A world without Disney?


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Who can imagine a world without Disney? Where would we go for fantasy and magic? I, like many others, have a very stressful job and the only thing that gets me through each year is knowing that the Disney parks await my return. Fortunately, I am in a financial situation which allows me to visit Disneyland and Disney World several times a year. It sounds like a waste of money to go so often but it beats paying a "shrink" to retain your sanity! A world without Disney would be a very unhappy place.


New Member
Well, the Disney Company could go bankrupt and then.....oops sorry

Without Disneyworld, I would not be here talking to all of you nice wdwmagic members, nor, would there be TTA(AAHH!):lol:


New Member
It's too depressing to think about!:brick:
I wonder though - if there had been no Walt to inspire such men as Ub Iwerks, Bill Peet, Milt Kahl, Frank Thomas, Wolfgang Reithermann, etc, etc etc. (just to pull a few names out of the air)what would these individuals, talented and creative in their own right have done? Walt's genius was to inspire the best in those who worked for him.
At any rate I'm just glad we don't have to face the world without Disney!:D


New Member
Disney can cure what ails you.

Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. Hanging next to my bed, I have a large, framed poster from The Disney Gallery of the conceptual painting of New Orlean's Square painted by Herb Ryman. If I wake up in a bad mood, I can gaze at the images awhile and reminicse about past trips to Disneyland, and think about the ones still yet to come. These thoughts alone will almost invariably improve the start of my day.


New Member
Thinking of Disney makes me feel young.
It is the only place I can think of where both young and old
alike feel the "same". It brings out the "kid" in all of us!!
You can go to Disneyworld and forget all your troubles while you are there. It is a magical , mystical place and I cannot imagine
how stressed I would be w/o having disney to vacation at!!:p


New Member
I hate to say it, but if there wasn't any disney...I'd go to universal. But then again, if disney was never built, Universal would probably never had been built in orlando, and imagineers wouldn't be able to quit disney and go to universal, so if it was built, it would probably be like a six flags.

If by some chance Disney does go bankrupt (I don't see how it could. How much money do they make each day???), I don't think it would close down. Some other company would probably take it over...


Well-Known Member
Life without Disney.................

.............What a lot of unhappy people there'd be.

Just think, holidays without spending endless hours planning them, days lying on a beach or by a pool - doing nothing. I look forward to my Disney holiday from the moment I book it. I booked my next trip in January this year and don't go until next April - 15 months - thats a lot of time to plan and get excited.

Life without Disney....................UNBEARABLE


What's scary is that companies don't last forever so eventually Disney is going to go under and then no more parks and no more magic. I mean I really don't see Disneyland celebrating it's 200th aniversary. One day a company is going to take over Disney and shut down the parks and only use the Disney name to mean quality and use the characters.


New Member
Life without Disney?!? There is such a thing as life without Disney?!? Nah, I'll believe it when I see it!
If there was no such thing as Disney in my life, EVERYTHING would be different!!! I don't want to know what I would be like if I had no Disney to influence how I am, the things I buy, etc! I think I'd be pretty boring! LONG LIVE DISNEY!!! :D

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Don't shoot me, but:

If Disney hadn't come up with Disney,someone else would have. We may have never seen an individual skillfully combine advances in animation and theme park planning like Uncle Walt did, but the advances would have come eventually.

In the years following World War II, America was ready to take leisure and pleasure time very seriously, and Disneyland was just the thing. If Disney hadn't done it, someone would have built the uber-park in their own way to take people's minds off the "real world."

Disney's legacy is based on the most universal of ideas: fantasy, fun, and just making people feel good. We'd still find outlet for these things in a Disneyless world. I'm not saying I'd like to see it, and I'm not saying the young at heart would have something that scratches the itch as wonderfully as Disney, but we wouldn't be walking around saying "You know, what this world needs is more cartoons about mice and a fun park with a big castle in the middle." Life would be bearable.

[Wilt Dasney steps off soapbox and counts the days left until he returns to Disney World :animwink:]

[and, just to top it off--this post means I am officially Earning My Ears]

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