Well-Known Member
When you walk past a VQ ride like TBA, everyone in the VQ line got a VQ for the day. They give out a TON of VQs in a day, to the point that I’ve never failed to get a virtual queue. Now, the value of a VQ is up for debate for sure. For me, it’s incredibly easy to secure a VQ and the VQ line is generally manageable. It allows me to experience high-demand rides without having to wait insane amounts of time. Once the VQ rides go to standby, I won’t ride them really anymore.I think virtual que "lottery" is a scam. I can't tell you how many times I woke up at 6:45 to hit refresh at 6:59 and get denied at 7:00:03 because they were all distributed 3 seconds after 7:00am.
How may "lottery" seats did they allow for that day? 10? 30? 50?
How do you distribute "all" of the virtual que possibilities for an entire day in 3 seconds? Because you only offered,..I dunno 25? LOL The 7:00am lottery is a joke. They want you to pay and they only use the 7:00am lottery as an excuse to stand next to LL as token "alternative".
But I think VQ support overall is probably close to 50/50, tilting towards the standby side.