50th Anniversery Celebration


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Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knew what all Disney has decided to refurbish for the 50th Celebration of Disneyland. I know that Space Mountain and The Tikki Room are closed for a while, but I dont know what else will get a "face lift." Also, is the Buzz Lightyear ride a go? And if so, will it be ready for the 50th? Please update me, I havent been to DL in a year, and im having a MAJOR complex! Thanks a bunch!!:wave:


Active Member
They have been doing a ton of painting and general maintenace on Main Street and throughout the park. The pictures I have seen look good. I believe DL is also getting a new parade and fireworks show. Space Mountain is supposed to open in November 2005 from what I've heard. I am not sure about Buzz Lightyear. The Tiki Room show is supposedly not changing just being rehabed. I think that is about it for the major 50th plans.


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Wow, really? That is all that they are doing for the 50th celebration ride wise? A few months (well maybe years) back I heard that they wanted to completley overhaul like 5 attractions. I think they mentioned refurbishing Space Mountain into something like the Paris SM, updating Pirates of the Caribbean, changing the logs on Splash Mountian to resemble the WDW attraction, or doing something to the Matterhorn. Im really surprised that Disney didnt decide to do a lot more! Are they still going to paint the castle gold like planned? My my my, how fast a few years go by!


New Member
I remember smoe of those rumors going around a few years back. To change the Splash logs would not be an easy task at all - the current flume is too narrow to make them like WDW's. They'd have to completely redo the interior of the attraction. Space Mountain, as I understand it, will have the same track layout as before, although the details are still a subject of much rumor. I vaguely remember the PotC rumor, too... I think it was something about getting lots of special effects. In any case no major changes on the horizon for most rides.

The celebration will be at Disneyland mainly, but all the parks are getting into it somehow.

What I really care about... is Aladdin's Oasis gonna come back in the same form? :lol:



Well-Known Member
All I know is I am exctied to see what comes to the park and what is going to be new looking and things like that.


New Member
xfkirsten said:
What I really care about... is Aladdin's Oasis gonna come back in the same form? :lol:

There's a Tahitian Terrace return rumor going around, but I doubt that. I don't think they'll dare because it'll bring out the wrath of kirsten if the Aladdin Oasis was to be taken out :lookaroun :animwink: :wave:


New Member
Buzz should open next May 5th. They are put track in now. The Splash Logs are getting one one more seat to help with capacity.


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stranger said:
There's a Tahitian Terrace return rumor going around, but I doubt that. I don't think they'll dare because it'll bring out the wrath of kirsten if the Aladdin Oasis was to be taken out :lookaroun :animwink: :wave:

Yes! The Wrath of Kirsten is not to be tinkered with! It's like the Wrath of Khan, only without the creepy wormy things. :lookaroun Aaaaaaanyways... they just better not mess with Aladdin! :lol: I remember seeing the Tahitian Terracee rumor awhile back, but haven't heard anything about that since. If it were coming back, I'd expect the exterior there would change from the Arabian theme, so I suppose we'll know for sure if we see that changing.



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So Buzz is a go? Are they putting it in the Circle Theatre? If so, wont it be kind of small? Do u know if it will be identical to the one at WDW?


New Member
Yes, they are putting in Buzz. I haven't heard if it will be the exact same ride as WDW but I would assume it would be pretty close. The castle is being redone and you can see artist's renderings of what it will look like on DLR website.


New Member
jodilt said:
Yes, they are putting in Buzz. I haven't heard if it will be the exact same ride as WDW but I would assume it would be pretty close. The castle is being redone and you can see artist's renderings of what it will look like on DLR website.
The Buzz Lightyear ride will be based on the Tokyo version and not on the WDW version. If you have a broadband connection you can download a video of the Tokyo version.



Thought that Space Mountain was going to be ready and opened by July, are they moving it back to November now, that would really stink if it was closed for the birthday (not to mention my trip out there)


New Member
Space Mountain's re-opening date has changed so many times that I've dcided not even to pay attention to those rumors til they get closer to completion.

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