About Motion Sickness...


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This year I'm going to Walt Disney World for the first time in my life, I'm really excited!!! But I Have a problem with motion sickness and I've read that a lot of rides have a restriction for people that suffer this kind of problem. I'm planning on taking Dramamine before going to the parks because I don't want to miss out on anything, but I really don't know if this is going to work. I'd really love to hear about other people who suffer from motion sickness that have made it through the rides at WDW without feeling sick, and I would also like to hear tips on how you did it. Please, I'd really appreciatte any comment. Thank you!!

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Well I have the same problem. Most of the rides in disney are safe to go on but I would avoid RNRC, Space Mountain, Mission Space, Test Track, Tower of Terror. I can ride tower of terror if I eat light and dont go right after I eat. Dont worry you have lots of choices.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I suffer from minor motion sickness and have had much more relief taking ginger root pills rather than Dramamine. Even the less drowsy Dramamine will leave me in a for for most of the day and barely takes the edge off my motion sickness. Ginger has no side effects what so ever it works so much better at curbing my motion sickness. You can usually find them with vitamins in your local Wal-Mart or any health food store.


I get sick on rides that go in circular motions but not on rollercoasters but after MS i was sick the entire day, but i heard they toned that ride down since the first months of operation. They say to close your eyes if you feel dizzy yea right that doesn't work. The only problem with pills they make you sleepy. I'd say try the smaller rides first and work your way up to your limit. Enjoy!!:)


New Member
I would check with your doctor to see if you can get those behind the ear patches for motion sickness. We got these from our doctor prior to a cruise. I usually get terrible motion sickness, but did not suffer a bit even though that boat was a-rockin' and a-floppin' all over the place. They did not make me sleepy one bit. And one patch stayed on even through swimming and snorkeling all day.

My son's motion sickness is even worse than mine. I am going to call his doctor tomorrow to see if he is old enough to use one (he's 10) when we go in March. It's weird... my husband and my other two kids have no problem with motion or motion sickness... but me and my boy ...(where is that vomitting smiley when ya need it???). But we still love the rides and roller coasters anyway.


New Member
Dont go on mission space, you'll feel horrible after. I dont even have a motion sickness problem and I felt dizzy. Don't go on that ride.


Well-Known Member
I have motion sickness really bad. I get motion sick on elevators often if they stop on every floor.

I cannot ride BTMRR or TT. Won't even try the others with motion sickness warnings. BUT I did ride Soarin' this time. I had to close my eyes a couple of times but other than that it was fine. I also have to close my eyes sometimes in Philharmagic during the magic carpet scene.


Well-Known Member
Another over the counter cure to try is BONINE.

It seems to work better for me when flying or cruising than Dramamine. Same idea, different ingredients.

Also, the Bonine is supposed to last all day, whereas the last Dramamine I got from the Gift Shop said to take it every 4-6 hours.

Couldn't hurt to try it!

In any event, there's plenty of stuff for you to do at WDW that doesn't involve thrill rides! You're sure to have fun no matter what!



Well-Known Member
Anything that spins or simulates fight puts me out of commission. I've tried the Dramanine and its ok, but I take Antivert which is a prescription (and most of the time I don't need it). The rides that really get me are the Carousel, tea cups, Ellen's Universe of Energy and I wouldn't even try Mission:Space or the Astro Orbitors.

My daughter uses the ginger capsules and they really work for her. You need to start a few days before your trip and use them the entire time. There are no side effects (unless you are allergic to ginger) and they are cheap. Best of luck! :wave:


Well-Known Member
On an episode of Myth Busters they tested several possible motion sickness remedies. The only one that seemed to work was the ginger.


New Member
My father has motion sickness and wouldn't go on any rides last time we went to Disney. I don't know if that's the general consenus or if my father was just being a wuss.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm not always affected by motion (I wouldn't consider myself to have motion-sickness), the Magic Carpet section of Philharmagic and the huge wrap-around screen at the UoE made me a little dizzy the first times I saw them (they don't bother me anymore). Avoid circular rides, especially the Astro Orbiters and Mission: Space. Oddly enough, the only thing that usually makes me dizzy is when Tinkerbell first appears in Philharmagic. The 3-D seems to be out of whack at that point, and she's always in double vision. (I've seen this show plenty of times, and I know that it's not because I need to adjust my glasses!) I've spoken to others who have noticed this double-Tink, too; just be aware of it.

The great thing about WDW is that most of the attractions feel like you're just moving forward, not in a circle. Of course, the best solution to all this is simply to take some kind of motion sickness medicine!


Well-Known Member
I am not easy with the Tea Cups but, Mission Space ruined my day,(sorry it was great for a while) but, made my kids day. No prob there...


New Member
I have suffered from motion sickness for awhile now. My threshhold is doing RNRC and ToT. They get me to the point where I am very pale and feel very sick but I can survive them. IMO drugs only make the situation worse for me. My brother knows exactly how I will react to a ride, he said Mission Space has certain points where I couldn't handle it, and I trust him so I would avoid M:S.

Here's a tip that helped me on RNRC: Everytime your about to come to a loop, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Open once you feel your going straight again. I did that last time and it helped alot. Also singing along to the music helps because it makes you not think about the sickness.

Tip on ToT: Hold on to something with both hands, not holding on to something makes the sickness worse because your hold body will lift up. Anchoring yourself down makes a BIG difference.

Prim. Whirl tip: Sit on the inside of the car, not on the outside. Your much more snug on the inside which helps with the motion sickness. On the outside your more likely to bounce around.

Tip on Dinosaur: Ask the CM if you can sit more toward the front than the back. IMO the back is MUCH more bumpy than the front. Again try to sit more inside than outside.

Hope this helps.


Premium Member
DavyPR said:
i heard they toned that ride down since the first months of operation. They say to close your eyes if you feel dizzy yea right that doesn't work.

The ride hasn't been toned down, and they specifically warn against closing your eyes.


Well-Known Member
I second (fourth? fifth?) ginger pills.

Also, it depends on what kind of motion sickness you get. Like, Love can't do anything that goes in a circle. Even Dumbo makes him urpy. But he has no problems with Space Mountain, PotC or whatever. I, on the other hand, can't tolerate things that drop, so I avoid Splash Mountain, ToT, etc.

Most of your standard dark rides shouldn't be a problem. Mission Space is probably going to be too much for you if it's really bad since the entire ride is a massive spinning machine. Even I got a little woozy from it. Love puked. :hurl: I'd also avoid something like Star Tours as well.

I think there's a lot you can try and enjoy your day without too much risk and without missing too many rides. It's always better to have a good time and do less then try to do too much, make yourself sick and ruin your day.

Good luck!

The Mak

DavyPR said:
I get sick on rides that go in circular motions but not on rollercoasters but after MS i was sick the entire day, but i heard they toned that ride down since the first months of operation. They say to close your eyes if you feel dizzy yea right that doesn't work.

I don't who "they" is referring too, but it definately isn't an ISTC CM or any of the pre-flight warnings. They specifically state to keep your eyes focused straight ahead even if you get disoriented. When you close your eyes, your brain becomes even more aware of the circular movement.


New Member
Here's my experience:

1st Disney trip (including Universal) - Back to the Future made me ill - so avoided anything that could would make me ill! That was almost everything!:hurl:

2nd Trip - Avoided BttF, tried Kraken - made me really ill! In fact I had to go home and lie down for a few hours!!:hurl: :hurl: - Avoided most other rides that I couldn't see what they did!

3rd Trip - Tried travel sickness pills and was ok with 'most' rides:lookaroun

4th Trip - Took less pills and was ok on most things - but avoided M:S:lol:

5th Trip - Took no pills and was fine, although still haven't brave M:S or even gone back on BttF! :sohappy: :sohappy:

I have a real issue with rides which spin you round to excess, but now I'm inclined to think it's mind over matter!


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Original Poster
Thank you very much!!!

Thank you very much for all your information and tips!!! You're all very kind. I think I'll try with medicines and ginger. If I find the ginger roots pills here in my country I'll try them during the airplane flight to the US and see how it goes :). I'll keep in mind all your advice!! Thank you!!


Active Member
I know this might sound crazy, but I take one deep breath and SCREAM like heck during rides like TOT, RR, M:S and probably will do so on Exepedition Everest. The screaming seems to keep my "stomach" in its proper place! Sadly, enough I cannot stand the MK tea cups or EPCOT's Body Wars:hurl:

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