At WDW, and I'm Sick


Original Poster
I'm feeling really down and want to share what's on my mind. I'm currently at Disney World for a week-long trip, but unfortunately, I got sick on Monday night and am still not feeling well. We arrived on Sunday evening, and now I'm stuck in my room at Wilderness Lodge, which is really disheartening since I can't enjoy the parks. After spending a year planning this trip and looking forward to the free dining, Halloween Party, and Food & Wine, it’s tough to miss out. I took precautions like wearing a mask on the plane and frequently washing my hands, but it didn’t keep me from getting sick. Right now, I feel mentally trapped and just want to be out where the excitement is, but physically, I'm confined to my room.

Just wanted to vent my sadness and disappointment. Also jealousy at all the other guests who aren't sick.


Well-Known Member
Nothing could be worse than showing up to WDW with a years worth of planning and excitement for what the days entail only to be sick. Hopefully some rest and maybe get some meds in you will help you recover quickly and salvage most of your time there.
Ive had trips where one of us in my family were not feeling that well but not so bad that we had to stay room side. We always travel with antibiotics and pain meds just in case we ever need them.


Well-Known Member
Nothing could be worse than showing up to WDW with a years worth of planning and excitement for what the days entail only to be sick. Hopefully some rest and maybe get some meds in you will help you recover quickly and salvage most of your time there.
Ive had trips where one of us in my family were not feeling that well but not so bad that we had to stay room side. We always travel with antibiotics and pain meds just in case we ever need them.
How do you travel with antibiotics "just in case" when they have to be prescribed?


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling really down and want to share what's on my mind. I'm currently at Disney World for a week-long trip, but unfortunately, I got sick on Monday night and am still not feeling well. We arrived on Sunday evening, and now I'm stuck in my room at Wilderness Lodge, which is really disheartening since I can't enjoy the parks. After spending a year planning this trip and looking forward to the free dining, Halloween Party, and Food & Wine, it’s tough to miss out. I took precautions like wearing a mask on the plane and frequently washing my hands, but it didn’t keep me from getting sick. Right now, I feel mentally trapped and just want to be out where the excitement is, but physically, I'm confined to my room.

Just wanted to vent my sadness and disappointment. Also jealousy at all the other guests who aren't sick.
Do you have any OTC meds? Get some and you will more than likely start feeling better very quickly.


Well-Known Member
How do you travel with antibiotics "just in case" when they have to be prescribed?
Not in some countries, like Mexico. DW forgot her Diabetes injector pens.... She is easily distracted by her family... :) Local pharmacy in Cancun said come on down, or we will deliver to her hotel. Asked if we need any antibiotics too... Said, were good.....


Well-Known Member
I have been there - first 8 trips I had a cold like 4 times.

Sorry to hear you got sick there 😟

Now when we travel, we call my toiletry bag my medical bag. I carry a lot to be prepared


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm sorry for your illness during your trip. Travel in confined spaces still presents an exposure risk these days and there are quite a few different Covid strains as well as the usual flu and cold viruses spreading.

Its a giant petri dish where all sorts of communicable illnesses abound. If its out there, you'll get exposed to it at WDW. We got our new Covid and Flu shots (this Falls newest versions) two weeks ago for our trip starting this Saturday and let me tell you that both on the same day was a large mistake as both my wife and I had bad reactions that lasted a few days afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that poster is not from Mexico. Antibiotics are prescription-only in the US.

Maybe not, but I hear people near the border go shopping in Mexico for stuff all the time to have on hand. Or while vacationing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that! On the bright side maybe you can use the trip as an excuse to explore the finer details of your resort or maybe relax by the pool if you’re feeling better towards the end! That happened to me at Universal in April, I took some medications and powered through the parks but it certainly wasn’t as enjoyable as it could’ve been. Hopefully you feel better


Well-Known Member
Oh no! I hear you. I had a flu-like virus on one semi recent Disney trip, and pink eye on another.

I will say, sometimes the crap memories are weirdly fun too. On my flu-ish visit I missed probably half of the week, but I have strangely great memories of just vegging at the resort while my husband had my son in the parks. I remember there was an episode of SNL that I was watching on YouTube with Tom Hanks as “David Pumpkins” and it was the most random thing ever, but I have the best memories of it now. 😂

Whatever happens, I hope you find some magic in your trip and get some enjoyment out of it! Even if you veg at the resort for awhile and do a low key park visit in a few days, I hope you’re able to make special memories!

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
It sucks, but you'll be able to enjoy the rest of the trip in a day or so, most likely.

My take is just let your immune system work. I've honestly found exposing yourself more (like not taking as many precautions) actually works better in the long term.

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