I had been updating the list a few posts back but I just thought I would go ahead and redo it and maybe make it a little prettier. Might be a little OCD poking out there. :/ Anyway, I finally had a day where I actually accomplished something. I still don't get to mark an entire line off the list but at least it's something. I changed the oil in the van, had the tires rotated, got everything needed for making the autograph books, got most of the things needed for the snacks and even talked to my husband about the backing up of my laptop. It's not a lot but it is definitely something!
1. Pack baby
2. Pack Kinsey
3. Pack Boogie
4. Pack Hubby
5. Pack me
6. Pack toiletries/make-up/jewelry
7. Pack electronics
8. Clear camera memory cards
9. Charge all camera batteries
10. Get better case for my bloomin' phone!
11. Get new shoes for hubby (priority here yo! He needs to break them in ASAP!)
12. Book hotel room for night down (why did no one point out that we are driving down the same day as the Daytona 500?)
13. Wrap Kinsey's birthday presents
14. Wrap grab bag presents
15. Make up kids travel bags
16. Clean the disgusting mess often referred to as the van.
17. Make/ Package Disney snacks
a. Oatmeal raisin cookies with Disney sprinkles
b. Monster's inc. cookies or cupcakes (whichever it was kins picked, can't remember)
c. Mickey cookies
d. Disney fruit snacks
e. Chip and Dale's trail mix
f. Disney dehydrated fruit
g. fruit sauce pouches
h. hopefully I can find some Disney themed cheez-its again since I get sweeted out
I. fruit juice (either in tummy ticklers or one cup for each kid and bring big bottles to fill each day)
j. water
k. cereal cups
(With all the kids we have coming, one of which we lovingly refer to as the bottomless pit, I have to have a ton of snacks I can just pull out and hand over at any point. No line, no waiting- just food! And since the Mickey shaped rice krispy treats are out due to Kinsey's mouth injury I am trying a few new things out. If you are wondering why everything is full on Disney themed, well, just think about the possibility of a two year old insisting that the ones on the shelf are better because they have goofy's face on them. Frustrating, right? I've never had the problem but if I can nip it in the bud, I am gonna do that!)
18. Back up all data from anything electronic coming on the trip
19. finish autograph books
a. print pages
b. print covers
c. mount covers to board
d. laminate covers
e. organize pages
f. punch holes
g. "bind" books
h. buy the ink to do all this!
ended up buying a whole new printer!
20. Print mousekeeping envelopes
21. Make up penny press baggies for the boys
22. get cash for tips
23. write down all the info about the trip in case the electronics crash/break/get stolen
24. figure out if we are doing photopass/memory maker (with a quickness)
25. scour the house ( I hate coming home to a mess) 1/2 done
26. reschedule doctors appointment (how I missed it being during the trip I have no idea!)
27. get van serviced
a. change oil
b. rotate tires
c. recall
28. send cousin her refund from canceling
29. pack medications
30. arrange for someone to check on the kitties while we are out
31. Pack first aid kit
32. Pack park bag
33. Stock up diaper bag
34. Order ear for Kinseyended up getting them from Wal-Mart for the sake of expediency
35. Cancel old meal reservations