About paying $50


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Going to a theme park is a gamble and should be taken as such. There is nothing more that ticks me off than the saying “I paid 50 bucks for this?” Technically if you look at your ticket it says that no rides are promised upon entry and weather is not our problem. Now granted if all the rides were broke and a hurricane came through they would probably reimburse you but that is just public relations at work. I just would like to tell you all the on average; guests experience 8 attractions a day. Alien Encounter is number 51 on your guide map so think about your chances of seeing everything in one day even with a “Make a Wish” green Guest assistance card.


New Member
I heard people say that too! Especially to CM's who are trying to deal with these people. Just because you paid $50 does not mean that you get to do whatever you want or that you are God for a day.


New Member
going to WDW you know it is going to cost you some money......anyone who complains should stay home........ it might even make the lines shorter, which i am sure they complain about too!!!!!!!!!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
I don't expect to be treated like a Goddess or have ToD take place during a thunderstorm, but there are some things I do expect for my $50 a day (AP actually).

I expect a clean safe park.:cool:

Tens of thousands of us are paying "$50 a day" and I don't think I am asking to much.

CM hours are being cut to the bare bones:eek: At some point this will affect cleanlyness and safety. :(

The hundreds of millions spent at the parks need to be spent on providing enough CM hours to meet the two basic needs I have pointed out. There needs to be enough CM's at loading and unloading areas to keep the rides safe.:)

Disney Corp., increase our CM's hours (pay too they deserve it) and stop pouring the money into poor quality rushed into production movies and ABC T.V. failures.:)

And no, I am not a CM. Hats off to those who are and make the Magic dispite lowered hours and little pay.:animwink:

See you this Sunday:sohappy:


8 atractions in one day? How long are you there? You can do more than that if you get there when the park first opens!
And Disney makes no claim that you will see everything in one day. In fact, they tell you that it takes at least two days to see everything in MK. You don't pay 50 dollars to see everything in one day. You pay 50 dollars to see as much as you can/want.


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Original Poster
That is reasonable but people think miracles will happen. However ne day while bored and waiting to go to work I took a whole family to the front of the line in in all of T-land.


New Member
Hey, xstechbabe,

I typically experience eight attractions before noon -- and with two young kids in tow -- so thank goodness for all the slowpokes out there!

And there's no rule that says you have to visit the rides and attractions in the order they're listed on your map.

Besides, I could spend a whole day just hanging out in any of the WDW parks and I'd feel I got my 50 bucks worth.

The language you describe on your park tickets -- the Act of God rule -- has been around for decades.


Well-Known Member
Power to ya xstechbabe!

I live in frickin' 10 foor deep snow piles all around me Michigan right now and I agree with dopey completely that I could just stroll through a WDW park, sit on a bench, enjoy the ambiance and breath deeply and every penny of that $50 feels like a million bucks!

I think that the people who complain are the people who don't know what Disney Magic is and expect to race around to a bunch of "rides" to get as much in as possible. I've known people who have only been fortunate enough to go to WDW once in their lifetime and been so incredibly happy just to have been there.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but honestly those people who are complaining are probably the same ones who shove past me and mine to beat us into line, that complain about waiting an extra five minutes for a fabulous dinner show and that place more emphasis on packing every ride into a day rather than slowing down to share what could be a dream come true for a family.

I can't say that I feel like I walk down a red carpet wherever I go at WDW, but I sure can't complain about a single part of sharing Disney with those who I love!


New Member
$50 would be worth it at Disney even if I didn't get on one ride...just to see the castle, the buildings, the theming, experience the atmosphere, watch all the happy people...

Anyone who is complaining about the $50 doesn't have a true understanding of what Disney magic is.


Seeing everything is worth $50...

How mcuh do you think the full immersion into a world of fantasy & wonder is worth?

In other words, I feel $50 is a bargain to actually be a part of the "Magic"

$50 isn't an admission price to a fun park, it's a ticket for a front row seat to your imagination.


New Member
There are so many things in life I try to save money....HOWEVER, going to Disney World is not one of them, you have to be prepared to spend not only the $50 or so a day to get in, but to dine, buy souvenirs (especially when you have kids with you), ice creams and whatever else may come along. If one is looking for a budget vacation, then Disney in not the direction for them!!! I must agree with the rest of you on this, somehow I can't find anything wrong with paying for WDW, not just the rides and attractions, but the overall atmosphere; the characters, the castle, Spaceship Earth, the Earffel Tower, the Tree of Life, the music playing throughout the park, the twinkling lights in the trees at dusk, the parades, the various countries, the sounds of the rides (or the people riding them), the smell of popcorn or roasted nuts, oh how I could go on and on. I think i've made my point, to me WDW is worth every penny spent!!!:sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I LOVE Walt Disney World...$50 is a small price to pay for the Magic and joy and comfort my family feels while they are there.:)

Now...having said that, there is one thing that bothers me.

Shortened park Hours.:mad:

I used to pay $40 and stay in The Magic Kingdom from 9AM until Midnight 10 years ago.
Now I pay $50 and they kick me out at 7PM.

Animal Kingdom is open an hour later than it used to be.

The last time I was there Future World Closed at 7PM instead of 9PM and World Showcase opened at Noon when it used to open at 11AM.

Now I understand the reasons for all this..the economy, cost savings..etc.

I also understand that with less people in the parks you can ride more so even with the shortened hours you can still experiance all the magic...etc.

But the bottom line is this: I pay MORE money for LESS time in the parks.

Now before anyone decides to get Defensive and start scolding me, you all should know that no one Loves Disney World more than myself and my family. I would pay the $50 for HALF a day just to feel that Disney Magic that we've all come to know and Love.

I guess I just miss being at The Magic Kingdom at night.:cry:

Thanks..I just needed to get that off my chest. :p

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by DDPGambit
8 atractions in one day? How long are you there? You can do more than that if you get there when the park first opens!
And Disney makes no claim that you will see everything in one day. In fact, they tell you that it takes at least two days to see everything in MK. You don't pay 50 dollars to see everything in one day. You pay 50 dollars to see as much as you can/want.

i agree you are payin for what you want to do. Nobody is forcing you to ride everyride in the park................


New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I used to pay $40 and stay in The Magic Kingdom from 9AM until Midnight 10 years ago.
Now I pay $50 and they kick me out at 7PM.

I don't have any figures but I would bet that the $10 increase is lower than the rate of inflation. I do agree that shortened park hours aren't good (I love the parks later, they have a whole different ambience with the lighting).

As for $50, I frequently pay $100 for a 2-3 hour Broadway show. If you look at entertainment per hour, it's not a bad deal. It costs almost $10 for a two hour movie, so if you're at a park from 9am-7pm you've basically spent the same ammount per hour.


New Member
Originally posted by orangefan15
$50 would be worth it at Disney even if I didn't get on one ride...just to see the castle, the buildings, the theming, experience the atmosphere, watch all the happy people...

Anyone who is complaining about the $50 doesn't have a true understanding of what Disney magic is.

I couldn't have said it better orangefan15! :sohappy: $50.00 for the "magic" that is given to every single one of us when we walk up to the gate and go through......priceless!:king:


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe I have been out of the loop, or its just all this darn snow... but I don't think people are complaining about paying $50 for WDW. I think they might be complaining about all the little "cutbacks" that are taking place while we are still paying $50. Like fewer CM's around which has an impact on everything from.. longer wait lines at fast food places , over flowing trash cans, fewer perks at the resorts, longer wait times for transportation, longer wait times to pay for items in shops, etc., I don't think anyone is begrudging Disney the $50 for a day of fun, as long as we are getting what we paid for.
I don't expect to do an entire park in one day but I think that if I did 8 things..5 rides and 3 shows in 12 hours I might not be too happy, am I spending the time standing in lines, sitting on a bench or what?? If I am personally blowing the time thats one thing..but if I am waiting for 30 minutes to buy a soda because there aren't enough CM's to handle the business then thats another thing!
Personally I am in agreement with Dopey we can do far more than 8 things in a morning with kids in tow, but we arrive early, take advantage of fast pass, we have a plan, not a super strict plan, but a plan just the same.
I think that if Disney has an attitude that says "We can charge $50 and not keep up the Disney quality people will still come and see the park," well, thats true, but will they go home and tell people what a great time they had or will they say "gee, the quality is slipping! maybe we won't go back for a few years! just a thought!


Well-Known Member
I agree...Disney is totally into their image and I think it is starting to slip. I think it's too bad that they really don't listen to the feedback they get. I love WDW and will continue to go (yes even when prices go up), but remember no matter where you go somewill always complain...some people just aren't happy unless they do.


Well-Known Member
I used to think $50 was a lot, but after comparing the price with several other things I do it helps put it in perspective. Two tix for the movies : $16 for 2hrs. Night out at a bar : $30-$50 for 3hrs. Haircut : $13 for 15 minutes.

That $50 tickets gets an entire day of entertainment, so I guess it's all in how you look at it. $50 is $50 so for 10hrs that averages to $5 an hour. Not too bad!

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