Trip Report 5 Million Thumbs Up - a multi-gen trip report ✨

Hello Magicians! Long-time trip report lurker here. I’ve been a third party in a few trip reports in the past, I’m the third sister in the @krause & @AKemily family and have been lucky enough to have them do all the work of these trip reports in the past.

To trigger your memories, here’s a picture of the 3 of us on our Disneyland sister trip this past April:

I’m on the left.

I’m also essentially a NPC in @AKemily ’s current trip report, as our current trips overlapped and we got to spend some time together in beautiful WDW. Here’s a sneak peek:

You should be warned, I had NO intention of writing a trip report. My sisters are witty and well-spoken, and I just force them to hang out with me because I’m the oldest and I make the rules. BUT, once I was down to just a couple days before our trip, I’d read every article and trip report and listened to every podcast and planned as much as I possibly could, I spent those last sleepless nights rereading my sisters’ old trip reports and reliving those memories. Now, as we reach the end of this trip, it’s been so amazing and I just want an outlet to record every detail so when years pass and memories start to fade I can come back and relive it again. So all you suckers are just along for the ride.

I had a good gif for this spot but can’t even figure out how to add it so hopefully one of my sisters stumbles upon this and rolls their eyes at me and then tells me how to do it so that this report isn’t gif-less because I know enough to know that that won’t work. 😬

ANYWAYS, that’s why I’m here. If you’ve stuck along so far, (thanks) here’s the details:

Myself and my husband, Karl, with our 6 year old son, B, and *almost* 4 year old daughter, G. Along with my parents, @DisneyBaba & …dad? Grandpa? I guess we will see what I end up referring to him as. We left chilly winnipeg at 5am on Oct 27 and are headed home this Saturday, Nov 5. The few of you who stuck around this long will probably leave now that you found out that we *gasp* stayed off-property 😱

Here we all are on Day 1 of being at the park. This picture should give some insight into our personalities moving forward.

We actually live about an hour drive from the Winnipeg airport, so we pulled the kids out of bed at 1:30am to hit the road. We weren’t sure if they’d stay asleep or be super excited the whole drive, but it ended up being the latter and we had a fun drive to the airport

An easy peasy security check (the kids and I had played airport a bit in preparation so they knew what to expect going through security and it actually went so smooth so that was fun!), a bit of an early morning wait - just long enough for the kids to pull out every activity I had packed for them and colour one page and move to the next thing - and we boarded and were off!

Here’s B using his best “my mommy is a pushover” eyes to beg for something - probably to have his biggest or best packed treat at 4am. It would be a face I would see a bunch yet this week. Good thing he’s cute.

And, our family tradition of airport selfies that we send to the group chat anytime we are flying:

Well look at that I’ve reached the allotted number of pictures I can do in a post, didn’t know that was a thing either. I’ll have to save my parents selfie for the next post. What a cliff hangar. Keep them hooked, Kaely.

That’s probably WDW Magic’s form of playing music at the Oscar’s when it’s time to wrap a speech up so I’ll take my cue and wrap this one up for now. If you have any interest in reading along, I’d love to have you, but I am also looking forward to getting my brain full of details and memories written down for future me to look back on!


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Original Poster
From your title it sounds like you have had a fab holiday and since we are going next year I cannot wait to hear about your adventures and your thoughts on WDW.
Thank you! So exciting you’re planning for next year! The planning is a huge part of the fun for me!


Original Poster
Agreed that this is one of the best beginnings I've read in awhile! Loved following along on the sister's DL trip, so this is a great continuation!
Im Ready The Muppets GIF by ABC Network
Awe shucks! I’ll try to keep it interesting for you! Thanks for being here!


Original Poster
Pre-Trip cont’d

WOW! I’m overwhelmed with the messages of people following along! I know there’s some big names in the trip report forum world and I’m honoured to have some of your time! And I’ll work on my replying to messages skills 🤦🏻‍♀️

So now the reason you’re all here, my parents airplane selfie. Here they are in all their glory

My dad woke up one morning and thought “I shave every day and I never enjoy it”, so he just stopped. So now the guy who never wants to be the centre of attention has a very attention-getting beard 🤷🏻‍♀️

Here’s a few other things you should know before we left for our trip.
G was sick. Like sick sick.
Didn’t leave the couch for 3 days, surrounded by her thermometer, puke bucket, and slept most of the day. 2 days before our trip I had *another* doctor visit about her where he was saying we just had to let it run it’s course. At which point I said…what about if you knew we were going to Disneyworld in 2 days? “Oooh…then I’ll give her a run of antibiotics to be safe.”

Did they immediately solve the problem? No of course not. But we started to see glimmers of hope of our Gracie girl returning.

After a couple sleepless nights of taking care of her I was feeling more run down than I should have so also got myself checked out and turns out I had Tonsillitis. Leave it to me to get like a childhood sickness a couple days before Disney. That’s fine I can power through.

My mom also was having a lot of foot pain due to an old injury so that was something we would have to keep in mind.

Finally the day before we left I decided to test Grace’s (I was going to be all secretive and call her “G” throughout this report but cats out of the bag I guess) health and keep our pedicure appt. We had planned to get matching Minnie toes and she was so excited. Every time she coughed I acted surprised like she hadn’t been sick for the last week, I wonder what that pedicure lady thought of us. But, we got our red and white polka dot toes and we were ready to go!

I got this handy little pill container so that we were ready for whatever came our way.

So where was I before all this back tracking?

Besides poor Grace who with her stuffed sinus’, we had a pretty easy travel day! We all got in some naps, zero delays through Toronto which felt like a miracle (although I was watching Toronto departures like a hawk every day and knew that for the past 3 weeks or so this flight left on time or 3-5 minutes early every day so I wasn’t THAT worried).

Oh yeah, something you should know about me, I’m a planner. If you’ve read either of my sisters reports (and if you haven’t, you should) - you’d probably think, “wow they’re planners!” Well my planning makes them look like slackers. I plan circles around them. Not in a good way, in a “I brought enough activities to teach my 6 year old his whole grade 1 curriculum while waiting in ride lines and didn’t use any of them” kind of way. I overthink everything which sometimes pays off and other times is just a huge waste of time.

Anyways I’ve been talking a lot so here’s some pictures of my kids sleeping on the plane

Stay tuned for arrival at MCO and every trip report must - the fonorail pic. I promise you mine is like no other that you’ve seen before.


Well-Known Member
Were you in MK on Saturday before you left? I'd read your TR on Friday and saw someone who looked like your dad on Saturday morning. It was the beard that did it - although there may be lots of other men with similar beards. 🤔


Original Poster
Okay, finally, after being up since 1:30am, 2 flights and many airports hours, we were there. MCO. Ready to take on the most exciting part of the day…

The first ride of the trip…

The magical transportation to all things Magic and Disney…

And I captured…



no, that lady is not in our party


I literally don’t know how that happened. I think I was trying to take a video and it didn’t work? And of course since I wasn’t going to do a trip report no one else thought this was a moment worth capturing so this is how it will live in my heart and memories. Brutal.

Get ready for a text heavy story. In all fairness it wasn’t a super photo op time for us.

About this time we disboard the fonorail, my dad says “should one of us head down to get the rental car”

Me - no we have tons of time and lots of luggage let’s just stick together

Now I should preface this by saying I really thought I hit the jackpot with our rental van. Undercover tourist had a deal where if you bought your tickets through them you got 1/2 off your rental car, this wasn’t quite when we were ready to commit to buying all tickets yet so I hacked the system and just bought my ticket to lock in the vehicle rate. Clearly I’m a Mastermind.

Plus we landed at 1 and couldn’t get into our house until 4 so I thought we had plenty of time to do all this plus get groceries yet!

So ok off we go to collect all our luggage.

We took turns changing into shorts (woohoo!) and Bennett was so cute and helpful finding our suitcases, I wish I could add a video here


So we collected all our luggage and Dad said “ok I’ll go down to the rental car line”
“No Dad we have to get the car seats from oversize yet”
Dad: 😳

Collected the car seats and now he’s sweating already, we get to the escalators and he’s like c’mon we can just hold the luggage

Sorry Dad Bennett is scared of escalators we need to go find an elevator

Dad: 🙄😡

So finally we get down there to the rental car desks and of course every other person with half a brain has got this same Undercover Tourist “deal” (which ended up being a way less discount than advertised but that’s another story) and the lineup is sooo long. It would end up being our longest lineup by far the whole trip

Dad: 🤬🤬🤬

Fortunately we had to wait right by a Starbucks and I had way overestimated how many activities the kids would do on the plane so we managed to stay entertained while Karl stood in the line. It all turned out fine and we didn’t have to waste any time to get to the villa!

The house we rented was great. We’ve stayed in some big fancier ones when we’ve gone as a full family but this one was nothing fancy but the perfect size for our group of 6. Bennett went straight to trying out the pool

(This pic wasn’t taken the first day but the only swimming picture I got. It wouldn’t take us long in the insanely chlorinated water to realize that goggles were going to be a necessity.)

Karl and Dad left to go get much needed beer and groceries, and Mom and I unpacked a bit while while watching the kids swim. It was the first glimpse of “real Gracie” we had seen in a while after being sick for so long she went straight to cannonballing into the pool and it was fun to see her have fun again!

Bedtime came early and the house had themed rooms for each kid. They weren’t nearly as elaborate as others we’ve had but the kids loved them and felt super special in their rooms.


Off to sleep because tomorrow we are rope dropping Magic Kingdom! Let the Magic begin! ✨

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