Trip Report A Tradition of Excellence

In my trip report last year, I said that it would be our last before we started Kindergarten over here, and thus, would not be traveling to Disney during the offseason anymore. But as we came home last May, I watched temperatures and crowds creep up every day and quite frankly, got the scaries. I asked my husband J, would it really be so bad if Nemo missed a week of Kindergarten next year? J so eloquently said, "It's Kindergarten. No one f***ing cares." So on my birthday last summer, I booked our trip to the homeland.

Who: Me, J, Nemo (5yo, almost 6, son), and Boo (3yo, almost 4, daughter)

What: Our 4th annual Walt Disney World vacation

When: April 27th - May 4th

Where: Pop Century Resort, where else? It's home.

Why: We had a tradition of excellence to uphold... at Disney.

Nemo's at the age where a lot of his friends are going to Disney for their first time. I planned lots of trips, offering the basic or advanced packages of service, all while trying not to scare people away with my passion for Disney. It was fun, but nowhere near as fun as going myself. After 365 days of waiting, it was finally our time. When I wrote Baby's First Trip Report 5 years ago, a lot of people advised to cherish these moments, kids grow up so fast. Let's just say I was definitely feeling that this year. You are welcomed to join in the fun as I document all the little things I never want to forget. Here we go!

The kids have been ready for this. They’re so aware of time now, keeping track of the countdown starting from 2 weeks out. The day before departure, they constantly asked, “Are we leaving now?” They were so excited, they wouldn't sleep when they should. After being put to bed at 7pm, Nemo burst into our room at 9pm saying, "It's dark outside now, time to go!" When I did wake him up at 4:30am, I said, "Time to wake up. Ready for Disney?" And he smiled in his sleep and said yes. Boo, who is considerably less talkative than Nemo, blurted out randomly in the car, “I’m so [ex]cited!"

We were in our 50's room by 10:30am: Room 3125. Back where it all started almost exactly two years ago with Lady and the Tramp and a 'Skyliner View'. Nemo was jumping up and down with joy. Boo was snoring in the stroller. She had fallen asleep on the bus ride over, which I was thrilled about, because I had big plans that did not involve sleeping this afternoon.
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After we came home from the last trip, we had a vision for the next. After lots of swim le$$ons and time in the pool this past year, our kids had become little fish who absolutely love the water. The kids were ready to experience the thrills and ingenuity of Disney water parks.

While I was hoping that both water parks would be open by this year, it was too much to ask for. I knew that the kids would get a kick out of the Blizzard Beach theme, but I clearly had forgotten how wonderful Typhoon Lagoon was. Entering felt like a foreign land. We had not been here in about 10 years and I barely knew where anything was.

We navigated to Leaning Palms for lunch for the one thing I did do my research on: food, of course. J and I have been looking at Mobile Order pictures like it's our job every day for the past month or so. I was surprised the water park had such interesting options, and had been thinking about these Chicken Elote Nachos ever since. They were good good. J was a lot less interesting and got the Pulled Pork Sandwich, but he loved it. Man loves his sandwiches. I had the kids split the Angus Cheeseburger. Nemo has gotten kind of picky and burgers are something that he will eat without fail. Boo likes pretty much everything. We sat at a picnic table with a view of Miss Tilly and the Surf Pool. The weather was lovely. Mix of sun and clouds, 80 degrees and not getting any higher.

We started off small with Castaway Creek, aka the lazy river. Nemo loved his kid sized ring with the closed bottom and teetered back and forth a bunch. He fell off a few times and thought it was hilarious. Boo started off on one but then joined me in a double. It was divine. The theming, the foliage, bridges, bamboo forests, waterfalls, and some the Hidden Mickeys... we soaked it all in as we made a full lap around. The only thing they disliked was getting pummeled by the cave waterfall.

They were intrigued by the wave pool so we headed there next. They would yell as the waves made their way to us. They had a good time running away from the waves and holding on to our legs to steady themselves. Even at the very end where we were, it was surprisingly strong. Eventually, they decided to sit on the rock benches and have the waves crash into them there.

From there, they discovered Blustery Bay on the side and splashed about in calmer waters. They went up the stairs to the Bay Slides and I saw Nemo come down, and Boo came back down the stairs. She opted to lay in the water instead. She told me to put goggles on and look at her underwater. It was quite an adorable sight.

They were very interested in "the kids play area" so we went to Ketchakiddee Creek and spent the rest of our time there. I have no recollection of this place, probably because J and I didn't have kids when we were here last, and I was loving the detail. There were cute tot sized slides, a waterfall cave, and the S.S. Squirt, an elaborate spray area. And the little geysers and creek that you could walk in... I was enjoying myself!
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Nemo's favorite was the kid tube ride. He had the biggest grin on his face as he went up and down the bumps and spun around. While he was waiting in line, he was bouncing the tube on the ground and I said, "Why don't you hold it under your arm like the kid in front of you?" And he said, "Yeah! I'm going to hold it under my arm like that pretty girl right there." He would wander around the area and just grab a tube when he wanted to go. He's my independent big boy now.

Boo is still a baby. She was getting cold (it was only 80 degrees), wanting rest and to be carried. In my rookie mistake, we forgot to pick up towels at the shop at the front of the park, and of course, we were all the way in the back. I was not confident I could watch both kids at the same time with Nemo still running wild, so J carried Boo all the way to the front of the park to get towels and came back. Parent strength... gets harder as your kids get heavier.
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I knew it was time to go back to Pop and eat an early dinner and relax. We had good bus luck and I gave Nemo a piggyback ride for the first time in forever. Dinner was a happy surprise at Pop. J has seen the picture of a Cuban burger on the Everything Pop page on the site, but never on the Mobile Order menu. He would rant about how they had a picture of this delicious burger but then not actually offer it. But when we got to the food court, it was on the menu boards and he was so happy. I got the Greek Salad with Chicken and thoroughly enjoyed dining on olives and feta cheese. The kids split a humongous Chicken and Vegetables with Pasta kids meal. We sat in our favorite spot all alone and watched Disney music videos on TV.

We were going to head back to the room but the kids got a burst of energy and really wanted to go into the Hippy Dippy Pool, so of course we went. We were already dressed for it anyways. They had so much fun. Why do kids just love basic pools? It felt so nice to enjoy floating around the pool too instead of keeping an iron grip on them. We ran back to the room shivering and warmed them up in the tub and got their evening snacks ready so they could enjoy Bedtime Stories with their stuffed animals from home. Yeah, we're in that stage now. I happily unpacked our stuff and displayed the next day's clothes on the wall hooks.

It was time for bed... at 6pm. Boo had outgrown the crib so we had originally planned for her to sleep with me and Nemo to sleep with J, with a bed rail on their side. But we really wanted to stay up a bit and talk and look at things together. So we decided to take a chance and have them sleep together in the same bed with a pillow in between for a buffer. It took them a bit to calm down.

Nemo: Boo, are you still awake?
Boo: Yeah.
Nemo: *fake snoring*
Boo: Stop snoring

It was super cute though, and will be one of those things they remember doing as kids. I fell asleep feeling happy to be here in the place we’ve made so many memories, and we now share with our kids.
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I don’t comment often, but I have to say I am enjoying your report sooo much!
I feel like we are living the joy of your trip with you and your family!

We have had those same magical moments with our kids when they were that age, and they have created a special bond while at Disney that carries on in real life, and we have made amazing memories we will forever cherish as a family.

Even now that they are a little older and understand more or the “real stuff”, they keep that same excitement with hugging characters and singing autographs (DS9 and DD7 were very excited to meet all the characters on our last trip!)
I love that Disney brings out our inside kid and that the magic remains intact - it’s such a special place!!!
Thanks for bringing us along 😄


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I don’t comment often, but I have to say I am enjoying your report sooo much!
I feel like we are living the joy of your trip with you and your family!

We have had those same magical moments with our kids when they were that age, and they have created a special bond while at Disney that carries on in real life, and we have made amazing memories we will forever cherish as a family.

Even now that they are a little older and understand more or the “real stuff”, they keep that same excitement with hugging characters and singing autographs (DS9 and DD7 were very excited to meet all the characters on our last trip!)
I love that Disney brings out our inside kid and that the magic remains intact - it’s such a special place!!!
Thanks for bringing us along 😄
So nice to hear from you! Thank you so much… all of this makes me so happy to hear. You are so right: there is something special about Disney that even though we all grow and change, there will always be something magical about being there together. ❤️


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Saw this jawdropping display in Italy, truly gorgeous.
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We breezed through Italy and American Adventure to collect cards, and onto Japan where we wanted some Katsura Grill. Normally, we like to make questionable choices and eat hot soup outside in Florida, but today was definitely a no-go. J was a happy boy with his Tonkotsu Ramen, and I was feeling the Shrimp Tempura Udon today. The kids split a
Chicken Teriyaki. All always good.
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We walked through Mitsukoshi where the kids took to the fancy clocks for a little bit, and then watched the pick-a-pearl demonstration. They have a book that explains how a pearl forms at home and have been interested in it ever since. A favorite awaited outside: shishi-odoshi fountains. Nemo was transfixed by the water wheel/xylophone, and would also end up parking it by one with a big drum and watch it continuously.
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Morocco was a hot mess, with tons of people waiting in line to get in to the DVC thing. We were struggling to find the Kidcot spot and weaved in and out of the masses. Turns out it was through the fountain room. At least that room is still there. I have a lot of nostalgia for that. But I miss what Morocco used to be and will always mourn Tangierine Cafe QS.
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France was equally crowded with lots of people holding baguettes like people hold lightsabers at Hollywood Studios. The fountain is so pretty though. Wanted to do Impressions de France since we enjoyed Reflections of China so much, but they only show it in the evenings now.View attachment 784854
Really enjoyed our time at the U.K. because it's so big and empty. The kids found the Pooh shop and the maze and spent a lot of time walking around trying to find each other there. This back corridor area is a new favorite.
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An old favorite is the Victoria Gardens in Canada. A feast for the eyes. We would've tried Canada Far and Wide and journeyed up to the waterfall, but I could tell that Boo was fading and Nemo commented that we had only been on one ride today (surprised by his keeping tabs), so we completed the Kidcot mission and went on an adult mission to have Boo take a nap. Thought this topiary was super fun.
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I told J that Spaceship Earth should do the trick, but Boo thwarted that plan. She said she was scared at certain parts and kept asking me in the dark, “Are you still there?” Also, I know she was waiting for the screen part to pop up at the end. She loves touching screens.
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Attempt #2: Monorail ride. I told Boo that if she took a nap on the monorail, I would buy her ice cream later. She liked the idea, and tried laying her head in my nap and cuddling up next to J and holding on to his arm, but she just zoned out. Nemo, on the other hand, was having a blast on Monorail Green. He was just adorable looking out the window the whole time as we rode on the highway towards TTC, spotting character buses, double buses, and other monorails. When the monorail returned to Epcot and Moana Journey of Water came into view, he said, "What...*GASP*...WOAH! Mommy, a new jumping fountain!" We were very excited to check it out later. When we reentered Epcot and Boo finally fell asleep in the stroller. Very good news.View attachment 784859
Indoors was a must, so I told Nemo to choose The Seas with Nemo or the Test Track showroom and he chose The Seas. Nemo didn’t want to hold my hand walking into the queue, but in the queue he said “It’s kind of dark in here. We should hold hands.” While we were on the ride, J took sleeping Boo in the stroller to the aquarium. View attachment 784860
We saw three dolphins swimming very actively together, which was awesome, and Nemo enjoyed the shark play area. But his main focus this time were these cuttlefish. He stood there for almost 30 minutes watching them. When I told him to check out other things, he said he "had to stay here." Eventually lured him downstairs to the gift shop by telling him they had rocks there. Kids love rocks. I also tried to wake Boo there and asked if she wanted to see the gift shop. She shook her head no in her sleep. Then I asked if she wanted dinner and she said "yes" with her eyes still closed.
Your pictures and descriptions make me feel like I’m there!! We love flower and garden. So glad your family could immerse themselves in EPCOT.


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As many have already said, you write an amazing report and we feel like we are there with you. The Character meal at Grille Garden looks really delicious and we may have to put it on our list to go there next time.
The novelty of the rotating restaurant is worth it alone, but the good food certainly does not hurt! Thank you for following along. :)


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The sun was starting to fade, replaced by breeze and clouds. The best time of day. The Butterfly Garden was right in our path, so we paid them a visit. There were many flitting about and to see so many coming out of their chrysalises was really neat.

We went to go take some pictures in my absolute favorite view. When I think of Flower & Garden Festival, this is what I dream of.
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The kids were excited to go to Journey into Imagination with Figment, so we headed straight in. The kids were amazed by the butterfly disappearing in the cage, holding their noses during the stinky skunk part, and of course, the upside down house. After the ride, they each created a Figment using the ancient computer. A lot of these choices were chosen because there was no choice due to the poor performance of the ball mouse.

Hung out in one of our happy places for a little bit afterwards. Just listen to this picture.

With that, it was finally time to visit the new Moana Journey of Water. Just hearing the tune of 'We Know the Way' as we entered got my adrenaline going. The mist, the waterfalls, and the foliage were all stunning.

Nemo dove right in, discovering the water strings and water waving. Boo was a little more tentative. She does not like wearing wet clothes. But she tried her hand at a few things. I took her on the Dry Path while Nemo definitely adhered to the law of the Wet Path.

The rise and fall water was intriguing to my entire party, and everyone liked the parting water in the cave as well. It was like magic.

I heard Boo shout, "Look, there!". I have avoided everything about this new attraction but have obviously seen glimpses of Te Fiti. Yet still, somehow I guess I just wasn't expecting to see it right after this. So when we turned the corner and saw it, I gasped. It was the movie come to life. The water arches amongst the flowers accompanied by the water plopping sound was artistry in motion.
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These water bubbles were a favorite. "My hand stays dry when I stick them in here!"
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But of course, this was the highlight. Nemo spent a looong time here getting soaked. Luckily, I had a hunch this might happen and had changed him into water shoes and had spare clothes. Boo dabbled a little bit but preferred to watch mostly. The kakamora were such a cute touch.
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I was able to drag Nemo to the teamwork wave for a little bit. This was quite exhilarating with the sounds and music. Also, the lights were a nice touch as it got a little darker. We were going to wait til nighttime to do this, but I didn't want the kids to be too cold, and I also didn't want to be too late for a semi decent spot for Luminous. It was the right call, because Nemo went back to the spitting kakamora after this and was drenched. He finally stood up with his arms hanging out in front of him and waddled to the exit. I brought extra clothes, but I didn't have anything to dry him off with. I told J to give me his shirt.
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That was fun. You bet we'd be back.

We wandered towards World Celebration. I hadn't seen any pictures of this either and I had mixed feelings. I still mourn the loss of my beautiful Fountain of Nations. It had been replaced by a bunch of concrete and pillars. The lights on the ground weren't as fun as the old or and old old lights on the ground, but my children enjoyed them nonetheless. It's just a new chapter of memories.
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I turned and saw the new Walt statue. I thought it was touching. Perhaps because of how wide and open it was, rather than a small bench on Main Street with 10 people waiting on you to take a picture. I really like this one and seeing my kids want to sit there was moving. Then I sat there as they went back to playing with the lights on the ground, and then Nemo said, "Look! The ball is lit!"
It dazzled.
Everyone wanted to see it close up so we went. "What Else Can I Do?" was playing and Boo was a fan of Encanto and Isabela, so that was fun.
We admired the spectacle for a little bit before it was time to head to World Showcase. I still had the ice cream promise to keep even though we had a big dinner, but a little Dole Whip never hurts. We stopped by Pineapple Promenade and I alternated feeding them spoonfuls as we powerwalked.

We were happy too. We didn't catch any fireworks last year so it's been a long time coming. We decided to watch from the far side of the end of the bridge. I knew we wouldn't be able to see the water, but we were more focused on looking up into the sky. While we waited, I gave them the remaining Dole Whip and told them to share. Next thing I knew, Boo was attempting to spoon-feed melted Dole Whip to Nemo. That went as well as you think it did.

Once Luminous started, Nemo leaned all the way forward in the stroller with his ears covered. Boo leaned all the way backwards with her ears covered. They were both watching intently. When the Epcot Anthem came on and I glanced at them, their faces were lit up by the brightness of the sky and it was one of those moments.

We heard Nemo's baby song ("So Close" from Enchanted) and had our fill. We made a quick exit onto the Skyliner and caught the rest of the show from up high. We saw Riviera and lit up at night. As we sailed over Caribbean and looked back, it was pretty amazing to think that we were underneath the big ball just an hour ago.

We saw the bowling pins of Pop Century lit up and I told them, "There's home!" They were like, where? I said, "Those four bowling pins right there. Doink, doink, doink, doink." In that moment, I came to the realization that I may be the funniest person that they know because they were hysterical and kept saying, "Mommy! Doink, doink, doink, doink!" They wondered what their pets were doing in the room and Boo shouted, "I’ll be there in a minute!" I love them so much. They bring so much joy. As tired as we were finally putting them to sleep at 11pm, we would not want to do Disney any other way.
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4 straight days of park fun called for a sleep in day. Still, Boo woke up around 7am and asked to come to our bed so I happily obliged and we cuddled like we always do at home. It hit me that we hadn't done this in more than a few days and wow, I missed it. Even better, she ended up falling back asleep. Nemo woke up around 8am all smiles and I got him set up with breakfast in bed. Boo naturally woke up a few minutes later and then we all sat in bed and watched Mickey cartoons for a good while. A much-needed relaxing morning that still felt like vacation because we don't do things like this at home.

We headed to the lobby around 9am and they begged to go to the Arcade to "play" their favorite tank shooting arcade game. Every time a certain destructive robot would come, Nemo would yell, "This is my favorite one!" And when the demo turned into the camera mode, they would both hurry to stand up and see themselves on the screen. I wandered to "The Pop Shop," as we kept referring to it this trip. I love it there. It's sparkly, colorful, and has a mix of resort perfume-y and savory food court smells. It’s a weird combo but I crave it.

We were heading to Typhoon Lagoon for the day. Our little half day visit on arrival day definitely got us excited for the real thing. It was going to be the hottest day yet of 87 degrees. J's goal today was to not get sunburned. The bus got us there a little earlier than the 10am opening. There was a puddle next to one of the closed ticket windows and the kids got started on their splash pad fun early.
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This sign by Sand Lagoona Gator was a lie, because there was a much less fun sign upon entering that said there would be no waves today due to maintenance. I was briefly annoyed, but then got over it quickly as we did dabble in the wave pool on the first day and I thought they got as much out of that as they were going to. First things first, we learned from our Day 1 mistake and picked up towels at Singapore Sals. Then we decided that we would try some of the waterslides first while the day was young. They had let us in a little early, so we were held before reaching that area. We were still standing there when J held out his phone that said 10:02 and said, "Okay, wth is this? -.-" Made me laugh. But very shortly after, we were on a raft on Miss Adventure Falls. We had just told the kids it was a "family raft ride" but they were a little suspicious as we made our ascent.

Up the hill and into a tunnel, out into the slide with the biggest breadth we have ever seen. It was so much fun. We were abundantly splashed, traveled up the sides of the wall, and got hit by a waterfall. Nemo enjoyed himself and wiped his face with laughter. Boo held on to J more than the handles but held her own. She opted out of Storm Slides next, which I cosigned since she would have to go by herself. She and I waited in the shade while J came down first and waited for Nemo at the bottom.

They were able to focus on details like Miss Tilly more this time around and thought it was silly. It tooted every half an hour, but never erupted with water unfortunately.
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We hopped back in Castaway Creek for a little while. Boo was asking to swim in the pool so we thought she would enjoy swimming along the creek. She bobbed along without a tube for a little bit while the rest of us chilled in tubes. I would have loved to do the whole lap again, but both kids started fretting about the cave waterfall so we bailed a little before that. Just in time for lunch. We wanted to check out Typhoon Tilly's this time. J was salivating over the Fried Fish Platter, which came with shrimp, clams, and hush puppies as well. I thought some fried fish sounded good too, but I also wanted some chicken to supplement the kids' meals so I got the Land and Sea. I was questioning my parenting skills when I decided to get the kids each a PB&J Uncrustable. Honestly, I just wanted them to eat and I knew this would go down quickly. I was right. Nemo, who loves eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for school every single day, ate his in minutes. Then he ate a chicken tender in order to get his hands on J's hush puppies. Boo ate her Uncrustable as well, and helped herself to a piece of fish and some fries. So thank you, Uncrustables. I didn't have to help anybody do anything as I enjoyed my meal and this view. It was fun to watch people float on by to the cheery music. Nemo would call out every time he saw "his" tube.

Since I was able to finish my meal quickly, J suggested I go on a Storm Slide, so I took him up on that offer. Nemo recommended I go on "the middle one." After that, we started venturing into unknown parts and took time to appreciate the theme, such as the gigantic shark's jaw. J was reminded of the Shark Reef experience that used to be here that we did.
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Nemo thought he hit the Hidden Mickey jackpot with this one.
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The kids were being real silly. Nemo found a water bottle refilling station and thought it was part of the attraction here at Typhoon Lagoon and played with it a little. Meanwhile, I was holding Boo and wearing a sunhat. Boo was wearing her sunhat and hiding under my sunhat so she could be under two sunhats. We were planning on taking them on Gangplank Falls, the other family raft ride next. Nemo was ready and helped J push the raft up the stairs. Boo was noncommittal and I took that as a good sign. Once we were seated in the raft, she started having second thoughts, but it was too late. She held on tight to me as we floated through the water amongst all the green foliage and rushing waterfalls. All quicker and less peaceful than it sounds of course. There were caves and dripping cargo, and oh crap a cave waterfall. They took it like champs and the little dips at the end made it even more of an adventure.

After all that action, it was time to tame it down. The kids were delighted to go back to Ketchakiddee Creek and Nemo immediately went for the tube ride multiple times. Boo wanted to watch her brother for a little before going to the sprinkle area for a little bit. Nemo eventually joined and went down the baby slides there. Still fun for him. I came prepared with cups and spoons and they dove right into sand play. It was simply perfect. We had beach chairs under the shade of an umbrella, right up against the creek just watching them create. This whole area is an oasis. I seriously could not stop appreciating how beautiful it was and completely understand why people say they prefer Typhoon Lagoon theming over Blizzard Beach. I still love the campy Blizzard Beach theme too and don't necessarily prefer one over the other, but recognize that they are both so well done. All this to say, I get the Typhoon Lagoon love now.
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With both kids content to stay in this area, J proposed that we take turns riding the tube slides right next door. The line to Mayday Falls goes as close to Mount Mayday and Miss Tilly as possible. It was surreal seeing it up close when it is usually seen from so far away. I also loved the bubbling springs everywhere and just wanted to sit in there. The ride itself was SO FUN and I should have done it again, but went on Keelhaul Falls next, which wasn't quite as intense. Still so glad we got to ride them while the kids were entertained and relaxed. It all worked out well.

While I was climbing Mount Mayday, I thought I spotted something odd. There were a few people standing in the Surf Pool. I didn't think much of it at the time, but later when I got back to Ketchakiddee, we heard the sounds of the wave pool roaring. We rushed to the overlook and sure enough, we saw this incredible sight.

The kids wanted to go. We were on our way!
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We started out in Blustery Bay, where without saying anything, Boo worked up the courage to ride those slides on her own. She just marched up the stairs and I went to wait for her at the bottom. I could see her little face waiting and looking at the lifeguard for the cue to go. She smiled as came down and saw me. She said, “Mommy, did you see me?!” And she did it so many times after that.

Nemo wanted to go for the juggernaut and hung out in the wave pool. He would run about and sit on the rock bench and let the waves wash over him there. He would lie around floating in the water while the dregs of the waves would push him around. Eventually, he started jumping them like everyone else and swimming into them.
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J and I took turns going as deep as we could, but we both just got wrecked each time. In fact, one time, my goggles got knocked off my head, but by some miracle, it flew forward and got caught on my outstretched arm. I wonder how many items get lost there every day. When it was time for bobbing waves, Nemo and I ventured out and relaxed in the waves together. It was one of my favorite moments seeing the joy on his face under and above the water. Being in the waves themselves was also just a therapeutic feeling for me.

Boo had taken a break from the water to play in the sand and eat snacks. I wondered if she was tired and if we should call it a day soon. Swimming is exhausting, after all. But she was revitalized and ready to join us in the water. We had our phone in a water wallet and started taking underwater pictures and videos of them and they turned out pretty nicely. The kids thought it was so cool to see themselves underwater. The little fish were back at it, flipping through the water. I even turned around one time to see them each pulling one of J's legs, dragging him on his back through the water.
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When the big waves started back up again, we went back to Blustery Bay. They had happened upon two life vests and spent the rest of their time in Typhoon Lagoon waters "playing vests." They would put the vests in the water and hold on to one of the strings. Then when the waves came into the back, they would watch the water push their vests away from them, but still hold on tight to the string. They were thoroughly entertained by this and did it for at least an hour. The kids also had their sunhats on, but eventually they propped the life vests up and put their hats on the vests to "make themselves." J and I sat in chairs at the edge of the water and enjoyed happy parent feelings. The sun and clouds alternated, which was nice, but the sun was strong when it was out. We were pulling out all the stops, putting on clothes, reapplying sunblock, covering heads with towels. I even told J to try providing shade for the kids so he went over and stood there holding a towel in the air to block the sun. We looked absurd. I had to laugh. But also, the area was thinning out crowd-wise. I'm guessing that a lot of people were leaving for the day.

The last funny thing to happen was when Nemo brought a chair to the pool and sat in it as the waves came. He did that for a little, then left the chair there to go back to his sister. A man came and sat in the chair, and Nemo was like !!! and I said, no worries, just get another one. So Nemo grabbed another chair and brought it right next to that man and sat in it. It was so embarrassing and cute all at the same time. Anyways, we spent almost three hours at the Surf Pool and Blustery Bay combined. It was just so fun to watch them play together and J and I got to relax and joke around like we always do. We’ll remember this one. We finally pulled them out for dinner around 4 and they looked real spent. I wanted them to eat eat eat, so Leaning Palms it was. I got Nemo an adult Angus Cheeseburger, Boo had been wanting a Hot Dog, and despite lots of tempting options, (why are the water park menus so much better than the theme parks?) we had our repeat picks of Chicken Elote Nachos and Pulled Pork Sandwich again. I went to pick up our Mobile Order and it came on two trays. Our table was kind of a hike all the way in the shade. I was like, "Can I come back for the second tray?" The nice CM said, "Do you want me to help you carry them to your table?" Awkward me replied, "Oh... is that something you guys do?" He said he would come out and he followed me all the way to our table with the other tray. That's some Disney hospitality right there. So thoughtful.

The kids were still keeping an eye and ear out for the wave pool and Nemo wanted to go back after dinner, but the park was closing in 30 minutes and we were dry and Boo was definitely tired. As we started walking out, Nemo said, "What we’re leaving?!" I distracted him by saying we could go to the shop to look around before we left. Of course, we ended up buying them each a plastic boat that they saw when we were here for the towels this morning. He read the tag and gasped, “Only 4 dollars and 99 cents?!” I couldn't resist, as he was so good about it when I said no originally. He didn’t even go into the rest of the shop, and just kept playing with it. Boo had grabbed a bag, it looked like a Croc bag for lack of a better description, and put her boat in it. I knew the boats would be a good investment because they would play with it in the pools and tub. I only wish I had said yes this morning, but they made their own fun and I admire them for that.
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We got a great picture with Lagoona Gator on our way out. Then we had to ride the bus to Disney Springs and catch a Pop Century bus from there. The Pop stop is conveniently the furthest stop and so we were carrying them all the way there. But they were so good waiting for the bus and being on the bus, holding their little boats. Now call us crazy, but once we got to Pop around 5:30, we offered to stop by the splash pad and they were so happy to, as long as J carried Boo and I piggybacked Nemo there.
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There, they put their boats at the top of the water jets and gave their boats showers in the flower shower while J and I lounged on the chairs to this view. I was truly happy. Everything felt cool and calm, the bright orange POP sign amongst the tall palm trees and colorful buildings made my heart happy. It's home.

Cold kids went into the warm bath with their boats and then almost passed out during TV, but I had brought our Disney Little Golden Books from home and we hadn't had a chance to read them yet, so we squeezed those in. Both of them were asleep by 8. I wasn't sure what tomorrow would bring, but I knew that I would soak it up whatever it is. Time was going by so fast and I loved how much we had done and how none of it ever gets old. It only makes me want more.
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I woke up this morning mulling on an interesting idea. We were returning to Magic Kingdom today. What if we had a less-rides day, and more of an assortment-of-everything-else type of day? There's always been a few little things that we've always thought would be cool to see or do, but never found the right opportunity. Well, today could be the day, since we had checked pretty much every ride off of our list on MK Day 1. When the kids woke, I double and triple checked with them that they were set on repeating anything in particular. The only request was Small World, of course.
We had never truly done this before and I was curious how it would go. Magic Kingdom opened at 8am today, so we rolled in super late around 8:30.

The kids went straight to the Firehouse to feed their favorite pup. They just to loved pretend-play in this empty room. I wandered around keeping an eye out for any Main Street vehicles, but more specifically, the double decker bus. I asked around, but the CMs said that there was no set schedule and the vehicle types just depended on availability. Since we had no agenda today, I decided we'd wait around Main Street a little longer. We walked across the street to the Confectionery.
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I feel like I've never been in here when it was completely empty and it was so lovely to look at, from the sweets displays to the lighting fixtures to the wall colors. The kids were having a great time pointing at things and saying, "Yummy!" and thought the popcorn was particularly interesting. We were looking at all the different types when a CM popped out of nowhere and said, "Would you like to try some?" The kids chose the colored popcorn and were very happy. Boo offered me a piece, and when J asked Nemo to try a piece, Nemo looked for the smallest piece to give to him.

We wandered into Crystal Arts next. The kids are good about looking but not touching. They loved looking at all the different color crystals and the CM here gave them each a business card that detailed all the different colors and characteristics of each crystal (Pink = love and friendship, Green = joy, good luck, success). These cards became sacred property for the rest of the day.
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A stunning $250,000 crystal Cinderella Castle was on display. And I remember the old version that sold for only $50,000, what a bargain.
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Told Boo these were "real princess crowns" and she was like, woah.
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This has always been my favorite building on Main Street.

We were in the Emporium which we hardly ever go into because it's always a madhouse, when I saw the Dapper Dans come out on the trolley. We rushed out and started following them up Main Street like losers, only to find out that they don't offer rides.

We gave up on the idea, but we were pleased with our chill morning so far. We headed toward the Tomorrowland bridge to take some pictures.
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Decided to head towards Fantasyland and stopped by the Wishing Well first.
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We found rose petals on the ground and the kids threw them in when making their wishes. Nemo said he didn't know what he wished for... guess he has everything. I suggested he wish for a toy, or happiness, and he immediately said "Happiness!". Boo wished for "I love you."
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We went to Small World, as required by all of. As we were embarking on our voyage, Nemo pointed up to Pinocchio Village Haus and said, "Let's eat there for lunch!"

After Small World, we hung out by the Tangled bathrooms. Boo was wearing her Rapunzel dress, and we had a little photoshoot, and by photoshoot I mean me shouting, "Candy!" to get them to look at me. They wanted to go up in the tower.
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I also enjoyed the stream and walked to the other side and am now just noticing this Hidden Mickey rock in the water??

We wanted to stay in the vicinity because of lunch, so I asked them if they wanted to do Haunted Mansion again. It only said 20 minute wait. They both said no, then Nemo said, "Wait yes. I want to. I changed my mind." So J took Nemo to Haunted Mansion and I intended to stay and enjoy the ambiance by the water with Boo, but then I had another idea. I asked Boo if she wanted to go ride the Carousel again. She said yeah! So off we went. And I'm so glad we did, because look who joined us on our ride!

Anastasia and Drizella were a hoot. I held Boo up as she watched Drizella struggle to mount her horse. She pointed at all of us and said, "I can do it, no one laugh!" and then "Ta-da!" when she got it.

Even though were were near the back of the line, our gate was opened first and we could have sat directly behind Anastasia if Boo was not adamant about having her flowery horse. We had a great view, and between smiling because she was on the Carousel and laughing at the stepsisters saying, "What's she doing?" when they would be up to their antics. It was a ride to remember. I always see stories of characters joining on rides. Never thought it would happen to me! After the ride, Boo said, "Let's go find the boys." We met them back at our Tangled spot and it was perfect timing. "Guess who we rode the Carousel with?" I told J. He was confused, thinking I meant someone we knew. They thought it was cool. J said that Nemo was very happy during Haunted Mansion and he still loves the stretching room best.

Our excursions didn't take as long as we expected, so we just wandered. Wandered all the way to New Fantasyland (does anyone still call it that anymore?) and watched some Mine Train carts go by. Then the kids wanted to observe Gaston's fountain for a bit. Always entertaining watching the water leak from the barrel into the cups. Nemo thought the "Tribute to Gaston, From Me, Gaston" was funny.
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Lunchtime! This is the best picture I got, sorry. No food picture either because everyone dove in. J got the All-Meat Flatbread, I got the Chicken Strips, and the kids split a Gourmet Cheese Flatbread. Honestly? We enjoyed the flatbreads. Hope they have different flavors other than Buffalo Chicken in the future. There used to be one with shrimp that was so good. But the main attraction here, is, well, the attraction. They love waving at people in the boats and watching the clock chime. It's a happy sight.

Enchanted Tales with Belle was just opening so we made our way there, with the kids leading the way in the empty line. I took this picture because I thought Nemo would like the gear light fixture. This attraction is so cool. J was obsessing over the enchanted mirror ("How the heck does that thing work?!") The kids stood up front for that part and it was so cute to see their little faces in the mirror. Last year when we did this, Boo was Chip and Nemo got a plate, which we ended up referring to as "the random plate." He wanted it again, and got it. Boo didn’t want to be in the show this time. She's grown more cautious and shy. No matter, she could sit with us and watch her brother star in the show for real, because his role changed to Maurice once we got to the library. It turned out to be great because he got real interaction with Belle when she came to rescue him. He was adorable and stood there peering behind the bars very seriously. He smiled at us during the parade and was introduced as King Nemo. Boo wanted a picture with Belle too but I had to be present. They got the bookmarks and they loved carrying it around all day along with their crystal cards.
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After that, we went to Dumbo, but not to ride. We wanted to visit the play area there and they were thrilled. We've always passed it and they were intrigued. Right away, they bounded off and started spinning the knobs of the little fire truck, and then climbing the burning building and walking on the ropes at the top. There were slides and fun Dumbo at the circus details all around that I ogled at. They played for a good 20 minutes before we rounded them up.
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Is the Dumbo play area a valid Disney Bucket List item? It is for us!


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We were tired, no question about it. It was hot, Day 7 of an 8 day eventful vacation, and no matter how you define "slowing down," kids will be kids and power through anything for fun. But we needed $6 popsicles stat, and two of them at that. We sat in between Tomorrowland and Storybook Circus where no one seemed to stop, and enjoyed some space and the flowers on the top of the Mine Train mountain. They happily ate, and Nemo's popsicle was all over himself. We covered him in a bunch of paper towels, which looked funny in contrast to Boo who was sitting there munching all nice and tidy. We journeyed into Tomorrowland with the intention of riding the Blue Ride, but the line looked a little longer than we'd like. But Carousel of Progress was rotating so I said we should just go there first. Nemo lit up. "Oh yeah! That's where everything gets better and better!" We sat in my favorite, the back row, and leaned back. Boo was on my lap and I hoped she would fall asleep, but she was watching. I think J definitely fell asleep. Nemo was alert and focused.

When we came out, Blue Ride was a walk on and J said to me, "Good job, Mama." We got on and relaxed in the breeze. We did get Virtual Queue for Tron this morning just in case, and it had been called, but neither of us were feeling like it. Just wanted to enjoy the day all together. I was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep during the Space Mountain tunnel. I settled for being in a sleepy haze until the ride whisked around to the castle again and then, I saw it.

THE GREEN DOUBLE DECKER BUS. I jolted up and pointed and said, "We HAVE to go. NOW." By the time we got off the ride, convinced the kids to walk at least a little bit down the moving platform, get the stroller, and head to the hub, it was nowhere to be seen. We started walking down Main Street, but I didn't see it. I was panicking until we reached the end of Main Street and then I finally saw it parked outside Town Square Theater. I rushed over because I saw it looked almost full and asked the CM, "Do you have room for four more people? Four small people?" And he said he thought so. So I grabbed the kids and we walked up the stairs to the top and sat in the remaining spots. J caught up quickly after parking the stroller, and just like that, we were off. It was so simple, yet so enjoyable. Seeing the second story of all the Main Street shops at eye-level was neat, and the kids enjoyed looking down at a small Main Street Vehicle that was following us. We were higher than the balloons, and Boo kept imitating my, “Isn’t this fun!?” voice.

Service was one-way only, but the CM let us get off and get right back on. And this time, we got to sit at the very front and our grins grew even bigger, if that was even possible. Our ride back was not immediate, as the CM said he had to wait for the Main Street Philharmonic's performance to end.
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We had a great seat.

Now Nemo can say he's ridden buses, double buses, Monorails, Skyliner, Friendship Boats, Main Street vehicles, and the double decker bus.

Once we started moving again, we took it all in. The horn would beep and Nemo's face would light up. He kept saying, "We have the best seat." This was special. I really mean it when I say Nemo has been dreaming of this, and to be able to make that dream come true was the best feeling in the world.

Well that certainly was a lot of excitement!

We decided it was time for a park break, and exited Magic Kingdom for the Monorail station.

Where the excitement started all over again.


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We were headed to Contemporary Resort. Being in the Monorail and going into the resort blows Nemo's mind. Upon stepping out, the quiet was a drastic change and much appreciated. It was very empty. We looked in the Fantasia shop for a while which just has a cool vibe with the open [very high] ceiling, and the monorail whooshing by. The kids had a lightsaber battle. Nemo also said, "You know what else is cool? The arcade." So we spent some time there as well. They liked lying down in that Typhoon game.

An early dinner awaited us, because we had time-sensitive things to do back at Magic Kingdom. Nemo had requested early on to eat that "the monorail restaurant" so Contempo Cafe it was. I've always thought that the food here is always very good, so I was looking forward to it. I had the Hot Turkey Sandwich, which was a lot more exciting that the name and picture suggests. It had bacon, arugula, tomato, cheese, and avocado mayonnaise on it, and was absolutely delicious. I ate every last bite. Also, I have really enjoyed eating coleslaw on this trip for some reason.

J had the Chicago-style Italian Beef Sub, which is what I got last year. (I knew he was jealous!) It is very good, especially with the au jus. Highly recommend.

I got the kids each a Turkey Pasta Marinara kids meal, which turned out to be gigantic. I could have definitely gotten one to split, but we of course were able to finish everything between the four of us. They ate it pretty well, and it was something different from what they had been eating this trip, so I was pleased. Nemo ate both bags of grapes and Boo ate both Danimals strawberry smoothies. She always says, "Thanks Mom" when I hand her her food. They both sipped on their apple juices as we enjoyed watching monorails come in and out of view, talking about the colors and number of cars.
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Themed dining, without breaking the bank. I love it.
Waiting in line from the window, we ogled at the view of Grand Floridian and Magic Kingdom, pointing out Big Thunder Mountain and the top of Crystal Palace. We enjoyed our monorail ride, and Nemo thought the pilot was funny when he said, "Our next stop iiiis... Polynesian Resort." He said, "That guy is funny!" I gazed wistfully at Polynesian and Grand Floridian passed by on the monorail. Wish we had more time to resort hop, but we had to get back to Magic Kingdom before 6pm so we could visit Tom Sawyer Island. I had hoped that waiting til the very end would provide a more comfortable experience temperature wise.

The kids went straight for the checkers board and lined them up to "play". They knew exactly where to go for the barrel bridges and windmill. And Boo was super brave and led the way in the dark caves that scare me. We went all the way to Fort Langhorn and and back through the escape tunnel.
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When we were back on the mainland, I asked the kids, Tiki Room or Philharmagic? It was a unanimous PHILHARMAGIC! "That one is so funny", they said. They laughed and flinched and reached. Boo even reached so far during the Ariel scene to grab the jewels that she almost touched the person in front of her. Seeing them so encompassed in the magic made me emotional. It was so beautiful and innocent. And I will always love the A Whole New World scene. I really felt like I was soaring, tumbling, freewheeling. It never gets old.

We went back to Adventureland for Treasures of the Seven Seas. When we told Nemo about this this morning, he was very enthusiastic and kept talking about "the pirate scavenger hunt" all day. We got multiple maps, which turned out to be a good thing because it actually forces you to go in a certain order, and of course, that order is purposely designed to make you walk back and forth around Adventureland a million times. So between the three maps we had, we just did what we could in the vicinity. They didn't know what to expect at first (none of us did, really) and the first one we did happened to fire a cannon, which made us all jump. After that, Nemo would hold one of his ears while he scanned his MagicBand. This one was a neat little ship in a bottle that rocked in the water, until it got sunk. Their favorite was the clamshell revealing the pearl... very sparkly. Needless to say, I don't think we completed the actual quest, but the experience was fun for all, and it fulfilled its purpose.

It was almost 7 and even though Happily Ever After was at 8, but I had a feeling it was not going to happen today. It had been a relaxing day, and I think we were all in for a relaxing evening. I proposed the idea of a nighttime swim to the kids and they said, "Yes!!!" So we headed back down Main Street and gave one last glance to the Cinderella Castle, and said goodbye. I thought they’d be exhausted but they were excited all over again, pointing out monorails and character buses. Nemo even noticed that Lightning McQueen's wheel was aligned with the bus' actual wheel.

Back at Pop Century, the sunset over Hourglass Lake was a lovely sight. We got changed into our bathing suits and the kids ran over to the sidewalk and wanted to see. We took lots of happy pictures.
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We went to the Bowling Pin Pool at Boo's request and brought their boats. The self-dubbed "Cannonball Kids" were having a blast. I floated on my back and watched the sky change colors as little lights started turning on around the resort. It was a fitting end to our last full day... doing something we love together.

Boat play continued in the bathtub. When I opened the sliding door to give it to them, they were just chillin together. It was the usual snacks, bedtime stories, and cuddling with pets while we packed. It always makes me sad, but I felt so fulfilled for us. They've done some incredible things as a 3 and 5 year old. Even just this morning on the bus, Nemo was talking about flying on the banshee in Pandora. That seemed like a long time ago. They went to bed giggling like crazy at each other's antics. One more day and Nemo has already said he wants to "try something at Moana Journey of Water tomorrow." I love his spark and zest for life.
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Our bags were packed, our room was empty, and we said goodbye to our happy home for the past 7 nights. We loved everything about it, especially stepping out to this gorgeous view one last time. The kids invented a game called 'Match' where every time a Skyliner gondola of the same color would 'cross' each other, they would say, "Match!"

We always got the nice, clear Skyliner so we could see all around us. The kids would eagerly wait at the yellow line and then dart into the cabin. When I think about staying elsewhere, not being on the Skyliner is actually such a deterrent. But we shall see.

We entered Epcot right before 8:30 and took some pretty pictures by one of my favorite spots. Nemo also took it upon himself to 'water' the flowers with his spray fan. I told him the flowers were very appreciative of him.

Since our first Epcot morning was spent doing all-things-Frozen, I wanted to do a slow tour of Flower & Garden this morning. We had to stop at the U.K. phonebooths of course, but then we went to Canada to see the gardens. We thought we'd go up to see the waterfalls, but then we got notified that our Guardians of the Galaxy Boarding Group was called. I still had not been on this ride, and everyone, EVERYONE I know, has just raved about it. I had to admit, I was curious and almost willing to sacrifice family morning time to try it. Park not officially opened, BG called, this would be the only way. So much for a slow Epcot morning. We booked it to the other side of the park, only stopping to take this cute picture.
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We set up Rider Swap. Nemo is tall enough to ride, but he said he didn't want to, and J said it was probably for the best. He went to wait in the Virtual Queue line and I was going to take the kids to the playground that they were thrilled to see.

But first, we stopped by this F&G exhibit with little dinosaurs and it was one of the coolest ideas I've seen!

They went to town climbing anything and everything and practically had the whole playground to themselves. I stood in the shade watching them on their 'obstacle course', and listened to the music and the sound of Test Track cars zooming by. It was peaceful.

J was keeping me updated on his progress, and I told him to get Row 9... whatever that meant. He indeed ended up in Row 9. Within 20 minutes, he was done and we were meeting him outside of Mission: SPACE so the kids could have some indoor playtime while I went on Guardians.
I had no idea what was going on, but I was excited and ready to go. The preshows were a little lengthy, but I was calm knowing the kids were probably having fun climbing everywhere inside SPACE. And guess who also ended up in Row 9? I asked J what was so great about it before we parted and he said, "Just imagine it being the best of both worlds being at the front and back of a coaster." It was exhilarating and just like he said. It was every ride Disney ever made combined, from Space Mountain, to Everest, to Primeval Whirl. I even knew the song I got, which was not on my Bingo card. (Conga - I only knew it from Dancing with the Stars, don't judge me). I was grinning and squealing nonstop, and I am so glad I finally got to try the ride everyone sings the praises of.

We reunited and stopped by Club Cool where Boo, my little adventurous eater, wanted to drink whatever we would allow, and Nemo kept saying, "No! Soda is bad for you and only for adults." He then decided he wanted to go on Soarin' again, but Boo did not. I decided to take her to Nemo since she slept through it last time. As we boarded the ride, J texted me and said Nemo changed his mind and wanted to go on Nemo. I guess we'd just roll with it. So we met up in the aquarium later. I asked Boo what she wanted to see first and she said she wanted to see the diver.

It was her lucky day.


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Reunited (again), we went back to The Land to go on Living with the Land. This ride is really giving favorite ride energy for all of us lately. We reminisced happily on our Garden Grill dinner, caught some more details on the F&G displays, and determined that the watermelons looked like they grew bigger over the past few days too.

It was around 11 and we decided to eat right there at Sunshine Seasons. The kids liked this place because they get to walk around and see what they want to eat. Not that they actually get to choose, but it makes them feel special holding the trays. I ordered them Mongolian Beef to split since I knew they'd love the fried rice. I myself got the Stir-fried Shrimp, which I had been craving, and J got the Roast Beef Sandwich, which I think he finished by the time I got the kids food split up and even looked at mine. Hence, no pictures. But in my mind, I see us basking in the natural light of the pavilion, with the hot air balloons floating above us.
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After lunch, we walked across to Moana to see what Nemo's important idea was. I think it was putting his sunhat on the water jets and watching it puff up. Boo thought it was hilarious and laughed so hard at her brother as she stayed dry on my lap. Until Nemo figured out that covering half of the jet would direct the spraying water towards us. Before we were about to leave, Nemo said, "Mommy, come jump with me!" and so I joined him in jumping on the spots that made the water shoot up. It was a sweet moment.

We changed Nemo and went to the Scentsy area, where Nemo and I were both huffing the Hibiscus Sunset scent. Boo was definitely tired. She didn’t even want to get out of the stroller. Girl went hard this year. However, I noticed across from us was the PB&J Garden and that they were handing out Uncrustables! I got two and that perked her up. They were basically frozen, which in this heat, was enticing. She and Nemo enjoyed biting into them as we headed to World Showcase.

We went to Mexico with the intention of seeing the Sugar Skulls, but the line for La Cava del Tequila blocked it. Gran Fiesta Tour was also posting a 25 minute wait. Then I realized it was Saturday at Epcot during a festival, and also it was May the 4th and people were hopping over from Hollywood Studios (I did question why I saw so many Star Wars shirts today). Luckily, the kids were more than happy to just don some hats and "play" cars for a little while.
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We needed to stay indoors, so we stopped in China's shop next, which was a lot less crowded. They played with the sand zen garden thing and again, found hats to wear. Eventually, I lured them on with the promise of something sweet. Pineapple Dole Whip from the Refreshment Outpost. They were playing drums when I walked over with it and Boo saw me and immediately came over to get hers. She had the happiest face on, complete with her little tongue sticking out.

Onward to Germany, where neither heat nor exhaustion would stop these two from spending quality time with the trains again. They were sipping their now-melted Dole Whip with straws and standing around watching the trains. It strongly reminded me of two tiny adults drinking beverages around the world. They also made some friends there and their little gang was running up and down the path looking for trains together.
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It was about 1:30 and we wanted to catch the 2pm Matsuriza performance, so we said goodbye to the trains and hello to the art gallery in American Adventure. I always find this worth a stop and it seems my kids do too. Especially for the lenticular prints.
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We made it to Japan with a little time to spare, so we went into the Kawaii exhibit where Boo was very interested in the melted Harajuku girl. We also waded in and out of the very crowded shop just in time for Matsuriza.
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We wanted to be close so the kids could see better, even though there was no shade there. But they were in the stroller with the hood up and all the bells and whistles, so J and I took two for the team and stood there in the sun. Made me so grateful for those cooler days we had earlier in the trip.

It was all good though. We were living up our last day at Disney, and I had the spray fan, which is now my most-prized Disney investment.
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We've created a lot of traditions in our Family of Four era. An important one is visiting Yacht & Beach Club and Boardwalk on our last day. It helps us say goodbye to the parks and hello to some old memories and hopefully, some future ones.

The walk to Beach Club is always picturesque and calm. Seeing those light blue buildings makes my heart flutter. I have so many happy memories of this place. The lobby smell is so addicting... flowery and perfume-y in a good way. Nemo led us to the shop like a pro. Since the Beach Club Marketplace is the shop and the food, the smells made our stomachs start to rumble. I was thinking that we should eat a very early dinner here in the World instead of waiting for a late dinner at the airport. But Boardwalk Deli's menu was calling our names.

Nemo picked up a resort map and said that if we wanted to ride a Friendship Boat, the last of the Disney transportation we had not yet utilized, we would need to go to the lighthouse. So he navigated us to the lighthouse. It was quiet, breezy, and beautiful.

We waited there a little bit without any sign of a boat. And not being very well-versed in Friendship Boat routes, we weren't sure after it picked us up, where it would be taking us. But luckily for us, when one did come, it was going to Boardwalk first. J's mind was blown as he watched the boat swerve around to dock.

Sat outside with Boo resting against me koala-style and just melted away into the wind.
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We arrived at Boardwalk and the kids sat on the surrey bikes while I went to go pick up our food from Boardwalk Deli. It took longer than I expected, but when I finally got it, I started powerwalking back. However, J texted me saying they went inside so I met them in the lounge area. I got the kids a Ham and Cheese Sandwich each, which came with strawberries bigger than the sandwiches themselves. I got the Roasted Turkey Sandwich and J got the Italian Sub. Both were scrumptious and yet again, I didn't have a chance to take a picture. But I really enjoyed my sandwich, and it came with a side of tomato soup. Which I forgot to grab spoons for. So yeah, we were chugging our soups. We had to hurry, with the boat and food delays, we were cutting it pretty close. We had to be on the bus to MCO at 4:35 and we probably finished lunch around 3:45. We basically ran all the way from Boardwalk to International Gateway. Even with pushing the stroller, J was faster than me. And then, there was a line to get onto the Skyliner. Ahhh! We were on the Skyliner a little after 4 and could breathe again. We would make it. We waved to our hallway as we arrived back around 4:10. The kids played in the arcade til 4:30 wearing their cute airport pajamas. I took one last tour around Everything POP and took it all in. For me, it really is about the simple things.

They both fell asleep on the bus. They were officially partied out. I was a proud mom. This trip taught me a lot. We kept growing as a family, adapting to changing needs and wants, but always still feeling the magic. I felt so grateful. We had a smooth trip, we were healthy, we were able to go in the offseason still, and we treated our kids to two fantastic character buffets, new ride experiences, and many, many little things in between. Most of all, I am so grateful that we enjoy the time together. The four of us in every ride vehicle, our tiny room, sharing a bed giggling in the dark. Even Nemo says, "Let's take a family picture!" now, and Boo says, "I want you to sit next to me. Closer. Closer!" and grabs my arm. We can never get enough time with each other and I think that’s what we love about Disney more than anything else. The fun, the adventure, the beauty, and the comfort never ends, one unforgettable day after another. I can’t wait until our next adventure, and to make more dreams come true.

If you're here, thank you for reading and hope you've enjoyed this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. :)

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