A few lil ideas.


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I know I am new here and slightly new to Disney, but I just have a few ideas and dreams.I am just now starting to think about them, but maybe if they're not too turned down here, I can start thinking.Well, here's one.

1.Kingdom Hearts
Out of the two I am less sure about how this ride could go, but I just keep on having thoughts about a Kingdom Hearts ride.Of course it would have to be somehow simulated possibly like Spiderman, but just the thoughts.I love the game and I know that this ride could really make some money off of teens and game lovers.So if IOA could execute Spiderman and if Disney could execute ANYTHING of the past, this could be done.I'll give it some more thought.

2.Space Mountain rehab
I know everyone here loves Smt. but in my opinion, this ride is getting old.The younger version in DL seems to be getting all the love, music, effects, and even a rehab coming to it soon that will REALLY make it a dif. experience.But, why can't it be done here.I wish that our Tomorrowland was like DLP's but since it's not, we could use the building for a new coaster with a layout similar to DLP, but make it newer and more Science Fiction like.After all, our Space Mountain has the biggest building of them all, and the least upgrades.But if this doesn't happen, could it atleast be a lil rethemed, and how about some music.Cuz now it's a good ride but compared to the others, it's kinda:hurl:

3.Haunted Mansion
I wouldn't dare take out HM, but this is once again another ride that hasn't been updated unlike its older cousin in DL.Just my thoughts would be improve the effects to Phantom Manor standars, and maybe also add a storyline like PM's and some music.But to make it short, just revamp it somewhat.However, changing it too far would make me feel like a lil:fork: .

I know I am new here, but just some ideas.Don't flame me too much, okay?Some other sites have made me feel like:cry: .Well, please respond, but don't hurt too much.Oh, and I want a WDW DisneySea. ;)


New Member
These sound pretty kool! I think it is time for some rides to get rehab! I was just thinking that Space needs it. I don't know how. I love this ride, but maybe add some kool sites to it or something


Well-Known Member
I've been on both American versions of Space Mountain!!

And let me tell you, Disneyland's seems far BETTER than WDW's!!

Much better music, smoother track, etc..

Much better music,

and MUCH SMOOTHER track!!!

Much better overall!!! (And I prefer the color scheme on DL's, the earthy greens they painted on their Cone)...

I would love to see a major rehab of WDW's Space Mtn.!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Can you read minds? I was also thinking the same thing about Space Mountain. The Space Mountains in WDW and Disneyland Tokyo need some rehabs. To look at my ideas for space mountain rehabs, go to my post on the Tomorrowland face-lift in Tokyo. Also, Haunted Mansion's special effects do need some changes. Great ideas! Good job!:animwink:


New Member
Original Poster
:) Thx for the cool welcome.Well if WDW Smt. did get a rehab like this with the dif. track layout, I guess it could kinda be a loss of history, but would bring the ride to a top position.Of course is it were like DLP's music would be installed, but I want some music and effects either way.The coaster is fun, but kinda rough.Many other enclosed coasters now exceed it.Maybe it was better when it opened cuz it was faster, much smoother, and just sounded better since all the stuff worked.I would love to see the track inside replaced, but atleast add music and new effects.And most important, JUST NOT ________ DALE!That has to be the worst music for a Space themed ride.:hammer: I have heard of WDW Tomorrowland getting a rehab and this could be part of it.But, I hope the building would look beautiful but not like DL's.I know I want a SM DLP over here, but you havta agree.All in all, it's better.Better ride, music, layout, effects, AND LAYOUT!Well, I guess we'll havta wait and see.:goodnevil

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