A September 2011 Trip Report about a trip with lots of firsts!!!

Some of the firsts include:

-Traveling in September!- my family has always gone during summer break, it was amazing to see the difference in crowds and heat!

-Flying!- It was my first time flying! EEK!

-First time dining vegan and gluten-free- other times we have went to WDW I was vegetarian and still ate dairy and eggs, so cutting that out and realizing my intolerance to wheat, I knew this trip was going to be a whole new experience!

-First time with a signature dining experience!- well, technically when we went in 2009 we went to sci-fi, but I think Kevin and I just got grilled cheese and fries... haha

-First time not worrying about money!

-First time traveling alone with my boyfriend away on vacation!

-And last, but DEFINITELY not least, first time taking it easy at Disney!!

Ok, on with the trip!!!

We left bright and early on Sept 13th, 2011! 3:30am to be exact! Fed the pups, double checked our packing lists to make sure we had everything, did mah hairzz, and headed off to the airport in Buffalo! We got to the gate while it was boarding because I forgot my video camera in the car at first and had to go all the way back, probably not the best idea, but I needed my camera!

excited for Disney..

..apparently terrified for flying

Kevin likes flying though!

"When do we get to that!?"- (Kevin easing my nerves...) hahaha

Flying JetBlue was great! For some reason since it was such a small plane it made me less nervous. Maybe because it wasn't full of the stressed out people you see in the movies. And the airport itself was small, too. According to Kevin it was less hussle and bussle and also less confusing compared to Boston.

So, we landed early. The pilot said it was due to shortcuts. I'm pretty sure we were in the sky so I'm not sure what shortcuts you can take hahaha.

Around 10am we got on the Magical Express!! This was a first also!

Kevin was so excited that he tried snapping tons of pictures on the way to the resort.

"How come every time I try to take a picture of palm trees there's always a pole in it?"

And this sign always gets me everytime, but my eyes were closed and I almost missed it!


We got to All Star Music!!!!!! We chose the resort for a few reasons. We wanted our trip to be care-free and we decided we weren't going to worry about money while in WDW, so we decided to budget in other ways here and there. Our way of doing that was booking in March during the 20% offer at the cheapest resort! We booked a preferred room though, we ALWAYS go with the preferred rooms. Another reason is because we have stayed here before as well as the other 2 All-Stars, we liked this one the best. We didn't ever go for the free dining option because we knew it wouldn't even be worth it. We never did before, and knew we would't spend as much as we saved with the 20% off.

So our room was ready right away! Surprise! We got a couple snacks and headed to drop off a couple things in the room.

I got BBQ chips. The ingredients were animal product free (as long as you don't mind refined sugar) and it said "gluten free" on the package!

Kevin got NutterButters, despite the name they are accidentally vegan! (again if you don't count the refined sugar!) I don't have a picture of the package (even though I tried to photograph everything we ate for future reference, but I never thought to get a picture of these even though Kevin got a package everyday).

I guess this would be a good time to say this- Kevin and I do NOT eat like this at home! The last time I had potato chips before this trip was MONTHS ago. I even drank some soda while in Disney. I haven't had soda since probably the last time I went to Disney 2 years ago, and even then I don't think I had any. We eat mostly fruit and some veggies at home, so you can imagine that this food kind of brought us a down a few hours after eating it and we had to change our eating habits a bit because the mid-day naps were becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity! All that fat was taking a toll! Not to say we stopped eating like that, just cut back and added more and more fruit and salads each day..

So back to the hotel! I got really excited


We decided to go to the Magic Kingdom right away!!!! It's been a tradition to visit MK first. We like to sit in the seat they have on some buses that's directly behind the driver, and this bus had that seat so this ended up being our view:

Are we there yet!? Can you see the castle!?!?


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The next morning we were planning on going to Hollywood Studios so my adrenaline was pumping the moment I woke up. I decided to join Kevin for breakfast retrieval.

Mickey Waffles again!

I was the ONLY person in my PJs!


the only picture of 10 that I took of Kevin not moving at the table

Then it was off to the room to get ready!!

Waiting for the bus!


so excited!!


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Now that it's been so long since my last post, the details are starting to get fuzzy! Hopefully the close to 2,000 pictures Kevin took will help ring a bell!

So it looks like we last left off when just got to Hollywood Studios!

Naturally, the first thing we wanted to ride was ToT!!! Kevin wanted to try out his camera settings in the que.

We sat in the back row. Kevin held his camera up and just snapped random pictures during the ride (without flash of course!)


We decided to ride again!!!

Kevin calls this- "The last time she was ever seen again."

the hallway between the 2 library entrances. Spooooooky!

Oooo the suspense!!!

He aimed the camera in my direction and throughout the ride randomly snapped away!!

Then it was time for Rockin Roller Coaster!
This was our view from the que of our previous adventure!

I thought Kevin looked like a musician in this picture, and it was quite fitting considering our next ride choice!

Ready to RIDE (rock)!!


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Me: "take a picture of when he does this" *puts hand on forehead and holds down ring finger*
Kevin: *snap*

Thank you vera much!

at some point after riding these 348659436 times, we got hungry! So off to Backlot Express!!! We both got the Grilled Vegetable sandwich on Tapioca Rolls and minus the cheese, bean salad, and french fries. The cast members here were one of the friendliest! We got a buzzer and found a table outside.

Kevin got the food when the buzzer buzzed

I gave most of my mushrooms to Kevin. I want to like them, but I just don't. I noted that next time I get this sandwich I was going to get no mushrooms and more zucchini.

We made a friend.

I KNOW you aren't supposed to give food to the wildlife, and I obey that most of the time, but this little guy reached up and grabbed my hand with his little tiny fingers so I gave him a tiny piece of fry. I couldn't resist!

I can't remember at which point we decided to get milkshakes, but I found these shots in Kevin's iphone library (so they aren't in the right order with everything else) So I will post them now, at the risk that you will all think we ate 34867 lunches!

We went over to the 50s Prime Time and asked if they would make us a vegan milkshake to-go. They did!!! So we got 2 and 2 sides of fries. We got a table down by the water to eat.

Note: these were some of the best fries in Disney in my opinion!

Another friend came to beg

She reminded me of a duck that we have here at Farm Sanctuary named Jorge. His top bill is completely missing.


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Mmmm milkshaaaaaaake :slurp:

(I could really go for one of these right about now)

Kevin took some shots of 50s Prime Time Cafe.

I wish I lived in these apartments!!

and I hung out against this wall. He thought it would be a cool photo if I peeked around.

"Thank you for Milkshakes!"

I think before the milkshake we went to the Great Movie Ride. We REALLY enjoyed this one especially since we tried to make this trip about relaxing more!

The new Star Tours!! Very cool!

Then over to Toy Story Mania to use our fastpasses! I thought I had taken a picture of our fastpass times, because our experience followed the trend of FPs running out early in the day and wait times for stand-by being over an hour all day! We made sure to head over there to get our FPs early in the day and they were already for over 3 hours later!

Kevin won. He tried to take a picture of this and we later figured out you could never get a good picture of it since it's supposed to be seen through 3D glasses!!!

Then, according to the photo timeline it looks like after TSMM I sat on some luggage. haha

I tended to find lots of good places to sit/lean since Kevin was taking lots of pictures with his new camera which I was MORE than happy to do. It was nice to relax and also to know that we would have lots of visual memories!


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I've been trying to pull myself out of this rut I've been stuck in lately and start focusing on the things I love most again, which includes Disney! Which means I am going to try my best to start updating this more frequently!

Note to self: Bring a notebook to Disney next time to help you remember what to write in the trip report, so that when you slack off and take 4 months to write about it, you still have a good memory of what happened!

It was getting late enough that we wanted to start planning our strategy for watching Fantasmic. I also really wanted to see the Beauty and the Beast show, but there was time for something else first. We decided to ride ToT again OF COURSE!

Kevin finally gets a picture of himself on this and figures I looked at the camera.

Then time for BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!!!!!

she sounded JUST like Bell!

No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston


Then Kevin wanted his ice cream!

Hollywood Scoops has Tofutti!

Now Kevin's happy...


oh.. there's popcorn right down the street you say!?

at this point someone asked me if i was Christina Aguilera. A first for this trip. I said, "No, I'm Lady Gaga!" I didn't really say that...


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So we got to Fantasmic about an hour early and STILL were one of the last sections to fill!!! We didn't take any pictures because it was so dark and nearly impossible!

Afterwards Kevin set up his camera on the taxi and took a long exposure of the Tower

We were leaving the park and tried not to be in a rush so we stopped to take pictures.


This is a long exposure Kevin took of me sitting super still. At least 20-30 people walked by me, but since it was such a long exposure and they were so spaced out, it looks like it's just meee.


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The next morning we had another day of MK planned.

...and what better way to start the day than with.......

and Kevin discovered another one of my favorites!!!


They weren't as good as homemade ones, but they worked!

So happy for Disney breakfast


After a tasty and very non-nutritious breakfast, it was time to get in line for the bus to MK!!

This morning we missed the opening show, so decided to catch it the last day. We wanted to ride BTMRR first thing and Kevin loves the train so we hopped on!!

Kevin grabbed a quick panoramic shot before we started on our way.

We and a father and son were the ONLY ones getting on, so we got 2 ride arounds. The app Lines told us the park was a 1.1 that day, so we expected it to be less busy, but THIS empty!?
(this picture was taken around 10am)

I also like to give a Disney tip!!! I almost refused to drink if it came down to Disney water or getting dehydrated before I got this treasure (after reading about them on the boards here!)

It's a brita water bottle with filter. I got it for less than $9 on Amazon.com! It SAVED us! Every morning I filled it with ice at the hotel and some cold water and refilled it at bubblers throughout the day and it was like drinking fresh, non-Disney, spring water!

The line for Donald wasn't very long, like everything else!


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Then off to the Haunted Mansion once again!!!


we just can't get enough!

"Is this haunted room ACTUALLY stretching?"

Then, a first for me, a ride on the carousal!!


Having such a great time!

All I kept saying I wanted to do throughout the trip was walk through the castle, but every time we tried it was blocked off. I'm assuming it was for the dream show, but I'm not sure.
We got a few cool shots outside though!


Then off to ride some more rides!

Snow White's Scary Adventures!!!

I really wanted to ride this one last time before it closes, and the next time we visit I am sure it will be gone.


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Then we rode my father's favorite ride. He always talks about how he first rode this at the world's fair!

We also sent him a quick video of us on the ride pretending we were having an awful time on it. He loved it.

Some great shots Kevin got!

"There is just one moon and one golden sun!"



Then, AS ALWAYS, we were hungry. Surprise, surprise!!

we could have went somewhere besides Columbia Harbor House, or ordered something else, but we just kept craving that chili! Once we find something we really like, it's hard to keep us away!

There is a series of about 30 pictures of me eating at this point.

Then our photo album has a few nice ones

Then about 100 of Kevin eating, since I had to pay him back for taking all those shots of me!



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I hadn't seen Country Bear Jamboree for a while, so we headed over.

This guy was really going at it trying to eat something in the dirt.

and I'll end my posting for tonight with a cute and happy image.


Well-Known Member
Such a great TR!!!

You 2 make a cute couple ... looks like you had a fun time.
Had a nice time reading. Thank you for sharing. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I am so far behind on my trip report reading, but I came across yours today and loved it. You make such a cute couple and Kevin's shots of the two of you on each ride are great. My husband and I were at WDW during that same time. I will have to keep an eye out for us in your pics. :-)


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I am so far behind on my trip report reading, but I came across yours today and loved it. You make such a cute couple and Kevin's shots of the two of you on each ride are great. My husband and I were at WDW during that same time. I will have to keep an eye out for us in your pics. :-)

Oh my goodness wouldn't that be amazing if you saw yourselves!! Do you have a trip report up!?


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness wouldn't that be amazing if you saw yourselves!! Do you have a trip report up!?

For some reason I didn't do a trip report this time, even though it was the best trip we have ever had at the World. Now that I know what you and Kevin look like I will have to scroll through my pics to see if I can find "Lady Ga Ga" anywhere in them. Lol....

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