ABC's GMA at DL AND WDW on 05-05-05


Premium Member
netenyahoo said:
Did any notice that Diane Sawyer mentioned that today is DL's 50th. No - July 17th is!
I would expect ABC to get things right as they are part of the same company.

It seems like they WANT people to think today is the anniversary.

Another goof up I noticed was that one of the first shots of the weather guy on the Streets of America had a graphic that said he was in Disneyland's Town Square. Sigh.. Only two locations and they messed it up. The whole two hours felt really sloppy.


Well-Known Member
What do you expect from television? They celebrated the millenium a year early... they're going to goof up when they have two seperate big dates for Disneyland's 50th.


Well-Known Member
prberk said:
I think it's funny to see all the "crowds" lined up and excited at Disneyland ... AT 4 a.m. their time (which was 7 a.m. in the East Coast). Are they all Disney cast members or just Hollywood extras? They do a good job looking eager to be there, but I know that NO ONE in their right mind just happens to be up and at DL with the family at that time!

I know, it's the "magic" of Hollywood, uh, er... Disney! :animwink:

That's not the magic of Hollywood, that is the magic of Annual Passholders. Disneyland has over 600,000 Annual Passholders that live within two freeway hours of Disneyland. Only a few thousand of those 600,000 showed up to see all the new 50th stuff. But that's not really a lot when you realize there are 25 Million people living in SoCal from Santa Barbara to San Diego, and Disneyland is smack dab in the middle of them. It's easy to get a big crowd for anything new at Disneyland. The same happens at Tokyo Disneyland, since that Park is also in the middle of a similarly large metro area with over 20 Million people living within driving distance of Tokyo Disneyland.

To get that kind of crowd in Central Florida you'd have to start recruiting alligators once you ran out of people.

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