You are transporting me back in time to 1984 when my sister, her husband and I took my high school graduation trip to Yellowstone, Tetons and Glacier. I will preface by saying I grew up in Colorado in the foothills of the Rockies, so mountains are my happy place and where I reset. One of my most favorite memories of that trip was camping at Flathead Lake and our trip up Going to the Sun Road at dusk. By the time we were coming down, it was full on dark and the number of stars out was absolutely mind blowing. Then we stopped at the Weeping Wall and all just stood there in the dark, with the water weeping down the wall, with the skies lit up with a bazillion stars. It's one of my absolute favorite nature memories, so thank you for taking me on this trip down memory lane! And happy belated birthday!
Thank you! We'll also be hitting Yellowstone next in this TR. A little spoiler alert, but we didn't go down into Grand Teton this time. We could have, but the visibility was absolutely awful. It was pretty bad when we were there in 2018, but people on my National Parks groups were saying you could barely make out the mountains due to the smoke. A friend was there just before us and her pictures told the same story. So, we just skipped it this time. I do have some Weeping Wall pictures coming up in the next day...although, not in the dark. While not in Glacier, I did finally try my hand at Milky Way pictures, since we had a few clear nights in higher elevations. Not quite the magical experience you had in Glacier, but both were fairly interesting evenings. While I technically grew up at the base of mountains, our mountains are more like CO's and WY's smaller foothills. In college, we were northwest of the Catskills and southwest of the Adirondacks, but still nestled in a lot of the foothills that lie in between. I think this is why eastern parks, like the Smokies, just don't have the same impact on me.

New Jersey's Watchung Mountains
Looking west to Second Mountain from a ridge of First Mountain - part of the Watchung Mountains in New Jersey Though New Jersey has man...