Sad to see Muppetvision 3D going but this is a nice compromise. At least the Muppets stay in the park and Aerosmith is an old band by this point.
They’re old (Steven Tyler is 76), but they were still good.
But, after Tyler injured his vocal cords and fractured his larynx, during the middle of their Peace Out farewell tour on Sept. 10th of this year, the band has retired from touring.
He spent several weeks trying to recover, but the damage was too extensive, unfortunately. I grew up with them blasting on my home stereo and car radio.
They could still produce albums using AI, if they wanted to, I guess, but their touring days are over.
Tyler’s injury, and the bands subsequent retirement from touring, provided the perfect opportunity for Disney to replace them in the attraction.
I wonder if we get hit in the face with a virtual 3D cream pie during that very quick first inversion, or if that’s the finale…?!!!!!