Well-Known Member
Having experienced the alternative loading at TSMM, I feel confident in saying it is far from a perfect system. Sure, all of the reasons you mention are indeed true. However, if you time it just "right", the wait can be quite long, on top of the wait in the rest of the line. Since there are only one or two accessible ride vehicles, you have to wait for a vehicle to make an entire trip through the ride. And if there are a few parties ahead of you, forget it. I would prefer a system where anyone who is able to transfer can go through the regular line, and only those guests needing to remain in their wheelchair/ECV loading on a side track.
...but you would be waiting the same amount of time regardless. If there are only two vehicles, then no matter where you waited, in the main line or the ECV line, would mean waiting for those vehicles based on the number of people in line ahead needing them. The best thing about this system is that it doesn't inconvenience the other riders who need to wait for a ride shutdown to load people with special needs. The wait for the ECV will always be the same, but this just keeps that wait and need from affecting everybody else.