5/5/05 just "Meh"

I dont belive I'm going to back mousermerf but...The increase in bookings is correct. You are not going to see a link straight from the horses mouth on that. Why? Because that is not public info that they will share. If you don't belive the wait time was 5 hours for some luggage. Call 407-W-Disney. Do I think everything will be fine with it. Sure do. Besides it does not cost you anything extra right now.

socalkdg said:
60% increase in bookings, wow. They don't even have enough rooms for a 60% increase for the year. Like to see where you read that one. Please provide a link so I can see its coming from the horses mouth. If I see that link, then I'll think Disney was idiotic for saying that. Until then.........

By the way, where did you read bags would be to the hotel before you got there? The only way I could see that happening is if they delay you at the airport for 45 minutes. So if you find that link I'd like to see that one as well. If they are going to offer this, without delaying you, I might pass on limo service and use Disney next Jan. Still makes me wonder how the bags can get off the plane, sorted, put on the correct bus/truck, taken to the resort, sorted again, delivered to room faster than me walking off plane, getting on bus, arriving at resort. That will be interesting. Currently when switching resorts they don't guarentee your luggage until 4:00 PM(give or take an hour) at your new resort.

Two announcements for DCA occured today. Turtle Talk at Animation building opening in July, Monsters Inc opening next Jan. Pictures were included of both with press releases. Expect Nemo to be announce July 17th.


mousermerf said:
I've smooshed through crowds of wall to wall people and stood in enormous lines for past celebrations - there are certainly things that people enjoy, but overall it seems to lacka wow factor. Maybe that is distinctly because this is DL's celebration and not WDW's.
That would be my guess, all quotes below are from mouseplanet coverage. They also had a photo of people in line at 11 PM last night.

45 minutes before official park opening, the queue to enter extended all the way back to the entrance of Disney's California Adventure park. At approximately 8:00 a.m., Disneyland stopped conducting security bag checks altogether, with the queue having snaked all the way out to Jamba Juice in Downtown Disney.

Disney began letting everyone in around 8:30, and Main Street immediately became gridlocked with a mass of people. Most of the Central Plaza hub area on the Castle-side of Main Street was blocked off for radio stations doing remote broadcasts. Disney also reserved areas for media (reporters and photographerss) as well invited guests, but it has been standing room only for the general public. The gridlock, even 20 minutes after the official celebration kick-off presentation, still extends all the way down Main Street to Blue Ribbon Bakery and Disney Clothiers. A few people are managing to trickle into Adventureland and Frontierland, but there is movement is extremely difficult.

For those stuck on Main Street, Disney replaced the standard background music on the speakers with the audio from the celebration kick-off.

If the lines were long to get into the park, they are exhaustively long to purchase anything commemorative. The line of people waiting to purchase their commemorative watches starts from New Century Timepiece on Main Street all the way down to the Emporium.

There was also a huge crowd waiting to purchase the limited-edition six-CD Disneyland music box set. Unfortunately, we have learned that Disneyland has now sold out of the set.

In addition, the resort is now completely sold out of the new commemorative Disney Dollars, and we have been informed that they do not know when the next printing will be.

Entertainment was provided by country singer LeAnn Rimes, who sang the theme song for the 50th Anniversary. Christina Aguillera then attempted to beat "When You Wish Upon a Star" to death.

Currently, the line for Red Rockets Pizza Port goes out to the Star Trader store. This line, however, cannot compare to the extraordinary line of people waiting to purchase the limited edition 50th Anniversary pin. According to MousePlanet staff writer Adrienne Vincent-Phoenix, the line starts at the Premier pin-trading store in Tomorrowland, then wraps around the former Rocket Rods podium, around the back of Club Buzz, around the Autopia attraction, and back to the Matterhorn. Adrienne, who has seen her share of long queues for merchandise releases, said, "This is honestly and truly the longest line I've ever seen for merchandise. It completely loops around everything, a huge, gigantic, winding line. People must see this line and think they are waiting in line for Space Mountain. It's just so crazy."

According to those who have been in line, the pin is limited to an edition of only 2005. Movement in the line has been very slow, at approximately 50 feet in an hour; those in line seem resigned to the possibility that this will be the only thing they do for most of the day.



New Member
One thing to keep in mind...

5/5/05 is primarily designed for Disneyland, since, you know, it's been around for 50 years. We've honestly leeched a lot off of the anniversary celebration, and I'm pretty thankful for it. It'll be fun eventually being able to see shows and rides that I never would have seen otherwise (LMAX, Soarin)


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
You were disappointed because you believed a rumor. No one to blame but yourself. As far as "press events" go, it was good.

It was GREAT.....and anyone who thought some big new attraction was going to be announced needs to get in touch with reality......why would the focus be diverted from the HCOE.....afterall, this was a press event for the HCOE!


Well-Known Member
InsideOtherPark said:
...... If you don't belive the wait time was 5 hours for some luggage. Call 407-W-Disney.......

Don't call 407-W-DISNEY for answers, we were not told of any problems with DME other then the previous delay in printing...


New Member
JPVonDrake said:
Don't call 407-W-DISNEY for answers, we were not told of any problems with DME other then the previous delay in printing...
Bags were actually running about 6 hours behind arrivals. Guests were spending 1.5-2 hours at the airport.


Well-Known Member
TURKEY said:
Bags were actually running about 6 hours behind arrivals. Guests were spending 1.5-2 hours at the airport.

Ouch. That's unaccaptable to me. Guess I should make some town car ressies. I never waited more than 20 min for Mears. I'll listen to what people say this weekend, but there is no way I'm sitting at MCO for two hours - I'm usually in a park by that time, not waiting for a bus.

As to the whole 50th hoopla, while some people did overhype it I have to say I am shocked that nothing new at all was announced. Heck, they didn't even announce the subs return at Disneyland. I really don't see how "What's next?" is fufilled by EE - I mean, doesn't every single person who visits the AK know it's coming? I don't think it was unrealistic to expect a new announcement instead of regurgitating what we already knew. While I didn't get my hopes up, I also don't think that people should be faulted for expecting a BIT more than what we got.



New Member
socalkdg said:
By the way, where did you read bags would be to the hotel before you got there? The only way I could see that happening is if they delay you at the airport for 45 minutes. So if you find that link I'd like to see that one as well.

Not "be to the hotel before you got there"...beat you to your room.

In the "Disney's Magical Express Step-by-Step" guide under "For your Arrival" the last point states

Estimated time for your bags to arrive? In most cases the bags will beat you to your room.



Not to feed any rumor mills, but isn't there supposed to be a "what's new, what's next" press event at Animal Kingdom today (May 6)? It may be no more than this expedition announcement, or stuff we already know about EE.


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
As to the whole 50th hoopla, while some people did overhype it I have to say I am shocked that nothing new at all was announced. Heck, they didn't even announce the subs return at Disneyland. I really don't see how "What's next?" is fufilled by EE - I mean, doesn't every single person who visits the AK know it's coming? I don't think it was unrealistic to expect a new announcement instead of regurgitating what we already knew. While I didn't get my hopes up, I also don't think that people should be faulted for expecting a BIT more than what we got.AEfx

We have to realize that WE are not the average guest coming to WDW. The average guest will be pleased by all these announcements.

Should Disney have not opened ANY of the new attractions early and denied they exisited UNTIL the celebration starts just so us internet dweebs will hear something BRAND NEW announced?

AEFx, I'm not attacking you personally, but we have to realize that we hear about things soooooo far in advance than the average guest that all we want is more, more, more, more. It's like a drug addict, never being satisfied.

It's all a matter of perception. People on the internet are like "insiders", we know what is going to happen before it happens. So when it "officially" happens we scoff at it and claim boredom and a "been there, done that" attitude.

There is no way if Disney had something BIG to announce, on the scope of Everest or a replacement for 20K lagoon area, that we wouldn't have known about it already moinths ago. (or at least a semi confirmed rumor).

And by the complete stroke of luck that they do have something BIG in the pipeline, they surely are not going to waste it during the HCOE.

Why would you tell people you are adding another attraction somehwere in 2 years, when you can ride all the publicity of the current celebration now and then get MORE coverage for the announcement at a later date.

The new attractions that just opened are related to THIS celebration. Something that opens in 2-3 years has nothing to do with this event.


Well-Known Member
GoofMaul said:
Not "be to the hotel before you got there"...beat you to your room.

In the "Disney's Magical Express Step-by-Step" guide under "For your Arrival" the last point states

Estimated time for your bags to arrive? In most cases the bags will beat you to your room.


Plus...the whole point is to get you to THE PARKS faster - not to your ROOM faster! :brick:

I always thought the idea was genius! Take you from the airport to the check-in counter as soon as possible so you can get your room keys, then get you back on the shuttle to the parks without wasting time cartin gbags to the room and unpacking, counting the souvenir soaps, etc.

The bags would then be in you room WHEN YOU RETURNED from the parks that night.

I'd be quite happy to find it works like that! If you need stuff before you go to the parks, put it in your carry on and take your bag to the parks or leave it with the bell hops.



New Member
Let's see.....free transportation AND I don't have to deal with my overly stuffed luggage! I'll wait 5 hours. Besides, it was the first day. I am confident they will work things out.


Active Member
GoofMaul said:
Not "be to the hotel before you got there"...beat you to your room.

In the "Disney's Magical Express Step-by-Step" guide under "For your Arrival" the last point states

Estimated time for your bags to arrive? In most cases the bags will beat you to your room.

Thanks for the link. Checking it out I came to three key things.

  • The motorcoach will make up to 4 stops (max) at Disney Resort Hotels. During the way, you will be entertained by a video presentation.
  • If your accommodations are ready you will be given your room assignment, otherwise feel free to drop off any carry-ons you have with bell service and start having fun in the parks!
  • When you go to your room your checked baggage and carry-on items will be waiting for you in your room.
So the overall trip to your resort isn't a straight through trip. The stops may allow luggage to catch up. Plus it looks like many time your room won't be ready. This does seem like they want you into the parks ASAP. Get back in the evening, go to room, and your luggage is there. Since I check in after 9:00PM(So Cal guy) my room should always be ready, so I wonder how long I'd have to wait for my luggage.

I'm also surprised they would deliver you baggage to your room with you not there. My last trip bell services constanstly said I had to be in my room to received my luggage(figured it was for the tip, which they rightfully deserved.) Seems like bell services will get the shaft in this case.


AEfx said:
Heck, they didn't even announce the subs return at Disneyland.
They announced two other rides at Disneyland...Monsters Inc ride and Talking with Crush. Why should they waste all their ammo on one day? It would be better to make this announcement early next year when crowds start to go down post-holidays. If they announced everything this week, then there would be nothing new to look foward to for a while.



Totaly Agree!!

KevinPage said:
We have to realize that WE are not the average guest coming to WDW. The average guest will be pleased by all these announcements.

Should Disney have not opened ANY of the new attractions early and denied they exisited UNTIL the celebration starts just so us internet dweebs will hear something BRAND NEW announced?

AEFx, I'm not attacking you personally, but we have to realize that we hear about things soooooo far in advance than the average guest that all we want is more, more, more, more. It's like a drug addict, never being satisfied.

It's all a matter of perception. People on the internet are like "insiders", we know what is going to happen before it happens. So when it "officially" happens we scoff at it and claim boredom and a "been there, done that" attitude.

There is no way if Disney had something BIG to announce, on the scope of Everest or a replacement for 20K lagoon area, that we wouldn't have known about it already moinths ago. (or at least a semi confirmed rumor).

And by the complete stroke of luck that they do have something BIG in the pipeline, they surely are not going to waste it during the HCOE.

Why would you tell people you are adding another attraction somehwere in 2 years, when you can ride all the publicity of the current celebration now and then get MORE coverage for the announcement at a later date.

The new attractions that just opened are related to THIS celebration. Something that opens in 2-3 years has nothing to do with this event.

Well said!

Disney can be an addiction, too much all at once can be bad, what will there be to look forward to? What suprises will be left in store to give that magic kick!

Sit back a bit and enjoy the HCoE ride.

(172d 16h 25m WDW ASMR)


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Original Poster
Small update:

Tagged DME bags take 1-2 hours, untagged take 4-5 hours. Problem is, bags are untagged because Disney made a boo-boo.


New Member
ScrapIron said:
That would be my guess, all quotes below are from mouseplanet coverage. They also had a photo of people in line at 11 PM last night.

I'd believe it. I was stunned at the number of people there yesterday. I was glad I got to the resort at 6 am... I was one of the first people in the gate, and in the front of the guest crowd for the ceremony. I turned around and looked behind me, and all I saw were people. I've got a few crowd pics on my photo page from yesterday: http://xfkirsten.fotopic.net/c528878.html
The Boo boo i'm not 100% sure who's fault it was. I have heard both Mears didnt recive the download of the flights. I also heard there was a delay in the printing. Of course I can not confirm 100% for sure of either.....I do not work in DME..


Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:
We have to realize that WE are not the average guest coming to WDW. The average guest will be pleased by all these announcements.

LOL, Kevin, I understand that point completely. I actually have to remind people about that quite often around here.

I think you, and a couple other replies, breathed WAY too much into what I said. In fact, I have maintained all along that I didn't expect anything huge, but it would be a nice surprise if something big was announced. Who wouldn't wish for the best?

What I was surprised about was that none of the even MINOR things at WDW - like the Pooh Meet'n'Greet wasn't announced. I assumed something for further into the celebration to make people care about it in 12 months, when the Birthday year of Disneyland will be over and the HCoE will still only be 2/3 over.

From what I am gathering from reading the reports, the only thing announced was this film thing for EE. That didn't really seem worthy of What's Next, especially since EE is already pretty mainstream knowledge to anyone interested in such things - heck, there is a segment on it in the new planning DVD. If I missed something else about WDW, I apologize - but so far that's all I have read. I wasn't there, however.

I wasn't expressing outrage, just surprise they didn't eek a little bit more information out about how they plan to keep the celebration interesting for the next year and a half. That's all. :)



Well-Known Member
InsideOtherPark said:
The Boo boo i'm not 100% sure who's fault it was. I have heard both Mears didnt recive the download of the flights. I also heard there was a delay in the printing. Of course I can not confirm 100% for sure of either.....I do not work in DME..

From what we hear at DRC, both are true. Computers at the Airport Welcome Center are having challenges connecting to the network to download flight info. The problem should be corrected soon.

Printing delays were the cause of guest not recieving their DME travel documents and bag tags in time. This problem has been corrected for guest arriving after May 17th. These guest should receive their documents about 5 days prior to their arrival.

mousermerf said:
Tagged DME bags take 1-2 hours, untagged take 4-5 hours. Problem is, bags are untagged because Disney made a boo-boo.

We heard that too at DRC. But the printing delay was due to a 3rd party vendor. Once all systems are in place the lag between the guest's arrival to the Resort and the luggage arrival to the room should be less then 30 minutes. Add the time it takes to check-In and find your room, the bags are expected to beat the guest.

socalkdg said:
So the overall trip to your resort isn't a straight through trip. The stops may allow luggage to catch up. Plus it looks like many time your room won't be ready. This does seem like they want you into the parks ASAP. Get back in the evening, go to room, and your luggage is there. Since I check in after 9:00PM(So Cal guy) my room should always be ready, so I wonder how long I'd have to wait for my luggage.

Check-in is at 3PM at Disney Resort Hotels, and 4PM at Disney Vacation Club Properties. For guests that arrive before that, your bags should get to your room before you do. For guest that are given their room on arrival your luggage should arrive within 30 minutes (of course this is after all start-up challenges are worked out.) True you are making 3 or 4 stops, but so is your luggage.

socalkdg said:
I'm also surprised they would deliver you baggage to your room with you not there. My last trip bell services constanstly said I had to be in my room to received my luggage(figured it was for the tip, which they rightfully deserved.) Seems like bell services will get the shaft in this case.

As the room delivery is part of the service, Bell Service Cast do receive a gratuity from DME for their aid in delivering the bags. If you used Bell Service to take your luggage to the lobby for your departure back to the airport, tipping is greatly appreciated.

I'd be quite happy to find it works like that! If you need stuff before you go to the parks, put it in your carry on and take your bag to the parks or leave it with the bell hops.

This bit of advice is even listed in the DME travel documents. It suggest that you "check the Florida weather before you leave, and back a change of cloths or swimwear in your carry-on bag"

Hope this helps! :sohappy:

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