I am a houseboat owner, I’ve customized and engineered amazing custom designs to fit the needs of several boats that I’ve owned or worked on. I have currently designed the plans for an aluminum hull (shallow draft) pirate ship. The one I’m in the process of building for fun and leisure is 70 feet in length with a 16 foot beam, and a 14 inch draft. This can easily be maneuvered using a single outboard engine in shallow lakes and ponds. The pirate ship would include two non functioning cross rigged mast, that could be lowered for traveling under low bridges and transportation. The ship could hold about 40 or more people at a time. Each side of the ship is equipped with cannons that shoot short bust of water about 60 feet. Operated by the people on the ride. These cannons are able to fire the water using compressed air (similar to the water style fire extinguishers) but what this ship needs is an enemy (a second ship). Imagine the fun of firing on an enemy ship with water cannons. And possibly even super soaker type squirt guns made to look like muskets. Now add the feature of selling low cost plastic raincoats that look like either Pirates or British officers, as well as pirate hats and wigs. Kids and grownups alike would revel in the fun of a water fight with a theme.