Prehistoric Dinner
Sorry for the delay - last few weeks have been quite busy at work and at home! But I'm back with an update on the story.
Once we left the gates, we made our way to the bus stop to hitch a ride to Disney Springs - and the ride felt like it took forever. There was a lof traffic so it took a few lights before actually arriving at Disney Springs. It was fun though to see 8 young gals having a bachelorette party at WDW - they all had matching shirts and they were trying to coordinate Uber's for when they got at DS. Oli is quite the ladies man - he was flirting and they were smiling at him!
Once we got to Disney Springs we have some time to kill before getting to our reservation, and I couldn't believe how much the place had changed since our last visit in 2011. I felt like I was in Beverly Hill!
While browsing in a store, I found this - and I'm sure it's not a big seller
We then did a quick at the Lego store and I got this awesome picture.
We then slowly made our way to our dinner reservations at (if you hadn't guessed with the title)

But I prefer this picture from later in the week
We showed up and the check-in was fairly quickly but waited about 10 minutes for our table, which wasn't bad since we got there about 15 minutes early. While in line Oli was thrilled to see this guy up close, especially when he roared!
We were taken to our seats, in the underwater section! I was glad not to be in the ice age, the colours changed to much and I like to see what I eat a minimum, and it's too close to the bathroom to my liking, and it's even worse when someone as been sick near the entrance
I really liked our view - but for some reason I didn't take a picture of the big aquarium
We were extremely thirsty and it took forever to get our drinks but I had the great idea of asking for a soda and a water, not to finish the soda in 30 seconds and then have to wait for our waitress. Talking about our waitress, she was very nice and attentive but unfortunately had many tables.
I was expecting much in terms of food quality but it was OK for what it was.
I had the Palezoic Chicken sandwich, Emilie had the Ceasar-saurus Grilled Chicken Salad and Oli had the Jurassic Chicken Tidbits!
Oli was very happy to get a side of corn, it's his favorite side

I love waffle fries!

Best part of the salad were the croutons! I'd have a bowl just to snack on
The restaurant was very cold - I guess the lack of sleep and the Orlando was getting to us. I finished my plate but Emilie only had half of her salad and Oli had 1 or 2 nuggets only.
Before leaving we had to make a quick pit-stop at the dig site!
We then went on the hunt to find the boat to get us back to Riverside - on the way there we met this gal who was playing piano, singing and travelling all at the same time
We got to the Landing thinking it was the right place - wrong it would take us to where we had been about 15 minutes earlier
But it was still fun to see the Amphibian cars, Emilie really loved them!
We finally got to the Marketplace and waited about 15 minutes for the next boat, since we had just missed it
We got on the boat and forgot about how tired we were and just let the magic seep in - we knew we were home
The journey was quiet but beautiful, we saw these weird webs hanging in the trees and the cabins we would love to book for a big family trip!
We finally got to our resort...
And they were showing a movie directly in our courtyard!!!
We got to our room, quickly changed into our swimsuits and visited the quiet pool that was 2 minutes from our room. It felt so good to be in the water. When we got out, me and Oli went to see about 20 minutes of the movie since he really loved tonight's feature MOANA!!!
We then headed to bed because tomorrow would be another long day!