Well-Known Member
I have to say my 6 cents worth as well. Not directed to anyone on this subject here.. Just observation...Thank heavens my grandson loves any klid of food. But I must szy he has a cousin that will NOT eat anything but mac and cheese and nuggets.(Nuggets are ground up parts of the chicken and made into balls, Not truly white most of the time. HIS MOM CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY. THIS HAS BEEN SINCE HE WAS 3 NOW 6.. Sorry caps on... The problem is the mom and like so many moms... If they didn't feed these kids this type of food and only that food to begin with they wouldn't have the issues. A friend of theirs boy will only eat hot dogs no buns just tons of dogs. High colesterol high everything. She is desperate to break him. Not happening now.. she started it.. My grandson doesnt care for food like that. he loves salads and vegetables, especially fruits and will eat steak, real breast of chicken,grilled, ham, turkey, eggs etc. Very well rounded. Thanks to his mom she never fed him the fried or high caloried foods when he was little. Not to be mean but to make him love all foods. We ate well with him last dec. They even brought him out salads when it wasn't on his childs menu at TS meals. But it is a little sad that at Pinocchios Pizza House they do not serve kids Pizza, just PB and J and nuggets.. Go figure and then wonder why children are becoming obese, fried nuggets and mac and cheese. Don't blast me but I bet many agree that it starts at home why they become stuck on those things.
I'm sorry, but you are completely wrong. I have 2 daughters. They have always been given healthy food, with the occasional treat of nuggets or chocolate. My 8 year old loves to try new food. She eats (and enjoys) lots of different types of fruit and vegetables, she loves meat and fish - she is very easy to feed a healthy diet. She is tall, active and quite skinny.
My 11 year has been difficult to feed since she was born. She is extremely picky, only likes certain very bland foods, and hates to try anything new. She does eat a lot of nuggets at WDW because she doesn't like some of the other food there. She never has chicken nuggets at home, apart from the occasional treat at MacDonalds, maybe once or twice a month. Although she is fussy, we have found reasonably healthy food that she likes and this is what she eats at home. Unfortunately this is not available at WDW, so she is stuck with nuggets or burgers. She has also had health problems with reflux as a baby, and IBS as an older child, so I often wonder if the pickiness is because of tummy pain, and a fear of eating. She is also active, tall and skinny.
Neither of my girls drinks fizzy drinks. I never gave it to them as young toddlers, but they have tried them as they got older and don't like them. I am very lucky in that respect, but I don't feel that it is because of me, it is just that they don't like them.
What I am trying to say is that you can't blame the mothers. It is very easy when you have a child who eats healthy food to congratulate yourself on a job well done, but perhaps you are just lucky. Like I say, I always fed both my children healthy food, but one of them just turned out to be picky.