A Star Wars Theme Park


Original Poster
Hey, this is Darth_Disney, formerly known as Yensid. This thread is an open-brainstorming thread for ideas on a exciting but difficult-to-execute idea: a theme park entirely devoted to one of the largest intellectual properties to exist: Star Wars. I have a few ideas regarding attractions and layout, and want to see what others think.


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is Darth_Disney, formerly known as Yensid. This thread is an open-brainstorming thread for ideas on a exciting but difficult-to-execute idea: a theme park entirely devoted to one of the largest intellectual properties to exist: Star Wars. I have a few ideas regarding attractions and layout, and want to see what others think.
I have never seen Star Wars (but plan on it) so I probably don't have room to talk, but this is my 2 cents. I don't think that any solo franchise-albeit one of the biggest ever-should have its own theme park. A few lands in a 5th gate? Sure, why not. Take over a ton of DHS? Ok, just don't steal muppets from me. But a whole park? I don't think so. Super Star Wars fans, please tell me what you think, and what these lands would be. I know Tatoine, the Death Star and that's about it.


President of Progress City
I have never seen Star Wars (but plan on it) so I probably don't have room to talk, but this is my 2 cents. I don't think that any solo franchise-albeit one of the biggest ever-should have its own theme park. A few lands in a 5th gate? Sure, why not. Take over a ton of DHS? Ok, just don't steal muppets from me. But a whole park? I don't think so. Super Star Wars fans, please tell me what you think, and what these lands would be. I know Tatoine, the Death Star and that's about it.
Well it depends, I would love Tattoine, Dantooine (which is major in the KOTOR series). For The death star I would love having to go to a space port such as Kessel which in Imperial Control and have to take a star tours vessel to the Death start.. :D Then Finally I would love Coursant.


Well-Known Member
Oh I totally forgot Endor. Kids are going to love fluffy teddy bears with dark soulless eyes.

I was keeping my suggestions straight from the movies as I don't think the average tourist is going to know about Corellia, Dantoonie, Kessel, or Kuat.


President of Progress City
Oh I totally forgot Endor. Kids are going to love fluffy teddy bears with dark soulless eyes.

I was keeping my suggestions straight from the movies as I don't think the average tourist is going to know about Corellia, Dantoonie, Kessel, or Kuat.
I would agree with that but I would love to see atleast one miniland based on it for the nerds


Well-Known Member
I have never seen Star Wars (but plan on it) so I probably don't have room to talk, but this is my 2 cents. I don't think that any solo franchise-albeit one of the biggest ever-should have its own theme park. A few lands in a 5th gate? Sure, why not. Take over a ton of DHS? Ok, just don't steal muppets from me. But a whole park? I don't think so. Super Star Wars fans, please tell me what you think, and what these lands would be. I know Tatoine, the Death Star and that's about it.

I don't think it's too out there to make a Star Wars theme park. There's a ton that could be done between the 7(soon to be 13) movies, the TV shows, the video games, and the expanded universe. Not to say that all of that should be used, but the movies alone provide enough source material for AT LEAST a half day park. And, honestly, I'd rather see a Star Wars theme park than I would see it take over DHS.

In terms of lands, as has been discussed above:
Possibly a Dagobah sub-land
Death Star
There could very easily be a Yavin IV

The list goes on and on for possibilities. That's just the films alone.


Original Poster
I do think that the Star Wars franchise is simply so massive that it could fill an entire park (while the real-world practicality of this is shaky at best, I like to imagine:)). My thoughts are for it to be a large park that has areas devoted to fleshing out the small glimpses of a larger galaxy that we see in the films, rather than just regurgitating scenes and locations from the movies. Shops, restaurants, small attractions and atmosphere could fill up most of the space of the park, while big, bad, E-ticket experiences could be sprinkled around as well. Because I've always felt that the locations and concepts in Star Wars were more interesting than the plot and characters themselves, and because nearly everyone knows the story of Star Wars, I wouldn't want rides to be book reports of the films, because then you're just reinventing the wheel. Exploring existing concepts and creating new experiences that keep the Star Wars spirit should be the goal.


Well-Known Member
if it weren't bought by Disney then I would have agreed to built a whole park but now it love to see something as what they did at Universal with Harry Potter but then with Star Wars. I'd like to see Yavin 4, Hoth, Endor, Naboo, Tatooine, Kamino and Coruscant


Original Poster
Okay, here is my plan for a Star Wars theme park (It is incomplete, and I will update later. For now, it only shows my plans for the first "land" of the park, Coruscant. Coruscant will mostly be shopping and dining, but also entertainment and a few rides):
The bustling center of the galaxy shines like a sparkling jewel on the surface, but teems with menace from its depths. The grand entryway to the Star Wars galaxy not only has extensive shopping and dining, but also attractions and entertainment. It is split into several administrative districts.
Senatorial/Ambassadorial District
The ambassadorial district of Coruscant contains many ports for Senators to come through as well as hangars and the Senate Apartment Building. The Senatorial District contains the Grand Convocation Hall in the Senate Building.
Docking Bay Aurek
The entrance to the park is an open hangar with several ships.
Monorail Station
Located at the front of the park, this station has entrances from the CityPlanet Resort and from inside the park. From here, we take a short hyperspace trip to nearby Alderaan.
Star Tours FP
The classic Disney attraction returns in a grand fashion, right in the front of the park, in Docking Bay Besh.
Docking Bay Fom
This smaller, but more luxurious bay can take us to the distant mining planet of Bespin.
Docking Bay Besh
From here, we can travel to the far reaches of the Outer Rim, Tatooine and Geonosis
Coruscant Public Transportation Services
This PeopleMover attraction takes riders around Coruscant.
Drunkard’s Vote
An extremely old bar and restaurant selling food and drinks with wide appeal.
Dining Commons
Eat as luxuriously as a senator in this restaurant with breathtaking views.
Senate Building
In this building, aliens from around the galaxy have come to display their culture and food. A display about new technology of the era and a diorama of the Grand Convocation Hall round out the area’s attractions.
CityPlanet Shopping Center
This shopping center is built on top of the park. It is part of the CityPlanet Resort.
Senatorial Resort Hotel
This luxurious hotel is part of the CityPlanet Resort.
City Speeder Chase FP
This high-speed indoor-outdoor coaster runs throughout the city and through every district.
CoCo Town
CoCo Town is the Collective Commerce District. Here, there is plentiful shopping and dining.
Docking Bay Cresh
From this terminal, we can travel to the peaceful planets of Alderaan and, for a price, Kashyyyk.
Docking Bay Dom
Accessed from an elevated walkway, this small bay is used mainly for cargo, but can take you to Kashyyyk and other worlds.
Dex’s Diner
This small diner, owned by Dexter Jettster himself, serves up classic burgers and fries.
Xorra’s Candy Emporium
The largest candy shop in the galaxy is ready for business! Xorra’s selection is unbeatable.
Tri-District Coruscant Hover Car Tours
These cars run along the surface of Coruscant’s streets. They depart from CoCo Town, run along Uscru District and go to the Imperial Palace.
Coruscant Air Taxi Services
These vehicles run alongside the sidewalks in CoCo Town and Uscru District above the lower levels.
CoCo Town Marketplace
This grocery market sells snacks, including some healthier options.
Pet’s ‘n’ Pieces
Located on 250 Pom Plaza, this pet shop sells all kinds of stuffed animals.
Dewback Inn Restaurant
Located in the lobby of the Dewback Inn, this is one of the only places to find agaric ale in Coruscant.
Galactic Museum: Archive of Planetary Cultures
Just outside the the Dewback Inn, there is a branch of the Galactic Museum. It displays artifacts from around the galaxy.
Bithuband Bandstand
For aspiring Bith musicians, Bithuband is their chance to shine. So right outside the office, they play for tips and hope a talent scout will discover them.
CoCo District Theater
Come see Adler Roty, the Sorcerer of Tund! It’s not the force, it’s magic!
CoCo Penitentiary
From here, we can see inmates in cells. There is a small gift shop at the front.
Bounty Hunter’s Guild Headquarters
Come meet famous bounty hunters!
Bounty Hunter’s Guild Training Course (Underground)
At the Bounty Hunter Headquarters, you can learn how to be a bounty hunter.
Dead or Alive Interactive Video Game (Underground)
This attraction, similar to Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, is a virtual game around the galaxy. It also includes finding costumed cast members, or ‘criminals.’
Uscru District
The Uscru Entertainment District is the place to go for music and drama.
Docking Bay Esk
On the border of the Works, this bay will take you to the quiet planet of Naboo.
Galaxies Opera House
This theater hosts all kinds of performances such as Squid Lake.
Coruscant Air Taxi Services
These vehicles run alongside the sidewalks in CoCo Town and Uscru District.
Pageant Center
This theater hosts fashion shows and the famous Miss Galaxy pageants.
Outlander’s Club
This lower level bar and gaming lounge is popular with locals and brave tourists.
Revwien Comedy Academy Playhouse
This showcase comedy club is full of students from the Revwien Academy. It is next door to the Vos Gesal Hotel.
Snapping Septoid
This seedy cantina is located on the lower levels of the Uscru District, right next door to the Outlander’s Club.
Vos Gesal Hotel
This section of the CityPlanet Resort is across the bridge and on top of Xorra’s Candy Emporium. It has entrances at the CityPlanet Shopping Center, the next door from the Revwien Comedy Club, and around the corner from Xorra’s Candy Emporium.
Kaldani Spires Residential Apartments
A Vacation Club timeshare, this area overlooking Monument Plaza is part of the CityPlanet Resort.
Monument Plaza
This last peak of the Manarai Mountains is sacred to the Flames of Umate Cult. It is also a popular tourist spot and has shopping surrounding it.
Temple Precinct
The District surrounding the Jedi Temple is the center of all Jedi activity. The Jedi Temple is the perfect place to meet Jedi, including many rare characters.
Coruscant Parade Route
Hover car parades run through here daily.
Holocrons of Knowledge
These ancient holocrons reveal the secrets of being a Jedi.
Jedi Training Course (Temple)
This training course will teach you how to become a Jedi.
Path of the Jedi Interactive Video Game (Temple)
This interactive video game will take you from Youngling to Master.
Padawan Workshop (Temple)
This shop lets you create your own lightsaber to take home. Here, you also learn the many forms of Jedi combat which will help you on your way in the Path of the Jedi. Sessions are held daily and overseen by an animatronic Yoda.
Jedi Dining Hall
Here, you can dine with Jedi and see what kind of things they eat.
Stunt Show Amphitheater FP
The Jedi show off their abilities here at the Temple Amphitheater.
Temple Stage
This stage outside the Temple shows different shows daily in the forecourt.
Jedi Archives
This bookstore lets you download data and books for reading later.
Battlefront: Live (Jedi Temple)
This laser tag arena is in the upper levels of the Jedi Temple and comes free with admission, but requires reservation.
The Works
The mostly-abandoned industrial district is still letting out century-old pollution.
Dark Side of the Force Interactive Game (LiMerge Building)
This game lets players become Acolytes of the Dark forces.
Mok’s Cheap Eats
This abandoned mess hall still has its automated waiter running.
Palace District
The grand palace district is where most of Coruscant’s rich, famous and powerful reside.
Ziro’s Palace
This seedy club can also be accessed from Uscru District.
Xizor’s Palace
This palace is a great place for meet ‘n’ greets and exploration.
Ice Caverns
These underground caves hold some of Coruscant’s last natural resources.
Darth Vader’s Palace
Come see Darth Vader in his palace and explore his treasures
Dark Side of the Force Interactive Game (Imperial Palace)
This game lets players become Acolytes of the Dark forces.
Tri-District Coruscant Hover Car Tours
These cars run along the surface of Coruscant’s streets. They depart from CoCo Town, run along Uscru District and go to the Imperial Palace.

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