pack Boogie
4. Pack Hubby
5. Pack me
6. Pack toiletries/make-up/jewelry
7. Pack electronics
8. Clear camera memory cards
9. Charge all camera batteries
10. Get better case for my bloomin' phone!
11. Get new shoes for hubby (priority here yo! He needs to break them in ASAP!)
12. Book hotel room for night down (why did no one point out that we are driving down the same day as the Daytona 500?)

13. Wrap Kinsey's birthday presents
14. Wrap grab bag presents
15. Make up kids travel bags

16. Clean the disgusting mess often referred to as the van.
17. Make/ Package Disney snacks
a. Oatmeal raisin cookies with Disney sprinkles
b. Monster's inc. cookies or cupcakes (whichever it was kins picked, can't remember)
c. Mickey cookies
d. Disney fruit snacks

e. Chip and Dale's trail mix
f. Disney dehydrated fruit
g. fruit sauce pouches
h. hopefully I can find some Disney themed cheez-its again since I get sweeted out

I. fruit juice (either in tummy ticklers or one cup for each kid and bring big bottles to fill each day)
j. water
k. cereal cups
(With all the kids we have coming, one of which we lovingly refer to as the bottomless pit, I have to have a ton of snacks I can just pull out and hand over at any point. No line, no waiting- just food! And since the Mickey shaped rice krispy treats are out due to Kinsey's mouth injury I am trying a few new things out. If you are wondering why everything is full on Disney themed, well, just think about the possibility of a two year old insisting that the ones on the shelf are better because they have goofy's face on them. Frustrating, right? I've never had the problem but if I can nip it in the bud, I am gonna do that!)​
18. Back up all data from anything electronic coming on the trip
19. finish autograph books
a. print pages
b. print covers
c. mount covers to board
d. laminate covers
e. organize pages
f. punch holes
g. "bind" books

h. buy the ink to do all this!

ended up buying a whole new printer!​
20. Print mousekeeping envelopes
21. Make up penny press baggies for the boys
22. get cash for tips
23. write down all the info about the trip in case the electronics crash/break/get stolen
24. figure out if we are doing photopass/memory maker (with a quickness)
25. scour the house ( I hate coming home to a mess) 1/2 done
26. reschedule doctors appointment (how I missed it being during the trip I have no idea!)
27. get van serviced

a. change oil
b. rotate tires
c. recall
28. send cousin her refund from canceling
29. pack medications
30. arrange for someone to check on the kitties while we are out
31. Pack first aid kit
32. Pack park bag
33. Stock up diaper bag
34. Order ear for Kinseyended up getting them from Wal-Mart for the sake of expediency :(
35. Cancel old meal reservations
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Hej not many stiketrough's :)
There are a ton of things I can't possibly strikethrough until after this weekend since we have a little trip for a family gathering this weekend. Anything that says pack in it has to wait. Plus I don't want to do any cooking too early so things still taste yummy. Then there are all the things that require my husbands input. He is doing his usual "why do today what you can put off till tomorrow thing!" It makes me crazy! I am really only about 3 things away from getting done everything I am capable to getting done right now. Hopefully I can get things done quickly! :D


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Alrighty- I managed to mark a few more things off the list. I bought Kinsey some earmuffs to try and muffle the firework boom. He hates that sound. :( I booked the room for our drive down. And I printed up the covers for the autograph books. Of course after I did that I then had to tell my hubby about the hard part... he has to venture into the garage (that he has made a mess of) and find me the xyron machine so I can put adhesive on them to adhere them to their boards and laminate them. He did not seem any too happy about that! :cautious::devilish::grumpy:<---- exactly how our faces went.:eek: Oh well I suppose!


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Amazingly I managed to get NOTHING done today. How can that be you ask? Well, my pain level was so high that it was 8:30 am before I went to sleep (welcome to a fibro flare up!) and then I got a phone call I had to handle at 10 am. Talked until about 10:30, filled hubby in on the call from about 11 to 12:30 (he had tangents out the wazoo), dealt with feuding brothers from 12:30-2:15, thought I could nap from 2:15 to 3 but instead was awoken at 2:20, 2:45 and then 3:05, showered and left for dance class by 3:30, class from 4:30 to 6:30 and then took my son to drop off his valentine's gift for his girlfriend. And, of course, I got to talking (did I mention his girlfriends mom is my best friend?) and didn't make it home till 1 am! So yeah, nothing accomplished except that I got to chill for a bit. I am going to steal a phrase from my mother in law and call tonight a mental health night! Haha!

Now, I should be freaking out but I'm not. See, not only does just being around her make life more manageable but I also got word today that the small trip this weekend has been cancelled. I feel sad and horrible for the people that we were going to celebrate but over joyed about having the weekend to get some things done!

And now, hopefully, I can fight past all these pains and go to sleep for the night. 4 am is definitely better than 8:30!


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Despite today being Valentine's day I did accomplish a big task. The van is finally serviced! Yay! I almost had a little freak out because they initially asked me to bring it back next week. I feel so lucky that the guy found someone to do the work for me. Yay!

The rest of my day was spent doing mommy/wifey things so not a loss. Oh and on the fun front, hubby and I have decided to watch all of the movies featured on AFIs top 10 of 10 list (top 10 movies of 10 different genres.) Obviously this will take some time but I think it goes well with my ever increasing pull to reread all of the classics. :) Yeah, maybe we are boring old folks, huh?


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So- only two things marked off the list today but I am not upset about that! We actually got the mousekeeping envelopes and the autograph books completed. Seriously excited to not have those things hanging over my head anymore. Here are some pictures of the finished products.
photo (1).jpg
photo (2).jpg
photo (3).jpg

I am going to use the extra holes in Boogie's book to attach the random things he decides he needs. The autograph pages are arranged differently this time. I actually have them in groups of what characters we will see at which park. Then, of course, there are a few pages that are there all the time.

Tomorrow- packing the clothes, hopefully! :) Wish me luck getting it all done!

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