A few questions about DW at Christmas time


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Hi! This is my first post here. :)
I’m hoping someone more experienced than myself can help me with a couple of things. My daughter’s birthday is in December, she’s turning 7 and we are planning to take her ton Disney World as a surprise. I’m starting to try to plan now because I know it can get pretty crowded around that time, and also because I want to get our flights figured out since tons of people will be traveling as well.

I think I *kind of* know what I’m getting myself into, because I’ve been twice, both during spring break. It may not necessarily be the same crowd-wise, but we aren’t going the week of Christmas and I’m thinking we can handle it!

Anyway, since I’ve been twice (not counting when I was a kid) once with my oldest daughter before we had more kids, and then once with her last year, along with our then 10 month old. Her absolute FAVORITE part is the fireworks at the magic kingdom. She talks about it often, even though it’s been about a year since our last trip. We stay at the contemporary resort because we like being able to walk to the magic kingdom, and not have to find our way into a bus when the huge crowd leaves after the fireworks. But this time it will be during the holiday season, so the main thing I’m wondering is, do they still do their normal non-holiday firework show on the days that they don’t have the Very Merry Christmas party? Or do they do the holiday firework show everyday through the holiday season? We plan on getting tickets to at least one day of the party for while we are there, but if possible, I want to make sure we get a day in where she can go see the regular firework show.

Also, do you guys think the very merry party is worth it? It looks amazing from what I’ve seen online. Having talked to my husband about this the last few days while we decide we should definitely make this trip, I’m getting a little nervous and wondering if we should plan for a different time, but seems like opinions are pretty split online whether or not it’s too crowded during the holiday season. I would just choose another time, but I think it would be really special for her to spend her birthday in what’s probably her favorite place.

Any additional tips for wdw during the holidays is greatly appreciated as well. Thank you!


Premium Member
Yes, Happily Ever After (the regular fireworks show) will be presented on non-party nights.

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is a very fun and festive special event that I think your entire family will enjoy. BUT don’t go with expectations that there will be no lines for rides or food. Crowds will be less than a normal park day, but many tickets are sold and you will have to do some waiting. My family was able to do almost all we wanted during the three parties we’ve attended.

The parks are busy all the time now. Doesn’t matter when you travel. Early December will be better than Christmas week. My daughter has a December birthday and there is no place else she’d rather celebrate than WDW. The parks are beautifully decorated (as are the resorts), there are lots special holiday events that only happen that time of year and the whole place feels more magical. I’ve already booked our December trip, we love it that much.


Well-Known Member
Yes go.. do not change plans. If there was any time of the year I'd prefer to go to WDW it would be during Christmas season. The parks and resorts are spectacular. What a way to celebrate her birthday and make it memorable!!! Early December can still be buzy ( no where near spring break size) but not as bad as later in the month as crowds build as you get closer to Christmas week. MVMCP is worth doing, lots of seldom seen characters show up, theres special events and somewhat less crowds. As you get closer to December, Disney will put out a schedule so you can plan what characters you prefer to M&G, those lines do build fast and long. Give her some down time earlier in the day so she will last longer into the evening. Enjoy the trip... wish I was going.


New Member
Original Poster
Yes, Happily Ever After (the regular fireworks show) will be presented on non-party nights.

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is a very fun and festive special event that I think your entire family will enjoy. BUT don’t go with expectations that there will be no lines for rides or food. Crowds will be less than a normal park day, but many tickets are sold and you will have to do some waiting. My family was able to do almost all we wanted during the three parties we’ve attended.

The parks are busy all the time now. Doesn’t matter when you travel. Early December will be better than Christmas week. My daughter has a December birthday and there is no place else she’d rather celebrate than WDW. The parks are beautifully decorated (as are the resorts), there are lots special holiday events that only happen that time of year and the whole place feels more magical. I’ve already booked our December trip, we love it that much.

Ok great! It might seem silly, but the fireworks have been my main deciding factor for whether we stick to our plan to go during the holiday season. We would love seeing the Christmas firework show, but I can’t think of many things my 6 year old loves more than seeing the Disney characters projected onto the castle during the fireworks! She’s getting so big and it’s one of the few things (along with maybe Christmas morning) that still make her face light up like she’s 3 years old seeing magic!

I have everything in my cart online, thinking as long as the hub’s schedule for work looks good, we will book today!


New Member
Original Poster
Yes go.. do not change plans. If there was any time of the year I'd prefer to go to WDW it would be during Christmas season. The parks and resorts are spectacular. What a way to celebrate her birthday and make it memorable!!! Early December can still be buzy ( no where near spring break size) but not as bad as later in the month as crowds build as you get closer to Christmas week. MVMCP is worth doing, lots of seldom seen characters show up, theres special events and somewhat less crowds. As you get closer to December, Disney will put out a schedule so you can plan what characters you prefer to M&G, those lines do build fast and long. Give her some down time earlier in the day so she will last longer into the evening. Enjoy the trip... wish I was going.

YES, giving down time is a lesson we have learned the hard way, and the reason we decided to take our first trip as just the 4 of us rather than going with my parents and 2 brothers and sister in law! They tend to not understand the importance that my girls get a nap in when they have that much going on, and overplan things! We absolutely plan to take a decent sized break in the middle of each day for them to get a good lunch and a nice big nap!

Yay, this sounds perfect and I’m excited! Question I guess for you or anyone else who happens to see it, do you know how quickly the MVMCP tickets sell out?

Queen of the WDW Scene

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I wouldn't be worried about the crowds since clearly you are going BEFORE Christmas not during Christmas break.

Yes the regular fireworks show Happily Ever After is on on non party nights.
If your daughter loves that show you may want to consider a dessert party with special viewing area.

In my opinion the Christmas party will well worth it but then again I go more for shorter lines, free cookies, and the overall atmosphere not the special shows, meet n greets etc.
But if you love Disney and you love Christmas its a great time.


Well-Known Member
We went during Christmas 2018. It’s crowded but manageable. One thing we found to be well worth the high price was a dessert party at Magic Kingdom. I know prices have gone up, but we lived not having to stake out a place to watch fireworks. The kids were able to sit on the ground and my mother found a fence to lean on (we did the plaza viewing option). It was great. So great that even with the price increase we’re doing it again for July 3rd.


Well-Known Member
Yay, this sounds perfect and I’m excited! Question I guess for you or anyone else who happens to see it, do you know how quickly the MVMCP tickets sell out?
Disney does limit the event evenings so there are demand for the tickets. It is popular. The couple of times we went I bought tickets as soon as they were available so I could have time to budget more for our trips.

This is from another site, you can get an idea of what happened before.
In 2019 the dates that have sold out are:
November 8, 2019 (sold out on Oct. 12)
November 24, 2019 (sold out on Nov. 3)
December 1, 2019 (sold out on Nov. 29)
December 3, 2019 (sold out on Nov. 29)
December 5, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 3)
December 6, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 6)
December 8, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 8)
December 10, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 10)
December 13, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 12)
December 15, 2019 (sold out on Dec. 3)
December 22, 2019 (sold out on Nov. 8)

In 2018 the dates that sold out were:
November 8, 2018 (sold out on Nov. 8)
November 9, 2018 (sold out on Nov. 9)
November 25, 2018 (sold out on Nov. 24)
December 16, 2018 (sold out on Dec. 9)
December 21, 2018 (sold out on Dec. 19)


Active Member
We are resident passholders and also enjoy Disney over the holidays. But, we go in November after they light up the park for Xmas and before Thanksgiving. You can call to find out when the lights go on this year in Nov. The week before the week of Thanksgiving is the slowest time in all of the parks (also Universal & SeaWorld) because everyone is waiting for T Day and Xmas vacations to travel. Just make sure you go on a day that is not Magic Hours or Xmas Party unless you have the tickets for it. If not, you have to leave the park at 6 pm which makes for a very short day at a park. I realize your daughter's birthday is in Dec, but really - maybe you could explain to her that you are celebrating a few weeks early. That way she can enjoy her birthday at Disney in November and at home for Xmas holidays. Some people may not mind the crowds and long lines, but its hard on small children to wait in line that long. We went to Disney, Seaworld and Universal the week before Thanksgiving and walked on & off all of the rides with less than 10 min line waits.


Well-Known Member
We really love the first week of December! Lower than end of month crowds, nice weather (well, nicer than Nebraska lol) and we love attending MVMCP. Hope you choose this time of year, I think you will really like it!
Hi! This is my first post here. :)
I’m hoping someone more experienced than myself can help me with a couple of things. My daughter’s birthday is in December, she’s turning 7 and we are planning to take her ton Disney World as a surprise. I’m starting to try to plan now because I know it can get pretty crowded around that time, and also because I want to get our flights figured out since tons of people will be traveling as well.

I think I *kind of* know what I’m getting myself into, because I’ve been twice, both during spring break. It may not necessarily be the same crowd-wise, but we aren’t going the week of Christmas and I’m thinking we can handle it!

Anyway, since I’ve been twice (not counting when I was a kid) once with my oldest daughter before we had more kids, and then once with her last year, along with our then 10 month old. Her absolute FAVORITE part is the fireworks at the magic kingdom. She talks about it often, even though it’s been about a year since our last trip. We stay at the contemporary resort because we like being able to walk to the magic kingdom, and not have to find our way into a bus when the huge crowd leaves after the fireworks. But this time it will be during the holiday season, so the main thing I’m wondering is, do they still do their normal non-holiday firework show on the days that they don’t have the Very Merry Christmas party? Or do they do the holiday firework show everyday through the holiday season? We plan on getting tickets to at least one day of the party for while we are there, but if possible, I want to make sure we get a day in where she can go see the regular firework show.

Also, do you guys think the very merry party is worth it? It looks amazing from what I’ve seen online. Having talked to my husband about this the last few days while we decide we should definitely make this trip, I’m getting a little nervous and wondering if we should plan for a different time, but seems like opinions are pretty split online whether or not it’s too crowded during the holiday season. I would just choose another time, but I think it would be really special for her to spend her birthday in what’s probably her favorite place.

Any additional tips for wdw during the holidays is greatly appreciated as well. Thank you!
We went this last Christmas and had a great time. I'll echo what someone else said: Big difference in crowds between the week before Christmas week and the week of Christmas. The difference between very busy and crazy busy, as in barely able to move in parts of the MK. Not a huge fan of the Very Merry Christmas Party. It's fun but I'm not sure it's worth the price given how much else there is to do during that time of year.

I'm sure your daughter will love it!


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add that we really appreciated the view and space the plaza park dessert party afforded us on our Christmas trip. It's the one on the lawn, not the one at the restaurant. I normally would consider these things a waste of money, but if I were doing Christmas again I absolutely would book the dessert party again.


Well-Known Member
Also, do you guys think the very merry party is worth it? It looks amazing from what I’ve seen online. Having talked to my husband about this the last few days while we decide we should definitely make this trip, I’m getting a little nervous and wondering if we should plan for a different time, but seems like opinions are pretty split online whether or not it’s too crowded during the holiday season. I would just choose another time, but I think it would be really special for her to spend her birthday in what’s probably her favorite place.

Any additional tips for wdw during the holidays is greatly appreciated as well. Thank you!

If you like CROWDS then the Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party is for you. We were at Disney for a week last Dec. from 12/08-12/15. I don't recall which day we did the MVMCP but we were at the Magic Kingdom all day. The crowds were tolerable during regular park hours but it seemed like it was at least double after the party started. I had contacted guest services weeks before going to inquire about FastPasses for the event. They told me they were not offered because the crowds were like night and day compared to during the day.

We quickly found out they were wrong. Long lines everywhere, no FastPass option, it was raining much of the evening and thus no parades. Who knows how crowded it would have been if had not been raining. I know Disney cannot do anything about the weather but they certainly could control the crowds by how many tickets they sell. I think the MVMCP is a money grab for Disney and they sell as many overpriced tickets as they can, regardless of how congested it will be in the park. It is something I will never do again. The free holiday cookies throughout the park were nice, the castle and other decorations were pretty but not worth the $115 price per ticket we paid to be there.



Dear Mushi:
I have been to Disney World so many times, I have lost count, travelling with my family and with girlfriends.

My best advice is to AVOID Christmas week especially with young children.
The point of Disney World is building (good) shared experience and memories with loved ones.
And, yes, I took my children out of school to do this.
(Arrange ahead of time and don't add to a teacher's workload - my kids did homework at the airports and on arrival day.)
During Christmas, common areas in hotels are insanely busy. You'll have trouble getting Fastpasses week of Christmas.
It's also more expensive than other times and you run the risk of the park closing (i.e. no more people). While you can figure out the complex rules for who gets in when park is closed....why would you?...it's just too crowded to enjoy.

So, my FAVORITE week is just after Thanksgiving, first week of December.
Or, perhaps her actual birthday
I went last Fall and it was complete magic.
All of the Christmas decorations are up, Christmas Party is available, the lineups are reasonable (for Disney),
There were some delightful Christmas surprises that I hope they continue.
- Animal Kingdom had life-size puppets that were delightful. With a small crowd, you could actually interact.
- Contemporary had wonderful Dickens Christmas carolers - a highlight for me
- Grand Floridian has a life-size gingerbread house that is just fun to go through and, get your family Christmas photo in front of their grand lobby tree. We stayed for the Dixie Jazz band and enjoyed a cookie and hot cocoa while kids wiggled to the music. It was one of my favorite "pause" moments just to sit and savor.

So, how to plan:
1. Look at LAST year's schedule Park hours and the Mickey Christmas Party in December. There is no guarantee but schedules often repeat. On these days, the Magic Kingdom closes early. So, avoid disappointment about not seeing the evening fireworks....by avoiding these days. Also, note when parks tend to be open early or late. You can plan to avoid or attend accordingly. We avoid early days (parks are busier)....because my kids are older
2. Yes to Mickey's Christmas Party....your little one is the perfect age....and it is Magic. I would do this in preference to Cinderella's Dining room if you are balancing budgets.
3. Now, book a hotel if you haven't already and setup a MyDisneyExperience account to do meal and fastpass arrangements.
4. Book more than enough meals. You'll need to adjust these when you get fastpasses.
- For sure, Magic Kingdom.....BeOurGuest for Lunch- and sit in the main room. For sure, order the "grey stuff"
- I like breakfast in Epcot with all of the Princesses then, you are in the park early.
5. Fastpasses are 60 days out...Would get SlinkyDog at Hollywood studios since the line is the longest.

As a final note, let Disney know that you are celebrating a birthday - she will get a button....your daughter will get extra attention....lots of people saying happy birthday and an occasional surprise.

Whatever you decide
have a wonderful time as family.
All the best!


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
People that have never been to Disney or have never gone during a certain time appreciate all the info that they receive. Obviously you aren't one of those people.

You give wrong information mixed in with correct information.

Newbies have no way to know the difference.

It'd be better if you either double checked all your information so that it's all correct, or, stop trying to help. Because wrong information isn't helpful.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
My advice: Figure out your dates and book soon. Disney hotels fill up during Dec. And hotel prices increase. If you want to stay onsite at a Disney hotel there are hotel packages that include tickets all for a fee. The hotel packages in Magic Bands. Magic Bands are the new way to get a fast pass. Also you can link you credit card to the magic band. Dec is the busiest time at Disney. The first two weeks of Dec is the slowest. third week in gets busy. Christmas & Christmas Day are the busiest days of the year. Say the main gates to enter Disney open at 9am, people start driving to Disney around 7am for Christmas and Christmas Day but if you stay onsite it's allot easier. Disney every year shuts down the entrance to the Magic Kingdom on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day by 12pm. Sometimes it's 11am or 11:30am because Magic Kingdom hits capacity. Over a 1 million people visit the Magic Kingdom each day on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Epcot, Hollywood studios, Animal kingdom usually don't hit capacity because ever kid wants to go to the Magic Kingdom on Christmas. . tinker bell flies from the castle. Guests are allowed to receive fast passes. If you are staying on site you can reserve 3 fast passes a day, 60 days out from your hotel reservation. If you aren't staying onsite you can reserve them at any time but no more then 30 days and still 3 fast passes a day. I don't know anything about the Merry Christmas Party but Disney always has fireworks at all parks. Hollywood studios lights up the tower of terror. Different colors lights, characters show up on the outside of tower of terror. Epcot has a fire works show. Animal Kingdom does not have a firework show but they have a light show. Every park has parade. Hollywood studios has toy story land, stars wars land, mickey and Minnie runaway railway. Epcot is under construction and will be when you come but there is allot there. Spaceship earth will be closed May 26 until 2022 possible early 2023. Disney is renovating it. It's still going to be set in the past but a new story line, new lighting. Still overall the same ride.

Bring snacks, food, fruits, etc with you into the parks. You can bring anything that you'd like as long as it's not in glass. beverages can be brought in but no glass. You will want something to much on. I always buy hot chocolate when I go to the magic kingdom. Disney makes their hot chocolate. There is a stand right infant of space mountain near the people mover.

You want to come down in Dec. Keep to it. Just book early for hotels, flights. Flights down here tend to get expensive around nov, dec, jan, march until may. Holidays, spring break, etc. Everyone travels during those times. If you plan on getting a rental car book ahead of time. Sometimes Expedia has deals. Or if you go directly to the rental car site. Oh, Disney restaurants. Disney Springs has several restaurants. Rainforest cafe located at Disney Springs and Animal Kingdom. T-Rex dinosaur themed restaurant at Disney Springs. Some of the hotels have a character breakfast for christmas time. The Grand Floridian use. I always went when I was a kid. Mickey, Minnie, chipmunks, goofy, etc. I think the castle has something. Book ahead of time. Make your reservations as soon as you know your dates. Everything fills up months in advance. Disney Spring went under a big renovation. There are tons of restaurants, retail shops, AMC theater, bowling, coffee places, desert places, Largest Disney store in the world is at Disney Springs.
Every hotel, every park including Disney Springs has free transportation to anywhere on Disney property. Disney has the Skyline. It's a similar to the old skyline that magic kingdom had in 1983 until 1998. The new skyline transport people from certain hotels to Epcot to Hollywood studios.

I know your main focus is Disney. I go to Disney every year for Christmas, that is my tradition. Check out Universal Orlando if not this trip another trip. Universal does a big celebration for Christmas. There is the Grinchmas. The parks are decked out in holiday decorations, the grinch, The Who's, whoville. Lights, fireworks. Happy potter has his castle lit up.
Hope all of this helped.

Christmas time does get a little chilly down here. Some times it's 80 degrees. Sometimes it's 60 during the day and 30 at night. So pack some pants, shorts, long sleeved shirts, sweatshirt, etc. Central Florida weather changes not just daily but hourly. It can rain for 20 mins and then no rain. It can be 50 in the morning and 80 by noon. Alway check the weather the week that you are coming down. There is allot more to down here whether you are a kid or and adult. Doesn't matter. The Gaylord Palms has a christmas area called ICE. https://tickets.gaylordpalms.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=39

Get your sleep in before you come down. Ha ha.


1. You don't need a magicband to reserve FP+ or use them
2. A credit card is NOT linked to a magicband, it is linked to a resort reservation.
3. Disney DOES NOT have fireworks at all 4 parks. There are no fireworks at Animal Kingdom as they would frighten the animals.
4. Disney Springs has transportation ONLY to resorts. If you want to go to a park from Disney Springs, you need to use a ride sharing service or drive your own car.
5. "All decorations, lights, fireworks, fake snow comes down at the end of the night in front of the castle". No clue what this means. There is no "snow" except during MVMCP.

Please stop posting misleading & erroneous information.



Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
People that have never been to Disney or have never gone during a certain time appreciate all the info that they receive. Obviously you aren't one of those people.

Except you are providing erroneous or misleading information, which is counterproductive to the OP. And we DO care, which is why we've recommended you verify the info you plan on posting before you do.

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