Modified Monorail routes in effect during late May


Active Member
Most peoples vacations are 5-7 days.. So that could conceivably be the duration of a family's whole trip.

If that was their deciding factor for choosing that resort, it is a big deal to them. To take things further, most people who visit WDW aren't the type to seek out this type of information nor do they visit forums. All that said, I think anyone who is visiting in the next 2 years will be let down no matter what.

The modifications are 4 days, but they are separated in 2 day blocks a week apart so the impact would be 2 days max - not the duration of the trip (Dates for the modified routes are May 16, 17, 23, 24 2017, from 11:30am to 6pm.).

Additionally, it is not that they do not get to ride the monorail - they just do not ride it around the seven seas lagoon on those days for the 6.5 hours (The Express Monorail will make a stop at the Contemporary Resort in addition to its regular stops at the TTC and Magic Kingdom.). Instead of 10-15 minutes of a monorail ride on those two days it is 5 during prime melt down time for the kids. Actually sounds better to me - wonder why they did not charge more as an upsell?


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Most peoples vacations are 5-7 days.. So that could conceivably be the duration of a family's whole trip.
That's not entirely accurate. The dates are on a Tuesday/Wednesday each week, so unless they have a 9 day trip, that's the only way they will see all 4 days, and even then, they are probably leaving earlier on the last day for home. No matter what 5-7 days you pick, they only see issues on 2 days. Inconvenience, yes. Trip buster, no.


Active Member
Exactly! Now guests at the Contemporary get to go straight from the Contemporary to MK without having to take the whole loop around. Sounds like a really big win for those guests.


Resident Curmudgeon
It's a good thing you're not in charge of anything, anywhere, that has to do with matinence. God forbid something terrible happens to you on some attraction that wasn't properly maintained. Yea, I can't believe Disney would shortchange you for your safety. How silly of them...

Considering that you can't even SPELL maintenance. Yes i do have a great deal of responsibility along the maintenance lines.

Designing systems so customers don't even know that major parts of our systems are offline, Thats maintenance done right when the customer is not even aware its happening and yes it costs REAL money to do it that way.


Resident Curmudgeon
True, we love riding the monorail for the fun of it as well. We require an ECV every trip, but the walk is still not an issue. Yes, it is an inconvenience to have to get on the monorail at CR to the TTC, and then switch to the other monorail, but again, it's only on a few days for a few hours.

ETA: Of course, as an alleged DVC member, you do know that even with 45 days notice, your points will still go into holding, don't you? So what difference would that make?

Bzzt wrong.

You obviously need a refresher on DVC cancellation policies

31 days or more points returned to account in UY points drawn from.

30 days or less points placed in holding account and must be used by end of UY

Day of - points are forfeited


DVC Guru
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
So guests at the Contemporary are screwed - And i'm pretty sure Disney is not reducing the price on the rooms to compensate. Nice really nice
So, you don't bother to read that the Contemporary is going to have service via the express line (so not screwed at all) and then have several posts ranting about a problem that doesn't exist and complaining about Disney when they actually are considering their guests.

One has greater credibility when they don't do the same rant in every thread and they bother to get the facts first. Might be time for you take a timeout.


Well-Known Member
Ford91explorer, you are not inconvenienced at all! There is still Monorail service to the Contemporary, just not the Main Line. If that is all it takes to get you riled up then you need to really take a LLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGG time out and reevaluate your feelings over something as trivial as this!
Now, if you paid for the CR and Disney made no concessions at all, then I would welcome your rant. But when you said you were a DVCer, my initial thought was you were a person who thought they were entitled! But I am wrong for thinking that way! As a guest, you ARE entitled to expect that things are going to be a certain way! Disney has made concessions to make sure that guests can still get from point A to B, will little or no impact. It might mean that you will have to make other plans than previously thought, but there is still a plan!

Don't let this ruin your vacation!


Well-Known Member
Considering that you can't even SPELL maintenance. Yes i do have a great deal of responsibility along the maintenance lines.

Designing systems so customers don't even know that major parts of our systems are offline, Thats maintenance done right when the customer is not even aware its happening and yes it costs REAL money to do it that way.

You no u is wrong when you pulz the gramma cardz.. ✌


Well-Known Member
Unless they are returning from Epcot to a monorail resort.

Honestly, in all our visits, I don't think we've ever returned from Epcot that late. Historically, I think Epcot closes an hour before the MK. Since monorail service ends an hour after park closing the last Epcot monorail should arrive at the TTC around 10:10-10:15, so yeah, that might be cutting it close for MK resort quests. That problem could be solved at the entrance to the monorail at MK by using the Magic Bands to only allow Monorail Resort Guests to access that side of the tracks. Stopping at TTC would no longer be a problem because other guests would not be boarding there headed back to the park. Again, good for the resort guests, bad for everyone trying to get to their cars.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, in all our visits, I don't think we've ever returned from Epcot that late. Historically, I think Epcot closes an hour before the MK. Since monorail service ends an hour after park closing the last Epcot monorail should arrive at the TTC around 10:10-10:15, so yeah, that might be cutting it close for MK resort quests. That problem could be solved at the entrance to the monorail at MK by using the Magic Bands to only allow Monorail Resort Guests to access that side of the tracks. Stopping at TTC would no longer be a problem because other guests would not be boarding there headed back to the park. Again, good for the resort guests, bad for everyone trying to get to their cars.
Allowing non resort guests to use the resort monorail also allows them to spread the crowds between two lines. Sure there are a few short periods where true resort guests might be able to fill all the cars on the train but most of the time they would be empty. The excess capacity spreads the load and lowers the lines for express.

Also if you think Fast pass lines are crazy imagine trying to scan all the resort guests getting on the monorail right after fireworks. The line would be longer than express!

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