5 things that WDW can do...


Original Poster
After Labor Day it is expected that attendance at WDW will drop substancially. Some insiders say that there is major concern about attendance this fall.

If you could recomend 5 things for WDW to do to encourage attendance, what would they be?


Well-Known Member
I don't think that there is anything that they can do. Does not matter if they lower prices. People overall aer spending less money. I for one have not been affected by the stock market since I have no stocks. So I still have the same money as i did before and can spend how i want to spend.

When the market picks up the economy picks up and people goto Disney. One thing I can think of they should do is add more thrill rides to the parks. Each park needs more rides. Unless you are a Disney enthuist as we are on this board, people will not come back every year or every few years. Something new, different is needed every few years.

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
My opinion is that WDW should lower the prices that they charge for food and drinks. Many of their prices are extremely over-inflated and many families cannot afford to eat in the parks. This disgusts me.
$9.00 for a hamburger at the Plaza restaurant is a bit staggering for an average family. Lunch could end up costing you $50.
I think they should bring down the cost of such things. I mean look how much they charge for a bottle of water.

I have to deal with my customers asking me why their restaurants are so expensive on an almost daily basis. I personally think that the people running this show (WDW) have forgotten the reason Walt Disney made DL and WDW, so that EVERY family would have a place to go and have fun. But just how many families can really afford it?


Active Member
Everyone knows that the food is expensive, however the admission is very cheap, when you buy park hopper tickets it usually works out about 30 dollars or 20 british pounds for entrance, this is very cheap compared to the rest of the world for a days entertainment. Everyone wants the parks to expand, to have new rides, new parks, etc. Disney have to get the money from somewhere to do so, and at the end of the day, it is a business, money is to be made, thats their objective, so i think its something we are just going to have to put up with


New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
My opinion is that WDW should lower the prices that they charge for food and drinks. Many of their prices are extremely over-inflated and many families cannot afford to eat in the parks. This disgusts me.
$9.00 for a hamburger at the Plaza restaurant is a bit staggering for an average family. Lunch could end up costing you $50.
I think they should bring down the cost of such things. I mean look how much they charge for a bottle of water.

I have to deal with my customers asking me why their restaurants are so expensive on an almost daily basis. I personally think that the people running this show (WDW) have forgotten the reason Walt Disney made DL and WDW, so that EVERY family would have a place to go and have fun. But just how many families can really afford it?

Keep this in mind ...47 years ago it was about giving the customer value for there money now its all about the bottom line and where to make the $$ come from. Walt was confrontred by the accountants about raising the price of a guide book for DL. The guide was priced at 25 cents and cost 24 cents to produce, the accountantas said they werent making enough profit from it. Walts reply was the money would be made back from the guest putting it there coffee table and there company would see it on there coffee table and look at it and they would want to go to DL. He said that was free advertising.

Today they dont look at things that way anymore after the GO-GO of the 80s and huge profits it hase become a diffrent world. the Accountants run everything not the dreamers.

In my opinion in todays bussiness climant DL and WDW could never have been built as they were, there would be too much disagreeing about where to take it and were to go to giuve the Guest a good time and Value, even with walt, every one would be too worried about the bottom line to let it find its place and develop a loyal contingent such as us.


Trophy Husband
I sat and thought quite a while about this. Unfortunately everything I can think of would require significant cash at a time they are cutting back. Here are some ideas I came up with:

1. Improved transportation system with a "gee whiz" factor (this has been discussed at length on other threads, and probably is out of the question currently because of cost.)

2. A new initiative to revitialize customer service, maintenance and cleanliness. Disney has always done well at this, but they could do better. This will require creativity and money to reward the good cast members and motivate them to continue to go above and beyond.

3. Build a few Disney hotels at key points to encourage families to drive. For example, a nice Disney hotel along route 95 in Virginia would make it more enticing for me (and people in New York, Boston, Baltimore etc.) to hop in their car for a quick trip to Disney World. My son is afraid to fly, and many older people are also reluctant to fly after what happened last year. I have stayed at roadside motels in the past, but the atmosphere has been negative rather than a positive addition to my trip. A nice Disney hotel (with activities such as disney film screening theaters etc.) would actually extend the experience by two days. It would help get people in a Disney mood on their way, and it would give people a chance to "decompress" on their way home. The beauty of this particular idea is the room fees would pay for the hotel. As long as they can determine they will have enough interest to fill the rooms, they won't have to worry about losing money on this.

The last two are no-brainers in terms of increasing interest (at a cost).

4. More attractions within parks (such as Beastly Kingdom).

5. A new Park.


Well-Known Member
My ideas would be Lower Admision Price and AP price,

Fix rides up so they look newer and Nicer,

Never Add a 5th Park unless it will be a Nice one with a High uncut budget, (I wish, Wish, Wish.)

Lower food prise, heack i would pay about 30 to get in (I wish, actualy if no lower price it would be about 50) And then pay for food, Which would be about 50 for a family of 4.

Give discounts for certin states, like New york, Florida, (Woops, why did i put that in their, hmmm) And Iowa.

Finally, Place more magic at the parks, like Redo the buses to look more Disneyish, Like less Advertisments, Better seats, Some TVs with Facts.

Thats my idea,


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
They need to extend park hours! I think that would do a lot to increase attendance.

Build a few Disney hotels at key points to encourage families to drive. For example, a nice Disney hotel along route 95 in Virginia would make it more enticing for me (and people in New York, Boston, Baltimore etc.) to hop in their car for a quick trip to Disney World. My son is afraid to fly, and many older people are also reluctant to fly after what happened last year. I have stayed at roadside motels in the past, but the atmosphere has been negative rather than a positive addition to my trip. A nice Disney hotel (with activities such as disney film screening theaters etc.) would actually extend the experience by two days. It would help get people in a Disney mood on their way, and it would give people a chance to "decompress" on their way home. The beauty of this particular idea is the room fees would pay for the hotel. As long as they can determine they will have enough interest to fill the rooms, they won't have to worry about losing money on this.

Gary, I love this idea! Our family struggles every year to find a decent place to stop on I 95. If there were a Disney owned hotel along the way I know we would stay there. I'm not sure that it would help attendance at WDW but it might help the bottomline, which seems to be what matters now.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Eeyore
They need to extend park hours! I think that would do a lot to increase attendance.

Gary, I love this idea! Our family struggles every year to find a decent place to stop on I 95. If there were a Disney owned hotel along the way I know we would stay there. I'm not sure that it would help attendance at WDW but it might help the bottomline, which seems to be what matters now.

1, I would Love to Be in the MK till 2 am, i would prolly be one of the only people left, :lol: I Also l;ike the idea of a Disney hotel on I-95, I do live in FL, but visit my grand parents alot and have to Get onto I-95 and go to VA to visit them, (I would spend most of my time at Disney's America park if they had buit it, They live like almost 2 hrs away from thast area, and 45min from Busch Gardens Willamsburg.


Well-Known Member
Risky subject, but here goes...

1) Raise park prices (maybe 10%). I know this flies in the face of what some of you have posted, but I sincerely believe that money is needed for A - better pay for CM's (improve morale and standards), B - better upkeep of existing attractions, C - money for newer (E-ride quality) attractions. If the quality is there, people will come.

2) This is not so much what WDW can do, but what Disney can do - DUMP ABC AND THE OTHER MONEY LOSING CHAINS AROUND MICKEY'S NECK! Whew, sorry for shouting, but it's true. Disney is not the entertainment giant it hoped to be. They need to build a bridge, and get over it. They make great family movies (most of the time) and have wonderful theme parks. Stick with what you do best.

3) I think we are stuck with the food prices, but why can't WDW set the bar for serving good food, and consistantly? I know the challenge is there, serving so many people quickly, but it probably could be done. I know that any theme park will have expensive food, but at WDW I at least expect the food to be good at every meal.

4) Offer long term passes at a discount. Example: family of four knows that they are going to go to WDW each year for the next three years. Instead of buying four hopper passes each year when they go down, they could buy four hopper passes that are good for three visits, that expire in three years, for, say, 15% less than what yearly hopper passes would cost? I know this is something I would be interested in, because I'm saving money by the 15% discount and any park rate increases. WDW gets a good return by guaranteed park purchases, whether they're used or not.

Sorry, too tired from work, could only think of four.

And Gary, great idea. This wouldn't impact my trips now, but I would look for a "Disney 8" if I were driving a long distance to WDW.


Well-Known Member
Offer more to people who stay at resorts...maybe increase the Flex Features, or you know...

That's the only thing I can thing of...more free stuff would bring me in...


Account Suspended
The company doesn't really make a profit on the ticket price, so I think the smartest thing they could do right now is lower the ticket price "for a limited time" and advertise the heck out of it. To make money, the goal is to get the people INTO the parks where they will spend money. It is kind of like when you go to the movie theater. If all you do is buy a ticket to the movie and you don't buy any snacks or drinks, that movie theater has lost money on you (even at full, non-matinee price). It is basically the same with the theme parks. The regular admission price just covers their cost of doing business. They haven't started making money on you until you start buying t-shirts, mouse ears, meals, photos from rides, etc. If you could get in at a discount, that not only improves the chances that you'll go, but you're probably more likely to say, "Hey, I saved $5.00 on admission. I'll put that toward this Mickey plush!"


Active Member
I could go with reduced admission...or how about the food and such be a tad less for resort guests? I guess I'm ending up at the McD's fries in the World...I always knew that the food would be more in the parks, but more for the food I don't even want to eat anyway? I just think that the resort guests really deserve to get a break somewhere....but that's just me


Discounts are nice, but they've been doing that like crazy for California Adventure and still no one shows up.

How about they spend a little extra cash and give us some high-quality E-TICKET ATTRACTIONS (i.e.- no more movies or carnival rides)! The economy has hit me too, but that's not the reason I stay at home. I stay home because in the past four years they haven't let Imagineering do anything worthwhile here in the US parks (and Paris too for that matter) to make me want to come back. But I would definitely start coming again if they gave us more quality stuff for our buck (i.e.- no more movies or carnival rides. Oh I already mentioned that).

Over in Japan under different management, they let Imagineering spend whatever they wanted to and came up w/ the spectacular DisneySeas -- rave reviews across the board. And, in spite of that nation's 10-year recession, attendance is through the roof.

In spite of Walt Disney's successes, he and Roy were almost constantly in debt their first 35 years in business because of Walt's tendency to spend spend spend to increase the quality of his product. These days, the Disney Company cuts cuts cuts, and the quality of the show goes down. Though this is just part of the process, I think if they start taking more financial risks, they'll start seeing way more return.


Active Member
Although a lot of the past post annoys me, I will totally agree that all of the cutbacks are awful....every time I've been to the World in the past few years the cuts have become more and more obvious. IMHO that's just very sad :cry: I by no means support more thrill rides, but how about keeping up what already exists as opposed to throwing up carnival rides? It's only my opinion though...

Reedy Creek

New Member
I think the best things WDW can do to raise attendance would be to 1) lower the cost of a resort stay--it is magical to stay on property, but way too expensive 2) lower admission and food prices 3) maybe come up with new types of admission i.e. 3 day park hoppers or 1 day fun n' swim tix (admission to one park plus one water park on same day- to cool off perhaps) 4) either build new e-ticket attractions (Indy would be nice) or even Orlando DisneySea (that would rock btw), but with a HUGE emphasis on creativity-- ditch the off the shelf stuff 5) freshen up what is already there i.e. the remodeling of Tomorrowland. I realize that some of these were just repeats of others ideas, but I really think that despite the costs these are necessary for WDW's return to greatness. Bring back the magic and wonder at an affordable price and you can sign me up year after year.

Lord Alfred

I have to agree with some of the others and say that ticket prices and room rates on property aren't the problem. If there was something worth seeing, people would come. It's important to note here that a lot of the dropoff is because of a lack of overseas visitors (or so I've read), and there's not much you could do about the world's situation or the economy so that part of the equation shall remain as it is.

Let's face it. Disney has lost much of its magic by spreading itself too thin and having to pump all it's money into failed acqusitions instead of Animation and the Parks. They will have to dump ABC and others before things will get better. Money spent on the parks would do wonders for attendence.

1. There has to be a big new E-ticket attraction every two or three years. This does not have to be a thrill ride, it just has to be good, imaginitive, and probably expensive. If there is nothing new, people aren't going to drop the dough to come. AK has been around long enough now that the "new car smell" has gone and it's drawing power has diminished. They need something new (like M:S) and if they had it now, things would be better.

2. It's obvious that the parks aren't as well-kept as they used to be. Attractions are not getting the attention they deserve and the lack of funding has hurt "the magic". Take The Land Pavillion in Epcot, for example. Needed some renovating, and what we got was Food Rocks, which is okay, but obviously below disney standards in the AA department. It's cheap looking and feeling, and this type of cost-cutting is recognized by the guest, either conciously or unconciously by their diminished desire to return.

3. The CM's need better salaries, but they also need to be held to the high standards of old to recieve these higher salaries. They and their supervisors need to be re-educated in the concept of "show" with proper costuming for the area, courtesy, and appearance. These changes would ultimately affect guests' desire to return.

There's no denying that it will cost Disney mucho $$$ to "fix" the parks. The parks are a cash cow for Disney, but they are using that money in other areas and letting the parks languish. If they are not careful they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg. The last time I was at WDW was Nov. 2000, and I'm going back in September. Guess what? There isn't one new major addition to the parks. Just an (admittedly good) redo of Imagination and Primeival Whirl, and neither of these is an advertisable, marquee attraction. If I did not love WDW so, I certainly would not be coming back so soon. I suspect that many people who are not WDW freaks aren't.

Like someone said, look at Tokyo DisneySeas. Lot's of $$$=Phenomenal success. That park has to deal with the same economic conditions we are dealing with (or worse) and is always packed. No wonder there is a dropoff of WDW overseas tourism. They are probably all flying to Japan instead. Same cost, and I don't blame them. Several all new e-ticket attractions, wonderful theming, all-new musical themes (with lyrics!) for each "land" done in the classic Disney style. Sigh...:( wish I could go.


Account Suspended
Here's an option!

Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
My opinion is that WDW should lower the prices that they charge for food and drinks. Many of their prices are extremely over-inflated and many families cannot afford to eat in the parks. This disgusts me.
$9.00 for a hamburger at the Plaza restaurant is a bit staggering for an average family. Lunch could end up costing you $50.
I think they should bring down the cost of such things. I mean look how much they charge for a bottle of water.

I have to deal with my customers asking me why their restaurants are so expensive on an almost daily basis. I personally think that the people running this show (WDW) have forgotten the reason Walt Disney made DL and WDW, so that EVERY family would have a place to go and have fun. But just how many families can really afford it?

Perhaps you could eat soup and salad at the Plaza instead of the hamburger. It would save you some money and you would be in better health as a result. Just a thought.

Part of the Plaza Menu;

Create Your Own Hamburger
Our Grilled 6-ounce hamburgers (weight before cooking) are prepared medium well, unless otherwise requested and served with lettuce, tomato, onion and French fries $8.99

Cheddar, Swiss, Provolone, American Cheese, Bacon, Ham, Grilled Mushrooms, Sauerkraut and Grilled Onions - Additional toppings each $.49

Tossed Salad - $3.49
Soup of the Day - $3.49


Well-Known Member
Improve Show Quality.

Originally posted by indigo
After Labor Day it is expected that attendance at WDW will drop substancially. Some insiders say that there is major concern about attendance this fall.

Please don't take this the wrong way (as it is in no way directed to any person)... but... How is this news?

This happens every single year... Pre or Post 9/11... This is why we call it the slow season. And Disney does lower thier prices some... It's called Value Season rates... and in addition, there are lots of "Deals" out there... you just have to find them.

As for changes or whatnot... This is my proposal. Keep the prices the same... and fix what is broken before adding anything else. CLEAN UP THE PARKS. A lot of areas are getting run down... they need to be re-done. And most of the things Im talking about are simple Show Quality issues... light bulbs, paint, etc. Some are a bit bigger (ie: the roof at the MK Monorail station)

I have a lot of Show Quality issues that Disney doesn't seem to be concerned with. We have about 100 busses that have the new amber LED destination sign. Out of these 100, about 10 of them for some reason, were programmed wrong. As such, they cannot list a lot of the new routes, and when you put in the code for Riverside, it comes up DIXIE LANDINGS. Keep in mind, some of these signs were installed, and programmed 4 months ago... Dixie hasn't been around for what, 2 years now? Some say "DISNEY DOWNTOWN"... The reason why they haven't reprogrammed it? The component that reprograms the signs broke a few months ago. Disney knows that the signs are bad show... the PC card to fix the problem could be here in less than a week... but yet, it doesnt get fixed. Same with a bunch of busses, on which the front destination sign is broken. Some of them say, "MAGIC KI______" or "ALL STAR M______"... I can figure out MAGIC KI... but ALL STAR M... that could be Movies or Music...

But *shrug* what do I know, I'm just a bus driver who beleives in Show Quality... a seemingly foreign term in today's Disney.


Well-Known Member
Re: Improve Show Quality.

Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

But *shrug* what do I know, I'm just a bus driver who beleives in Show Quality... a seemingly foreign term in today's Disney.

Thats why Disney Hired you.. Your one of the best that work for their company.!!:sohappy: They just dont take any commments :(

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