Well-Known Member
I have thought about why. But I also remember when. I remember when I thought they had finally jumped the shark. A few years ago they did a remake of Dukes of Hazard. This was not the movie that was on in the theaters but a show they did. They took what was a fairly clean franchise and really raunchied it up. It was awful in every sense of the word. Obviously I was disappointed. I actually wrote them and complained about showing something like that on a channel called the family Channel. But I also told him about what I liked on their network .By the way, did you ever sit back and wonder why they went that route (farther and farther away from family programming) to begin with? I know people like to be "edgy," and Hollywood is clearly full of folks that want to make "edgy" programming; but it does seem like the marketplace is really, really ripe (if Disney Channel is stuck in 'tween mode) for a place to show shows like "Boy Meets World" and "Home Improvement" and "Full House" -- and I don't just mean these reruns (which remain popular among young adults), but I mean also new shows like them, and even fun family films. Look at the success of Potter movies on ABC Family, and look at the popularity today of "Back to the Future." It is nostalgic, but still clean, fun, and well-liked. Look also at the aforementioned success of Halloween and Christmas movie blocks on this channel.
It just seems to me that the marketers of this channel almost have disdain for the family product that can be their mainstay, and when marketed successfully hits a nerve with a good portion of the public. Programs that truly are for the whole family to enjoy. The key would be marketing with enthusiasm.
At the time there was a show on called Lincoln Heights. It was actually good. It was a show about a family that persevered against obstacles. It may of been somewhat edgy but was not over-the-top. They canceled that and then started showing shows like you mentioned pretty little liars, Secret life etc. I just don't see family sitting down watching these shows together.
while I don't like the name of the network it's probably a more accurate description. As they seem to be drifting towards an anything goes philosophy .