Trip Report A little late, but April TR for 6 nights at AKL!!! Lots of pics!

So I know I'm a little late getting this done, but reading all the trip reports I've read lately has inspired me to go back and re-live my last trip "home"! I posted lots of pics, so here it goes! I hope you enjoy! :)

We booked this trip about a year in advance. My MIL wanted a big family trip with her, us (me, my DH and my 5 yr old DD) and then my BIL, SIL and niece and nephew. So, I booked a 2 bedroom villa at AKL for us all through DVC. Over the course of that year, my BIL and SIL split up and are currently going through a divorce. We all weren't even sure if we were still going to do the trip. Going through a divorce is difficult in many ways, financially being one of them, so when my SIL said she wasn't sure they could go, my MIL and us stepped up and helped cover the cost for the 3 of them. Plus that, the kids and my SIL had never been there and the kids had a really rotten year with the divorce stuff, and we really wanted them to enjoy this trip. We had ADR's and the were going to do the dining plan, but with the situation as it was, we decided not to do it, cancelled our ADR's and kept the dining on the cheap. Hey, if it's the difference between going and not going, I'll gladly eat a burger for dinner every night and give up the giant buffet! We always do the dining plan, and I did miss it. A lot. But, I was glad they were still able to come and the trip was a go, minus one BIL.

The plan was to drive. Saturday, April 6, 2013 we loaded up the family (minus my SIL who currently lives in GA while we are all in MI, we were picking her up on the way) and planned to leave town about 1pm. As soon as we got on the road, like not even expressway but still side streets, my van started smoking! It was coming from the brake on the front passenger side. REALLY was all I could think! Being a Saturday, most tire and brake shops closed pretty much right as this happened. All we could find open was Sears Auto. We showed up there about 4 (after my DH spent about an hour trying to figure out what was the problem in our driveway to no avail). They put us in line to get looked at and said they'd have us back on the road as soon as possible. I'm sure the luggage and 3 kids whining to go to Disney World told them we were in a hurry! About 2.5 hours and $300 later, we were back on the road! I don't remember what the brake issue was exactly, but whatever it was, it had seized up and we were all very glad it didn't happen while we were cruising down I-75 at 80 mph!

We picked up my SIL in GA around 5:30am. Were making great time! We trucked on through stopping briefly for lunch at McDonalds. Having a 2 bedroom villa, we wanted some groceries, so we stopped at Super Target for some supplies. It was about 1pm. I was so glad we made such good timing. I wanted to be at AKL around noon. Not bad for leaving so late the day before! After our shopping trip, we finally arrived at our DVC home resort!!! SO HAPPY!!!!



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DH, DD, niece and nephew checking out the place

When we checked in, we were told our room would be ready soon. We never usually have to wait for our room to be ready, but we figured, hey, it won't be too long. It was about an hour! I know that's not too long, but it was about 2:15 when we checked in and I didn't get the room ready text until around 3:15. I thought by then it wouldn't be an issue getting our room sooner rather then later because it's so close to check in time and so far from check out time, but I guess that doesn't really matter! We wanted to swim before dinner, but we really didn't have the time at that point. We had just spent about 24 hours en route, give or take, and we wanted to get showered! We then headed to Downtown Disney for dinner at TREX. We had ADRs for 6pm. It was cutting it close, so as much as I like to park my vehicle in the resort parking lot and not look at it again until we leave, we took the van so we didn't have to wait for a bus. We cut it close, but we made it on time!

We then had to do Build a Dino! It's one of our "must do's"!! :)

After Build a Dino, we would've walked DTD, but we were all soooo tired from our drive that we decided to get an early nights sleep. We had a big day at Magic Kingdom the next day!

This posting may come in bits and pieces as I fit in working on it! Right now its off to get my DD ready for bed! I'll post more as soon as I can!


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Monday morning, we were ready for a great day at Magic Kingdom! The newbies were excited!

AHHHH! The most wonderful, magical place on Earth!!!

Gotta get Magic Shots in! We made the most of our PhotoPass+!!


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First ride of the trip: Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin!! We tend to follow the same path every trip, starting counterclockwise in Tomorrowland! Buzz is typically our first ride!

Me and my baby excited!!!

Then on to Astro Orbiter

And then Tomorrowland Speedway

After the speedway, we went to lunch at Cosmic Rays, conveniently located across the way! I am a little mad at myself on this trip because I didn't take any pictures of any of our meals! I usually do, but the fact that we did mostly quick service probably had something to do with me not thinking about whipping out my camera at every plate!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm invested in this trip report. Great pictures. Can't wait to read more. That was nice of your family to chip in so your SIL and kids could go. With such a hard year I'm sure they appreciated so much. Where in Michigan were you coming from? I'm a fellow Michigander transplanted to Mississippi right now.


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After lunch, we went over to see Ariel! We grabbed fastpasses for Under the Sea and went to see Philharmagic and ride the carousel. For some reason, I did not get pics of this! It wasn't long before our fastpasses were available for us to ride. Back over to Prince Eric's castle we went!

The wait for meeting Ariel was about 35 minutes, so we decided to get in line. She is my niece's favorite princess, so we just had to meet her! It was getting mighty hot at that point and we decided in line that after this, we would go grab an ice cream on the way out and head back to AKL for a little swim. We planned on coming back to the park after that. It was open until 11pm that night. We don't usually leave the park mid-day, especially the MK because its my and my DD's favorite, but the 3 kids (and the MIL!) were all getting a little cranky from the heat!

Love the look on my nephews face here!



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Ok, I'm invested in this trip report. Great pictures. Can't wait to read more. That was nice of your family to chip in so your SIL and kids could go. With such a hard year I'm sure they appreciated so much. Where in Michigan were you coming from? I'm a fellow Michigander transplanted to Mississippi right now.

Thanks! I've never posted pics with my trip reports before, in fact I've only ever posted one and it was a long time ago, so I'm having a lot of fun reliving the trip! We really wanted the kids to be able to go, and they really did appreciate it. We don't see eye to eye with my SIL on a lot of things, but it was important the kids spend that time with her, and with the rest of the family for that matter. They probably won't ever get to go again as children, so we were more then happy to help out :)

We're from New Baltimore. Where abouts are you from?


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After a quick swim (and I mean quick! taking resort time out of a day at a park is time consuming!) we ate a quick service dinner at the Mara and headed back to the MK. We walked in and headed over to Space Mountain. There was only a small wait, so we left my DD with my MIL and jumped in line. It was pretty much walk right on.

Then we ran over to BTMRR and practically walked right on that one too!

Then onto POTC

Somewhere in the midst of all that, we saw Wishes. I think it was before POTC, but that's ok, you get the picture!! :)
Got Tink flying over the castle! The kids LOVED that!

We then hit HM as the park pretty much cleared out. After HM, we were walking through Liberty Square and they were roping off for the 11pm showing of MSEP. There was pretty much no one waiting to see it! It was about to come through, so we stood there and ended up having front row for the parade! Heck, we almost had it all to ourselves!
I thought this was rally cool. As we stood there waiting for the parade, a CM was drawing pictures on the cement with a wet broom! He did a darn good job!!!

My DD was SO excited because Tink blew her a kiss! :)

She was pretty excited!

Especially to see the dragon! She loves dragons!

And that was our day at the MK! We didn't fit in nearly enough, there was lots we wanted to do, but we just ran out of time! We all had a blast though, and that's all that matters! We were back at our room around midnight that night! We had a big day at Epcot the next day!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I've never posted pics with my trip reports before, in fact I've only ever posted one and it was a long time ago, so I'm having a lot of fun reliving the trip! We really wanted the kids to be able to go, and they really did appreciate it. We don't see eye to eye with my SIL on a lot of things, but it was important the kids spend that time with her, and with the rest of the family for that matter. They probably won't ever get to go again as children, so we were more then happy to help out :)

We're from New Baltimore. Where abouts are you from?

We lived in the Petoskey area.


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And then we were off to Epcot bright and early! Well, not too early, we were up late that night before!

The kids met Goofy and Daisy as we were walking in

That is one excited little girl!

The line for Daisy was long, so I took advantage and ran by myself to grab fastpasses for Test Track. We stopped for a few more pics once inside.

We headed for Nemo!

The kids were selected to be dive buddies for the diving demonstration! They had a ball!

We then headed over to the temporary Epcot Character Spot where we met Mickey, Minnie and Pluto!

We stopped for lunch after at Electric Umbrella. After lunch, we grabbed a fastpass for Soarin' (TT ticket hadn't become available yet, but it gave us a new window for another ticket) then we wandered into World Showcase for a bit. The Flower and Garden Festival was going on, so there were character topiaries everywhere! We go often at this time of year and I always take to same pictures of the same topiaries! They never get old to me!

We wanted to try the Agent Perry WS game, so we got the decoder thing and they sent us on our way without much instruction. That lasted about 3 pavilions before the kids got bored with it. Our decoder phone thing didn't work well. This was my SIL and the kids trying to get it to work in the UK. We never really got anywhere with it and turned it in telling the CM we thought it may be broken.

We went back at our time for TT and I have to say, it is pretty awesome with the new changes! We loved it and if there wasn't such a long wait we would've definitely gone again! In the second ride photo below, the one where it looks like Cousin It is in the front row, yeah, that's me...! :)

We rode Soarin', Spaceship Earth and Living with the Land after that. It was about dinner time and we headed back to WS to find something to eat. This is why I like having ADR's! You know ahead of time where you're eating, so theres no "what should we do for dinner?" flying around. We roamed and tried finding something the kids would like. We ended up in America, go figure! We tried getting pizza by the slice in Italy, which I knew they once had, but the CM there told me they stopped serving that the week before! What luck huh? Lol, anyway, we got some yummy sweets at Germany for dessert and headed to the base of WS. It makes for an easy out from there! We were tired. We had planned to break midday again for a swim, but time just got away from us and by the time we would've made the decision to leave, it would've been a lot of work too late in the day. We stayed for Illuminations and booked out when it was over attempting to beat the crowds. We did pretty good actually and made a bus that was already at the stop when we got there. I love when that happens! Anyway, we had early ADR's at Chef Mickeys for breakfast that next morning, so we needed to hit the hay! We had decided to keep our ADRs for TREX and Chef Mickeys out of all the ones I originally made because the kiddos really wanted to do TREX and we really wanted them to do a character meal.


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Ok, back to it! So, the next day was Wednesday. We typically have a "free day" planned during our trips, usually right between the four park days. We had early ADRs for Chef Mickeys that morning! Like 9:15 early...! I know that's not early for most of you out there, but to get all 7 of us up and showered and ready to leave all at het same time that early, it was nearly impossible! But we managed! We had to drive ourselves since resort hopping is so time consuming, but at least this way we didn't have to leave as early! We arrived at Chef Mickeys right on time and only had to wait about 5 minutes for our table!

LOVE that look!!!

Kisses for Minnie! <3

MMMMM, bacon....Bacon ALWAYS tastes better at WDW!!!



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After breakfast, we went back to AKL and decided to spend the afternoon at the pool over at KIdani Village. I love relaxing pool days at your WDW resort...nothing like it in the world! Now these pics are not the greatest, but what do expect with a disposable underwater camera!

It was a great afternoon! I love the pool at Kidani! So, after we swam, it had been a long time since breakfast, so we were ready for dinner! Now, normally, we would have ADRs for somewhere like Ohana or WCC on a night like this, but without the dining plan, and trying to keep meals cheaper, we had no clue what to do for dinner. We make it a point that once we're at WDW, we do not leave property until that dreaded final day. It's just what we like to do, stay onsite, all the time. Instead of eating at Mara again, or maybe DTD, the group (not me or my DH) decided they wanted to go offsite to the local Outback Steakhouse! Now, that's fine and dandy, I have no problem with Outback, or anyone else who leaves property on their vacation, but that's just not what I like to do! To think, we would be eating dinner somewhere that we could do back at home anytime instead of somewhere like Earl of Sandwich that I can ONLY get here at WDW?!?! It was pure craziness to me!!! Lol, but I went with the flow and Outback was where we ate. Not really cheap like we planned, but that's what they wanted to do, so whatever! I wanted to hit up DTD again after dinner, but everyone was too tired from our early morning breakfast, so we went back to the room and just relaxed the rest of the night.
Still to come, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom!!!


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Ok, school starting up has thrown off my internal schedules in a major way and I've just been dragging lately!! I'm refreshed today and determined to finish this TR!!

So, the next day was Hollywood Studios! We arrived there around 10am. I realized I forgot my camera back at our room! I'm lost without my camera at WDW! I don't care how many pics I have of the same things, I still take them! I'm always trying to take new shots, new angles, different lighting...I would've hated not having it! So, my DH, being the wonderful man he is, volunteered to go back to the hotel and get the camera! We made our way into the park and headed right to TSMWM. We grabbed fastpasses which were for much later in the day, of course! If I remember right, they were good from around 3 to 4pm. After grabbing our fastpasses, we saw there was a pretty short line for M&G with Buzz and Woody! We jumped in line!

That's a pretty happy kid!

After Buzz and Woody, we met up with my DH and headed over to ToT. All the kids were super excited to ride this! The wait time said 45 minutes. My MIL is not a fan of this ride, or waiting in line, so she used the 45 minute wait as an excuse to sit this one out. She said she would meet us by the ride photo pick up desk. We walked up towards the hotel and expected a long line but kept walking, and walking, and walking...right up to the inside lobby! We stopped right at the spot where they ask how many are your party!! That was the fastest 45 minute I ever had!!! We took "scared" photos while we waited for our turn to enter "The Twilight Zone".... Do do do do, do do do do....


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