I dont belive I'm going to back mousermerf but...The increase in bookings is correct. You are not going to see a link straight from the horses mouth on that. Why? Because that is not public info that they will share. If you don't belive the wait time was 5 hours for some luggage. Call 407-W-Disney. Do I think everything will be fine with it. Sure do. Besides it does not cost you anything extra right now.
socalkdg said:60% increase in bookings, wow. They don't even have enough rooms for a 60% increase for the year. Like to see where you read that one. Please provide a link so I can see its coming from the horses mouth. If I see that link, then I'll think Disney was idiotic for saying that. Until then.........
By the way, where did you read bags would be to the hotel before you got there? The only way I could see that happening is if they delay you at the airport for 45 minutes. So if you find that link I'd like to see that one as well. If they are going to offer this, without delaying you, I might pass on limo service and use Disney next Jan. Still makes me wonder how the bags can get off the plane, sorted, put on the correct bus/truck, taken to the resort, sorted again, delivered to room faster than me walking off plane, getting on bus, arriving at resort. That will be interesting. Currently when switching resorts they don't guarentee your luggage until 4:00 PM(give or take an hour) at your new resort.
Two announcements for DCA occured today. Turtle Talk at Animation building opening in July, Monsters Inc opening next Jan. Pictures were included of both with press releases. Expect Nemo to be announce July 17th.