A LONG Birthday, Dining, and Pictures Trip Report 9/25-10/2

This is my first attempt at a trip report. Suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome. I really loved reading the details about what people did and ate while I was preparing for my trip, so I've tried to give lots of detail where applicable.

Anyway. Some background:

The Dates: September 25th through October 2nd.

The Players: Myself, 24, DH 25, and Dear Mother (DM) age unspecified

The Where: DH and I stayed at All Star Movies, and DM stayed at All Star Music

The Why: DM and I went this same week last year, and left the day before my birthday to come home. What a bummer that was, so to make it up to myself for leaving and forcing myself to come back to work ON my birthday last year, I booked this trip for the same week in 2005. I was really looking forward to spending my birthday week in the parks!

Plus, this was the first trip that DH and I had taken to WDW together. We’ve both been many times before, but never together. (We would have honeymooned here if it wasn’t for the ungodly heat and crowds the second week of July.)

So… here we go!

“Unbirthday” Day 1:

Woke up at some ridiculous hour. (4:00 AM!) Well, “woke up” is saying it nicely. I was too excited to sleep much that night. Were a little late getting to the airport but we did make it in time for our 6:30 AM flight. We were a little hesitant about using the Magical Express service, and we didn’t actually make up our minds until we were checking in our luggage. Be we decided to give it a chance, and sent our bags along with their little yellow tags on them.

The only issue we had with ME before we left was that for some odd reason they just refused to keep track of our returning flight info. It took several calls to straighten it all out.

Landed on time and headed right past the greeter with the gloves for the ME check-in. We were the first in line, showed our docs and headed onto a bus. The bus was only partially filled when we left the airport. I was a bit nervous that they would make us wait till it filled entirely... those busses can fit a lot of people!


Made a few stops before reaching the All Stars. DM got off at Music and her room was ready. Our preferred room wasn’t ready in time, so we headed over to DM’s room to drop off our carry-ons, and then it was off to EPCOT!

After picking up my Epcot birthday button, we headed straight for Soarin, the wait was about 30 min, and since I hadn’t eaten anything at that point all day, we grabbed FPs and ate lunch at Seasons. Before the trip I was sad that they had messed around with one of my favorite counter service places… now? What a great change! I’m not so fond of the sterile airport feeling of the place, but the food selection was wonderful!

Here’s where we got to try out the FREE Dining Plan for the first time. After a little confusion about what was a “combo meal” and what was just an entrée, we all selected our choices. DH and DM both got the Black Forest Ham and Salami Grinders. DH got a bag of chips, DM got a little container of Jicama Slaw. Both of them got a slice of Butterfinger Cheesecake.


I was more adventurous and got the Rotisserie Flatbread, and Key Lime Pie.

Both DH and DM raved about that sandwich for the rest of the trip. They both loved it, and after trying a bite of DH’s I had to admit that they had made the better choice. My beef was OK. The greens were a little wilted, and they had some dressing on them that was at first pleasant tasting, but soon developed a sharp aftertaste. The flatbread itself was wonderful, and I ended up leaving most of the greens on my plate and just eating that by itself. Both loved their cheesecake, but I, again, picked the wrong dessert. My key lime pie was just not mixed properly before baking. There were big swirls of mix left in the custard part, so upon biting into it I would get a really uneven taste, with one bite being too overpowering, and the next would taste like nothing.

By the time we finished eating, it was off to Soarin. I may be in the minority here, but I just wasn’t impressed. Maybe it was that I was all hyped up from the great reviews, I had really unrealistic expectations, but it was really disappointing. We even got really good seats, row B2, but I just wasn’t impressed. It was a nice ride, with lots of beautiful scenery, and the orange and pine smells were a nice touch, but I expected our seats to move more. I dunno. We all left a little disappointed.


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Then it was off to ride Test Track, Mission: Space, and Energy. On our way back across Future World, we ran into the Characters on Holiday. I got my pic taken with my favorite 100 Acre Wood Pals… uh… no, I mean Sherwood Forest Pals. (Too much Pooh in the parks these days!)


After we met the characters we went into Innoventions to get our FREE picture with the big 3 – Mickey, Minnie and Goofy. We waited a few minutes in line, and had to listen to the beleaguered CM at the gate telling guests again and again that this was only for Disney Visa Cardmembers. When we went in, we got a LOT of personal attention. I even felt a little guilty for taking so much time with them when there were kids waiting outside. But they were all just wonderful, they all noticed my birthday button and gave me extra attention, even shuffling poor DH to the back of the room at one point. Here are a few pics that they took with our camera. I can’t find my photopass card right now to upload the “official pics.” Maybe later…



After that it was time for our visit to Figment. Then we all went hidden Mickey hunting in the world showcase until it was time for dinner.



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Our first night’s dinner was in Morocco. I had planned this to be our first night, since I had read over the menus, and wasn’t impressed with their offerings. But DH had eaten there before, and highly recommended it. So I figured I would make this our first night, and if it was bad, things could only go up from there. Plus, I also thought that since it was free, I wasn’t really risking much.


How mistaken I was! I just loved the whole experience. We had a good table on the second tier of the restaurant, right on the rail, that offered good views of the belly dancer and the band. The wait staff was wonderful and attentive - One of the best meal’s service we had all week.

For dinner DM and I ordered the Marrakesh Feast, while DH tried the Royal Feast. I was pleasantly surprised with my Beef Brawat Rolls. This was one of the items that I thought I would really dislike from just reading the menu. I mean, cinnamon and beef together in an egg roll? But it was really good, and dipped well in the soup we had for an appetizer. DH liked his salad, and I tried his seafood Bastilla – Oh my! It was so good! I was really starting to look forward to dinner.. perhaps I should have saved some room for it.



Our main course consisted of a veggie cous cous, lemon chicken, and beef shish kabobs. Both DM and I really loved the lemon chicken. It was just falling off the bone, and the seasoning was just wonderful. It was nothing like what I had expected. I’m not a fan of cous cous, but DM liked hers.


DH also liked his lemon chicken, and he raved over his lamb, which was also just falling off the bone.



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Then it was time for dessert. DM and I got a little plate of pastries. I was stuffed to the gills at this point though, so the best I could do was nibble at them. But what I did eat was very flaky and buttery.


At this point I excused myself to go to the restroom. On my way back out, I run into DH who takes me by the hand and quickly leads me back to our table. I was wondering what all the commotion was, and DM and him explained that our waiter and several others had arrived at our table with an extra birthday dessert, and started to sing before they noticed that I wasn’t there! I could see them lurking around the corner, and sure enough they came right back and presented me with a crepe with a candle stuck on top. It was so much fun!


I certainly wasn’t expecting anything since I didn’t tell them it was my birthday when I made the ressies. It was such a wonderful night. But it wasn’t over yet!

From dinner, we headed as fast as our little feet would let us over to the EMH at MGM. I wanted DH to ride the Tower of Terror at night. We had done this on our last trip, and it really it a whole different ride at night. The queue is all spooky with the mist at night, rather than just being refreshing to walk through during the day.

One ride was all our full stomachs could handle, so we headed back to our hotel to find that not only were our bags delivered, but they had given us the king bed room that we had originally requested. I thought we wouldn’t get it since they only have a few of them at the resort. It made for a nice ending to a great, but long, day.

That’s day 1 for you. Coming up, (as soon as I have time) Day 2: the Most Magical Day I’ve ever had in the parks!


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“Unbirthday” Day 2:

Got up early and headed off to the Magic Kingdom to see the opening ceremony. While we were standing in line to be admitted, I spied with my little eye a pair of familiar faces in the crowd – one of which was wearing a very familiar T shirt. I decided to be brave and ran over to introduce myself to Vernon and Harry, (Venonpush and hcswingfield respectively) both of whom were very nice, and were also celebrating an early birthday. (Glad to meet you both!) I then had to explain to DH and DM why I just ran over to 2 apparent complete strangers and wanted my picture taken with them, since they aren’t up on the whole WDW Magic “thing.”


So after my first “meet n greet” of the day, we made a beeline to Splash Mountain. And boy did we ever hustle. It’s been my dearest ambition to be the first one on it in the morning, and after weaving our way through the slower moving people, we ended up following the lead CM all the way to the first log of the day. I was just bursting with excitement. We had the whole log to ourselves, and DM and I sang all the songs all the way through.

When we returned to the loading platform, there was absolutely nobody in line, so we just asked if we could go ‘round again. A CM that was standing next to our log said that we could ride again if we wanted to, but first we needed to get out because they had something special waiting for us. As we headed down the exit queue a really nice CM, (gosh I wish I had everyone’s names written down) hands me my very own Magical Moment Certificate! I was freaking out so much that I was actually jumping up and down. She took us to the photo shop and gave us a free photo of us going over the falls. ( I looked good in the pic, but unfortunately my arms completely blocked DM’s face, and DH looked pretty scrunched up in his seat. Oh well) I was still stoked to get a free picture.

Then she tells us that she would take us to the front of the line of Big Thunder. We chatted the whole way over through the exit for Big Thunder, and went to the loading area…. To see there was no line at all for it either! So much for our “go to the head of the line” perk! It was still fun, even though it turned out to be completely unnecessary.

After the wildest ride in the wilderness (made even wilder by our requesting the very back seats. Woo! ) we headed back up the exit queue for Splash and used our second “line-breaking privilege” to find no line at all for Splash either! It was so funny to just walk up the back way and get there at the same time as the people who went around the normal way, just to be seated right next to each other anyhow.

From there we headed off to FantasyLand for walk ons for Peter Pan, Snow White and Mickey’s Philharmagic (my favorite 3D show of all time). We were going to ride Dumbo but the line was already way too long by the time we got out of Philharmagic, so we headed over to the Mad Tea Party.


DM sat this one out, but DH and I spun round and round like a couple of over exuberant teens. DM looked happy she sat out after watching us spin so fast. We didn’t do this ride last year, and either my legs are getting bigger, or the teacups are getting smaller, because there’s just no leg room in those things! Maybe I just remember it from a kid’s perspective.


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By then, it was around 11, and we headed over to the Noodle Station for our “brunch.” With the meal plan, we found that we really didn’t need much for breakfast, so we ate an early lunch to make room for our big dinners.

I hadn’t expected the Noodle Station to be such a big hit with DH and DM. Both of them aren’t very adventurous when it comes to dining, especially DM, but we were all really pleased to get something other than the standard burger fare. Oh, and they had a new menu item. It looked good, but I wanted to try one of their other options instead.


I got the Shrimp Pad Thai, with a side of pot stickers, and a Nestle Crunch Bar for dessert.


DH and DM both got the shrimp noodle bowl with Ginger Crème Brulee for dessert. DM got the pot-stickers like I did, but DH got the egg roll.


Apparently I left too early after getting my tray because DM came over with an extra dessert on her plate and told me that the CM’s behind the counter told her to give me my birthday cake. It was really nice of them to notice!


It turned out after trying everyone’s food, which DH and I switched almost our entire meals, with him eating most of my Pad Thai and me finishing off his noodle bowl.

I was really unhappy with my pot-stickers. I expected them to look like they did in their picture – steamed dumplings.


What I got was a deep fried dumpling with very little filling. DH finished them off for me. One other thing that did bug me was that I had to eat my dessert in the middle of the meal, otherwise it would have completely melted on me. I wished I could have gone back and gotten my ice cream when I was ready for it.

We got great seats on one of the lower terraces, and had a reasonably good view of the castle for a showing of Cinderellabration. It was a nice surprise to have some dinner theater while we ate.

The show, while certainly not aimed at my demographic, was nice. Somewhere deep down inside of me the little girl was thrilled to see all of the princesses, but the adult in me was unimpressed with the rest of the show. Poor musical score. No plot. No point. We didn’t wait for the end, and instead headed off to shoot some Zs on Buzz. DH cremated me.


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From there we did Space Mountain, Carousel of Progress, and the Peoplemover. Then it was off to Main Street to burn some Disney Reward Dollars.

I had decided in advance that I was going to buy a new set of mouse ears for myself. The pair I had as a child is waaaay too small now. (Yes, I did try it on repeatedly before leaving just to be sure.) Plus, my old one didn’t have my name on the back, while DH’s old ears did.

It’s funny, that after looking at the old ears, I just noticed a few weeks ago that they were different looking than the new ears. The ear part, I mean. My old ones had more of a “D” shaped ear attached to the side of the hat, while these new ones are most definitely round. Odd that I totally never noticed when this change occurred in all my years of going.

So I had to pick…

In the end I split the difference and got both! I had my name written on them both in white thread, which was kinda disappointing since I wanted gold thread on the black ears, but it really didn’t matter in the end. I even let DM borrow them for a while.


Then it was off to Epcot for dinner. We took the express monorail to the TTC and then I asked ever so nicely to sit in the front of the monorail going to Epcot. We had to wait for Monorail Red to come because they were having some problems (?) with Monorail Orange. That was all I could pick up from listening in on CM’s conversations.

So off we went, DM and I bouncing off the seats with excitement, while the driver just looked at us like we were totally crazy.


I got some good shots of Epcot while we made our turn round there. In the first one you can see some walls for the set up of the Food and Wine Festival. And the second is one of the Imagination fountain that wasn’t working.




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Then it was off to ride El Rio de Tiempo to set the mood for dinner at the San Angel Inn. This was probably my most disappointing dinner of the trip. Not only did we have a long wait to be seated, but the place was just way too crowded! DH commented that it looked like they just crammed several extra tables in the space just to make room for all the free dining people. I don’t know if that’s true, especially since it was my first time there, but it was very crowded, with people bumping into our chairs all night long.

For appetizers, DH and I split the Queso Fundito, and DM got the nachos. I was really disappointed with the size of our Fundito. A man came to the table and spooned some cheese onto two tortillas and called it a day. I couldn’t imagine actually paying close to ten bucks for two tiny little cheesy tortillas.



For our entrees, I had the Plato Mexicano, DM had the grilled Mahi Mahi, and DH had the beef tenderloin tips called Puntas somethingorother.

DM’s fish was just OK. Nothing great, nothing bad.


Mine looked terrible. I think there was something severely lacking in the presentation of it, and I’m not all that big into presentation. Maybe it was something about the squeezy-cheese sour cream doodle, but it wasn’t appealing. It tasted OK, but I think something in it didn't agree with my stomach.


But if mine looked terrible, DH’s looked like really good dog food. :hurl: It wasn’t appealing in any way. The rice looked to be the most edible thing on his plate. DH ate it though, and pronounced it “not bad”.


My stomach wasn’t in the mood for dessert at this point, so I opted out of dessert, while DH got a cappuccino, and DM got the Mocha Mousse. I did have a spoonful of the mousse, and it was good. No mention was made of my birthday, not that I was expecting anything, but it would have been nice to have the waiter acknowledge it with a simple “Happy Birthday.”

From dinner it was back to the Magic Kingdom for SpectroMagic and Wishes. We had to find new places to watch this time, since the construction on the Main Street Railroad station took away our prime viewing location. But because it took so long to get seated for dinner, it probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway. We did get some front row seats at the very top of Main Street, in the street itself, which were only marred by the fact that a very loud Spanish-speaking family with two very over-tired and over excited boys sat behind us. The boys just kept kicking me all night long, and even after a few nice glances, and even a few glares, they still didn’t stop. And the mom just sat there and did nothing. Rrrrrrrrr……

We talked with a really nice CM, (again don’t have a clue as to a name) and I asked if there would be a test run of HalloWishes that night. He said there was going to be, which I was excited about, since we weren’t going to MNNSHP. This poor CM wasn’t able to talk long. He was pushed beyond what would have been the limits of my patience with trying to keep the pathways along Main Street and the hub clear. It baffled (and amused) us to watch family after family come up, look around, see a giant open spot in the middle of this huge group of people, then hurry to sit down before anyone else “discovered” this great spot. Then the poor CM would have to come over and tell the people that they can’t sit there because it was a walkway.

While we waited, another cast member talked with us, and he noticed my button. Then he proceeded to drag me down the center of Main Street, yell my name to the waiting crowd, and everyone who was waiting sang “Happy Birthday” to me while I turned beet red. SO embarrassing, but so much fun, and a great memory.

The parade was great, but there was just the regular showing of Wishes afterwards. Which wasn’t so bad, since DH had never seen either.

Then it was back to the hotel for some much needed rest. But there was one more surprise waiting for us at the room – two balloons and a card from Cindy! Wishing us a… happy honeymoon? I’m not sure where their lines got crossed, since this wasn’t our honeymoon (maybe that explained why we got the king bed room) but I was thrilled to get a personalized card from Cindy. I took this picture the next morning, after the balloons started to deflate. It was a really magical end to a most magical day.


I’ll write more tomorrow if I have time. I really should have been working today instead of writing this…. But I still don’t want to be back at work yet!!

Tomorrow: Day 3. Magic Kingdom again!


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The lines seem a lot like the typical off-season ones. Glad you had a great time! :wave:

P.S. Have any trouble with some HM's? :lookaroun


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“Unbirthday” Day 3:

Back to the Magic Kingdom today! Got kinda a late start after the late night watching the parade. We were walking up to the security checkpoint when the streamers were shot off to open the park. One thing I never noticed before was that almost the second the streamers touch the ground, there are CMs picking it up with their little grabby-thingies. It’s just all part of the magic I guess.

Then it was off to do Space Mountain, Buzz, CoP, the Indy Speedway, and Pooh. We wanted to get to Pooh yesterday but they were having technical difficulties, and we didn’t feel like waiting much in line for the silly old bear.

We were hungry, but couldn’t eat yet because Cosmic Ray’s didn’t open till 10:30. So we wiled away the time on Tom Sawyer Island, and visited our dearly departed friends in the HM.


We then made a beeline for Cosmic Ray’s for lunch. No pics for ya’ll, since I’m pretty sure most of you know what burgers and fries look like. :animwink:
DH, DM and I all got the double bacon cheeseburger and chocolate cake, while DM got the carrot cake. I do just love the cheese sauce for the fries and the burgers, and I think I probably ate more cheese than I did burger. DH and I both agree that the next priority for the Imagineers should be to engineer a way of making more edible burgers, not just patties of over-cooked, tasteless meat.

We got to listen to Sonny Eclipse while we ate, and unfortunately I’m a slow eater, so we had to listen to two repetitions of his songs by the time we left. DH was kinda grumbly about that. He thought they should have made a bit longer of a loop.

After lunch we headed off to see the Country Bears, DM’s favorite ride – the Pirates, and then the Jungle Cruise.

We were all starting to feel the heat by this time, so we headed back to the hotels for a siesta before dinner. I tried to go for a swim in our pool, but the water wasn’t really refreshing, and it seems that a lot of other people had the same idea I did, so the pool was on the crowded side. :(

Then it was back to Epcot for some more Hidden Mickey Hunting. I looked and looked but I couldn’t find the Hidden Mickey in the woodwork above a church in the German Train Garden, but I did find this one, which I thought was a bit more obvious.


We also commented that the train garden seemed a bit out of place in Germany, and it really should have belonged in Japan, what with all the monstrously large lizards attacking the place. :D



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Then it was time for my second most anticipated dinner of the trip – Japan. We could never have afforded to eat here if it wasn’t for the Free Dining Plan. We were seated at a table with another couple, and a family of four. The overall atmosphere was quite loud, and rather difficult to hold much conversation.

Before the appetizers were served they gave everyone at our large table a tiny plate of seaweed salad. Even my unadventurous DH really liked it! It was rather tasty, and while a bit on the spicy side, it didn’t taste salty or fishy at all. I was quite impressed.

DM ordered the Edamame for an appetizer, I tried the Misoshiru soup, and DH (unadventurous as usual) got a salad.


Poor DM didn’t really know how to eat her appetizer – should she have eaten them whole like sugar snap peas? We deduced that the little bowl was for the pods, and after I finished my soup, I helped DM shuck her beans. They were good. DH liked his salad, and I really liked my soup, which tasted more like seaweed than the seaweed salad did!

Then it was time for the show! Tom ( I do remember his name!) came out and did a great job of tapping, chopping, and even made a little “Steamboat Willie” for us out of onions.


Everything was just wonderful and very well seasoned. I got Shrimp and Scallops, while DM and DH both got shrimp and NY Strip Sirloin. We all had fun using the two dipping sauces and trying different combinations of veggies, meats, and sauce.



For dessert the unadventurous Duo got vanilla ice cream and sherbert, while I tried the green tea ice cream. It came out with a little candle stuck in it! It was really good ice cream too, and tasted exactly like green tea.



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Then the problems started. When we got ready to pay with our dining/room key/park ticket cards the server took 3 meals off of DH’s and my account, while took 0 off of DM’s account. Since we were staying in different rooms, we had different accounts, and it took quite a while to communicate this to the server. Finally the manager came out and promised to take care of it for us.

While we were waiting to get the problem fixed, I slipped outside to take some video and pictures of the approaching storm. The Japanese drummers were drumming at the same time, and it was almost as if they were drumming to the beat of the approaching storm. With each lightning flash accompanied by a loud drumbeat. I was more impressed by that “light” show than I ever was by illuminations. I guess it just goes to show that you can’t top Mother Nature. I tried to take some pics, but my camera never could capture the lightning very well.


After the manager came back with our corrected receipts, we headed out of the park, pausing only to take the obligatory SSE picture. (Which still didn't come out well, since my camera stinks at night photography)


Coming Soon – Day 4: MGM!

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